Europe Conquered

Perhaps you should admit Islam has trashed the cities in the UK. Increased rapes ten fold. Islam has taken over whole school systems and hate is being taught daily to Muslim children.

How would you know? You haven't been to their cities.
way back, he would get a New World Order by consent, or by force.

Soros also speaks of a New World Order.

Ultimately they have Nukes, Islamists, except Pakistan don't.

It's not Islamists who are capable of World domination, it's Jewish bankers like Soros / Rothschilds.
Rothschild said
Then it is a conspiracy theory, Islam is a reality.

I will show you what is NOT a Conspiracy Theory:

Barbara Lerner Spectre this American Leftist Jew who then went to Israel who then decided to go to HELP DESTROY Sweden SOMEHOW CONVINCING the Government of Sweden to give her Shekels to assist in bringing in UNLIMITED amounts of MUSLIMS to make things Multicultural so that a MINORITY of JEWS could FEEL SAFE among ANOTHER MINORITY ie. MINORITY in this case meaning NOT WHITE AND CHRISTIAN.

The text of what she says in the below video, and she has that evil smirk on her fucking face THE ENTIRE TIME SHE IS SAYING the below, I add she is NOW having a PRIVATE 24/7 ARMED GUARD because this fucking bitch has a price on her ugly head because of THIS:

"I think there is a resurgence of anti-Semitism because at this point in time Europe has not yet learned how to be multicultural. And I think we are going to be part of the throes of that transformation, which must take place. Europe is not going to be the monolithic societies they once were in the last century. Jews are going to be at the centre of that. It’s a huge transformation for Europe to make. They are now going into a multicultural mode and Jews will be resented because of our leading role. But without that leading role and without that transformation, Europe will not survive."

^^^^ Read the above CAREFULLY, this EVIL BITCH is OPENLY stating that they WANT White European Christians REPLACED by MUSLIMS so that the MINORITY JEWS can FEEL SAFE on a Continent that HISTORICALLY has ALWAYS been WHITE AND CHRISTIAN and they want OUR Continent ALL FOR THEM but WITHOUT US. This is OUR Continent NOT THEIR Continent, they can GTFO.

Our response to this Child of Satan is, hey BITCH GTFO back to Israel or America, we DO NOT need your crowd, the way we SURVIVE is by FORCING you out AGAIN if it comes to that AGAIN.

Now you can WATCH and HEAR this fucking ugly bitch, this REPRESENTATIVE of it's Defective DNA say the ABOVE text I have BOLDED from it's own Satanic mouth, just to SHOW you this is NOT a Conspiracy Theory and it's THIS why we DO NOT want ANY American squatting on OUR Continent, you are fucking EVIL YOU support this EVIL FUCKING bitch because of WHAT she IS, go on I DARE you to WATCH it and HEAR her, it's ONLY 1 minute and 16 seconds in duration the video:

Here is the text AGAIN, so you can watch the above video and FOLLOW the EVIL fucking bitch WORD for WORD as she SAYS the below with a SMILE on her ugly fucking face, this DISGUSTING BITCH the product of CENTURIES of INBREEDING in some SELF IMPOSED Ghetto in Russia or whatever THINKS IT is BETTER than US. She and her crowd can GTFO, EVEN the LOWEST CLASS on the European Continent are higher up the food chain than THIS EVIL vermin in human form.

"I think there is a resurgence of anti-Semitism because at this point in time Europe has not yet learned how to be multicultural. And I think we are going to be part of the throes of that transformation, which must take place. Europe is not going to be the monolithic societies they once were in the last century. Jews are going to be at the centre of that. It’s a huge transformation for Europe to make. They are now going into a multicultural mode and Jews will be resented because of our leading role. But without that leading role and without that transformation, Europe will not survive."

Here are the first comments off the YouTube Comment Section:

Tanky Mctankinson7 months ago
Deus vult!!!! like the mad king in game of thrones burn them all

5 months ago (edited)
She has some nerve coming to a foreign continent, foreign country and tell what's best for them. Europe is already multicultural with English, Swedes, Finns, Norwegians, Russians, Estonians, Latvians, Lithuanians, Poles, Germans, Danes, Dutch, Flemish, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Swiss, Austrians, Italians, Croatians, Greeks and so on. What she wants is not multiculturalism - each people being strong and proud of their heritage - what she wants is a monolithic monoculture of a gooey brown mass without identity or heritage or pride. It's clear this bitch wants to erase European people by mixing them with non-European people.
Show less

Amy Cardill2 months ago
Who gave you the right to chose the future of Europe?

Mario Rossi
4 months ago
This lady is really sick.

KLASS podcast
4 months ago
how come Israel is not multicultural?, hypocrite! but thats how they roll

Alfred Braun
3 months ago
"There are people in Sweden who support Israel and have a deep sense of the injustice of the present situation"." What Injustice would that be?

4 months ago
It will pass when we have cleaned them out, get to work lads.

Jaqen H'ghar
2 months ago (edited)
I'm not European (I'm Chilean) but in her smirking face I just see pure evil.

Islamists have been powerless in global powers since WW1, when the Ottoman Empire fell.

It's no conspiracy that many Jewish bankers toppeled Tsarist Russia.
By bankrolling Bolsheviks like Jacob Schiff, Otto Kahn, Warburg, Yakub Ganetsky & Israel Helphand.

They are more powerful than the Islamists.

Islamists have been powerless in global powers since WW1,
Really? Who comprises the largest voting bloc in the UN? That would be the OIC.

1/2 of Democrat funding comes from Jews.

Blame the Islamists, and only Islamists anyways.​

I put the blame where it belongs. Islam is to blame for Islamic terror and non-assimilation. And Islam is responsible for filling young minds full of hate.
You have a crazed view point that is being fed by extremists. You post dishonest shit in order to stir up trouble in a place that you know nothing about.

Doctored photographs, videos of events that never took place and so on. You people do not care what shit you spread.

You highlight crimes by Muslims but never comment on crimes by non Muslims. You quote distorted passages from the Koran as if it is the whole story while ignoring similar crap in the bible.

You see all of Europe as one entity and think it can be summed up with a few handed down soundbites.

We have a few like yourself over here. They are generally part of an under educated minority of losers who need somebody to blame for their own shortcomings. It has always been the Jews but now its the Muslims.

You are the mirror opposite of those you despise.

Some of the time I can laugh at your idiocy but mostly you just sicken me.

Sometimes I can laugh at your cowardice and your hate for freedom and equality, but most of the time it disgusts me.

I'm still waiting for you to tell Lucy Hamilton when you were in Europe. 2/3 of Americans have never left the United States and yet you think you know all about the rest of the world.

I spend today entire morning in Bratislava and I observe ZERO Muslims there, of course the Slovakians COULD be hiding 50 MILLIONS Muslims below their beds who know's, you know because according to Weatherman and Lastamender this 90% Continent is being RULED by Muslims. Tomorrow morning into early post-lunch I will be in Corfu doing buisness or whatever it is it is being termed so I am now on my OWN Muslim Watch and I will Report back tomorrow night on IF I see ANY Muslims in Corfu and IF I do NOT then I WANT to KNOW WHY considering Europa Conquered and we ALL are living under Islamic Rule and Sharia Law.

For the low IQ uneducated Ugly American Bigots on THIS thread who know EVERYTHING about EVERYTHING but from comments illustrate they know ZERO about ZERO Corfu is Greece, it is one of the Greek Islands and is VERY beautiful and I add Bratislava is VERY beautiful it is one of our GREAT capitals on this Continent with 1000 x SUPERIOR Architecture than ANY in America, the Land Of To Many Ugly Americans and their GREAT CULTURE of Ronald McDonald AND HIP HOP.
Weatherman and Lastamender this 90% Continent is being RULED by Muslims.
I never said that. I do not recall Weatherman saying that either. If you want to make up lies to win an un-winnable argument go right ahead.

Islam has 90% of your leaders intimidated. They do not need to rule when your leaders are scared of them.A group of people your leaders say are not violent are intimidated by the violence of those same people.It is as plain as the warts on Tommy's face.

IN this thread Weatherman TWO TIMES commented that my Continent the EXCEPTION of ONLY 3 nations on it was RULED BY MUSLIMS and is UNDER SHARIA LAW.

IF Islam has our leaders intimidated then WHY have we been SHUTTING DOWN MOSQUES ACROSS this Continent? MOSQUES that have been promoting Radical Islam, we have SHUT THEM DOWN in RECORD numbers and UNLIKE America we have ALL Radical Islam groups under 24/7 monitoring you DO NOT, you have that crowd in OPEN VIEW ACROSS AMERICA and FREE to PREACH HATE and ALL because of YOUR First Amendment they can PREACH HATE AGAINST America and The Infidel.

WTF is ALL the below crowd of Extreme Radical Islamic Groups DOING OPERATING in FREEDOM in America and you HYSTERICALLY are telling Europeans who LIVE on the European Continent that it is WE who have been CONQUERED, so WTF is the below then? Also WHEN did America LAST time SHUT DOWN ANY MOSQUES? Oh that's right YOU CAN NOT can you because of your Freedom Of Religion thing. ROFLAO.

Perhaps you should admit Islam has trashed the cities in the UK. Increased rapes ten fold. Islam has taken over whole school systems and hate is being taught daily to Muslim children.

How would you know? You haven't been to their cities.
Why apologize for Islam, nothing better to do?
From 2018.
A Month of Islam and Multiculturalism in Britain: May 2018
May 1. Rana Irfan Aslam, a 51-year-old shopkeeper from Dundee, was sentenced to one year in prison for grooming a 12-year-old girl for sex during an 18-month period 20 years ago. The judge said it was the maximum possible sentence for the crime as Aslam did not engage in sexual intercourse with the girl. The court heard that Aslam gave the girl gifts of money, perfume and alcohol before sexually abusing her at various locations in Dundee, Angus, Perth and Kinross and Fife between August 1998 and August 2000. In a blog post, Natasha Phillips, an expert on family law, explained that nuances in sentencing guidelines for non-recent abuse are resulting in unduly lenient sentences: “There are very real concerns about the way offenders of non-recent abuse continue to be sentenced and which bolster the view that unmerited leniency has managed to find its way into the system.”

May 1. Lewis Ludlow, a 26-year-old convert to Islam from Rochester, was chargedwith planning “a large scale multiple casualty vehicle-borne attack” on tourist hotspots in London. He was also charged with trying to join the Islamic State, in the Philippines.
Soeren Kern at Gatestone: A Month of Islam and Multiculturalism in Britain: May 2018…….
Then it is a conspiracy theory, Islam is a reality.

I will show you what is NOT a Conspiracy Theory:

Barbara Lerner Spectre this American Leftist Jew who then went to Israel who then decided to go to HELP DESTROY Sweden SOMEHOW CONVINCING the Government of Sweden to give her Shekels to assist in bringing in UNLIMITED amounts of MUSLIMS to make things Multicultural so that a MINORITY of JEWS could FEEL SAFE among ANOTHER MINORITY ie. MINORITY in this case meaning NOT WHITE AND CHRISTIAN.

The text of what she says in the below video, and she has that evil smirk on her fucking face THE ENTIRE TIME SHE IS SAYING the below, I add she is NOW having a PRIVATE 24/7 ARMED GUARD because this fucking bitch has a price on her ugly head because of THIS:

"I think there is a resurgence of anti-Semitism because at this point in time Europe has not yet learned how to be multicultural. And I think we are going to be part of the throes of that transformation, which must take place. Europe is not going to be the monolithic societies they once were in the last century. Jews are going to be at the centre of that. It’s a huge transformation for Europe to make. They are now going into a multicultural mode and Jews will be resented because of our leading role. But without that leading role and without that transformation, Europe will not survive."

^^^^ Read the above CAREFULLY, this EVIL BITCH is OPENLY stating that they WANT White European Christians REPLACED by MUSLIMS so that the MINORITY JEWS can FEEL SAFE on a Continent that HISTORICALLY has ALWAYS been WHITE AND CHRISTIAN and they want OUR Continent ALL FOR THEM but WITHOUT US. This is OUR Continent NOT THEIR Continent, they can GTFO.

Our response to this Child of Satan is, hey BITCH GTFO back to Israel or America, we DO NOT need your crowd, the way we SURVIVE is by FORCING you out AGAIN if it comes to that AGAIN.

Now you can WATCH and HEAR this fucking ugly bitch, this REPRESENTATIVE of it's Defective DNA say the ABOVE text I have BOLDED from it's own Satanic mouth, just to SHOW you this is NOT a Conspiracy Theory and it's THIS why we DO NOT want ANY American squatting on OUR Continent, you are fucking EVIL YOU support this EVIL FUCKING bitch because of WHAT she IS, go on I DARE you to WATCH it and HEAR her, it's ONLY 1 minute and 16 seconds in duration the video:

Here is the text AGAIN, so you can watch the above video and FOLLOW the EVIL fucking bitch WORD for WORD as she SAYS the below with a SMILE on her ugly fucking face, this DISGUSTING BITCH the product of CENTURIES of INBREEDING in some SELF IMPOSED Ghetto in Russia or whatever THINKS IT is BETTER than US. She and her crowd can GTFO, EVEN the LOWEST CLASS on the European Continent are higher up the food chain than THIS EVIL vermin in human form.

"I think there is a resurgence of anti-Semitism because at this point in time Europe has not yet learned how to be multicultural. And I think we are going to be part of the throes of that transformation, which must take place. Europe is not going to be the monolithic societies they once were in the last century. Jews are going to be at the centre of that. It’s a huge transformation for Europe to make. They are now going into a multicultural mode and Jews will be resented because of our leading role. But without that leading role and without that transformation, Europe will not survive."

Here are the first comments off the YouTube Comment Section:

Tanky Mctankinson7 months ago
Deus vult!!!! like the mad king in game of thrones burn them all

5 months ago (edited)
She has some nerve coming to a foreign continent, foreign country and tell what's best for them. Europe is already multicultural with English, Swedes, Finns, Norwegians, Russians, Estonians, Latvians, Lithuanians, Poles, Germans, Danes, Dutch, Flemish, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Swiss, Austrians, Italians, Croatians, Greeks and so on. What she wants is not multiculturalism - each people being strong and proud of their heritage - what she wants is a monolithic monoculture of a gooey brown mass without identity or heritage or pride. It's clear this bitch wants to erase European people by mixing them with non-European people.
Show less

Amy Cardill2 months ago
Who gave you the right to chose the future of Europe?

Mario Rossi
4 months ago
This lady is really sick.

KLASS podcast
4 months ago
how come Israel is not multicultural?, hypocrite! but thats how they roll

Alfred Braun
3 months ago
"There are people in Sweden who support Israel and have a deep sense of the injustice of the present situation"." What Injustice would that be?

4 months ago
It will pass when we have cleaned them out, get to work lads.

Jaqen H'ghar
2 months ago (edited)
I'm not European (I'm Chilean) but in her smirking face I just see pure evil.

Islamists have been powerless in global powers since WW1, when the Ottoman Empire fell.

It's no conspiracy that many Jewish bankers toppeled Tsarist Russia.
By bankrolling Bolsheviks like Jacob Schiff, Otto Kahn, Warburg, Yakub Ganetsky & Israel Helphand.

They are more powerful than the Islamists.

Islamists have been powerless in global powers since WW1,
Really? Who comprises the largest voting bloc in the UN? That would be the OIC.

1/2 of Democrat funding comes from Jews.

Blame the Islamists, and only Islamists anyways.​

I put the blame where it belongs. Islam is to blame for Islamic terror and non-assimilation. And Islam is responsible for filling young minds full of hate.

Yes but a SPECIFIC TYPE of Islam is responsible NOT Islam in GENERAL, NOT ALL Muslims are following Radical Islam, NOT ALL Muslims HATE Non-Muslims and at the FIRST opportunity WANT to blow us up. The situation is that the NORMAL Muslims should begin to police the Radicals in their OWN environment and pull them AWAY from Radicalism before it take root and gets out of control this in the SAME way that NORMAL Jews who are NOT Moonbats should begin to police the Leftist Moonbat Jews who promote Hate Whitey, Blame Whitey, Multiculturalism GREAT and Monculturalism EVIL, and ALL WHITE Christians are Nazi's and ALL WHITE men are PATHETIC so hurry up and get addicted to Opioids and die already so we can REPLACE you faster with Third World Shit Holers etc
Why apologize for Islam, nothing better to do?

Is English your second language? I'm asking because you continue to ask questions that have nothing to do with my nor others' comments.

From 2018.
A Month of Islam and Multiculturalism in Britain: May 2018
May 1. Rana Irfan Aslam, a 51-year-old shopkeeper from Dundee, was sentenced to one year in prison for grooming a 12-year-old girl for sex during an 18-month period 20 years ago. The judge said it was the maximum possible sentence for the crime as Aslam did not engage in sexual intercourse with the girl. The court heard that Aslam gave the girl gifts of money, perfume and alcohol before sexually abusing her at various locations in Dundee, Angus, Perth and Kinross and Fife between August 1998 and August 2000. In a blog post, Natasha Phillips, an expert on family law, explained that nuances in sentencing guidelines for non-recent abuse are resulting in unduly lenient sentences: “There are very real concerns about the way offenders of non-recent abuse continue to be sentenced and which bolster the view that unmerited leniency has managed to find its way into the system.”

May 1. Lewis Ludlow, a 26-year-old convert to Islam from Rochester, was chargedwith planning “a large scale multiple casualty vehicle-borne attack” on tourist hotspots in London. He was also charged with trying to join the Islamic State, in the Philippines.
Soeren Kern at Gatestone: A Month of Islam and Multiculturalism in Britain: May 2018…….

From 2019

Officials: 33 arrested for sex trafficking in Super Bowl sting
Why apologize for Islam, nothing better to do?

Is English your second language? I'm asking because you continue to ask questions that have nothing to do with my nor others' comments.

From 2018.
A Month of Islam and Multiculturalism in Britain: May 2018
May 1. Rana Irfan Aslam, a 51-year-old shopkeeper from Dundee, was sentenced to one year in prison for grooming a 12-year-old girl for sex during an 18-month period 20 years ago. The judge said it was the maximum possible sentence for the crime as Aslam did not engage in sexual intercourse with the girl. The court heard that Aslam gave the girl gifts of money, perfume and alcohol before sexually abusing her at various locations in Dundee, Angus, Perth and Kinross and Fife between August 1998 and August 2000. In a blog post, Natasha Phillips, an expert on family law, explained that nuances in sentencing guidelines for non-recent abuse are resulting in unduly lenient sentences: “There are very real concerns about the way offenders of non-recent abuse continue to be sentenced and which bolster the view that unmerited leniency has managed to find its way into the system.”

May 1. Lewis Ludlow, a 26-year-old convert to Islam from Rochester, was chargedwith planning “a large scale multiple casualty vehicle-borne attack” on tourist hotspots in London. He was also charged with trying to join the Islamic State, in the Philippines.
Soeren Kern at Gatestone: A Month of Islam and Multiculturalism in Britain: May 2018…….

From 2019

Officials: 33 arrested for sex trafficking in Super Bowl sting
Islam tells you what it is going to do. It is in black and white. Did these Superbowl sex traffickers learn from a book considered holy? Nope. Apples and oranges and another piss poor apology.
Perhaps you should admit Islam has trashed the cities in the UK. Increased rapes ten fold. Islam has taken over whole school systems and hate is being taught daily to Muslim children.

How would you know? You haven't been to their cities.
Why apologize for Islam, nothing better to do?
From 2018.
A Month of Islam and Multiculturalism in Britain: May 2018
May 1. Rana Irfan Aslam, a 51-year-old shopkeeper from Dundee, was sentenced to one year in prison for grooming a 12-year-old girl for sex during an 18-month period 20 years ago. The judge said it was the maximum possible sentence for the crime as Aslam did not engage in sexual intercourse with the girl. The court heard that Aslam gave the girl gifts of money, perfume and alcohol before sexually abusing her at various locations in Dundee, Angus, Perth and Kinross and Fife between August 1998 and August 2000. In a blog post, Natasha Phillips, an expert on family law, explained that nuances in sentencing guidelines for non-recent abuse are resulting in unduly lenient sentences: “There are very real concerns about the way offenders of non-recent abuse continue to be sentenced and which bolster the view that unmerited leniency has managed to find its way into the system.”

May 1. Lewis Ludlow, a 26-year-old convert to Islam from Rochester, was chargedwith planning “a large scale multiple casualty vehicle-borne attack” on tourist hotspots in London. He was also charged with trying to join the Islamic State, in the Philippines.
Soeren Kern at Gatestone: A Month of Islam and Multiculturalism in Britain: May 2018…….

So the British having a MONTH of Islam and Multiculturalism in Britian = Under Sharia Law and ruled by Muslims.

Yes those incidents you show ARE ISOLATED, they do NOT illustrate they are Under Sharia Law and ruled by Muslims and ALSO you do KNOW that HUNDREDS of Americans also went and join Islamic State? The British also do NOT just give Muslims lenient sentences for Paedophilia, they give the SAME lenient sentences to Non-Muslims also.
Why apologize for Islam, nothing better to do?

Is English your second language? I'm asking because you continue to ask questions that have nothing to do with my nor others' comments.

From 2018.
A Month of Islam and Multiculturalism in Britain: May 2018
May 1. Rana Irfan Aslam, a 51-year-old shopkeeper from Dundee, was sentenced to one year in prison for grooming a 12-year-old girl for sex during an 18-month period 20 years ago. The judge said it was the maximum possible sentence for the crime as Aslam did not engage in sexual intercourse with the girl. The court heard that Aslam gave the girl gifts of money, perfume and alcohol before sexually abusing her at various locations in Dundee, Angus, Perth and Kinross and Fife between August 1998 and August 2000. In a blog post, Natasha Phillips, an expert on family law, explained that nuances in sentencing guidelines for non-recent abuse are resulting in unduly lenient sentences: “There are very real concerns about the way offenders of non-recent abuse continue to be sentenced and which bolster the view that unmerited leniency has managed to find its way into the system.”

May 1. Lewis Ludlow, a 26-year-old convert to Islam from Rochester, was chargedwith planning “a large scale multiple casualty vehicle-borne attack” on tourist hotspots in London. He was also charged with trying to join the Islamic State, in the Philippines.
Soeren Kern at Gatestone: A Month of Islam and Multiculturalism in Britain: May 2018…….

From 2019

Officials: 33 arrested for sex trafficking in Super Bowl sting
Islam tells you what it is going to do. It is in black and white. Did these Superbowl sex traffickers learn from a book considered holy? Nope. Apples and oranges and another piss poor apology.

Well as you have MUSLIMS sex trafficking in something as AMERICAN as Super Bowl that TOTALLY illustrates that America is now ruled by Islam and the Muslims have INFILTRATED the Super Bowl.
Why apologize for Islam, nothing better to do?

Is English your second language? I'm asking because you continue to ask questions that have nothing to do with my nor others' comments.

From 2018.
A Month of Islam and Multiculturalism in Britain: May 2018
May 1. Rana Irfan Aslam, a 51-year-old shopkeeper from Dundee, was sentenced to one year in prison for grooming a 12-year-old girl for sex during an 18-month period 20 years ago. The judge said it was the maximum possible sentence for the crime as Aslam did not engage in sexual intercourse with the girl. The court heard that Aslam gave the girl gifts of money, perfume and alcohol before sexually abusing her at various locations in Dundee, Angus, Perth and Kinross and Fife between August 1998 and August 2000. In a blog post, Natasha Phillips, an expert on family law, explained that nuances in sentencing guidelines for non-recent abuse are resulting in unduly lenient sentences: “There are very real concerns about the way offenders of non-recent abuse continue to be sentenced and which bolster the view that unmerited leniency has managed to find its way into the system.”

May 1. Lewis Ludlow, a 26-year-old convert to Islam from Rochester, was chargedwith planning “a large scale multiple casualty vehicle-borne attack” on tourist hotspots in London. He was also charged with trying to join the Islamic State, in the Philippines.
Soeren Kern at Gatestone: A Month of Islam and Multiculturalism in Britain: May 2018…….

From 2019

Officials: 33 arrested for sex trafficking in Super Bowl sting
Islam tells you what it is going to do. It is in black and white. Did these Superbowl sex traffickers learn from a book considered holy? Nope. Apples and oranges and another piss poor apology.

If you want to wallow in your own ignorance be my guest. You're the one living the paranoid sheltered life, not me.
Why apologize for Islam, nothing better to do?

Is English your second language? I'm asking because you continue to ask questions that have nothing to do with my nor others' comments.

From 2018.
A Month of Islam and Multiculturalism in Britain: May 2018
May 1. Rana Irfan Aslam, a 51-year-old shopkeeper from Dundee, was sentenced to one year in prison for grooming a 12-year-old girl for sex during an 18-month period 20 years ago. The judge said it was the maximum possible sentence for the crime as Aslam did not engage in sexual intercourse with the girl. The court heard that Aslam gave the girl gifts of money, perfume and alcohol before sexually abusing her at various locations in Dundee, Angus, Perth and Kinross and Fife between August 1998 and August 2000. In a blog post, Natasha Phillips, an expert on family law, explained that nuances in sentencing guidelines for non-recent abuse are resulting in unduly lenient sentences: “There are very real concerns about the way offenders of non-recent abuse continue to be sentenced and which bolster the view that unmerited leniency has managed to find its way into the system.”

May 1. Lewis Ludlow, a 26-year-old convert to Islam from Rochester, was chargedwith planning “a large scale multiple casualty vehicle-borne attack” on tourist hotspots in London. He was also charged with trying to join the Islamic State, in the Philippines.
Soeren Kern at Gatestone: A Month of Islam and Multiculturalism in Britain: May 2018…….

From 2019

Officials: 33 arrested for sex trafficking in Super Bowl sting

Posts where he KNOWS he has ALREADY lost he does NOT respond to, I have noticed this now for several pages about what he DOES and DOES NOT respond to and so he ignores them, the other posts where he is NOT ABLE to refute what someone has posted he Deflects away by introducing something that has ZERO to do with what the other person posted to him.
Why apologize for Islam, nothing better to do?

Is English your second language? I'm asking because you continue to ask questions that have nothing to do with my nor others' comments.

From 2018.
A Month of Islam and Multiculturalism in Britain: May 2018
May 1. Rana Irfan Aslam, a 51-year-old shopkeeper from Dundee, was sentenced to one year in prison for grooming a 12-year-old girl for sex during an 18-month period 20 years ago. The judge said it was the maximum possible sentence for the crime as Aslam did not engage in sexual intercourse with the girl. The court heard that Aslam gave the girl gifts of money, perfume and alcohol before sexually abusing her at various locations in Dundee, Angus, Perth and Kinross and Fife between August 1998 and August 2000. In a blog post, Natasha Phillips, an expert on family law, explained that nuances in sentencing guidelines for non-recent abuse are resulting in unduly lenient sentences: “There are very real concerns about the way offenders of non-recent abuse continue to be sentenced and which bolster the view that unmerited leniency has managed to find its way into the system.”

May 1. Lewis Ludlow, a 26-year-old convert to Islam from Rochester, was chargedwith planning “a large scale multiple casualty vehicle-borne attack” on tourist hotspots in London. He was also charged with trying to join the Islamic State, in the Philippines.
Soeren Kern at Gatestone: A Month of Islam and Multiculturalism in Britain: May 2018…….

From 2019

Officials: 33 arrested for sex trafficking in Super Bowl sting
Islam tells you what it is going to do. It is in black and white. Did these Superbowl sex traffickers learn from a book considered holy? Nope. Apples and oranges and another piss poor apology.

Well as you have MUSLIMS sex trafficking in something as AMERICAN as Super Bowl that TOTALLY illustrates that America is now ruled by Islam and the Muslims have INFILTRATED the Super Bowl.
Let's talk doctrine if you wish to speak of Islam. Sex slaves are permitted by the religion. Slavery still exists in the Islamic world. Laws against it are ignored like laws about immigration are ignored here. Wise up, you are defending supremacists.
Why apologize for Islam, nothing better to do?

Is English your second language? I'm asking because you continue to ask questions that have nothing to do with my nor others' comments.

From 2018.
A Month of Islam and Multiculturalism in Britain: May 2018
May 1. Rana Irfan Aslam, a 51-year-old shopkeeper from Dundee, was sentenced to one year in prison for grooming a 12-year-old girl for sex during an 18-month period 20 years ago. The judge said it was the maximum possible sentence for the crime as Aslam did not engage in sexual intercourse with the girl. The court heard that Aslam gave the girl gifts of money, perfume and alcohol before sexually abusing her at various locations in Dundee, Angus, Perth and Kinross and Fife between August 1998 and August 2000. In a blog post, Natasha Phillips, an expert on family law, explained that nuances in sentencing guidelines for non-recent abuse are resulting in unduly lenient sentences: “There are very real concerns about the way offenders of non-recent abuse continue to be sentenced and which bolster the view that unmerited leniency has managed to find its way into the system.”

May 1. Lewis Ludlow, a 26-year-old convert to Islam from Rochester, was chargedwith planning “a large scale multiple casualty vehicle-borne attack” on tourist hotspots in London. He was also charged with trying to join the Islamic State, in the Philippines.
Soeren Kern at Gatestone: A Month of Islam and Multiculturalism in Britain: May 2018…….

From 2019

Officials: 33 arrested for sex trafficking in Super Bowl sting
Islam tells you what it is going to do. It is in black and white. Did these Superbowl sex traffickers learn from a book considered holy? Nope. Apples and oranges and another piss poor apology.

If you want to wallow in your own ignorance be my guest. You're the one living the paranoid sheltered life, not me.
Your ignorance eclipses mine.
I will show you what is NOT a Conspiracy Theory:

Barbara Lerner Spectre this American Leftist Jew who then went to Israel who then decided to go to HELP DESTROY Sweden SOMEHOW CONVINCING the Government of Sweden to give her Shekels to assist in bringing in UNLIMITED amounts of MUSLIMS to make things Multicultural so that a MINORITY of JEWS could FEEL SAFE among ANOTHER MINORITY ie. MINORITY in this case meaning NOT WHITE AND CHRISTIAN.

The text of what she says in the below video, and she has that evil smirk on her fucking face THE ENTIRE TIME SHE IS SAYING the below, I add she is NOW having a PRIVATE 24/7 ARMED GUARD because this fucking bitch has a price on her ugly head because of THIS:

"I think there is a resurgence of anti-Semitism because at this point in time Europe has not yet learned how to be multicultural. And I think we are going to be part of the throes of that transformation, which must take place. Europe is not going to be the monolithic societies they once were in the last century. Jews are going to be at the centre of that. It’s a huge transformation for Europe to make. They are now going into a multicultural mode and Jews will be resented because of our leading role. But without that leading role and without that transformation, Europe will not survive."

^^^^ Read the above CAREFULLY, this EVIL BITCH is OPENLY stating that they WANT White European Christians REPLACED by MUSLIMS so that the MINORITY JEWS can FEEL SAFE on a Continent that HISTORICALLY has ALWAYS been WHITE AND CHRISTIAN and they want OUR Continent ALL FOR THEM but WITHOUT US. This is OUR Continent NOT THEIR Continent, they can GTFO.

Our response to this Child of Satan is, hey BITCH GTFO back to Israel or America, we DO NOT need your crowd, the way we SURVIVE is by FORCING you out AGAIN if it comes to that AGAIN.

Now you can WATCH and HEAR this fucking ugly bitch, this REPRESENTATIVE of it's Defective DNA say the ABOVE text I have BOLDED from it's own Satanic mouth, just to SHOW you this is NOT a Conspiracy Theory and it's THIS why we DO NOT want ANY American squatting on OUR Continent, you are fucking EVIL YOU support this EVIL FUCKING bitch because of WHAT she IS, go on I DARE you to WATCH it and HEAR her, it's ONLY 1 minute and 16 seconds in duration the video:

Here is the text AGAIN, so you can watch the above video and FOLLOW the EVIL fucking bitch WORD for WORD as she SAYS the below with a SMILE on her ugly fucking face, this DISGUSTING BITCH the product of CENTURIES of INBREEDING in some SELF IMPOSED Ghetto in Russia or whatever THINKS IT is BETTER than US. She and her crowd can GTFO, EVEN the LOWEST CLASS on the European Continent are higher up the food chain than THIS EVIL vermin in human form.

"I think there is a resurgence of anti-Semitism because at this point in time Europe has not yet learned how to be multicultural. And I think we are going to be part of the throes of that transformation, which must take place. Europe is not going to be the monolithic societies they once were in the last century. Jews are going to be at the centre of that. It’s a huge transformation for Europe to make. They are now going into a multicultural mode and Jews will be resented because of our leading role. But without that leading role and without that transformation, Europe will not survive."

Here are the first comments off the YouTube Comment Section:

Tanky Mctankinson7 months ago
Deus vult!!!! like the mad king in game of thrones burn them all

5 months ago (edited)
She has some nerve coming to a foreign continent, foreign country and tell what's best for them. Europe is already multicultural with English, Swedes, Finns, Norwegians, Russians, Estonians, Latvians, Lithuanians, Poles, Germans, Danes, Dutch, Flemish, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Swiss, Austrians, Italians, Croatians, Greeks and so on. What she wants is not multiculturalism - each people being strong and proud of their heritage - what she wants is a monolithic monoculture of a gooey brown mass without identity or heritage or pride. It's clear this bitch wants to erase European people by mixing them with non-European people.
Show less

Amy Cardill2 months ago
Who gave you the right to chose the future of Europe?

Mario Rossi
4 months ago
This lady is really sick.

KLASS podcast
4 months ago
how come Israel is not multicultural?, hypocrite! but thats how they roll

Alfred Braun
3 months ago
"There are people in Sweden who support Israel and have a deep sense of the injustice of the present situation"." What Injustice would that be?

4 months ago
It will pass when we have cleaned them out, get to work lads.

Jaqen H'ghar
2 months ago (edited)
I'm not European (I'm Chilean) but in her smirking face I just see pure evil.

Islamists have been powerless in global powers since WW1, when the Ottoman Empire fell.

It's no conspiracy that many Jewish bankers toppeled Tsarist Russia.
By bankrolling Bolsheviks like Jacob Schiff, Otto Kahn, Warburg, Yakub Ganetsky & Israel Helphand.

They are more powerful than the Islamists.

Islamists have been powerless in global powers since WW1,
Really? Who comprises the largest voting bloc in the UN? That would be the OIC.

1/2 of Democrat funding comes from Jews.

Blame the Islamists, and only Islamists anyways.​

I put the blame where it belongs. Islam is to blame for Islamic terror and non-assimilation. And Islam is responsible for filling young minds full of hate.

Yes but a SPECIFIC TYPE of Islam is responsible NOT Islam in GENERAL, NOT ALL Muslims are following Radical Islam, NOT ALL Muslims HATE Non-Muslims and at the FIRST opportunity WANT to blow us up. The situation is that the NORMAL Muslims should begin to police the Radicals in their OWN environment and pull them AWAY from Radicalism before it take root and gets out of control this in the SAME way that NORMAL Jews who are NOT Moonbats should begin to police the Leftist Moonbat Jews who promote Hate Whitey, Blame Whitey, Multiculturalism GREAT and Monculturalism EVIL, and ALL WHITE Christians are Nazi's and ALL WHITE men are PATHETIC so hurry up and get addicted to Opioids and die already so we can REPLACE you faster with Third World Shit Holers etc

meanwhile in the UK

they sound homophobic and sexist to me :04:
Trump’s DHS Releases More than 17K Illegal Aliens into U.S. in 12 Days

President Trump’s Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is continuing its mass release of border crossers and illegal aliens into the interior of the United States, most recently releasing more than 17,000 migrants in less than two weeks
You understand we HAVE to dont you? We need to change these laws, but for now we have no choice. Still, I agree. We have nothing to brag about or look down on Europe over.
Not leaving the US makes someone bad? I am still waiting for someone to tell me one positive for the non-Muslim in Islam. Can you? And I rely on the news even though it is censored in Europe the truth does manage to get out.

Multiculture is a failure due to the fact one of those cultures is Islam. It is plain to see and seems so easy to deny for many. Do not expect things to get better Islam does not work that way.

So it's evidently clear you have never been to Europe. That being the case, perhaps you should opine less and listen more to the people who are actually there or have spent time there.
So you want people to listen to those who say the evil Jews are running the world.

Color me unsurprised .
Perhaps you should admit Islam has trashed the cities in the UK. Increased rapes ten fold. Islam has taken over whole school systems and hate is being taught daily to Muslim children.

How would you know? You haven't been to their cities.
And you have never been to the parts of the cities that are heavily Islamic.

Staying in a well appointed hotel well away from Muslim areas gives you no more authority than those who Have never visited at all.

You obviously want it to, but it is your lack of knowledge that is revealing, here, rather than your attempt to invest in yourselves a sense of authority.
The holiest book of Islam (most of which is about non-Muslims) draws the sharpest of distinctions between Muslims, the best of people (3:110), and non-believers, the worst of creatures, (98:6). Praise is lavished on the former while the latter is condemned with scorching generalization.

Far from teaching universal love, the Quran incessantly preaches the inferiority of non-Muslims, even comparing them to vile animals and gloating over Allah's hatred of them and his dark plans for their eternal torture. Muslims are told that they are destined to dominate non-believers, against whom harsh treatment is encouraged.
Is the Quran Hate Propaganda?
The answer to the above is yes.
Trump’s DHS Releases More than 17K Illegal Aliens into U.S. in 12 Days

President Trump’s Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is continuing its mass release of border crossers and illegal aliens into the interior of the United States, most recently releasing more than 17,000 migrants in less than two weeks
You understand we HAVE to dont you? We need to change these laws, but for now we have no choice. Still, I agree. We have nothing to brag about or look down on Europe over.

Yes those laws need to change but you have Leftist Activist Judges who will NOT allow ANY change and also you have Cuckservatives who side with the Democrats who also will NOT allow ANY change, it is NOT a good situation for you.

Thanks also for your comment you have nothing to brag or look down on this Continent over, your comment is appreciated in the MIDDLE of this Anti-European HATEFEST by low IQ uneducated Muppet Boi's.
Then it is a conspiracy theory, Islam is a reality.

I will show you what is NOT a Conspiracy Theory:

Barbara Lerner Spectre this American Leftist Jew who then went to Israel who then decided to go to HELP DESTROY Sweden SOMEHOW CONVINCING the Government of Sweden to give her Shekels to assist in bringing in UNLIMITED amounts of MUSLIMS to make things Multicultural so that a MINORITY of JEWS could FEEL SAFE among ANOTHER MINORITY ie. MINORITY in this case meaning NOT WHITE AND CHRISTIAN.

The text of what she says in the below video, and she has that evil smirk on her fucking face THE ENTIRE TIME SHE IS SAYING the below, I add she is NOW having a PRIVATE 24/7 ARMED GUARD because this fucking bitch has a price on her ugly head because of THIS:

"I think there is a resurgence of anti-Semitism because at this point in time Europe has not yet learned how to be multicultural. And I think we are going to be part of the throes of that transformation, which must take place. Europe is not going to be the monolithic societies they once were in the last century. Jews are going to be at the centre of that. It’s a huge transformation for Europe to make. They are now going into a multicultural mode and Jews will be resented because of our leading role. But without that leading role and without that transformation, Europe will not survive."

^^^^ Read the above CAREFULLY, this EVIL BITCH is OPENLY stating that they WANT White European Christians REPLACED by MUSLIMS so that the MINORITY JEWS can FEEL SAFE on a Continent that HISTORICALLY has ALWAYS been WHITE AND CHRISTIAN and they want OUR Continent ALL FOR THEM but WITHOUT US. This is OUR Continent NOT THEIR Continent, they can GTFO.

Our response to this Child of Satan is, hey BITCH GTFO back to Israel or America, we DO NOT need your crowd, the way we SURVIVE is by FORCING you out AGAIN if it comes to that AGAIN.

Now you can WATCH and HEAR this fucking ugly bitch, this REPRESENTATIVE of it's Defective DNA say the ABOVE text I have BOLDED from it's own Satanic mouth, just to SHOW you this is NOT a Conspiracy Theory and it's THIS why we DO NOT want ANY American squatting on OUR Continent, you are fucking EVIL YOU support this EVIL FUCKING bitch because of WHAT she IS, go on I DARE you to WATCH it and HEAR her, it's ONLY 1 minute and 16 seconds in duration the video:

Here is the text AGAIN, so you can watch the above video and FOLLOW the EVIL fucking bitch WORD for WORD as she SAYS the below with a SMILE on her ugly fucking face, this DISGUSTING BITCH the product of CENTURIES of INBREEDING in some SELF IMPOSED Ghetto in Russia or whatever THINKS IT is BETTER than US. She and her crowd can GTFO, EVEN the LOWEST CLASS on the European Continent are higher up the food chain than THIS EVIL vermin in human form.

"I think there is a resurgence of anti-Semitism because at this point in time Europe has not yet learned how to be multicultural. And I think we are going to be part of the throes of that transformation, which must take place. Europe is not going to be the monolithic societies they once were in the last century. Jews are going to be at the centre of that. It’s a huge transformation for Europe to make. They are now going into a multicultural mode and Jews will be resented because of our leading role. But without that leading role and without that transformation, Europe will not survive."

Here are the first comments off the YouTube Comment Section:

Tanky Mctankinson7 months ago
Deus vult!!!! like the mad king in game of thrones burn them all

5 months ago (edited)
She has some nerve coming to a foreign continent, foreign country and tell what's best for them. Europe is already multicultural with English, Swedes, Finns, Norwegians, Russians, Estonians, Latvians, Lithuanians, Poles, Germans, Danes, Dutch, Flemish, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Swiss, Austrians, Italians, Croatians, Greeks and so on. What she wants is not multiculturalism - each people being strong and proud of their heritage - what she wants is a monolithic monoculture of a gooey brown mass without identity or heritage or pride. It's clear this bitch wants to erase European people by mixing them with non-European people.
Show less

Amy Cardill2 months ago
Who gave you the right to chose the future of Europe?

Mario Rossi
4 months ago
This lady is really sick.

KLASS podcast
4 months ago
how come Israel is not multicultural?, hypocrite! but thats how they roll

Alfred Braun
3 months ago
"There are people in Sweden who support Israel and have a deep sense of the injustice of the present situation"." What Injustice would that be?

4 months ago
It will pass when we have cleaned them out, get to work lads.

Jaqen H'ghar
2 months ago (edited)
I'm not European (I'm Chilean) but in her smirking face I just see pure evil.

Islamists have been powerless in global powers since WW1, when the Ottoman Empire fell.

It's no conspiracy that many Jewish bankers toppeled Tsarist Russia.
By bankrolling Bolsheviks like Jacob Schiff, Otto Kahn, Warburg, Yakub Ganetsky & Israel Helphand.

They are more powerful than the Islamists.

Islamists have been powerless in global powers since WW1,
Really? Who comprises the largest voting bloc in the UN? That would be the OIC.

1/2 of Democrat funding comes from Jews.

Blame the Islamists, and only Islamists anyways.​

I put the blame where it belongs. Islam is to blame for Islamic terror and non-assimilation. And Islam is responsible for filling young minds full of hate.

Sure, Islamists haven't assimilated, neither have Jews.

As for filling minds with hate, I suppose it's good to fill hate against Muslims.
All others are off limits.

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