EU to ignore idiotic sanctions on Iran starting tomorrow

There were multi national inspectors that watched Russia secure Syrian Chemical weapons too....Blah! that didn't work out.....
------------------------------------------------ i really like this post by Rambunctious :afro:and its bit of info on 'multinational inspectors' , what do YOU think RightWinger ??
Iran gave up its stockpile of enriched uranium and the means to produce it. They also opened up facilities to international inspection teams

How does Trump giving up that right make us safer?
Iran supposedly turned over their Uranium to RUSSIA!!!!!! their good buddies...the same Russia that told Obama they would secure Syrian chemical weapons... WEAK as Kerry and Obama the spy.....

The transaction was verified by multinational inspectors
There was NO FN reason for leaving our deal with Iran happened ONLY because the AH in our WH is trying to undo every thing Obama accomplished whether it hurts America or not
--------------------------------- Good for the A.H. [chuckle] in the Whitehouse , ME , my kids and America . Dismantle the unAMERICAN legacy of 'mrobama' like he never existed Edward .
Yeah pis ,those 75 straight months of 6 digit employment gains ,a near triple in our DOW, and knocking down gwb's unemployment from 9's into the 4's was horrible for America,,,You repubs need to "check yourselves" lol
There were multi national inspectors that watched Russia secure Syrian Chemical weapons too....Blah! that didn't work out.....
------------------------------------------------ i really like this post by Rambunctious :afro:and its bit of info on 'multinational inspectors' , what do YOU think RightWinger ??
We had inspectors too for Iraq and gwb kicked them out A BS war and republicans gave it
We are the strongest ..most nukes spend more on our armies than most of the world put together but we don't need to go around patting ourselves on the back like that orange ****'er in our WH does
Whats wrong with being strong and proud? Why do you libs always view us as the bad guy? The reason Trump was elected is for his unabashed pride for our nation...why don't you take your butt hurt snowflake ass and move if you hate us so much?
The transaction was verified by multinational inspectors
That sentence right there shows why we can never allow another leftist into the White House...a total misunderstanding of the world as it is...
Multiple nations have done physical inspections and affirmed there are no nukes

You just get your information from Hannity
Multiple nations have done physical inspections and affirmed there are no nukes

You just get your information from Hannity
Obama told us that same thing regarding Syrian Chemical did that work out?
Trump just made us weaker and Iran stronger
What made Iran stronger was the 150 billion in cash Obama sent to the Mullahs in Iran in the middle of the do you think they are paying for rockets to launch into Israel? You are blowing it today RW....big time...take a break....hey where did that Kenyan fuck get that 150 billion anyway?
We are the strongest ..most nukes spend more on our armies than most of the world put together but we don't need to go around patting ourselves on the back like that orange ****'er in our WH does
Whats wrong with being strong and proud? Why do you libs always view us as the bad guy? The reason Trump was elected is for his unabashed pride for our nation...why don't you take your butt hurt snowflake ass and move if you hate us so much?
Ram you have me wrong I got rich and owe it to America What I hate is the garbage in our WH now that doesn't know his ass from his elbow and dopes that can't see him for what he is
Iran gave up its stockpile of enriched uranium and the means to produce it. They also opened up facilities to international inspection teams

How does Trump giving up that right make us safer?
Iran supposedly turned over their Uranium to RUSSIA!!!!!! their good buddies...the same Russia that told Obama they would secure Syrian chemical weapons... WEAK as Kerry and Obama the spy.....

The transaction was verified by multinational inspectors
There was NO FN reason for leaving our deal with Iran happened ONLY because the AH in our WH is trying to undo every thing Obama accomplished whether it hurts America or not
------------------------------------- and its cool , for the last 68 years i have had breakfast , lunch and supper every day . I have a nice old pickup truck , a newish car , a few motorcycles , some nice hardware and the money to buy any new motorcycle or car , boots , truck , house , land , food , steak , meat , beer , whiskey or most anything i want for cash money Edward . Yep , America is pretty cool Edward .
AND you had all that WITHOUT this idiot in our WH
Trump just made us weaker and Iran stronger
What made Iran stronger was the 150 billion in cash Obama sent to the Mullahs in Iran in the middle of the do you think they are paying for rockets to launch into Israel? You are blowing it today RW....big time...take a break....hey where did that Kenyan fuck get that 150 billion anyway?
It was Irans money ram
Trump just made us weaker and Iran stronger
What made Iran stronger was the 150 billion in cash Obama sent to the Mullahs in Iran in the middle of the do you think they are paying for rockets to launch into Israel? You are blowing it today RW....big time...take a break....hey where did that Kenyan fuck get that 150 billion anyway?
It was Irans money ram
We seized their assets as punishment for a nuclear program once they abandoned their nukes there was no reason to hold their money
Iran gave up its stockpile of enriched uranium and the means to produce it. They also opened up facilities to international inspection teams

How does Trump giving up that right make us safer?
Iran supposedly turned over their Uranium to RUSSIA!!!!!! their good buddies...the same Russia that told Obama they would secure Syrian chemical weapons... WEAK as Kerry and Obama the spy.....

The transaction was verified by multinational inspectors
There was NO FN reason for leaving our deal with Iran happened ONLY because the AH in our WH is trying to undo every thing Obama accomplished whether it hurts America or not
--------------------------------- Good for the A.H. [chuckle] in the Whitehouse , ME , my kids and America . Dismantle the unAMERICAN legacy of 'mrobama' like he never existed Edward .
Yeah pis ,those 75 straight months of 6 digit employment gains ,a near triple in our DOW, and knocking down gwb's unemployment from 9's into the 4's was horrible for America,,,You repubs need to "check yourselves" lol
--------------------------------------------------------------- NEVER in my 50 some years of blue collar work have i ever been unemployed unless it was my plan . And i always worked at Union style wages though sometimes at non union jobs and always in Private sector jobs . Never had a problem with wages , never cried for 15 dollars an hour or health insurance as i always had excellent Private health insurance . And i haven't been a 'repub' since the second term of 'gwb' who i can't stand due to his pro immigration thinking . Yep , many former repubs are TRUMPS Deplorables and thats probably a forever thing because as many of you 'hip hop millenials' note many of us Deplorables are older and are hoping or working for another TRUMP Term and then Mike Pence . ---------- and by the way , everything i say about my work or personal circumstances also applies to my Parents Generation who were born in the 1920s and who raised big families and all paid for by a [mainly] working Fathers single paychecks Edward . ------------- Yeah Edward , its YOU youngers and lefty 'mrobama' type supporters that hurt YOURSELVES and your kids Edward .
No he didn’t
We did not get to inspect Syria for chemical weapons
They had supposedly verified that Russia did what Putin told Obutthead he would least that's what Obutthead said...maybe he lied again...can't trust filthy Kenyans...
We seized their assets as punishment for a nuclear program once they abandoned their nukes there was no reason to hold their money
Man Obama sure has gotten his crooked hooks into you....He sent them cash...hoping it wouldn't get discovered...where did that filthy Kenyan get that much cash? maybe from Uranium one?

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