Europe calls to prepare for US withdrawal from NATO after Trump's return

Concerned America is flailing with misconnected supposed facts.
Argue with NATO, slow donkey. Keep on trolling with irrelevant crap--that's what you do best.
Maybe you would rather be a sitting duck.
NATO doesn't protect the USA, the USA protects the other NATO nations. The majority of funding, equipment and troops that NATO fields has always come from the USA. During the Cold War, the Germans ran a close second, but they expected the war to be fought on their territory if the Warsaw Pact came west through the Fulda Gap.
NATO got a wake up call and finally slowly, honoring their word to pitch in and DO THEIR FAIR SHARE.

And because Trump called them out on it and the bear is scaring them they are finally seeing reality.

Now some have been Honoring their word. POLAND A SHINING EXAMPLE. They have exceeded it for a long time. If the rest would do the same they would be no longer scared of the bear..


I love it. My daughter tried something similar when she was in Jr. High, she threatened to call Children's Protective Services when we disciplined her by grounding her. I handed her the phone and said, "pack your bags when you finish the call, you won't be coming home." Needless to say, she hung up the phone. Apparently, some of her friends pulled that on their parents and got away with it.
You ever served, struth?

Believe me, we would rather fight them in Europe than here.
Fighting in Europe is an expensive proposition for the USA. You are probably too young to remember Reforger exercises every year. The US flew a large chunk of the army to Germany to marry up with pre-positioned division equipment sets that were bought and maintained by the American taxpayer every year. Those equipment sets don't exist anymore everything would have to travel by ships which would have to fight their way across the Atlantic to German or French ports. Read Tom Clancy's Red Storm Rising for a taste of what that would be like.

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