EU to ignore idiotic sanctions on Iran starting tomorrow

Not until the nation wakes up and becomes Isolationist as well. Until then places like this provide vital Intel on enemies, foreign and domestic.

Lucky for us most of the people that think like you are old and will die off soon

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---------------------------------------------------------- funny to speculate but after the TRUMP it'll be YOU youngsters and your kids that will get what you deserve by another mrobama , illary or bernie type GGator .
pismoe eddie says your children will be paying for trumps f ups for many years
-------------------------------------------- yeah Eddie , my kids are grown and in their 40s with one near 50 . None live in their parents basements or need their Fathers or Mothers health insurance . We will see what happens but except for Americans like TRUMP in Government the USA is going down with 'illary and mrobama types Eddie .
Pis no matter how you bash Obama America was getting along fine. Dump took over a growing economy and patted himself on the back
---------------------------------------------- all my 68 years and i remember maybe 64 - 66 of those years America has always done fine and i've lived in cities both big and small Edward . Difference is that now with the TRUMP America is doing fine as America the way America should be run Edward .
Iran gave up its stockpile of enriched uranium and the means to produce it. They also opened up facilities to international inspection teams

How does Trump giving up that right make us safer?
Iran supposedly turned over their Uranium to RUSSIA!!!!!! their good buddies...the same Russia that told Obama they would secure Syrian chemical weapons... WEAK as Kerry and Obama the spy.....
Lucky for us most of the people that think like you are old and will die off soon

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---------------------------------------------------------- funny to speculate but after the TRUMP it'll be YOU youngsters and your kids that will get what you deserve by another mrobama , illary or bernie type GGator .
pismoe eddie says your children will be paying for trumps f ups for many years
-------------------------------------------- yeah Eddie , my kids are grown and in their 40s with one near 50 . None live in their parents basements or need their Fathers or Mothers health insurance . We will see what happens but except for Americans like TRUMP in Government the USA is going down with 'illary and mrobama types Eddie .
Pis no matter how you bash Obama America was getting along fine. Dump took over a growing economy and patted himself on the back
---------------------------------------------- all my 68 years and i remember maybe 64 - 66 of those years America has always done fine and i've lived in cities both big and small Edward . Difference is that now with the TRUMP America is doing fine as America the way America should be run Edward .
------------------------------------------------ America really started going downhill in the Reagan years and afterwards with both repub and dems i reckon . My main concern was , is flooding of the USA with third worlders which both parties encourage and kissing of foreign azz which both parties encouraged , see the 'norks and iran'. That MAY be changing with the TRUMP but its my Opinion that the character of the USA has been lost and will never to return . Main reason for that is unAmerican thinking and Governing caused by diversity Edward .
Lucky for us most of the people that think like you are old and will die off soon

Sent from my iPhone using
---------------------------------------------------------- funny to speculate but after the TRUMP it'll be YOU youngsters and your kids that will get what you deserve by another mrobama , illary or bernie type GGator .
pismoe eddie says your children will be paying for trumps f ups for many years
-------------------------------------------- yeah Eddie , my kids are grown and in their 40s with one near 50 . None live in their parents basements or need their Fathers or Mothers health insurance . We will see what happens but except for Americans like TRUMP in Government the USA is going down with 'illary and mrobama types Eddie .
Pis no matter how you bash Obama America was getting along fine. Dump took over a growing economy and patted himself on the back
---------------------------------------------- all my 68 years and i remember maybe 64 - 66 of those years America has always done fine and i've lived in cities both big and small Edward . Difference is that now with the TRUMP America is doing fine as America the way America should be run Edward .
You really believe with our problems with Iran NK etc etc Japan and Europe China and Germany ready to sanction us back, with how many school shootings under trump so far,,,.... getting rid of NFTA , we're doing better than with Obama ? Really?
and to continue , that is why my curse is on younger Americans and their kids Edward.
---------------------------------------------------------- funny to speculate but after the TRUMP it'll be YOU youngsters and your kids that will get what you deserve by another mrobama , illary or bernie type GGator .
pismoe eddie says your children will be paying for trumps f ups for many years
-------------------------------------------- yeah Eddie , my kids are grown and in their 40s with one near 50 . None live in their parents basements or need their Fathers or Mothers health insurance . We will see what happens but except for Americans like TRUMP in Government the USA is going down with 'illary and mrobama types Eddie .
Pis no matter how you bash Obama America was getting along fine. Dump took over a growing economy and patted himself on the back
---------------------------------------------- all my 68 years and i remember maybe 64 - 66 of those years America has always done fine and i've lived in cities both big and small Edward . Difference is that now with the TRUMP America is doing fine as America the way America should be run Edward .
You really believe with our problems with Iran NK etc etc Japan and Europe China and Germany ready to sanction us back, with how many school shootings under trump so far,,,.... getting rid of NFTA , we're doing better than with Obama ? Really?
------------------------------ school shootings is BS . --------------------------------------- Possible tariffs , lets see them happen before i can comment . iran and the 'norks' need to be confronted and TRUMP seems to be doing that . USA is fine except for the importation of unAMERICAN people that don't know what being American is Edward .
pismoe eddie says your children will be paying for trumps f ups for many years
-------------------------------------------- yeah Eddie , my kids are grown and in their 40s with one near 50 . None live in their parents basements or need their Fathers or Mothers health insurance . We will see what happens but except for Americans like TRUMP in Government the USA is going down with 'illary and mrobama types Eddie .
Pis no matter how you bash Obama America was getting along fine. Dump took over a growing economy and patted himself on the back
---------------------------------------------- all my 68 years and i remember maybe 64 - 66 of those years America has always done fine and i've lived in cities both big and small Edward . Difference is that now with the TRUMP America is doing fine as America the way America should be run Edward .
You really believe with our problems with Iran NK etc etc Japan and Europe China and Germany ready to sanction us back, with how many school shootings under trump so far,,,.... getting rid of NFTA , we're doing better than with Obama ? Really?
------------------------------ school shootings is BS . --------------------------------------- Possible tariffs , lets see them happen before i can comment . iran and the 'norks' need to be confronted and TRUMP seems to be doing that . USA is fine except for the importation of unAMERICAN people that don't know what being American is Edward .
Am I wrong or are all of Trumps wives except Maples un AMERICAN My Grandfathers came from Poland or Russia Unless your forefathers fought in the revolutionary war yours were foreigners too
Iran gave up its stockpile of enriched uranium and the means to produce it. They also opened up facilities to international inspection teams

How does Trump giving up that right make us safer?
Iran supposedly turned over their Uranium to RUSSIA!!!!!! their good buddies...the same Russia that told Obama they would secure Syrian chemical weapons... WEAK as Kerry and Obama the spy.....

The transaction was verified by multinational inspectors
Uh, that list of tangible gains to still seems to be absent.
Still absent. The policy with Iran that is the subject of this thread has produced nothing positive for America. We had an agreement at least, now we have nothing positive to replace it and negative results instead.
-------------------------------------------- yeah Eddie , my kids are grown and in their 40s with one near 50 . None live in their parents basements or need their Fathers or Mothers health insurance . We will see what happens but except for Americans like TRUMP in Government the USA is going down with 'illary and mrobama types Eddie .
Pis no matter how you bash Obama America was getting along fine. Dump took over a growing economy and patted himself on the back
---------------------------------------------- all my 68 years and i remember maybe 64 - 66 of those years America has always done fine and i've lived in cities both big and small Edward . Difference is that now with the TRUMP America is doing fine as America the way America should be run Edward .
You really believe with our problems with Iran NK etc etc Japan and Europe China and Germany ready to sanction us back, with how many school shootings under trump so far,,,.... getting rid of NFTA , we're doing better than with Obama ? Really?
------------------------------ school shootings is BS . --------------------------------------- Possible tariffs , lets see them happen before i can comment . iran and the 'norks' need to be confronted and TRUMP seems to be doing that . USA is fine except for the importation of unAMERICAN people that don't know what being American is Edward .
Am I wrong or are all of Trumps wives except Maples un AMERICAN My Grandfathers came from Poland or Russia Unless your forefathers fought in the revolutionary war yours were foreigners too
While Fat Donnie prefers to marry Communists, Marla was just a bimbo
Iran gave up its stockpile of enriched uranium and the means to produce it. They also opened up facilities to international inspection teams

How does Trump giving up that right make us safer?
Iran supposedly turned over their Uranium to RUSSIA!!!!!! their good buddies...the same Russia that told Obama they would secure Syrian chemical weapons... WEAK as Kerry and Obama the spy.....

The transaction was verified by multinational inspectors
There was NO FN reason for leaving our deal with Iran happened ONLY because the AH in our WH is trying to undo every thing Obama accomplished whether it hurts America or not
Iran gave up its stockpile of enriched uranium and the means to produce it. They also opened up facilities to international inspection teams

How does Trump giving up that right make us safer?
Iran supposedly turned over their Uranium to RUSSIA!!!!!! their good buddies...the same Russia that told Obama they would secure Syrian chemical weapons... WEAK as Kerry and Obama the spy.....

The transaction was verified by multinational inspectors
--------------------------------------------- multinational inspectors don't take USA Concerns as the most important thing in the world . Afterall , multinational inspectors inspect for MONEY and recognition among peers and they inspect for a living and having a nice dinner and a good bed in some foreign hotel and they do their inspecting as a JOB for Money . I don't trust multinational inspectors RWinger.
There were multi national inspectors that watched Russia secure Syrian Chemical weapons too....Blah! that didn't work out.....
Trump's going to learn, eventually, what happens when you go it alone.
We are not alone...the EU is not the world....

For the record, the EU wants to fully fund a totalitarian regime that crushes any protests and chants death to the West every day while pouring all their money into trying to throw the Zionists into the sea.

Did I mention they deny the Holocaust ever happened?

But then, money is sooooo worth it, isn't it EU?
Iran gave up its stockpile of enriched uranium and the means to produce it. They also opened up facilities to international inspection teams

How does Trump giving up that right make us safer?
Iran supposedly turned over their Uranium to RUSSIA!!!!!! their good buddies...the same Russia that told Obama they would secure Syrian chemical weapons... WEAK as Kerry and Obama the spy.....

The transaction was verified by multinational inspectors
There was NO FN reason for leaving our deal with Iran happened ONLY because the AH in our WH is trying to undo every thing Obama accomplished whether it hurts America or not
--------------------------------- Good for the A.H. [chuckle] in the Whitehouse , ME , my kids and America . Dismantle the unAMERICAN legacy of 'mrobama' like he never existed Edward .
Too bad Obama is not in office to fight the EU's wars like in Libya.

Maybe in 2020. Then if they do, I'm sure they will win a Nobel Peace Prize as a reward.
Iran gave up its stockpile of enriched uranium and the means to produce it. They also opened up facilities to international inspection teams

How does Trump giving up that right make us safer?
Iran supposedly turned over their Uranium to RUSSIA!!!!!! their good buddies...the same Russia that told Obama they would secure Syrian chemical weapons... WEAK as Kerry and Obama the spy.....

The transaction was verified by multinational inspectors
There was NO FN reason for leaving our deal with Iran happened ONLY because the AH in our WH is trying to undo every thing Obama accomplished whether it hurts America or not
------------------------------------- and its cool , for the last 68 years i have had breakfast , lunch and supper every day . I have a nice old pickup truck , a newish car , a few motorcycles , some nice hardware and the money to buy any new motorcycle or car , boots , truck , house , land , food , steak , meat , beer , whiskey or most anything i want for cash money Edward . Yep , America is pretty cool Edward .
Last edited:
i also have FREEDOM to do as i like if its lawful but you youngers are messing things up for yourselves and your kids especially in the future Edward
heck , you youngers can't even get 15 bucks an hours or good healthcare as you guys are always begging for both Edward . [chuckle]

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