Europe calls to prepare for US withdrawal from NATO after Trump's return

I love it. My daughter tried something similar when she was in Jr. High, she threatened to call Children's Protective Services when we disciplined her by grounding her. I handed her the phone and said, "pack your bags when you finish the call, you won't be coming home." Needless to say, she hung up the phone. Apparently, some of her friends pulled that on their parents and got away with it.
I was born into an American military family in Japan. Years after returning to the states, we were visiting Mexico and when we got to the border, the custom at the time was the CBP would ask the returnees their citizenship. I thought it would be cute to state Japanese after the five retorts of American. Got my ass beat for that one after spending an hour explaining to CBP. I never tried to be cute again.
Fighting in Europe is an expensive proposition for the USA. You are probably too young to remember Reforger exercises every year. The US flew a large chunk of the army to Germany to marry up with pre-positioned division equipment sets that were bought and maintained by the American taxpayer every year. Those equipment sets don't exist anymore everything would have to travel by ships which would have to fight their way across the Atlantic to German or French ports. Read Tom Clancy's Red Storm Rising for a taste of what that would be like.
We do the readiness exercises with the South Koreans annually to this day.

Biggest NATO Defense Spenders​

The U.S. spends more on defense than any other NATO country.

According to the 2021 estimates, U.S. defense spending will be close to $811 billion this year. On the other hand, the defense spending of all other NATO countries combined is projected to be $363 billion, meaning the U.S. will outspend all other countries by a whopping $448 billion.

RankCountryMillions (USD) 2021pChange (2014-2021)
United States
United Kingdom
Fighting in Europe is an expensive proposition for the USA. You are probably too young to remember Reforger exercises every year. The US flew a large chunk of the army to Germany to marry up with pre-positioned division equipment sets that were bought and maintained by the American taxpayer every year. Those equipment sets don't exist anymore everything would have to travel by ships which would have to fight their way across the Atlantic to German or French ports. Read Tom Clancy's Red Storm Rising for a taste of what that would be like.
I participated in them. That is much cheaper than conducting a war in Europe starting from scratch here.

Neither the US, the EuroUnion, nor NATO will permit such idiocy from occurring.
It's not fact. It's opinion most likely by a Ukrainian advocate with a name full of tongue twisting consonants. Lefties love it because it's what they want to hear. All Trump wants to do is to get members to pay their fair share. Why is that so hard for lefties to understand?
It's not fact. It's opinion most likely by a Ukrainian advocate with a name full of tongue twisting consonants. Lefties love it because it's what they want to hear. All Trump wants to do is to get members to pay their fair share. Why is that so hard for lefties to understand?
Lefties say, "Bbbbbut, Bbbbut, Bbbbut Trump" LMAO
Part of the Left's slander fest against Trump is claiming that he will do all sorts of crazy shit when elected. Take any such bullshit with a grain of salt. In this particular case, it is all made-up and uncorroborated.
The MAGA right = Death to America!
Is English your first language? What part of "America First" or "Make America Great Again" translates to your assertion. I know you like millions of illegals invading the country, billions of dollars to Ukraine, deadbeats not paying their bills. That isn't "Death to America" in your feeble mind. Wake up slow donkey.

Europe calls to prepare for US withdrawal from NATO after Trump's return

9 Mar 2024 ~~ by Oleksandra Zimko

NATO diplomats believe that Europe needs to prepare for a possible US withdrawal from the alliance if Donald Trump returns to the White House.
The prospect of Trump's return to power after the US election is raising concerns in Europe about continued US support for Ukraine and NATO allies. According to The Telegraph, diplomats in NATO countries believe that European capitals need to prepare a plan and review their current defense capabilities.
One European diplomat told The Telegraph that Trump's controversial statements, including his refusal to help allies in the event of a Russian attack, are "a concern."
"Nobody knows what he's going to do next," the diplomat said, adding that NATO countries should develop a scenario to reduce the alliance's dependence on the United States.
A diplomat from another NATO country said that countries like Britain should take even more of a lead in European security, as a possible U.S. withdrawal from NATO would create a "massive gap."

What do the NATO countries expect from a strong president?
For decades Europe NATO signatories have dragged their feet in meeting their Treaty responsibilities contributing to their own safety. They've relied on the largess and funding from the U.S.A.
Now that Trump has called them on their lack of participation in Defense of Europe they're shaking in their boots.
The invasion of Ukraine by Russia has been their wake-up call and this has made all of Europe shaky.
US in NATO or not, it is high time Europe gets ready to defend themselves.

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Thanks but no thanks. The scenario that trump will win is very doubtful as it is. Our military is so entangled with Europe and other free nations of the world make our withdrawal from it not very likely either. Even great nations like ours need their allies. Too many bad players in today's world to try to go it alone. Neither trump or going it alone are good choices.
Part of the Left's slander fest against Trump is claiming that he will do all sorts of crazy shit when elected. Take any such bullshit with a grain of salt. In this particular case, it is all made-up and uncorroborated.
I guess you never listen to what trump says , it's all out of his playbook ( mouth ).

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