EU to suspend sale of arms, security goods to Egypt


VIP Member
Jun 11, 2012
"BRUSSELS (AFP) -- European Union foreign ministers agreed to suspend the sale of security equipment and arms to Egypt, the EU's foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton said Wednesday.Ministers of the 28-nation bloc holding emergency talks in response to the violence in Egypt also agreed to review aid to the country, she added. EU to suspend sale of arms, security goods to Egypt | Maan News Agency. " The present unlawful killings by those in power in Egypt today are reaping consequences from the EU. Egypt, a country releasing a war criminal prior dictator, as they continue to unlawfully imprison a democratically elected President. Egypt, a country who through protests of the masses has overthrown Dictatorship and Democracy. What do the people of Egypt desire from a government? Where is Egypt headed?
"BRUSSELS (AFP) -- European Union foreign ministers agreed to suspend the sale of security equipment and arms to Egypt, the EU's foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton said Wednesday.Ministers of the 28-nation bloc holding emergency talks in response to the violence in Egypt also agreed to review aid to the country, she added. EU to suspend sale of arms, security goods to Egypt | Maan News Agency. "

The present unlawful killings by those in power in Egypt today are reaping consequences from the EU. Egypt, a country releasing a war criminal prior dictator, as they continue to unlawfully imprison a democratically elected President. Egypt, a country who through protests of the masses has overthrown Dictatorship and Democracy. What do the people of Egypt desire from a government? Where is Egypt headed?

for those confused by DISEMBLERS-----the post as presented ----by the poster seems
to link the second paragraph to the E U rep Ashton---------not so-----she expressed
only the first paragraph -----some unkown disembler----did the second paragraph

I assume that the allusion to a "war criminal prior dictator...released"----refers to
MUBARAK -------I am no fan of Mubarak---but as Egyptian leaders go----I do
not see him as a "war criminal" -----Nasser yes----but MUBARAK?
Copts I have known despised him-------and so far the only other people who
seem to despise him are arabis/islamicists. Mubarak was released because
he was ACQUITTED ----most lawyers know that a person acquitted of criminal
charges is not called a "criminal"
Egyptian troops bust up Islamist stronghold...

Egypt troops storm Islamist stronghold near Cairo
Sep 19,`13 -- Egyptian security forces backed by armored fighting vehicles and helicopters stormed a tourist town near the Great Pyramids that became an Islamist stronghold on Thursday, the latest in a stepped up campaign by the military-backed government to put down armed supporters of the ousted president.
As they moved into Kerdasa at around 6 a.m., the troops and policemen came under barrages of fire from gunmen on rooftops. Militants took control of the town just outside Cairo more than a month ago amid a nationwide backlash of violence by Islamists enraged by the military coup that removed President Mohammed Morsi and by a crackdown against his supporters that followed.

A police general fell in the first moments of the battle. Gen. Nabil Farrag had just given a pep talk to his men on the street, preparing them to roll into the town, when they came under a hail of gunfire, according to an Associated Press photographer and video journalists at the scene.

Army soldiers and policemen ducked for cover behind armored vehicles and behind walls. Farrag fell with a bullet wound in his right side, getting past the body armor he was wearing. He lay in the street for nearly 15 minutes, blood soaking through his white uniform, until his men could reach him and carry him into a sedan to take to a hospital. The Interior Ministry, which is in charge of the police, later announced Farrag's death.

The assault on Kerdasa underlined a stepped-up resolve by the military-backed government to suppress strongholds of Morsi supporters, Mohammed Morsi. Earlier this week, a large army-police force stormed Dalga, a town in southern Egypt, to break the hold of Islamic militants who took control there after the military toppled Morsi on July 3.


See also:

Egypt returns $2B worth of aid to Qatar
Sep 19,`13 -- Egypt's Central Bank says it has paid back $2 billion to Qatar as relations between the two Arab countries have chilled following the military overthrow of Egypt's Islamist president.
Hesham Ramez, the head of Egypt's Central Bank, said Thursday the money was returned after Qatar asked officials to postpone the conversion of the funds to bonds as earlier agreed. Ramez spoke to The Seventh Day news website. An official at Ramez's office confirmed the comments.

Over the past year, Qatar gave the government of Egypt's former President Mohammed Morsi some $8 billion in aid. Morsi was toppled in a popularly backed military coup July 3.

Since then, Qatar has been sidelined by Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and the United Arab Emirates. Those nations have promised $12 billion in aid.


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