Europe Call To Boycott "Israeli" Settlements


VIP Member
Sep 30, 2009
It seems that the boycott will be official.

European MPs Call to Boycott Israeli Settlements - International Middle East Media Center


Poor Freeman, that devout Muslim who is doing his Jihad on a forum during Ramadan, forgets that India and China are going to trade with Israel. My, my, hundreds of millions of people in those two countries who will buy up a lot of stuff. Freeman, if he was comatose, can go into a Middle East market in whichever country he emigrated to from the Muslim world, and see even Muslim women putting Israeli goods into their shopping carts. Meanwhile, as a Ramadan present for Freeman, I have ordered this for him. He can put it on when he wears his Arafat tablecloth on his head.

IDF Logo T Shirt | Israel365
European Parliament - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Wow, 29 members of a 751-seat body. That's a really tiny percentage......and of course it doesn't say who those 29 are, or what nation/s they hail from.

Further, it appears that the EP doesn't have the authority to 'make' laws: its basic function appears to be more of a 'consulting' role. Evidently the EU system is extremely complicated even by 'parliamentary' standards.

What it is NOT is the equivalent of a bill being introduced into the US Senate....which incidentally just UNANIMOUSLY issued a statement in support of Israel's ground operation in Gaza.
nevermind sally "ITS OFFICIAL"----kinda like THE NEW COUNTRY PALESTINE----
is '''''....official........
European Parliament - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Wow, 29 members of a 751-seat body. That's a really tiny percentage......and of course it doesn't say who those 29 are, or what nation/s they hail from.

Further, it appears that the EP doesn't have the authority to 'make' laws: its basic function appears to be more of a 'consulting' role. Evidently the EU system is extremely complicated even by 'parliamentary' standards.

What it is NOT is the equivalent of a bill being introduced into the US Senate....which incidentally just UNANIMOUSLY issued a statement in support of Israel's ground operation in Gaza.

The settlements are illegal in the international law.

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European Parliament - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Wow, 29 members of a 751-seat body. That's a really tiny percentage......and of course it doesn't say who those 29 are, or what nation/s they hail from.

Further, it appears that the EP doesn't have the authority to 'make' laws: its basic function appears to be more of a 'consulting' role. Evidently the EU system is extremely complicated even by 'parliamentary' standards.

What it is NOT is the equivalent of a bill being introduced into the US Senate....which incidentally just UNANIMOUSLY issued a statement in support of Israel's ground operation in Gaza.

The settlements are illegal in the international law.


Like the millions and millions of people in China and India are going to worry about where good come from in Israel. However, Freeman, since you are so worried about "illegal settlement," can you give us your thoughts on China occupying Tibet. Surely, a man about town like you have spoken to some Tibetans since you arrived here from some Muslim country. Find some in the U.S. and Europe, and ask them how they feel. We know that, as a Muslim, you have no problenm with Turkey occupying part of Cyprus.

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