Europe calls to prepare for US withdrawal from NATO after Trump's return

Trump will have to find a way to do it without Congress.
Our position in the world depends in part on having bases all around the world to protect our interests. All that will be put at risk of we abandon our allies. Isolation is never a good policy for a major power. It creates a vacuum and we will not like who fills that vacancy. China is the most likely candidate. Are we ready to hand over the reigns to them ? If we do , we are relegating our power also. Time always moves forward. The Powers of the Middle East began it long ago , then the Greeks, the Romans, the Spanish and Portuguese, then the British , then it was US , perhaps we've come full circle as the winds ironically move West and we end up in China looking to our future. So be it.
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Europe calls to prepare for US withdrawal from NATO after Trump's return

9 Mar 2024 ~~ by Oleksandra Zimko

NATO diplomats believe that Europe needs to prepare for a possible US withdrawal from the alliance if Donald Trump returns to the White House.
The prospect of Trump's return to power after the US election is raising concerns in Europe about continued US support for Ukraine and NATO allies. According to The Telegraph, diplomats in NATO countries believe that European capitals need to prepare a plan and review their current defense capabilities.
One European diplomat told The Telegraph that Trump's controversial statements, including his refusal to help allies in the event of a Russian attack, are "a concern."
"Nobody knows what he's going to do next," the diplomat said, adding that NATO countries should develop a scenario to reduce the alliance's dependence on the United States.
A diplomat from another NATO country said that countries like Britain should take even more of a lead in European security, as a possible U.S. withdrawal from NATO would create a "massive gap."

What do the NATO countries expect from a strong president?
For decades Europe NATO signatories have dragged their feet in meeting their Treaty responsibilities contributing to their own safety. They've relied on the largess and funding from the U.S.A.
Now that Trump has called them on their lack of participation in Defense of Europe they're shaking in their boots.
The invasion of Ukraine by Russia has been their wake-up call and this has made all of Europe shaky.
US in NATO or not, it is high time Europe gets ready to defend themselves.

See more:

The reality is Trump doesn't understand why NATO is there.

Does he really think the US can stay as a world power without NATO?

Does he think the US can keep its freedoms without NATO?

He doesn't understand what could happen by pulling out, and that's the scary thing.
I'm with Trump on this.

Why support a bunch of foreign welfare queens?

It is not the Cold War anymore. Russia's only threat to the US is with nukes.

If the European countries want to protect themselves then they should pay the cost. When the US is providing the great amount of support all we are doing is subsidizing their filthy ass Socialism.

We are $34 trillion in debt. We can't afford either domestic or foreign welfare anymore.
The reality is Trump doesn't understand why NATO is there.

Does he really think the US can stay as a world power without NATO?

Does he think the US can keep its freedoms without NATO?

He doesn't understand what could happen by pulling out, and that's the scary thing.
You are a little confused about this.

During the Cold War when the Soviets were making international moves for world domination and they were threatening an invasion of Europe then America being in NATO made a lot of sense. Since we had the stronger economy and the other countries were recovering from WWII then the US paying the bulk of the cost was reasonable.

However, nowadays Russia is hardly a threat to the US except with nukes.

We are subsidizing Europe's Socialism by footing a significant amount of their share of their defense cost and that is not right.

We are $34 trillion in debt and can't afford any more foreign welfare.

Trump is only advocating that NATO pay its fair share. That is a reasonable thing to do.
trump was a total idiot in.the way he went about it. Also those numbers trump used were a lie of course. There's ways of doing things and there's ways not to do things. Of course trump did it the wrong way.
In what way was he an "idiot"? He wanted NATO members to pay more towards defense as they'd committed to. He told them that if they didn't then the US wasn't going to keep subsidizing them. Everyone on the left freaked out about how Trump was threatening to abandon NATO. Then an amazing thing happened...those NATO members did indeed pay more towards their own defense! The fact of the matter is Trump got those NATO member nations to spend more on their defense...something that Presidents before him could not accomplish.
I'm with Trump on this.

Why support a bunch of foreign welfare queens?

It is not the Cold War anymore. Russia's only threat to the US is with nukes.

If the European countries want to protect themselves then they should pay the cost. When the US is providing the great amount of support all we are doing is subsidizing their filthy ass Socialism.

We are $34 trillion in debt. We can't afford either domestic or foreign welfare anymore.
Thank GOD you're not in the military.No one supports this. I still have friends in the Air Force and they say trump is crazy.
Thank GOD you're not in the military.No one supports this. I still have friends in the Air Force and they say trump is crazy.
You are confused about this Moon Bat.

I am a Vietnam Veteran. I did my duty during the Cold War. My son is a Iraqi War combat veteran. Being involved in Veteran's organizations and belonging to a group of several hundred veterans I know a lot more veterans than you do and almost every one is a Trump supporter.

Trump is right on this like he is right on most other things. We don't need to be subsidizing Europe's defense so that they sonofabitches can have more money for their filthy Socialism.

They need to pay their fair share.

We are $34 trillion in debt. Ole Potatohead added over $2 trillion in debt last year and is running up a trillion more in debt every 100 days this year. We can't afford any more welfare.

We need to concentrate on protecting our own borders. We are being invaded by millions of welfare queens. Not subsidize the protection of other country's borders.
You are confused about this Moon Bat.

I am a Vietnam Veteran. I did my duty during the Cold War. My son is a Iraqi War combat veteran. Being involved in Veteran's organizations and belonging to a group of several hundred veterans I know a lot more veterans than you do and almost every one is a Trump supporter.

Trump is right on this like he is right on most other things. We don't need to be subsidizing Europe's defense so that they sonofabitches can have more money for their filthy Socialism.

They need to pay their fair share.

We are $34 trillion in debt. Ole Potatohead added over $2 trillion in debt last year and is running up a trillion more in debt every 100 days this year. We can't afford any more welfare.

We need to concentrate on protecting our own borders. We are being invaded by millions of welfare queens. Not subsidize the protection of other country's borders.
I disagree, if trump was president he would be putting the US and the world in a more perilous situation. I was in the Air Force during the Vietnam War. We need our allies. Fucking trump is a loser and thinks he knows it all. Either we are the premier Force in the world or someone else is. That's the bottom line.
I disagree, if trump was president he would be putting the US and the world in a more perilous situation. I was in the Air Force during the Vietnam War. We need our allies. Fucking trump is a loser and thinks he knows it all. Either we are the premier Force in the world or someone else is. That's the bottom line.

You are confused Moon Bat. Probably because of your TDS mental illness.

Trump is not calling for the US to withdraw from NATO.

He is calling for the Eurotrash nations to pay their agreed upon fair share.

He is threatening them with withdrawal if they don't anti up as a negotiating tactic to get their attention. If you had read his book "The Art of the Deal" you would know that.

He is looking after the interest of the US at a time when we are $34 trillion in debt and have the greater need to protect our own borders, not subsidizing Eurotrash Socialism. Only a stupid confused Moon Bat suffering from the mental illness of Trump Derangement Syndrome would find fault with that.
Thank GOD you're not in the military.No one supports this. I still have friends in the Air Force and they say trump is crazy.
Ah yes...another liberal with "friends" in the military that don't like Trump! Do you really expect anyone to buy that, Stann? It's a fact that the military overwhelmingly supports Trump over Biden. It's not even close.
I disagree, if trump was president he would be putting the US and the world in a more perilous situation. I was in the Air Force during the Vietnam War. We need our allies. Fucking trump is a loser and thinks he knows it all. Either we are the premier Force in the world or someone else is. That's the bottom line.
Too stupid to get into college so you got drafted, Stann?
Our position in the world depends in part on having bases all around the world to protect our interests. All that will be put at risk of we abandon our allies. Isolation is never a good policy for a major power. It creates a vacuum and we will not like who fills that vacancy. China is the most likely candidate. Are we ready to hand over the reigns to them ? If we do , we are relegating our power also. Time always moves forward. The Powers of the Middle East began it long ago , then the Greeks, the Romans, the Spanish and Portuguese, then the British , then it was US , perhaps we've come full circle as the winds ironically move West and we end up in China looking to our future. So be it.
The younger generations seem to be into themselves more than any other. And I will say that the boomer generation was most likely the start of it to some degree. The elites who rule us put us in wars and conflicts like children getting endless choices in a candy store.
Our position in the world depends in part on having bases all around the world to protect our interests. All that will be put at risk of we abandon our allies. Isolation is never a good policy for a major power. It creates a vacuum and we will not like who fills that vacancy. China is the most likely candidate. Are we ready to hand over the reigns to them ? If we do , we are relegating our power also. Time always moves forward. The Powers of the Middle East began it long ago , then the Greeks, the Romans, the Spanish and Portuguese, then the British , then it was US , perhaps we've come full circle as the winds ironically move West and we end up in China looking to our future. So be it.

Absolutley we should have bases to protect our interests and we should have our allies. You just cant see it that Trump was bluffing.He knew that the strong talk would get some of our allies who were just coasting to pay more. They have been doing this for years, and its only in recent years, starting with Trump's presidency that they have started paying more.
BUt I understand, some people cant give Trump any credit at all. All you see is what you consider rough and rude talk, but that is actually a type of diplomacy.
Every President since Clinton has asked NATO countries to spend more, Trump was just more vocal. And I agree they have not met their commitments- not even so much to us, but to their own neighbors. If Germany only spends 1% on defense, how much can France count on Germany?

BUT. The US has interests outside NATO as well. We have Pacific allies that we are also committed to defending. Not all US defense spending is NATO oriented.

It has also been our unofficial policy that we didn't really want European countries to build big armies- that didn't work out to well in the 20th century. The consensus in D.C. since the end of WW2 has been that a permanent presence from us will help prevent them from going after each other.

The same goes for Japan and South Korea, btw. They aren't exactly best of friends, give them a little push and they are at each other's throats.

Finally you have to consider the non-proliferation regime. NATO underpins the non-proliferation regime in Europe. Without the NATO nuclear umbrella, a lot of countries would have to drop out of the NPT and pursue a nuclear deterrent of their own. NATO guarantees those countries can abide by the NPT. Break NATO, you break the non-proliferation regime in Europe.

All true which is why I am quite certain Trump has no intention of pulling out of NATO unless they make it in America's best interest to do so. But he is also the kind of person who thinks out loud and says what he is thinking however outrageous that might seem to those who hate him. And he did convince our NATO allies that they no longer got pretty much a free ride at our expense and, because they respected him however much they grumbled and didn't like him, they did pay a lot more of what they had pledged to pay.

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