Europe Conquered


Subway removes ham and bacon from nearly 200 UK & Ireland stores and offers halal meat only after ‘strong demand’ from Muslims.

A lot of Americans died in two world wars to free them. Screw them now. They made their own bed.

Europe is the first world. You know how I know? Because this is a first world problem if ever I saw one.

Where in the Third-World, or Second World are they bending over backwards for foreigners?

In Malaysia an Islamic dominated country, they did the exact opposite.
Chinese were targeted in riot (Pogroms) for being successful.
Malaysia went onto impose Affirmative Action in response, in a matter which promoted Islamic Malays, and discriminated against Chinese.

No one seemed to give two sh*ts.

Poland, Hungary, Czech, and friends, rejected Islamic refugees shoved down their throats.

Everybody loses their minds.

This is not first-World, this is anti-White hatred from Individualists, Cultural Marxists, and Capitalists.

All where Whitey is the boogie-man.
Whitey invaded most of the world without being invited. Most of the problems in the world today stem from that.

Because Brits did that, I of an Polish heritage owe who, exactly?

Poles don't owe a heck of a lot of people sh(t.

Go kill your own culture with your Islamic replacements, but keep that sh(t to yourself.
We don't want it.

Subway removes ham and bacon from nearly 200 UK & Ireland stores and offers halal meat only after ‘strong demand’ from Muslims.

A lot of Americans died in two world wars to free them. Screw them now. They made their own bed.

Europe is the first world. You know how I know? Because this is a first world problem if ever I saw one.

Where in the Third-World, or Second World are they bending over backwards for foreigners?

In Malaysia an Islamic dominated country, they did the exact opposite.
Chinese were targeted in riot (Pogroms) for being successful.
Malaysia went onto impose Affirmative Action in response, in a matter which promoted Islamic Malays, and discriminated against Chinese.

No one seemed to give two sh*ts.

Poland, Hungary, Czech, and friends, rejected Islamic refugees shoved down their throats.

Everybody loses their minds.

This is not first-World, this is anti-White hatred from Individualists, Cultural Marxists, and Capitalists.

All where Whitey is the boogie-man.
Whitey invaded most of the world without being invited. Most of the problems in the world today stem from that.


Subway removes ham and bacon from nearly 200 UK & Ireland stores and offers halal meat only after ‘strong demand’ from Muslims.

A lot of Americans died in two world wars to free them. Screw them now. They made their own bed.

Europe is the first world. You know how I know? Because this is a first world problem if ever I saw one.

Where in the Third-World, or Second World are they bending over backwards for foreigners?

In Malaysia an Islamic dominated country, they did the exact opposite.
Chinese were targeted in riot (Pogroms) for being successful.
Malaysia went onto impose Affirmative Action in response, in a matter which promoted Islamic Malays, and discriminated against Chinese.

No one seemed to give two sh*ts.

Poland, Hungary, Czech, and friends, rejected Islamic refugees shoved down their throats.

Everybody loses their minds.

This is not first-World, this is anti-White hatred from Individualists, Cultural Marxists, and Capitalists.

All where Whitey is the boogie-man.
Whitey invaded most of the world without being invited. Most of the problems in the world today stem from that.


Notice these Libtards don't think that Islamic Arabs, Islamic Turks, Japanese, or Mongols need to import a bunch of foreigners, appease them, destroy their culture, while feeling guilt for their "Non-White empires".

Muslims in India can kill 100's of millions in India, the biggest recorded genocide of history, and no one cares.

Islamic privilege in a nutshell.
This site does not support freedom of Expression for those who oppose Islamism -- only those who support it.

Of course not. That's why there's like a thousand threads discussing how awful Muslims are.

Need a pacifier?
Yet, here you are in a thread about Islam allowing and encouraging it to turn into an off topic antisemitic hate fest, instead, when you recently censored the living shit out of people who quite naturally suspected Islamic terrorism in the Notre Dame fire.

Double standard much, there, dude?

No Anti-Semitic Hatefest from my comments, I am giving legitimate criticism about what I and MANY others think is wrong, it's okay we already know it's the thinest of thin skins we are dealing with and you know WHAT we do NOT care. Learn to deal with it instead of randomly attacking mods.

You Dogmaphobe are guilty at this forum for many years of posting some of the most HATE comments I have EVER read and YOU are STILL here free to post, so that itself illustrates that the mods at this forum have an even balance to Freedom of Expression and IF they did NOT then this forum would only still have about 20 members because EVERY ONE else would have been removed, you seem to want some type of Fascist Shut It Down.

I oppose the supremacist and totalitarian doctrine called Islam.

This is a thread about Islam. Your venting your hatred against Jews is trolling by very definition because it is thread derailment in action.

That this site supports thread derailment of threads such as these is indicative of its bias.

How far does your Genocidal Fantasy about Exterminating ALL Muslims go exactly?


^^^^ A beautiful young boy, he is a Muslim, so IS he a POTENTIAL Suicide Bomber? SHOULD he be Exterminated?


^^^^ A beautiful young baby girl, she is a Muslim, so IS she a Potential Suicide Bomber? SHOULD she be Exterminated?
I've never had such thoughts. You are lying.

You have certainly done an about face from your postings of two years ago. Did you suffer a psychotic break down or did one of the Mauds hack your account and is pretending to be you?
Subway removes ham and bacon from nearly 200 UK & Ireland stores and offers halal meat only after ‘strong demand’ from Muslims.

There are around 2,000 Subway stores in the UK and Ireland. All halal Subway stores make up only 12% of them, which are located in 185 Muslim communities, where they segregate themselves.
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Poles don't owe a heck of a lot of people sh(t.
Check your progroms.

Off topic drivel.
Muslims, and Jews are destroying the West, and you're appeasing them, now, eh?

Another Kosher CUCKservative with a poor grasp at history, so poor they can't even spell Pogrom correctly.

Islamic Turks, and Islamic Arabs killed a bunch of Europeans including Poles, as did Jewish Communists.

But, but, but, I guess they don't have to have Muslim guilt, or Jewish guilt, no, no just Whitey Christian must fess up to his crime of being White.
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The Western Bloc during the Cold War refers to capitalist countries under the hegemony of the United States and NATO against the Soviet Union and the Warsaw Pact. The latter were referred to as the Eastern Bloc. The governments and press of the Western Bloc were more inclined to refer to themselves as the "Free World" or the "Western world", whereas the Eastern Bloc was often called the "Communist world or Second world".
Western Bloc - Wikipedia
That may be, but at least I'm not Polish.

I disagree with the idiot you are quoting on almost every topic....but way to make an ass out of yourself with this one.

Europe owes the Poles a grand debt for serving as the Bulwark against Islamic imperialism.
You may wish to be Polish, or envy them. That is up to you.
You have a crazed view point that is being fed by extremists. You post dishonest shit in order to stir up trouble in a place that you know nothing about.

Doctored photographs, videos of events that never took place and so on. You people do not care what shit you spread.

You highlight crimes by Muslims but never comment on crimes by non Muslims. You quote distorted passages from the Koran as if it is the whole story while ignoring similar crap in the bible.

You see all of Europe as one entity and think it can be summed up with a few handed down soundbites.

We have a few like yourself over here. They are generally part of an under educated minority of losers who need somebody to blame for their own shortcomings. It has always been the Jews but now its the Muslims.

You are the mirror opposite of those you despise.

Some of the time I can laugh at your idiocy but mostly you just sicken me.

Sometimes I can laugh at your cowardice and your hate for freedom and equality, but most of the time it disgusts me.

I'm still waiting for you to tell Lucy Hamilton when you were in Europe. 2/3 of Americans have never left the United States and yet you think you know all about the rest of the world.

I spend today entire morning in Bratislava and I observe ZERO Muslims there, of course the Slovakians COULD be hiding 50 MILLIONS Muslims below their beds who know's, you know because according to Weatherman and Lastamender this 90% Continent is being RULED by Muslims. Tomorrow morning into early post-lunch I will be in Corfu doing buisness or whatever it is it is being termed so I am now on my OWN Muslim Watch and I will Report back tomorrow night on IF I see ANY Muslims in Corfu and IF I do NOT then I WANT to KNOW WHY considering Europa Conquered and we ALL are living under Islamic Rule and Sharia Law.

For the low IQ uneducated Ugly American Bigots on THIS thread who know EVERYTHING about EVERYTHING but from comments illustrate they know ZERO about ZERO Corfu is Greece, it is one of the Greek Islands and is VERY beautiful and I add Bratislava is VERY beautiful it is one of our GREAT capitals on this Continent with 1000 x SUPERIOR Architecture than ANY in America, the Land Of To Many Ugly Americans and their GREAT CULTURE of Ronald McDonald AND HIP HOP.


^^^^ Okay so yesterday Friday I spend all morning and into mid-afternoon in Corfu, Greece and as I promise on Thursday night I am Officially Reporting at 00.26AM Saturday May 4 2019 on the situation of Corfu, Greece and is it RUN by Muslims and is it under Sharia Law.

Number of Muslims in Corfu, Greece I observe = ZERO.

Number of Greek women I observe in Corfu, Greece wearing BLACK TENTS aka Burkha's = ZERO.

This concludes at 00.28AM Saturday May 4 2019 my Official Report on the Corfu, Greece situation.
You have a crazed view point that is being fed by extremists. You post dishonest shit in order to stir up trouble in a place that you know nothing about.

Doctored photographs, videos of events that never took place and so on. You people do not care what shit you spread.

You highlight crimes by Muslims but never comment on crimes by non Muslims. You quote distorted passages from the Koran as if it is the whole story while ignoring similar crap in the bible.

You see all of Europe as one entity and think it can be summed up with a few handed down soundbites.

We have a few like yourself over here. They are generally part of an under educated minority of losers who need somebody to blame for their own shortcomings. It has always been the Jews but now its the Muslims.

You are the mirror opposite of those you despise.

Some of the time I can laugh at your idiocy but mostly you just sicken me.

Sometimes I can laugh at your cowardice and your hate for freedom and equality, but most of the time it disgusts me.

I'm still waiting for you to tell Lucy Hamilton when you were in Europe. 2/3 of Americans have never left the United States and yet you think you know all about the rest of the world.

I spend today entire morning in Bratislava and I observe ZERO Muslims there, of course the Slovakians COULD be hiding 50 MILLIONS Muslims below their beds who know's, you know because according to Weatherman and Lastamender this 90% Continent is being RULED by Muslims. Tomorrow morning into early post-lunch I will be in Corfu doing buisness or whatever it is it is being termed so I am now on my OWN Muslim Watch and I will Report back tomorrow night on IF I see ANY Muslims in Corfu and IF I do NOT then I WANT to KNOW WHY considering Europa Conquered and we ALL are living under Islamic Rule and Sharia Law.

For the low IQ uneducated Ugly American Bigots on THIS thread who know EVERYTHING about EVERYTHING but from comments illustrate they know ZERO about ZERO Corfu is Greece, it is one of the Greek Islands and is VERY beautiful and I add Bratislava is VERY beautiful it is one of our GREAT capitals on this Continent with 1000 x SUPERIOR Architecture than ANY in America, the Land Of To Many Ugly Americans and their GREAT CULTURE of Ronald McDonald AND HIP HOP.

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^^^^ Okay so yesterday Friday I spend all morning and into mid-afternoon in Corfu, Greece and as I promise on Thursday night I am Officially Reporting at 00.26AM Saturday May 4 2019 on the situation of Corfu, Greece and is it RUN by Muslims and is it under Sharia Law.

Number of Muslims in Corfu, Greece I observe = ZERO.

Number of Greek women I observe in Corfu, Greece wearing BLACK TENTS aka Burkha's = ZERO.

This concludes at 00.28AM Saturday May 4 2019 my Official Report on the Corfu, Greece situation.
Didn't Greece File Bankruptcy a couple of years ago?

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