Europe Conquered

Not leaving the US makes someone bad? I am still waiting for someone to tell me one positive for the non-Muslim in Islam. Can you? And I rely on the news even though it is censored in Europe the truth does manage to get out.

Multiculture is a failure due to the fact one of those cultures is Islam. It is plain to see and seems so easy to deny for many. Do not expect things to get better Islam does not work that way.

So it's evidently clear you have never been to Europe. That being the case, perhaps you should opine less and listen more to the people who are actually there or have spent time there.
So you want people to listen to those who say the evil Jews are running the world.

Color me unsurprised .

Islamic Right wingers & Nationalists run Islamic nations.

Jewish Left wingers & Zionist Neocons run America.

Stockholm syndrome?
Perhaps you should admit Islam has trashed the cities in the UK. Increased rapes ten fold. Islam has taken over whole school systems and hate is being taught daily to Muslim children.

How would you know? You haven't been to their cities.
And you have never been to the parts of the cities that are heavily Islamic.

Staying in a well appointed hotel well away from Muslim areas gives you no more authority than those who Have never visited at all.

You obviously want it to, but it is your lack of knowledge that is revealing, here, rather than your attempt to invest in yourselves a sense of authority.

"And you have never been to the parts of the cities that are heavily Islamic.

Staying in a well appointed hotel well away from Muslim areas gives you no more authority than those who Have never visited at all."

Yes but Dont Taz Me Bro very recent spend two weeks in London, England and that IS heavily Islamic and UNDER TOTAL SHARIA LAW apparently and we KNOW this because Weatherman said it was and Lastamender agree with him even THOUGH THEY have NEVER visited London, England for ANY extended period of time but The Gateway Pundit TOLD them so so you know that is HOW they are the Forums EXPERTS on The European Continent.
Geller has forgotten more about Islam than you will ever know. Now produce one bigoted quote from her, or one hateful one.
Geller constantly makes up lies about muslims and Islam. .. :cuckoo:

"I don't think that many westernized Muslims know when they pray five times a day that they're cursing Christians and Jews five times a day.
— Pam Geller, The New York Times, Oct. 8, 2010

"Hitler was inspired by Islam." - Interview on Russian Television's The Alyona Show, 8/03/2010
I will show you what is NOT a Conspiracy Theory:

Barbara Lerner Spectre this American Leftist Jew who then went to Israel who then decided to go to HELP DESTROY Sweden SOMEHOW CONVINCING the Government of Sweden to give her Shekels to assist in bringing in UNLIMITED amounts of MUSLIMS to make things Multicultural so that a MINORITY of JEWS could FEEL SAFE among ANOTHER MINORITY ie. MINORITY in this case meaning NOT WHITE AND CHRISTIAN.

The text of what she says in the below video, and she has that evil smirk on her fucking face THE ENTIRE TIME SHE IS SAYING the below, I add she is NOW having a PRIVATE 24/7 ARMED GUARD because this fucking bitch has a price on her ugly head because of THIS:

"I think there is a resurgence of anti-Semitism because at this point in time Europe has not yet learned how to be multicultural. And I think we are going to be part of the throes of that transformation, which must take place. Europe is not going to be the monolithic societies they once were in the last century. Jews are going to be at the centre of that. It’s a huge transformation for Europe to make. They are now going into a multicultural mode and Jews will be resented because of our leading role. But without that leading role and without that transformation, Europe will not survive."

^^^^ Read the above CAREFULLY, this EVIL BITCH is OPENLY stating that they WANT White European Christians REPLACED by MUSLIMS so that the MINORITY JEWS can FEEL SAFE on a Continent that HISTORICALLY has ALWAYS been WHITE AND CHRISTIAN and they want OUR Continent ALL FOR THEM but WITHOUT US. This is OUR Continent NOT THEIR Continent, they can GTFO.

Our response to this Child of Satan is, hey BITCH GTFO back to Israel or America, we DO NOT need your crowd, the way we SURVIVE is by FORCING you out AGAIN if it comes to that AGAIN.

Now you can WATCH and HEAR this fucking ugly bitch, this REPRESENTATIVE of it's Defective DNA say the ABOVE text I have BOLDED from it's own Satanic mouth, just to SHOW you this is NOT a Conspiracy Theory and it's THIS why we DO NOT want ANY American squatting on OUR Continent, you are fucking EVIL YOU support this EVIL FUCKING bitch because of WHAT she IS, go on I DARE you to WATCH it and HEAR her, it's ONLY 1 minute and 16 seconds in duration the video:

Here is the text AGAIN, so you can watch the above video and FOLLOW the EVIL fucking bitch WORD for WORD as she SAYS the below with a SMILE on her ugly fucking face, this DISGUSTING BITCH the product of CENTURIES of INBREEDING in some SELF IMPOSED Ghetto in Russia or whatever THINKS IT is BETTER than US. She and her crowd can GTFO, EVEN the LOWEST CLASS on the European Continent are higher up the food chain than THIS EVIL vermin in human form.

"I think there is a resurgence of anti-Semitism because at this point in time Europe has not yet learned how to be multicultural. And I think we are going to be part of the throes of that transformation, which must take place. Europe is not going to be the monolithic societies they once were in the last century. Jews are going to be at the centre of that. It’s a huge transformation for Europe to make. They are now going into a multicultural mode and Jews will be resented because of our leading role. But without that leading role and without that transformation, Europe will not survive."

Here are the first comments off the YouTube Comment Section:

Tanky Mctankinson7 months ago
Deus vult!!!! like the mad king in game of thrones burn them all

5 months ago (edited)
She has some nerve coming to a foreign continent, foreign country and tell what's best for them. Europe is already multicultural with English, Swedes, Finns, Norwegians, Russians, Estonians, Latvians, Lithuanians, Poles, Germans, Danes, Dutch, Flemish, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Swiss, Austrians, Italians, Croatians, Greeks and so on. What she wants is not multiculturalism - each people being strong and proud of their heritage - what she wants is a monolithic monoculture of a gooey brown mass without identity or heritage or pride. It's clear this bitch wants to erase European people by mixing them with non-European people.
Show less

Amy Cardill2 months ago
Who gave you the right to chose the future of Europe?

Mario Rossi
4 months ago
This lady is really sick.

KLASS podcast
4 months ago
how come Israel is not multicultural?, hypocrite! but thats how they roll

Alfred Braun
3 months ago
"There are people in Sweden who support Israel and have a deep sense of the injustice of the present situation"." What Injustice would that be?

4 months ago
It will pass when we have cleaned them out, get to work lads.

Jaqen H'ghar
2 months ago (edited)
I'm not European (I'm Chilean) but in her smirking face I just see pure evil.

Islamists have been powerless in global powers since WW1, when the Ottoman Empire fell.

It's no conspiracy that many Jewish bankers toppeled Tsarist Russia.
By bankrolling Bolsheviks like Jacob Schiff, Otto Kahn, Warburg, Yakub Ganetsky & Israel Helphand.

They are more powerful than the Islamists.

Islamists have been powerless in global powers since WW1,
Really? Who comprises the largest voting bloc in the UN? That would be the OIC.

1/2 of Democrat funding comes from Jews.

Blame the Islamists, and only Islamists anyways.​

I put the blame where it belongs. Islam is to blame for Islamic terror and non-assimilation. And Islam is responsible for filling young minds full of hate.

Sure, Islamists haven't assimilated, neither have Jews.

As for filling minds with hate, I suppose it's good to fill hate against Muslims.
All others are off limits.

Jews are not the subject of this thread.

You are just lucky that this site supports your point of view, as you are allowed to indulge in your Jew hatred to your heart's content and no matter whether they are germane to the thread or not.
Not leaving the US makes someone bad? I am still waiting for someone to tell me one positive for the non-Muslim in Islam. Can you? And I rely on the news even though it is censored in Europe the truth does manage to get out.

Multiculture is a failure due to the fact one of those cultures is Islam. It is plain to see and seems so easy to deny for many. Do not expect things to get better Islam does not work that way.

So it's evidently clear you have never been to Europe. That being the case, perhaps you should opine less and listen more to the people who are actually there or have spent time there.
So you want people to listen to those who say the evil Jews are running the world.

Color me unsurprised .

Islamic Right wingers & Nationalists run Islamic nations.

Jewish Left wingers & Zionist Neocons run America.

Stockholm syndrome?
Seek help .
Geller has forgotten more about Islam than you will ever know. Now produce one bigoted quote from her, or one hateful one.
Geller constantly makes up lies about muslims and Islam. .. :cuckoo:

— Pam Geller, The New York Times, Oct. 8, 2010

"Hitler was inspired by Islam." - Interview on Russian Television's The Alyona Show, 8/03/2010
"I don't think that many westernized Muslims know when they pray five times a day that they're cursing Christians and Jews five times a day.
That is not a lie.
Friday prayers also include recitation of Koranic chapters 62 and 63 where Jews who reject Allah’s commandments in the Torah are loathed and compared to “the likeness of a donkey carrying books but understands them not.” Jews are told to “long for death” if they pretend to be Allah’s favorite. Nonbelievers are condemned to a state of error until Mohammed is sent by Allah to purify them “from the filth of disbelief and polytheism” with his verses or revelations from Allah. “Hypocrites” or apostates from Islam are considered enemies, “so beware of them, may Allah destroy them!". Is it any wonder why many Muslims are prohibited from being friends with Jews and Christians? The Koran condemns them to hell (which melts their skin and bellies) in nearly 500 verses for not believing in Mohammed and for not converting to Islam.

Read more:
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Geller has forgotten more about Islam than you will ever know. Now produce one bigoted quote from her, or one hateful one.
Geller constantly makes up lies about muslims and Islam. .. :cuckoo:

"I don't think that many westernized Muslims know when they pray five times a day that they're cursing Christians and Jews five times a day.
— Pam Geller, The New York Times, Oct. 8, 2010

"Hitler was inspired by Islam." - Interview on Russian Television's The Alyona Show, 8/03/2010

WTF is that MANIAC Pamela Geller vomiting about:

"I don't think that many westernized Muslims know when they pray five times a day that they're cursing Christians and Jews five times a day.
— Pam Geller, The New York Times, Oct. 8, 2010

So we will do The Elephant In The Room That Brainwashed American Evangelicals Refuse To See:

"I don't think that many American Evangelicals know that when they pray to JESUS CHRIST THE MESSIAH that the Jews who they WORSHIP with their bizarro Jew Fetish CURSE Jesus Christ as a Common Criminal who is boiling in his own shit in Hell"
Islamists have been powerless in global powers since WW1, when the Ottoman Empire fell.

It's no conspiracy that many Jewish bankers toppeled Tsarist Russia.
By bankrolling Bolsheviks like Jacob Schiff, Otto Kahn, Warburg, Yakub Ganetsky & Israel Helphand.

They are more powerful than the Islamists.
Islamists have been powerless in global powers since WW1,
Really? Who comprises the largest voting bloc in the UN? That would be the OIC.

1/2 of Democrat funding comes from Jews.

Blame the Islamists, and only Islamists anyways.​
I put the blame where it belongs. Islam is to blame for Islamic terror and non-assimilation. And Islam is responsible for filling young minds full of hate.

Sure, Islamists haven't assimilated, neither have Jews.

As for filling minds with hate, I suppose it's good to fill hate against Muslims.
All others are off limits.
Jews are not the subject of this thread.

You are just lucky that this site supports your point of view, as you are allowed to indulge in your Jew hatred to your heart's content and no matter whether they are germane to the thread or not.

Why should not this site support Freedom of Expression? We have on a day basis members who TRASH Christians and TRASH Christianity, who TRASH Muslims and TRASH Islam and this is respected as part OF the RIGHT of Freedom of Expression. Are you suggesting that EVERYONE Christian, Muslim, Mormon, Athiest, White, Black, Brown etc can be CRITICISED but the ONLY group who SHOULD NOT EVER be CRITICISED about ANYTHING are Jews and Judaism? I'm sorry but Jews should EXPECT to be treated like EVERYONE else and with that they should EXPECT to be CRITICISED like EVERYONE else. I do NOT support Censorship, that's a Leftist thing wanting to Censor views they disagree with.

The situation is that the ONLY line to the Freedom of Expression thing that should NEVER be allowed is IF someone at this forum EVER openly PROMOTED Paedophilia eg. posting threads about how it SHOULD be LEGAL to fuck children because they LIKE to fuck children. That type of thing.

I'm Christian, I'm Roman Catholic, I have had MY RELIGION TRASHED many times at this forum and I ACCEPT that those who do that do have a RIGHT to TRASH Roman Catholicism and I AM mature enough both emotionally and psychologically to ACCEPT CRITICISM and NOT go SCREAMING to mods to throw whoever OFF the forum because they are Anti-Roman Catholic.
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A Kafir is a non-Muslim

Here are a few of the Koran references: A Kafir can be mocked–

83:34 On that day the faithful will mock the Kafirs, while they sit on bridal couches and watch them. Should not the Kafirs be paid back for what they did?

A Kafir can be beheaded

47:4 When you encounter the Kafirs on the battlefield, cut off their heads until you have thoroughly defeated them and then take the prisoners and tie them up firmly.

A Kafir can be plotted against

86:15 They plot and scheme against you [Mohammed], and I plot and scheme against them. Therefore, deal calmly with the Kafirs and leave them alone for a while.

A Kafir can be terrorized

8:12 Then your Lord spoke to His angels and said, “I will be with you. Give strength to the believers. I will send terror into the Kafirs’ hearts, cut off their heads and even the tips of their fingers!”

A Muslim is not the friend of a Kafir

3:28 Believers should not take Kafirs as friends in preference to other believers. Those who do this will have none of Allah’s protection and will only have themselves as guards. Allah warns you to fear Him for all will return to Him.
Sharia Law for Non-Muslims Chapter 5-The Kafir - Political Islam
Islamists have been powerless in global powers since WW1, when the Ottoman Empire fell.

It's no conspiracy that many Jewish bankers toppeled Tsarist Russia.
By bankrolling Bolsheviks like Jacob Schiff, Otto Kahn, Warburg, Yakub Ganetsky & Israel Helphand.

They are more powerful than the Islamists.
Islamists have been powerless in global powers since WW1,
Really? Who comprises the largest voting bloc in the UN? That would be the OIC.

1/2 of Democrat funding comes from Jews.

Blame the Islamists, and only Islamists anyways.​
I put the blame where it belongs. Islam is to blame for Islamic terror and non-assimilation. And Islam is responsible for filling young minds full of hate.

Sure, Islamists haven't assimilated, neither have Jews.

As for filling minds with hate, I suppose it's good to fill hate against Muslims.
All others are off limits.
Jews are not the subject of this thread.

You are just lucky that this site supports your point of view, as you are allowed to indulge in your Jew hatred to your heart's content and no matter whether they are germane to the thread or not.

Halal = bad.
Kosher = good.

How about just no, assimilate.
Really? Who comprises the largest voting bloc in the UN? That would be the OIC.

1/2 of Democrat funding comes from Jews.

Blame the Islamists, and only Islamists anyways.​
I put the blame where it belongs. Islam is to blame for Islamic terror and non-assimilation. And Islam is responsible for filling young minds full of hate.

Sure, Islamists haven't assimilated, neither have Jews.

As for filling minds with hate, I suppose it's good to fill hate against Muslims.
All others are off limits.
Jews are not the subject of this thread.

You are just lucky that this site supports your point of view, as you are allowed to indulge in your Jew hatred to your heart's content and no matter whether they are germane to the thread or not.

Halal = bad.
Kosher = good.

How about just no, assimilate.

Who cares if meat is Halal or Kosher, NOBODY should care the important thing is it safe to eat and if yes then I do NOT see what the problem is. The thing is we have some FANATICS here who think Halal should be outlawed, well okay but if Halal should be outlawed then so should Kosher. The Jews are weirder than the Muslims on the animal thing though, WTF is that thing about swinging a live CHICKEN around their heads, WTF is this supposed to be? They are dressed in their NON-WESTERN Funeral type costume with the ringlets and the hat and the weird attempt at facial hair and THIS below is in Brooklyn, New York and they are on the street promoting CRUELTY TO ANIMALS and have this man doing the chicken swinging around the head thing, fucking weirdos, they ALSO are in Brooklyn, New York which is in AMERICA so WHY are they NOT TALKING AMERICAN, IF they have assimilated WHY not talking American why babbling in the Alien Talk not NATIVE to AMERICA?

Kaporos ("atonements") is a custom preceding Yom Kippur -- the Jewish Day of Atonement -- in which chickens are ritually sacrificed by many Orthodox Jews. The person "swings" the chicken, held by the legs or by pinning the bird's wings backward, around his or her head while chanting about transferring one's sins symbolically onto the bird. The chicken is then slaughtered and may or may not be given to the poor. Prior to the ceremony, the chickens are packed in crates, and birds not used have been found abandoned in their crates when the ceremony was over.

^^^^ This CROWD are TOTALLY INSANE, lock them up get them off the streets. ROFLAO transferring YOUR SIN'S SYMBOLICALLY ONTO THE CHICKEN :uhoh3: IF Muslims were on American streets doing this weird type thing then The Gateway Pundit would be having a Grand Mal Seizure and DEMANDING that Mecca was IMMEDIATELY Nuked and ALL Muslims in America were rounded up and machine gunned:

Last time I was in Germany was 1982, no Islamics then. But since then, recently, I've seen news reports of Muslims doing their prayers blocking streets in France, Germany, and other places. Riots are reported. Reports of people being rewarded with opening their homes to them being murdered and raped. Girls scared to go out for fear of being gang raped. My in box is flooded with these reports. So yes it sounds like the Muslims are taking control in Europe.

Islam in France: The French Way of Life Is in Danger
Muslim Migrants In Germany Stage Mob Riots Shouting 'Allahu Ackbar' • Now The End Begins

Islam, Immigration, and the Death of Sweden - CultureWatch
And it's not just Europe.
Somalia: Several dead in Islamist extremist attack | DW | 23.03.2019
Rape and Adultery in Islam

Where there is Islam there is a break down in civilization. Death to Islam or Death to civilization as we know it.
Not leaving the US makes someone bad? I am still waiting for someone to tell me one positive for the non-Muslim in Islam. Can you? And I rely on the news even though it is censored in Europe the truth does manage to get out.

Multiculture is a failure due to the fact one of those cultures is Islam. It is plain to see and seems so easy to deny for many. Do not expect things to get better Islam does not work that way.

So it's evidently clear you have never been to Europe. That being the case, perhaps you should opine less and listen more to the people who are actually there or have spent time there.
Listen to who? This personage from Austria a couple of month ago was constantly claiming that Britain and other Western European countries are cucked and sucked (if I remember correctly this term).
Trump’s DHS Releases More than 17K Illegal Aliens into U.S. in 12 Days

President Trump’s Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is continuing its mass release of border crossers and illegal aliens into the interior of the United States, most recently releasing more than 17,000 migrants in less than two weeks
You understand we HAVE to dont you? We need to change these laws, but for now we have no choice. Still, I agree. We have nothing to brag about or look down on Europe over.

Yes those laws need to change but you have Leftist Activist Judges who will NOT allow ANY change and also you have Cuckservatives who side with the Democrats who also will NOT allow ANY change, it is NOT a good situation for you.

Thanks also for your comment you have nothing to brag or look down on this Continent over, your comment is appreciated in the MIDDLE of this Anti-European HATEFEST by low IQ uneducated Muppet Boi's.
This is one of MANY reasons we need the wall. All of them we keep out in the first place are that many less to TRY to remove later.

Build the damn wall!
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