Europe Conquered

This site does not support freedom of Expression for those who oppose Islamism -- only those who support it.

Haha, I've be banned numerous times for being critical of Jews, even on the Israel / Palestine forum.

The fact of the matter is why do you care so much about Capitalists imposing Islamism in their product, but then turn a blind eye about Capitalists imposing Judaism in their product?

There's a striking hypocrisy, one where Islamists, and for the most part ONLY Islamists are the Boogie-man.

You don't "criticise" Jews.

You demonise them.

Many members do the same with Muslims here.

This thread is such an example, so is criticism valid, or not?

I guess criticism is right, against Muslims, but not against others, huh?

Worse, I've seen a ton of members here promoting genocide, war, and nuking Muslims, or Muslim nations.

That never seems to get anybody banned, however.

Jews actually get away with the most on this forum.'
Irosie, and Independent can go off topic, flaming off topic insults, and going off topic blasting Poles, on topics where Poland, and Polish people aren't the topic, and never seemed to get banned for it.

IF openly advocate the EXTERMINATION of ALL Muslims, IF openly advocate Nuking Mecca is NOT Demonise ALL Muslims then WHAT IS?

We have a MINORITY at this forum who WANT to GENOCIDE 200 MILLIONS and that is consider okay, that is NOT Demonise. They are not educated as IF they were educated they WOULD be able to seperate Muslims in GENERAL from Radical Islamist Muslims, there is Islam in GENERAL and there is a PERVERTED version which is Radical Islam and they are NOT the SAME thing.

They cry "Muh Holocaust is wrong"
but then cry "Muslim Holocaust is needed"

How about "NO" for an answer?

Yes it is bizarro and Alien on ALL levels, I already post in this thread many pages ago that EVERY TIME they mention Muslim replace Muslim with Jew it is they who are the Nazi-esque now.
Trump’s DHS Releases More than 17K Illegal Aliens into U.S. in 12 Days

President Trump’s Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is continuing its mass release of border crossers and illegal aliens into the interior of the United States, most recently releasing more than 17,000 migrants in less than two weeks
You understand we HAVE to dont you? We need to change these laws, but for now we have no choice. Still, I agree. We have nothing to brag about or look down on Europe over.

Yes those laws need to change but you have Leftist Activist Judges who will NOT allow ANY change and also you have Cuckservatives who side with the Democrats who also will NOT allow ANY change, it is NOT a good situation for you.

Thanks also for your comment you have nothing to brag or look down on this Continent over, your comment is appreciated in the MIDDLE of this Anti-European HATEFEST by low IQ uneducated Muppet Boi's.
This is one of MANY reasons we need the wall. All of them we keep out in the first place are that many less to TRY to remove later.

Build the damn wall!

Yes I 100% agree.
"Jews on the other hand are an integral part of Leftism, rather than just practicing Leftism, they tend to have founded, and funded a huge chunk of Leftist values in the West."

Oh yeah? Bring in Jeremy Corbyn.
"Jews on the other hand are an integral part of Leftism, rather than just practicing Leftism, they tend to have founded, and funded a huge chunk of Leftist values in the West."

Oh yeah? Bring in Jeremy Corbyn.

Thread NOT about Jews, thread about ME a European Patriot DEFENDING MY ENTIRE CONTINENT from Anti-European Hatefest Viscious Propaganda that MY Continent is 90% under Islamic Rule and MY Continent is 90% under Sharia Law.
What sport occur at that stadium Baseball?
The stadium in your post is for an American football team.

The one we rent is a college stadium where all kinds of sports are played.

Every stadium rents out to promoters of large rock&roll music concerts, political rallies, and other venues.

But when peaceful muslim rent the stadium 1 day per year for a prayer event. The haters go off the charts screaming that muslims and sharia are taking over America. .... :cuckoo: .. :lol:
This site does not support freedom of Expression for those who oppose Islamism -- only those who support it.

Of course not. That's why there's like a thousand threads discussing how awful Muslims are.

Need a pacifier?
Trump’s DHS Releases More than 17K Illegal Aliens into U.S. in 12 Days

President Trump’s Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is continuing its mass release of border crossers and illegal aliens into the interior of the United States, most recently releasing more than 17,000 migrants in less than two weeks
You understand we HAVE to dont you? We need to change these laws, but for now we have no choice. Still, I agree. We have nothing to brag about or look down on Europe over.

Yes those laws need to change but you have Leftist Activist Judges who will NOT allow ANY change and also you have Cuckservatives who side with the Democrats who also will NOT allow ANY change, it is NOT a good situation for you.

Thanks also for your comment you have nothing to brag or look down on this Continent over, your comment is appreciated in the MIDDLE of this Anti-European HATEFEST by low IQ uneducated Muppet Boi's.
This is one of MANY reasons we need the wall. All of them we keep out in the first place are that many less to TRY to remove later.

Build the damn wall!
China has a wall and they aint got no meskins or towel heads tearing up stuff.
"Jews on the other hand are an integral part of Leftism, rather than just practicing Leftism, they tend to have founded, and funded a huge chunk of Leftist values in the West."

Oh yeah? Bring in Jeremy Corbyn.

Off Topic if you have to have a new General Election Jeremy Corbyn going to be Prime Minister, Labour very near to Conservatives in polls now Margin of Error minor in it. Rule 101: IF party that is in is not 5 or 6 points AHEAD going into General Election ie. OUTSIDE Margin of Error then the Opposition party 9 out of 10 they win that thing.
"Jews on the other hand are an integral part of Leftism, rather than just practicing Leftism, they tend to have founded, and funded a huge chunk of Leftist values in the West."

Oh yeah? Bring in Jeremy Corbyn.

Muslims are uber-Right wing, typically.

They are very anti-Gay, anti-Porn, anti-Abortion, anti-Immigrant, anti-Foreign control.

Muslims are just a different type of ultra-Nationalism.

As for your group & statement.
When group invented Marxism, invented Social Democracy, contribute 1/2 of Democrat funding, contributed more than 1/2 of Bolshevik funding, as well as own, or are head chairman of Hollywood, CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, the ADL, the ACLU.

They must be an integral part of the Right-wing, huh?
As of 2016 (they intend to breed you out of existence) :

Trump’s DHS Releases More than 17K Illegal Aliens into U.S. in 12 Days

President Trump’s Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is continuing its mass release of border crossers and illegal aliens into the interior of the United States, most recently releasing more than 17,000 migrants in less than two weeks
You understand we HAVE to dont you? We need to change these laws, but for now we have no choice. Still, I agree. We have nothing to brag about or look down on Europe over.

Yes those laws need to change but you have Leftist Activist Judges who will NOT allow ANY change and also you have Cuckservatives who side with the Democrats who also will NOT allow ANY change, it is NOT a good situation for you.

Thanks also for your comment you have nothing to brag or look down on this Continent over, your comment is appreciated in the MIDDLE of this Anti-European HATEFEST by low IQ uneducated Muppet Boi's.
This is one of MANY reasons we need the wall. All of them we keep out in the first place are that many less to TRY to remove later.

Build the damn wall!
China has a wall and they aint got no meskins or towel heads tearing up stuff.

Eh, why is that?
Because Chinese are ultra-Collectivists, who value culture to a huge extent, as a result.

Muslims are being imported, by ideals of Individualism, the Capitalist freedom of the individual, in hiring cheap labor, and selling Islamic ideals for profit.
As well as Individualism of the masses, of judge the individual instead of collectives.

They the Kosher people played upon Russian heavy Collectivism to collapse Russia with Marxism, now they are playing upon Western extreme Individualism to collapse the Western Europeans / USA.

But, but, but Muslims escaping war torn environments, as refugees are the ONLY problem.

Beyond short sighted, who caused these Kosher wars, in the first place?
Trump’s DHS Releases More than 17K Illegal Aliens into U.S. in 12 Days

President Trump’s Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is continuing its mass release of border crossers and illegal aliens into the interior of the United States, most recently releasing more than 17,000 migrants in less than two weeks
You understand we HAVE to dont you? We need to change these laws, but for now we have no choice. Still, I agree. We have nothing to brag about or look down on Europe over.

Yes those laws need to change but you have Leftist Activist Judges who will NOT allow ANY change and also you have Cuckservatives who side with the Democrats who also will NOT allow ANY change, it is NOT a good situation for you.

Thanks also for your comment you have nothing to brag or look down on this Continent over, your comment is appreciated in the MIDDLE of this Anti-European HATEFEST by low IQ uneducated Muppet Boi's.
This is one of MANY reasons we need the wall. All of them we keep out in the first place are that many less to TRY to remove later.

Build the damn wall!
China has a wall and they aint got no meskins or towel heads tearing up stuff.

Eh, why is that?
Because Chinese are ultra-Collectivists, who value culture to a huge extent, as a result.

Muslims are being imported, by ideals of Individualism, the Capitalist freedom of the individual, in hiring cheap labor, and selling Islamic ideals for profit.
As well as Individualism of the masses, of judge the individual instead of collectives.

They the Kosher people played upon Russian heavy Collectivism to collapse Russia with Marxism, now they are playing upon Western extreme Individualism to collapse the Western Europeans / USA.

But, but, but Muslims escaping war torn environments, as refugees are the ONLY problem.

Beyond short sighted, who caused these Kosher wars, in the first place?
The wall.
You understand we HAVE to dont you? We need to change these laws, but for now we have no choice. Still, I agree. We have nothing to brag about or look down on Europe over.

Yes those laws need to change but you have Leftist Activist Judges who will NOT allow ANY change and also you have Cuckservatives who side with the Democrats who also will NOT allow ANY change, it is NOT a good situation for you.

Thanks also for your comment you have nothing to brag or look down on this Continent over, your comment is appreciated in the MIDDLE of this Anti-European HATEFEST by low IQ uneducated Muppet Boi's.
This is one of MANY reasons we need the wall. All of them we keep out in the first place are that many less to TRY to remove later.

Build the damn wall!
China has a wall and they aint got no meskins or towel heads tearing up stuff.

Eh, why is that?
Because Chinese are ultra-Collectivists, who value culture to a huge extent, as a result.

Muslims are being imported, by ideals of Individualism, the Capitalist freedom of the individual, in hiring cheap labor, and selling Islamic ideals for profit.
As well as Individualism of the masses, of judge the individual instead of collectives.

They the Kosher people played upon Russian heavy Collectivism to collapse Russia with Marxism, now they are playing upon Western extreme Individualism to collapse the Western Europeans / USA.

But, but, but Muslims escaping war torn environments, as refugees are the ONLY problem.

Beyond short sighted, who caused these Kosher wars, in the first place?
The wall.

Even so, why do some people value cultural aspirations, and some don't?

Collectivism vs Individualism.

Muslims are a problem for us in our countries, sure.
But, I don't care so much about what they do in their own countries, so long as they leave us alone.
This site does not support freedom of Expression for those who oppose Islamism -- only those who support it.

Of course not. That's why there's like a thousand threads discussing how awful Muslims are.

Need a pacifier?
As of 2016 (they intend to breed you out of existence) :


And America is 16.9% Hispanic and you have UNLIMITED more crossing your border 24/7 and ADD to that 4.6 millions Muslims and you have that crowd also on your border with the Central Americans so MORE Muslims then and add to that the EXISTING 11 MILLIONS of Illegal Immigrants in America who are near ALL Mexican and what YOU get is THEY are going to breed YOU out of existence.

I tell you America will be gone BEFORE the European Continent is, we CAN and DO in now RECORD numbers DEPORT, you DO NOT because Leftist Activist Judges BLOCK ANY ATTEMPT to mass deport in ANY significant number and EVEN WORST is that IF they have a BABY on American SOIL they AUTOMATIC American citizen and the parents GET TO STAY because of THAT, this is SOMETHING NO European nation has IF you have a baby in a European nation it is automatic citizen and they the family get to STAY FOREVER.
This site does not support freedom of Expression for those who oppose Islamism -- only those who support it.

Of course not. That's why there's like a thousand threads discussing how awful Muslims are.
Need a pacifier?
I tell you America will be gone BEFORE the European Continent is, we CAN and DO in now RECORD numbers DEPORT, you DO NOT because Leftist Activist Judges BLOCK ANY ATTEMPT to mass deport in ANY significant number

Democracy in action.
Stalin was a huge fan of deportations, or as Trump would say yuge fan.

The Globullsh(ts have targeted Poland for trying to balance out their courts, even threatening sanctions upon Poland.

How does the West like their Democracy now?

Looks like Democracy is importing despair of Islamic refugees, Hispanics, and other third-World riff-raffs
1/2 of Democrat funding comes from Jews.

Blame the Islamists, and only Islamists anyways.​
I put the blame where it belongs. Islam is to blame for Islamic terror and non-assimilation. And Islam is responsible for filling young minds full of hate.

Sure, Islamists haven't assimilated, neither have Jews.

As for filling minds with hate, I suppose it's good to fill hate against Muslims.
All others are off limits.
Jews are not the subject of this thread.

You are just lucky that this site supports your point of view, as you are allowed to indulge in your Jew hatred to your heart's content and no matter whether they are germane to the thread or not.

Why should not this site support Freedom of Expression? We have on a day basis members who TRASH Christians and TRASH Christianity, who TRASH Muslims and TRASH Islam and this is respected as part OF the RIGHT of Freedom of Expression. Are you suggesting that EVERYONE Christian, Muslim, Mormon, Athiest, White, Black, Brown etc can be CRITICISED but the ONLY group who SHOULD NOT EVER be CRITICISED about ANYTHING are Jews and Judaism? I'm sorry but Jews should EXPECT to be treated like EVERYONE else and with that they should EXPECT to be CRITICISED like EVERYONE else. I do NOT support Censorship, that's a Leftist thing wanting to Censor views they disagree with.

The situation is that the ONLY line to the Freedom of Expression thing that should NEVER be allowed is IF someone at this forum EVER openly PROMOTED Paedophilia eg. posting threads about how it SHOULD be LEGAL to fuck children because they LIKE to fuck children. That type of thing.

I'm Christian, I'm Roman Catholic, I have had MY RELIGION TRASHED many times at this forum and I ACCEPT that those who do that do have a RIGHT to TRASH Roman Catholicism and I AM mature enough both emotionally and psychologically to ACCEPT CRITICISM and NOT go SCREAMING to mods to throw whoever OFF the forum this site does not support freedom of expression by a long shot.
I put the blame where it belongs. Islam is to blame for Islamic terror and non-assimilation. And Islam is responsible for filling young minds full of hate.

Sure, Islamists haven't assimilated, neither have Jews.

As for filling minds with hate, I suppose it's good to fill hate against Muslims.
All others are off limits.
Jews are not the subject of this thread.

You are just lucky that this site supports your point of view, as you are allowed to indulge in your Jew hatred to your heart's content and no matter whether they are germane to the thread or not.

Why should not this site support Freedom of Expression? We have on a day basis members who TRASH Christians and TRASH Christianity, who TRASH Muslims and TRASH Islam and this is respected as part OF the RIGHT of Freedom of Expression. Are you suggesting that EVERYONE Christian, Muslim, Mormon, Athiest, White, Black, Brown etc can be CRITICISED but the ONLY group who SHOULD NOT EVER be CRITICISED about ANYTHING are Jews and Judaism? I'm sorry but Jews should EXPECT to be treated like EVERYONE else and with that they should EXPECT to be CRITICISED like EVERYONE else. I do NOT support Censorship, that's a Leftist thing wanting to Censor views they disagree with.

The situation is that the ONLY line to the Freedom of Expression thing that should NEVER be allowed is IF someone at this forum EVER openly PROMOTED Paedophilia eg. posting threads about how it SHOULD be LEGAL to fuck children because they LIKE to fuck children. That type of thing.

I'm Christian, I'm Roman Catholic, I have had MY RELIGION TRASHED many times at this forum and I ACCEPT that those who do that do have a RIGHT to TRASH Roman Catholicism and I AM mature enough both emotionally and psychologically to ACCEPT CRITICISM and NOT go SCREAMING to mods to throw whoever OFF the forum because they are Anti-Roman Catholic.

because they are Anti-Roman Catholic.
Not leaving the US makes someone bad? I am still waiting for someone to tell me one positive for the non-Muslim in Islam. Can you? And I rely on the news even though it is censored in Europe the truth does manage to get out.

Multiculture is a failure due to the fact one of those cultures is Islam. It is plain to see and seems so easy to deny for many. Do not expect things to get better Islam does not work that way.

So it's evidently clear you have never been to Europe. That being the case, perhaps you should opine less and listen more to the people who are actually there or have spent time there.
Listen to who? This personage from Austria a couple of month ago was constantly claiming that Britain and other Western European countries are cucked and sucked (if I remember correctly this term).
He wants people to listen to her antisemitism here in a thread about Islam.

In recent threads about the Notre Dame fire, he was censoring the living daylights out of people who suggested it might be Islamic terrorism.

"He wants people to listen to her antisemitism here in a thread about Islam."

ZERO I have commented can be considered Anti-Semitic ONLY to those who have Muh Extreme Jew Fetish ie. XXXXXXXXXXXXX Vulgarity deleted.

To your crowd ANY minor criticism of Jews or Judaism = Anti-Semitism. You are TOTAL FANATICS and NOT NORMAL.

I will CRITICISE ANY ONE I want to and WHEN I WANT to and low IQ Muppet Trolls like you can call me a Nazi, an Anti-Semite, a Fascist or The Purple Peoples Eater and I do NOT care, I am IMMUNE to ALL of your childish name calling. So IF I think Leftist Moonbat Jews are in the WRONG for pushing an Agenda designed to DESTROY Western Civilisation and OUR CHRISTIAN HERITAGE AND VALUES ie. Anti-Nuclear Family, Pro-Transgender, Pro-LGBTQ, Pro-Abortion On Demand, Pro-Open Borders, Pro-Muh Muslims, Anti-Jesus Christ, Pro-Athiesm, Pro-Humanism, HATE Whitey, Blame Whitey etc THEN I will criticise them and your TINY crowd of low IQ FANATICS will NOT SHUT ME OR ANYONE ELSE UP FROM MAKING THESE CRITICISMS.

We are NOT violating ANY forum rules, UNLIKE YOUR CROWD WE are NOT advocating NUKING MECCA and MURDERING 200 MILLIONS which IS Incitement To Violence.

BUT we HAVE NOTED that YOU SIDE WITH LEFTIST JEWS pushing The Leftist Agenda because of your Muh Jew Fetish. It is about TIME that POLITICALLY Conservative Jews policed the Leftist Moonbat Jews INSTEAD of sitting there SILENT and allowing them to be OUT of CONTROL.
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This site does not support freedom of Expression for those who oppose Islamism -- only those who support it.

Of course not. That's why there's like a thousand threads discussing how awful Muslims are.

Need a pacifier?
Yet, here you are in a thread about Islam allowing and encouraging it to turn into an off topic antisemitic hate fest, instead, when you recently censored the living shit out of people who quite naturally suspected Islamic terrorism in the Notre Dame fire.

Double standard much, there, dude?
This site does not support freedom of Expression for those who oppose Islamism -- only those who support it.

Of course not. That's why there's like a thousand threads discussing how awful Muslims are.

Need a pacifier?
Yet, here you are in a thread about Islam allowing and encouraging it to turn into an off topic antisemitic hate fest, instead, when you recently censored the living shit out of people who quite naturally suspected Islamic terrorism in the Notre Dame fire.

Double standard much, there, dude?

No Anti-Semitic Hatefest from my comments, I am giving legitimate criticism about what I and MANY others think is wrong, it's okay we already know it's the thinest of thin skins we are dealing with and you know WHAT we do NOT care. Learn to deal with it instead of randomly attacking mods.

You Dogmaphobe are guilty at this forum for many years of posting some of the most HATE comments I have EVER read and YOU are STILL here free to post, so that itself illustrates that the mods at this forum have an even balance to Freedom of Expression and IF they did NOT then this forum would only still have about 20 members because EVERY ONE else would have been removed, you seem to want some type of Fascist Shut It Down.
This site does not support freedom of Expression for those who oppose Islamism -- only those who support it.

Of course not. That's why there's like a thousand threads discussing how awful Muslims are.
Need a pacifier?
I tell you America will be gone BEFORE the European Continent is, we CAN and DO in now RECORD numbers DEPORT, you DO NOT because Leftist Activist Judges BLOCK ANY ATTEMPT to mass deport in ANY significant number

Democracy in action.
Stalin was a huge fan of deportations, or as Trump would say yuge fan.

The Globullsh(ts have targeted Poland for trying to balance out their courts, even threatening sanctions upon Poland.

How does the West like their Democracy now?

Looks like Democracy is importing despair of Islamic refugees, Hispanics, and other third-World riff-raffs
Has nothing to do with "democracy." In fact, what is going on is the very opposite. We have leaders who do NOT reflect the will of the people. They impose this invasion on us despite the vast majority demanding our leaders enforce immigration law.
This site does not support freedom of Expression for those who oppose Islamism -- only those who support it.

Of course not. That's why there's like a thousand threads discussing how awful Muslims are.
Need a pacifier?
I tell you America will be gone BEFORE the European Continent is, we CAN and DO in now RECORD numbers DEPORT, you DO NOT because Leftist Activist Judges BLOCK ANY ATTEMPT to mass deport in ANY significant number

Democracy in action.
Stalin was a huge fan of deportations, or as Trump would say yuge fan.

The Globullsh(ts have targeted Poland for trying to balance out their courts, even threatening sanctions upon Poland.

How does the West like their Democracy now?

Looks like Democracy is importing despair of Islamic refugees, Hispanics, and other third-World riff-raffs
Has nothing to do with "democracy." In fact, what is going on is the very opposite. We have leaders who do NOT reflect the will of the people. They impose this invasion on us despite the vast majority demanding our leaders enforce immigration law.

I think Sobi means to The Globalists Democracy is Anti-What The Population Want.

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