EU to ignore idiotic sanctions on Iran starting tomorrow

What did you want??? Blood?
National security....Peace through strength...not weakness and foolhardiness...
We are the strongest ..most nukes spend more on our armies than most of the world put together but we don't need to go around patting ourselves on the back like that orange ****'er in our WH does
------------------------------------------- Feck the world , i only care about what the USA does and USA is doing fine with the TRUMP as President Edward .
EU to ignore idiotic sanctions on Iran starting tomorrow

Are the sanctions actually listed in the Iran Nuclear Deal as being 'idiotic' or is this just merely your own odious interpretation?
We are the strongest ..most nukes spend more on our armies than most of the world put together but we don't need to go around patting ourselves on the back like that orange ****'er in our WH does
Whats wrong with being strong and proud? Why do you libs always view us as the bad guy? The reason Trump was elected is for his unabashed pride for our nation...why don't you take your butt hurt snowflake ass and move if you hate us so much?
Ram you have me wrong I got rich and owe it to America What I hate is the garbage in our WH now that doesn't know his ass from his elbow and dopes that can't see him for what he is
------------------------------------ you take it personal eh [chuckle] anyway GLAD that YOU hate the TRUMP , sounds like he has you by the nutz as he works his magic on you Edward .
The transaction was verified by multinational inspectors
That sentence right there shows why we can never allow another leftist into the White House...a total misunderstanding of the world as it is...
Multiple nations have done physical inspections and affirmed there are no nukes

You just get your information from Hannity
-------------------------------- multiple nations eh . If they are normal they put their nation first same as The TRUMP puts America FIRST RWinger .
its like YOU Lefties don't understand human nature Edward and other lefties . ---------- just a comment .
What did you want??? Blood?
National security....Peace through strength...not weakness and foolhardiness...
We are the strongest ..most nukes spend more on our armies than most of the world put together but we don't need to go around patting ourselves on the back like that orange ****'er in our WH does
------------------------------------------- Feck the world , i only care about what the USA does and USA is doing fine with the TRUMP as President Edward .
And we did fine with Obama only Obama is a man trump is scum
'mrobama' is a one worlder , a global citizen and unamerican type and a friend of other unamerican types . He was unsuitable as 'prezident' of the USA and i hope his type is never elected again [NO 'ILLARY'] . And as i say , i am 68 so 2 terms or another 6 years of the Trump make me 74 years old . And then a possible 4 years of Pence then i am 78 . And then a possible another 4 years and i'm 82 and we all know what comes [it varies] after 82 years of age Edward . ---------------- Go TRUMP , Go Pence !!
What did you want??? Blood?
National security....Peace through strength...not weakness and foolhardiness...
We are the strongest ..most nukes spend more on our armies than most of the world put together but we don't need to go around patting ourselves on the back like that orange ****'er in our WH does
------------------------------------------- Feck the world , i only care about what the USA does and USA is doing fine with the TRUMP as President Edward .
And we did fine with Obama only Obama is a man trump is scum
---------------------------------------- its YOU lefties , some living in MOMS basement protesting for 15 dollars an hour and begging for healthcare and both husband and wife working at WALMART on different schedules and riding skateboards . Does marriage still exist anymore Edward .
'mrobama' is a one worlder , a global citizen and unamerican type and a friend of other unamerican types . He was unsuitable as 'prezident' of the USA and i hope his type is never elected again [NO 'ILLARY'] . And as i say , i am 68 so 2 terms or another 6 years of the Trump make me 74 years old . And then a possible 4 years of Pence then i am 78 . And then a possible another 4 years and i'm 82 and we all know what comes [it varies] after 82 years of age Edward . ---------------- Go TRUMP , Go Pence !!
I'm 81 and been around the block a time or 2 Served in the Army and didn't punk out because of a bad heel , became pretty well off without cheating anyone Trump is a low life and hopefully he's gone soon Then you can vote for the guy who can't have dinner with a lady if his wife isn't there lol
What did you want??? Blood?
National security....Peace through strength...not weakness and foolhardiness...
We are the strongest ..most nukes spend more on our armies than most of the world put together but we don't need to go around patting ourselves on the back like that orange ****'er in our WH does
------------------------------------------- Feck the world , i only care about what the USA does and USA is doing fine with the TRUMP as President Edward .
And we did fine with Obama only Obama is a man trump is scum
---------------------------------------- its YOU lefties , some living in MOMS basement protesting for 15 dollars an hour and begging for healthcare and both husband and wife working at WALMART on different schedules and riding skateboards . Does marriage still exist anymore Edward .
Been with the same lady for 41 years
'mrobama' is a one worlder , a global citizen and unamerican type and a friend of other unamerican types . He was unsuitable as 'prezident' of the USA and i hope his type is never elected again [NO 'ILLARY'] . And as i say , i am 68 so 2 terms or another 6 years of the Trump make me 74 years old . And then a possible 4 years of Pence then i am 78 . And then a possible another 4 years and i'm 82 and we all know what comes [it varies] after 82 years of age Edward . ---------------- Go TRUMP , Go Pence !!
I'm 81 and been around the block a time or 2 Served in the Army and didn't punk out because of a bad heel , became pretty well off without cheating anyone Trump is a low life and hopefully he's gone soon Then you can vote for the guy who can't have dinner with a lady if his wife isn't there lol
---------------------------------------- Yer post is PERSONAL , as far as having dinner with STRANGE females , that your personal decision so have at it but Pences habits with females make sense to me and are only Pences decision . The rest of your post is also Personal as you site medical conditions and LEGAL cures that The TRUMP took . Me , i'm only interested in the American Nation which is being fixed after many years of both repub and 'mrobama' scum Edward .
National security....Peace through strength...not weakness and foolhardiness...
We are the strongest ..most nukes spend more on our armies than most of the world put together but we don't need to go around patting ourselves on the back like that orange ****'er in our WH does
------------------------------------------- Feck the world , i only care about what the USA does and USA is doing fine with the TRUMP as President Edward .
And we did fine with Obama only Obama is a man trump is scum
---------------------------------------- its YOU lefties , some living in MOMS basement protesting for 15 dollars an hour and begging for healthcare and both husband and wife working at WALMART on different schedules and riding skateboards . Does marriage still exist anymore Edward .
Been with the same lady for 41 years
-------------------------- lucky fer her eh Edward ??
We are the strongest ..most nukes spend more on our armies than most of the world put together but we don't need to go around patting ourselves on the back like that orange ****'er in our WH does
------------------------------------------- Feck the world , i only care about what the USA does and USA is doing fine with the TRUMP as President Edward .
And we did fine with Obama only Obama is a man trump is scum
---------------------------------------- its YOU lefties , some living in MOMS basement protesting for 15 dollars an hour and begging for healthcare and both husband and wife working at WALMART on different schedules and riding skateboards . Does marriage still exist anymore Edward .
Been with the same lady for 41 years
-------------------------- lucky fer her eh Edward ??
Oh yeah lucky for me too Meanwhile you don't think somethings wrong with this guy?
Bill Gates: Trump left event he was already at so he could make a "grand entrance" in a helicopter
We are the strongest ..most nukes spend more on our armies than most of the world put together but we don't need to go around patting ourselves on the back like that orange ****'er in our WH does
------------------------------------------- Feck the world , i only care about what the USA does and USA is doing fine with the TRUMP as President Edward .
And we did fine with Obama only Obama is a man trump is scum
---------------------------------------- its YOU lefties , some living in MOMS basement protesting for 15 dollars an hour and begging for healthcare and both husband and wife working at WALMART on different schedules and riding skateboards . Does marriage still exist anymore Edward .
Been with the same lady for 41 years
-------------------------- lucky fer her eh Edward ??
Buried too many much younger ,,,,Hope you make it ,,and more ......even if you are a republican
Europe has shown it wants to fly solo.

Time, therefore, to pull America out of NATO and let them figure out where to get the money for their own defense.....if they want any.
if its TRUE then i might say that he wanted to make a grand entrance but i guess that thats his option as President of the USA Edward , if its true .
Europe has shown it wants to fly solo.

Time, therefore, to pull America out of NATO and let them figure out where to get the money for their own defense.....if they want any.
You don't think that helping countries pay for their defense benefits us ?
------------------------------------------- Feck the world , i only care about what the USA does and USA is doing fine with the TRUMP as President Edward .
And we did fine with Obama only Obama is a man trump is scum
---------------------------------------- its YOU lefties , some living in MOMS basement protesting for 15 dollars an hour and begging for healthcare and both husband and wife working at WALMART on different schedules and riding skateboards . Does marriage still exist anymore Edward .
Been with the same lady for 41 years
-------------------------- lucky fer her eh Edward ??
Buried too many much younger ,,,,Hope you make it ,,and more ......even if you are a republican
--------------------------------------------------- Lets not get wishy washy here eh . Yeah , i see the younger or just about my age big names dropping like flies Edward . And i'm not a 'repub' , i am a TRUMPER Deplorable type Edward .
if its TRUE then i might say that he wanted to make a grand entrance but i guess that thats his option as President of the USA Edward , if its true .
Would Gates lie to you ? I like the part where Trump says "" Trump has heard that you don't care much for Trump
He must've been watching an old Sinefeld show
And we did fine with Obama only Obama is a man trump is scum
---------------------------------------- its YOU lefties , some living in MOMS basement protesting for 15 dollars an hour and begging for healthcare and both husband and wife working at WALMART on different schedules and riding skateboards . Does marriage still exist anymore Edward .
Been with the same lady for 41 years
-------------------------- lucky fer her eh Edward ??
Buried too many much younger ,,,,Hope you make it ,,and more ......even if you are a republican
--------------------------------------------------- Lets not get wishy washy here eh . Yeah , i see the younger or just about my age big names dropping like flies Edward . And i'm not a 'repub' , i am a TRUMPER Deplorable type Edward .
I have big words pis but not big enough to argue with a deplorable Good health long life another time

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