Europe Conquered

Contemporary examples of Islamophobia.....include, but are not limited to:

  • Accusing Muslims... of inventing or exaggerating Islamophobia
  • Accusing Muslim citizens of being more loyal to the ‘Ummah’ (transnational Muslim community) or to their countries of origin, or to the alleged priorities of Muslims worldwide, than to the interests of their own nations
  • Denying Muslim populations the right to self- determination e.g., by claiming that the existence of an independent Palestine or Kashmir is a terrorist endeavour
  • Applying double standards by requiring of Muslims behaviours that are not expected or demanded of any other groups in society, eg loyalty tests
  • Using the symbols and images associated with classic Islamophobia e.g. Muhammed being a paedophile, claims of Muslims spreading Islam by the sword or subjugating minority groups under their rule
In Scotland they have defined Islamophobia. Notice questioning Muslims about anything is Islamophobic when their holy books and bloody history prove some of these things are what their religion says and are obligations. This in reality says Sharia will be enforced, Islam will not be stopped.

Scotland adopts formal definition of "Islamophobia" - stand by for blasphemy laws

This one:

Accusing Muslim citizens of being more loyal to the ‘Ummah’ (transnational Muslim community) or to their countries of origin, or to the alleged priorities of Muslims worldwide, than to the interests of their own nations

How is that different than Muh Jews exactly? One of their frequent hysterical Mega Whinings is about how they are more loyal to the 51st State that they LOVE THAT much they DON'T want to ALL go and LIVE there of course, and how they are more concerned with the priorities of International Jewry than the interests of their own Host Nations.

SO it's NOT OKAY for the Muslims to get upset about this, BUT it IS OKAY for Muh Jews to get upset about it when it's them.

We have a TINY PERCENT at this forum who are basically borderline insane in their demented hatred of ALL Muslims, thinking that ALL Muslims are Radical Islamist Terrorist and because of that they OPENLY ADVOCATE that ALL Muslims should be EXTERMINATED and that Mecca should be NUKED. No it's NOT us who are the Nazi's, it's YOU who are Nazi-esque.

EVERY TIME there is some HYSTERICAL RANT about ALL Muslims, exchange Muslims for Jews and that's it.
SO it's NOT OKAY for the Muslims to get upset about this, BUT it IS OKAY for Muh Jews to get upset about it when it's them.
The Jews have no plans for world domination, Islam does.

You better inform Rothschilds, and Soros , thst they aren't Jews looking to create a Global government of their dominance, the so called New World Order.
Is it written down for everyone to read like Islam?

Rothschild said way back, he would get a New World Order by consent, or by force.

Soros also speaks of a New World Order.

Ultimately they have Nukes, Islamists, except Pakistan don't.

It's not Islamists who are capable of World domination, it's Jewish bankers like Soros / Rothschilds.
There are only 14 million Jews in the world, there are almost a billion and a half Muslims. Do the math. And capitalism has bought more people out of poverty than any other economic system.

Oh I THOUGHT we could NOT go a thread WITHOUT Muh Jews Muh Poor Jews being brought into it. All you weirdos with your Jew Fetish. You NEED to get a LIFE, that crowd do NOT give a SHIT about you.
Oh but your PRECIOUS MUSLIMS DO... right?


I'd ask you how it feels to be BRAIN WASHED, but obviously a person that is can't tell you.

No they are NOT MY precious Muslims, I must have posted THOUSANDS of comments at this forum about my thoughts on Islam.

Hey impuretrash this idiot 007 in a thread the other night, I posted about how the Italian Government was encouraging Italians to buy MORE guns and the ONLY response 007 had to that was WAIT FOR IT....was that a good thing because Muh Mussolini sided with Muh Hitler. ROFLAO.

ROFLAO that's how MENTAL this crowd is, Muh Hitler and Muh Nazi's LITERALLY OCCUPY their MICRO BRAINS 24/7, I have to congratulate Muh New York Jews and Muh Hollyweird for doing such a GREAT BRAINWASHING job on these idiots, they are LITERALLY now like pre-program ROBOTS just VOMITING the SAME CRAP out ALL the time.
Sorry, you pathetic little dweeb... but I'm an American, I'm used to FREE SPEECH, unlike YOU, that if you speak out against MUSLIMS in your CHERISHED Europe, you go to JAIL. You have never lived here, you have no idea how much FREEDOM we have compared to you. You don't understand me or where I'm coming from BECAUSE you've been BRAIN WASHED by your pathetic, crippling, european POLITICAL CORRECTNESS. I don't expect you to understand. I know you're thinking is WARPED. You will go to your grave defending the very things that will be your DEMISE. You are an IDIOT. That's why we kicked you sons a bitches OUT OF HERE a couple hundred years ago.

Enjoy your muslim nation, moron.

As if Europe is just one singular organism, rather than a diverse continent.
Frigging hilarious.

You know Sobi my Great-Grandfather still alive this at age 99 years in age and my Great-Grandmother still alive this at age 98 years in age. During the Second War my Great-Grandfather work for two months as an Administrator in one of the camps, they had some British POWs there and he and the British got to friends because of a shared love of Chess, we treated the British POWS very well, we treated ALL POWs very well EXCEPT the Communist POWs who we CORRECTLY executed in big numbers. But so many years after the Second War my Great-Grandfather in an random situation meet this British POW again and every year from that year my Great-Grandfathers crowd and the British crowd would get together and have dinner and conversation about things and my Great-Grandfather say to me several years ago that the British say to them:

"Why were we fighting a war against one another? What positive came from this? You lose your Empire, we lose the British Empire and half of the European Continent was awarded by the British Government and American Government to be in control of Communism and the Communists"

And I agree that is ALL correct, it is accurate. Also I want to add Sobi I know you have upset at my peoples for how we treat your peoples during the Second War and I know it might not be a lot but for myself and my family I apologise for how our recent Ancestors treated the Christian Poles of Poland, it was WRONG we should NOT have been treating our Christian brothers and sisters and ROMAN CATHOLIC like WE ARE like we did and I now am happy that my nation and Poland are friends again and are working together to make this Continent safe and strong again.
Contemporary examples of Islamophobia.....include, but are not limited to:

  • Accusing Muslims... of inventing or exaggerating Islamophobia
  • Accusing Muslim citizens of being more loyal to the ‘Ummah’ (transnational Muslim community) or to their countries of origin, or to the alleged priorities of Muslims worldwide, than to the interests of their own nations
  • Denying Muslim populations the right to self- determination e.g., by claiming that the existence of an independent Palestine or Kashmir is a terrorist endeavour
  • Applying double standards by requiring of Muslims behaviours that are not expected or demanded of any other groups in society, eg loyalty tests
  • Using the symbols and images associated with classic Islamophobia e.g. Muhammed being a paedophile, claims of Muslims spreading Islam by the sword or subjugating minority groups under their rule
In Scotland they have defined Islamophobia. Notice questioning Muslims about anything is Islamophobic when their holy books and bloody history prove some of these things are what their religion says and are obligations. This in reality says Sharia will be enforced, Islam will not be stopped.

Scotland adopts formal definition of "Islamophobia" - stand by for blasphemy laws

This one:

Accusing Muslim citizens of being more loyal to the ‘Ummah’ (transnational Muslim community) or to their countries of origin, or to the alleged priorities of Muslims worldwide, than to the interests of their own nations

How is that different than Muh Jews exactly? One of their frequent hysterical Mega Whinings is about how they are more loyal to the 51st State that they LOVE THAT much they DON'T want to ALL go and LIVE there of course, and how they are more concerned with the priorities of International Jewry than the interests of their own Host Nations.

SO it's NOT OKAY for the Muslims to get upset about this, BUT it IS OKAY for Muh Jews to get upset about it when it's them.

We have a TINY PERCENT at this forum who are basically borderline insane in their demented hatred of ALL Muslims, thinking that ALL Muslims are Radical Islamist Terrorist and because of that they OPENLY ADVOCATE that ALL Muslims should be EXTERMINATED and that Mecca should be NUKED. No it's NOT us who are the Nazi's, it's YOU who are Nazi-esque.

EVERY TIME there is some HYSTERICAL RANT about ALL Muslims, exchange Muslims for Jews and that's it.
SO it's NOT OKAY for the Muslims to get upset about this, BUT it IS OKAY for Muh Jews to get upset about it when it's them.
They are getting upset because they are doing what their religion says they must do. The Jews have no plans for world domination, Islam does. Thanks to their own literature they can be caught red handed and still deny it. Nice right to have. Why do they deserve this privilege?

Remember jihadis emulate Muhammad, and it is on Muhammads authority they claim superiority and the right to kill, intimidate, terrorize and rape, and people kiss their ass.

I do not see how Islam can dominate the world, for this the majority of the world would have to agree to convert to Islam that include ME and YOU both converting to Islam.
In Scotland they have defined Islamophobia. Notice questioning Muslims about anything is Islamophobic when their holy books and bloody history prove some of these things are what their religion says and are obligations. This in reality says Sharia will be enforced, Islam will not be stopped.

Scotland adopts formal definition of "Islamophobia" - stand by for blasphemy laws

This one:

Accusing Muslim citizens of being more loyal to the ‘Ummah’ (transnational Muslim community) or to their countries of origin, or to the alleged priorities of Muslims worldwide, than to the interests of their own nations

How is that different than Muh Jews exactly? One of their frequent hysterical Mega Whinings is about how they are more loyal to the 51st State that they LOVE THAT much they DON'T want to ALL go and LIVE there of course, and how they are more concerned with the priorities of International Jewry than the interests of their own Host Nations.

SO it's NOT OKAY for the Muslims to get upset about this, BUT it IS OKAY for Muh Jews to get upset about it when it's them.

We have a TINY PERCENT at this forum who are basically borderline insane in their demented hatred of ALL Muslims, thinking that ALL Muslims are Radical Islamist Terrorist and because of that they OPENLY ADVOCATE that ALL Muslims should be EXTERMINATED and that Mecca should be NUKED. No it's NOT us who are the Nazi's, it's YOU who are Nazi-esque.

EVERY TIME there is some HYSTERICAL RANT about ALL Muslims, exchange Muslims for Jews and that's it.
SO it's NOT OKAY for the Muslims to get upset about this, BUT it IS OKAY for Muh Jews to get upset about it when it's them.
The Jews have no plans for world domination, Islam does.

You better inform Rothschilds, and Soros , thst they aren't Jews looking to create a Global government of their dominance, the so called New World Order.
Is it written down for everyone to read like Islam?

way back, he would get a New World Order by consent, or by force.

Soros also speaks of a New World Order.

Ultimately they have Nukes, Islamists, except Pakistan don't.

It's not Islamists who are capable of World domination, it's Jewish bankers like Soros / Rothschilds.
Rothschild said
Then it is a conspiracy theory, Islam is a reality.
This one:

Accusing Muslim citizens of being more loyal to the ‘Ummah’ (transnational Muslim community) or to their countries of origin, or to the alleged priorities of Muslims worldwide, than to the interests of their own nations

How is that different than Muh Jews exactly? One of their frequent hysterical Mega Whinings is about how they are more loyal to the 51st State that they LOVE THAT much they DON'T want to ALL go and LIVE there of course, and how they are more concerned with the priorities of International Jewry than the interests of their own Host Nations.

SO it's NOT OKAY for the Muslims to get upset about this, BUT it IS OKAY for Muh Jews to get upset about it when it's them.

We have a TINY PERCENT at this forum who are basically borderline insane in their demented hatred of ALL Muslims, thinking that ALL Muslims are Radical Islamist Terrorist and because of that they OPENLY ADVOCATE that ALL Muslims should be EXTERMINATED and that Mecca should be NUKED. No it's NOT us who are the Nazi's, it's YOU who are Nazi-esque.

EVERY TIME there is some HYSTERICAL RANT about ALL Muslims, exchange Muslims for Jews and that's it.
SO it's NOT OKAY for the Muslims to get upset about this, BUT it IS OKAY for Muh Jews to get upset about it when it's them.
The Jews have no plans for world domination, Islam does.

You better inform Rothschilds, and Soros , thst they aren't Jews looking to create a Global government of their dominance, the so called New World Order.
Is it written down for everyone to read like Islam?

way back, he would get a New World Order by consent, or by force.

Soros also speaks of a New World Order.

Ultimately they have Nukes, Islamists, except Pakistan don't.

It's not Islamists who are capable of World domination, it's Jewish bankers like Soros / Rothschilds.
Rothschild said
Then it is a conspiracy theory, Islam is a reality.

But if Soros speak of a New World Order and you say that is Conspiracy Theory then this is you siding with that EVIL POS George Soros?
Contemporary examples of Islamophobia.....include, but are not limited to:

  • Accusing Muslims... of inventing or exaggerating Islamophobia
  • Accusing Muslim citizens of being more loyal to the ‘Ummah’ (transnational Muslim community) or to their countries of origin, or to the alleged priorities of Muslims worldwide, than to the interests of their own nations
  • Denying Muslim populations the right to self- determination e.g., by claiming that the existence of an independent Palestine or Kashmir is a terrorist endeavour
  • Applying double standards by requiring of Muslims behaviours that are not expected or demanded of any other groups in society, eg loyalty tests
  • Using the symbols and images associated with classic Islamophobia e.g. Muhammed being a paedophile, claims of Muslims spreading Islam by the sword or subjugating minority groups under their rule
In Scotland they have defined Islamophobia. Notice questioning Muslims about anything is Islamophobic when their holy books and bloody history prove some of these things are what their religion says and are obligations. This in reality says Sharia will be enforced, Islam will not be stopped.

Scotland adopts formal definition of "Islamophobia" - stand by for blasphemy laws

This one:

Accusing Muslim citizens of being more loyal to the ‘Ummah’ (transnational Muslim community) or to their countries of origin, or to the alleged priorities of Muslims worldwide, than to the interests of their own nations

How is that different than Muh Jews exactly? One of their frequent hysterical Mega Whinings is about how they are more loyal to the 51st State that they LOVE THAT much they DON'T want to ALL go and LIVE there of course, and how they are more concerned with the priorities of International Jewry than the interests of their own Host Nations.

SO it's NOT OKAY for the Muslims to get upset about this, BUT it IS OKAY for Muh Jews to get upset about it when it's them.

We have a TINY PERCENT at this forum who are basically borderline insane in their demented hatred of ALL Muslims, thinking that ALL Muslims are Radical Islamist Terrorist and because of that they OPENLY ADVOCATE that ALL Muslims should be EXTERMINATED and that Mecca should be NUKED. No it's NOT us who are the Nazi's, it's YOU who are Nazi-esque.

EVERY TIME there is some HYSTERICAL RANT about ALL Muslims, exchange Muslims for Jews and that's it.
SO it's NOT OKAY for the Muslims to get upset about this, BUT it IS OKAY for Muh Jews to get upset about it when it's them.
They are getting upset because they are doing what their religion says they must do. The Jews have no plans for world domination, Islam does. Thanks to their own literature they can be caught red handed and still deny it. Nice right to have. Why do they deserve this privilege?

Remember jihadis emulate Muhammad, and it is on Muhammads authority they claim superiority and the right to kill, intimidate, terrorize and rape, and people kiss their ass.

I do not see how Islam can dominate the world, for this the majority of the world would have to agree to convert to Islam that include ME and YOU both converting to Islam.
I do not see how Islam can dominate the world,
Did you notice they are trying? Should we let people die because we will not confront hate? We seem to have come to that conclusion. Shameful.
This one:

Accusing Muslim citizens of being more loyal to the ‘Ummah’ (transnational Muslim community) or to their countries of origin, or to the alleged priorities of Muslims worldwide, than to the interests of their own nations

How is that different than Muh Jews exactly? One of their frequent hysterical Mega Whinings is about how they are more loyal to the 51st State that they LOVE THAT much they DON'T want to ALL go and LIVE there of course, and how they are more concerned with the priorities of International Jewry than the interests of their own Host Nations.

SO it's NOT OKAY for the Muslims to get upset about this, BUT it IS OKAY for Muh Jews to get upset about it when it's them.

We have a TINY PERCENT at this forum who are basically borderline insane in their demented hatred of ALL Muslims, thinking that ALL Muslims are Radical Islamist Terrorist and because of that they OPENLY ADVOCATE that ALL Muslims should be EXTERMINATED and that Mecca should be NUKED. No it's NOT us who are the Nazi's, it's YOU who are Nazi-esque.

EVERY TIME there is some HYSTERICAL RANT about ALL Muslims, exchange Muslims for Jews and that's it.
SO it's NOT OKAY for the Muslims to get upset about this, BUT it IS OKAY for Muh Jews to get upset about it when it's them.
The Jews have no plans for world domination, Islam does.

You better inform Rothschilds, and Soros , thst they aren't Jews looking to create a Global government of their dominance, the so called New World Order.
Is it written down for everyone to read like Islam?

way back, he would get a New World Order by consent, or by force.

Soros also speaks of a New World Order.

Ultimately they have Nukes, Islamists, except Pakistan don't.

It's not Islamists who are capable of World domination, it's Jewish bankers like Soros / Rothschilds.
Rothschild said
Then it is a conspiracy theory, Islam is a reality.

I will show you what is NOT a Conspiracy Theory:

Barbara Lerner Spectre this American Leftist Jew who then went to Israel who then decided to go to HELP DESTROY Sweden SOMEHOW CONVINCING the Government of Sweden to give her Shekels to assist in bringing in UNLIMITED amounts of MUSLIMS to make things Multicultural so that a MINORITY of JEWS could FEEL SAFE among ANOTHER MINORITY ie. MINORITY in this case meaning NOT WHITE AND CHRISTIAN.

The text of what she says in the below video, and she has that evil smirk on her fucking face THE ENTIRE TIME SHE IS SAYING the below, I add she is NOW having a PRIVATE 24/7 ARMED GUARD because this fucking bitch has a price on her ugly head because of THIS:

"I think there is a resurgence of anti-Semitism because at this point in time Europe has not yet learned how to be multicultural. And I think we are going to be part of the throes of that transformation, which must take place. Europe is not going to be the monolithic societies they once were in the last century. Jews are going to be at the centre of that. It’s a huge transformation for Europe to make. They are now going into a multicultural mode and Jews will be resented because of our leading role. But without that leading role and without that transformation, Europe will not survive."

^^^^ Read the above CAREFULLY, this EVIL BITCH is OPENLY stating that they WANT White European Christians REPLACED by MUSLIMS so that the MINORITY JEWS can FEEL SAFE on a Continent that HISTORICALLY has ALWAYS been WHITE AND CHRISTIAN and they want OUR Continent ALL FOR THEM but WITHOUT US. This is OUR Continent NOT THEIR Continent, they can GTFO.

Our response to this Child of Satan is, hey BITCH GTFO back to Israel or America, we DO NOT need your crowd, the way we SURVIVE is by FORCING you out AGAIN if it comes to that AGAIN.

Now you can WATCH and HEAR this fucking ugly bitch, this REPRESENTATIVE of it's Defective DNA say the ABOVE text I have BOLDED from it's own Satanic mouth, just to SHOW you this is NOT a Conspiracy Theory and it's THIS why we DO NOT want ANY American squatting on OUR Continent, you are fucking EVIL YOU support this EVIL FUCKING bitch because of WHAT she IS, go on I DARE you to WATCH it and HEAR her, it's ONLY 1 minute and 16 seconds in duration the video:

Here is the text AGAIN, so you can watch the above video and FOLLOW the EVIL fucking bitch WORD for WORD as she SAYS the below with a SMILE on her ugly fucking face, this DISGUSTING BITCH the product of CENTURIES of INBREEDING in some SELF IMPOSED Ghetto in Russia or whatever THINKS IT is BETTER than US. She and her crowd can GTFO, EVEN the LOWEST CLASS on the European Continent are higher up the food chain than THIS EVIL vermin in human form.

"I think there is a resurgence of anti-Semitism because at this point in time Europe has not yet learned how to be multicultural. And I think we are going to be part of the throes of that transformation, which must take place. Europe is not going to be the monolithic societies they once were in the last century. Jews are going to be at the centre of that. It’s a huge transformation for Europe to make. They are now going into a multicultural mode and Jews will be resented because of our leading role. But without that leading role and without that transformation, Europe will not survive."

Here are the first comments off the YouTube Comment Section:

Tanky Mctankinson7 months ago
Deus vult!!!! like the mad king in game of thrones burn them all

5 months ago (edited)
She has some nerve coming to a foreign continent, foreign country and tell what's best for them. Europe is already multicultural with English, Swedes, Finns, Norwegians, Russians, Estonians, Latvians, Lithuanians, Poles, Germans, Danes, Dutch, Flemish, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Swiss, Austrians, Italians, Croatians, Greeks and so on. What she wants is not multiculturalism - each people being strong and proud of their heritage - what she wants is a monolithic monoculture of a gooey brown mass without identity or heritage or pride. It's clear this bitch wants to erase European people by mixing them with non-European people.
Show less

Amy Cardill2 months ago
Who gave you the right to chose the future of Europe?

Mario Rossi
4 months ago
This lady is really sick.

KLASS podcast
4 months ago
how come Israel is not multicultural?, hypocrite! but thats how they roll

Alfred Braun
3 months ago
"There are people in Sweden who support Israel and have a deep sense of the injustice of the present situation"." What Injustice would that be?

4 months ago
It will pass when we have cleaned them out, get to work lads.

Jaqen H'ghar
2 months ago (edited)
I'm not European (I'm Chilean) but in her smirking face I just see pure evil.

Last edited:
Contemporary examples of Islamophobia.....include, but are not limited to:

  • Accusing Muslims... of inventing or exaggerating Islamophobia
  • Accusing Muslim citizens of being more loyal to the ‘Ummah’ (transnational Muslim community) or to their countries of origin, or to the alleged priorities of Muslims worldwide, than to the interests of their own nations
  • Denying Muslim populations the right to self- determination e.g., by claiming that the existence of an independent Palestine or Kashmir is a terrorist endeavour
  • Applying double standards by requiring of Muslims behaviours that are not expected or demanded of any other groups in society, eg loyalty tests
  • Using the symbols and images associated with classic Islamophobia e.g. Muhammed being a paedophile, claims of Muslims spreading Islam by the sword or subjugating minority groups under their rule
In Scotland they have defined Islamophobia. Notice questioning Muslims about anything is Islamophobic when their holy books and bloody history prove some of these things are what their religion says and are obligations. This in reality says Sharia will be enforced, Islam will not be stopped.

Scotland adopts formal definition of "Islamophobia" - stand by for blasphemy laws

This one:

Accusing Muslim citizens of being more loyal to the ‘Ummah’ (transnational Muslim community) or to their countries of origin, or to the alleged priorities of Muslims worldwide, than to the interests of their own nations

How is that different than Muh Jews exactly? One of their frequent hysterical Mega Whinings is about how they are more loyal to the 51st State that they LOVE THAT much they DON'T want to ALL go and LIVE there of course, and how they are more concerned with the priorities of International Jewry than the interests of their own Host Nations.

SO it's NOT OKAY for the Muslims to get upset about this, BUT it IS OKAY for Muh Jews to get upset about it when it's them.

We have a TINY PERCENT at this forum who are basically borderline insane in their demented hatred of ALL Muslims, thinking that ALL Muslims are Radical Islamist Terrorist and because of that they OPENLY ADVOCATE that ALL Muslims should be EXTERMINATED and that Mecca should be NUKED. No it's NOT us who are the Nazi's, it's YOU who are Nazi-esque.

EVERY TIME there is some HYSTERICAL RANT about ALL Muslims, exchange Muslims for Jews and that's it.
SO it's NOT OKAY for the Muslims to get upset about this, BUT it IS OKAY for Muh Jews to get upset about it when it's them.
They are getting upset because they are doing what their religion says they must do. The Jews have no plans for world domination, Islam does. Thanks to their own literature they can be caught red handed and still deny it. Nice right to have. Why do they deserve this privilege?

Remember jihadis emulate Muhammad, and it is on Muhammads authority they claim superiority and the right to kill, intimidate, terrorize and rape, and people kiss their ass.

I do not see how Islam can dominate the world, for this the majority of the world would have to agree to convert to Islam that include ME and YOU both converting to Islam.
I do not see how Islam can dominate the world,
Did you notice they are trying? Should we let people die because we will not confront hate? We seem to have come to that conclusion. Shameful.

No we should not let peoples die, but the solution is not for eg to nuke Mecca, the ramifications of doing that will be MONUMENTAL and NOT in a GOOD way.
^^^^^ Badly done photo shop. ... :cuckoo:

Same font as this badly done photoshop.

Are you saying Muslims to not demonstrate for Sharia? Tell us another one. The rub your face in it every day, and you enjoy it.
I am saying that people like you are dishonest.
Dishonest about what? Certainly not about Islam or the damage your country has suffered including thousands of young women scarred for life because authorities were scared of being called racists. The dishonesty is yours.

You have a crazed view point that is being fed by extremists. You post dishonest shit in order to stir up trouble in a place that you know nothing about.

Doctored photographs, videos of events that never took place and so on. You people do not care what shit you spread.

You highlight crimes by Muslims but never comment on crimes by non Muslims. You quote distorted passages from the Koran as if it is the whole story while ignoring similar crap in the bible.

You see all of Europe as one entity and think it can be summed up with a few handed down soundbites.

We have a few like yourself over here. They are generally part of an under educated minority of losers who need somebody to blame for their own shortcomings. It has always been the Jews but now its the Muslims.

You are the mirror opposite of those you despise.

Some of the time I can laugh at your idiocy but mostly you just sicken me.
^^^^^ Badly done photo shop. ... :cuckoo:

Same font as this badly done photoshop.

Are you saying Muslims to not demonstrate for Sharia? Tell us another one. The rub your face in it every day, and you enjoy it.
I am saying that people like you are dishonest.
Dishonest about what? Certainly not about Islam or the damage your country has suffered including thousands of young women scarred for life because authorities were scared of being called racists. The dishonesty is yours.

You have a crazed view point that is being fed by extremists. You post dishonest shit in order to stir up trouble in a place that you know nothing about.

Doctored photographs, videos of events that never took place and so on. You people do not care what shit you spread.

You highlight crimes by Muslims but never comment on crimes by non Muslims. You quote distorted passages from the Koran as if it is the whole story while ignoring similar crap in the bible.

You see all of Europe as one entity and think it can be summed up with a few handed down soundbites.

We have a few like yourself over here. They are generally part of an under educated minority of losers who need somebody to blame for their own shortcomings. It has always been the Jews but now its the Muslims.

You are the mirror opposite of those you despise.

Some of the time I can laugh at your idiocy but mostly you just sicken me.

He's wrong about a lot but he's right about England. You guys are fucked in the heads. Your police force is a joke, your adherence to PC dogma let a bunch of girls get raped by big hairy pakis and you're selling your future to people who hate you all out of a sense of guilt.
Same font as this badly done photoshop.

Are you saying Muslims to not demonstrate for Sharia? Tell us another one. The rub your face in it every day, and you enjoy it.
I am saying that people like you are dishonest.
Dishonest about what? Certainly not about Islam or the damage your country has suffered including thousands of young women scarred for life because authorities were scared of being called racists. The dishonesty is yours.

You have a crazed view point that is being fed by extremists. You post dishonest shit in order to stir up trouble in a place that you know nothing about.

Doctored photographs, videos of events that never took place and so on. You people do not care what shit you spread.

You highlight crimes by Muslims but never comment on crimes by non Muslims. You quote distorted passages from the Koran as if it is the whole story while ignoring similar crap in the bible.

You see all of Europe as one entity and think it can be summed up with a few handed down soundbites.

We have a few like yourself over here. They are generally part of an under educated minority of losers who need somebody to blame for their own shortcomings. It has always been the Jews but now its the Muslims.

You are the mirror opposite of those you despise.

Some of the time I can laugh at your idiocy but mostly you just sicken me.

He's wrong about a lot but he's right about England. You guys are fucked in the heads. Your police force is a joke, your adherence to PC dogma let a bunch of girls get raped by big hairy pakis and you're selling your future to people who hate you all out of a sense of guilt.

More bigoted shit from another geller disciple. I havent got the time to engage with such nonsense now. I have work in a muzzie no go zone in the Caliphate of Birmingham.
How do you reconcile with the fact that Jewish-supremacist intellectuals created the political and social theories that are currently destroying western society, both Europe AND the USA? Created with the express purpose of destroying the west?
It is of no surprise, considering that the Jews were persecuted throughout almost of the entire history of Western civilization.
How do you reconcile with the fact that Jewish-supremacist intellectuals created the political and social theories that are currently destroying western society, both Europe AND the USA? Created with the express purpose of destroying the west?
It is of no surprise, considering that the Jews were persecuted throughout almost of the entire history of Western civilization.

That's a fine justification for wanting revenge. But ya gotta wonder... why were they persecuted in the first place? Sure, religion definitely played a role. Killers of Jesus and all that...we're talking ancient Europe here after all so it'd be silly to expect medieval Catholics and orthodox Christians to have woke modern day PC values. If you keep getting beat up on the playground for eating boogers, maybe instead of blaming the bullies you should...I dunno, maybe stop eating boogers?
How do you reconcile with the fact that Jewish-supremacist intellectuals created the political and social theories that are currently destroying western society, both Europe AND the USA? Created with the express purpose of destroying the west?
It is of no surprise, considering that the Jews were persecuted throughout almost of the entire history of Western civilization.

That's a fine justification for wanting revenge. But ya gotta wonder... why were they persecuted in the first place? Sure, religion definitely played a role. Killers of Jesus and all that...we're talking ancient Europe here after all so it'd be silly to expect medieval Catholics and orthodox Christians to have woke modern day PC values. If you keep getting beat up on the playground for eating boogers, maybe instead of blaming the bullies you should...I dunno, maybe stop eating boogers?
Religion was always a pretext. Maybe in ancient times the Jews also often exceeded the host nations in entelectual level and this wasn't pleased by them?

The point is you keep getting beat up not for eating boogers but for you being said to eat boogers.
How do you reconcile with the fact that Jewish-supremacist intellectuals created the political and social theories that are currently destroying western society, both Europe AND the USA? Created with the express purpose of destroying the west?
It is of no surprise, considering that the Jews were persecuted throughout almost of the entire history of Western civilization.

That's a fine justification for wanting revenge. But ya gotta wonder... why were they persecuted in the first place? Sure, religion definitely played a role. Killers of Jesus and all that...we're talking ancient Europe here after all so it'd be silly to expect medieval Catholics and orthodox Christians to have woke modern day PC values. If you keep getting beat up on the playground for eating boogers, maybe instead of blaming the bullies you should...I dunno, maybe stop eating boogers?
Religion was always a pretext. Maybe in ancient times the Jews also often exceeded the host nations in entelectual level and this wasn't pleased by them?

The point is you keep getting beat up not for eating boogers but for you being said to eat boogers.

It's funny. The people who complain the most about Antisemitism are the ones who get all outraged at the idea of ethnicity playing a role in human intelligence and behavior.
How do you reconcile with the fact that Jewish-supremacist intellectuals created the political and social theories that are currently destroying western society, both Europe AND the USA? Created with the express purpose of destroying the west?
It is of no surprise, considering that the Jews were persecuted throughout almost of the entire history of Western civilization.

That's a fine justification for wanting revenge. But ya gotta wonder... why were they persecuted in the first place? Sure, religion definitely played a role. Killers of Jesus and all that...we're talking ancient Europe here after all so it'd be silly to expect medieval Catholics and orthodox Christians to have woke modern day PC values. If you keep getting beat up on the playground for eating boogers, maybe instead of blaming the bullies you should...I dunno, maybe stop eating boogers?
Religion was always a pretext. Maybe in ancient times the Jews also often exceeded the host nations in entelectual level and this wasn't pleased by them?

The point is you keep getting beat up not for eating boogers but for you being said to eat boogers.

It's funny. The people who complain the most about Antisemitism are the ones who get all outraged at the idea of ethnicity playing a role in human intelligence and behavior.
I don't know what people you mean, but I personally belive that such a thing as national mentality actually exists.
How do you reconcile with the fact that Jewish-supremacist intellectuals created the political and social theories that are currently destroying western society, both Europe AND the USA? Created with the express purpose of destroying the west?
It is of no surprise, considering that the Jews were persecuted throughout almost of the entire history of Western civilization.

That's a fine justification for wanting revenge. But ya gotta wonder... why were they persecuted in the first place? Sure, religion definitely played a role. Killers of Jesus and all that...we're talking ancient Europe here after all so it'd be silly to expect medieval Catholics and orthodox Christians to have woke modern day PC values. If you keep getting beat up on the playground for eating boogers, maybe instead of blaming the bullies you should...I dunno, maybe stop eating boogers?
Religion was always a pretext. Maybe in ancient times the Jews also often exceeded the host nations in entelectual level and this wasn't pleased by them?

The point is you keep getting beat up not for eating boogers but for you being said to eat boogers.

It's funny. The people who complain the most about Antisemitism are the ones who get all outraged at the idea of ethnicity playing a role in human intelligence and behavior.

Boas, Lewontin, Gould, and Diamond are all dominant Jewish figures in pushing racial equality.

Its ultimately the money & influences of Capitalists & Jews who directly facilitate Islamic culture into the West.

The very Jews & Capitalists who they adore, sell them out to Muslims.
How do you reconcile with the fact that Jewish-supremacist intellectuals created the political and social theories that are currently destroying western society, both Europe AND the USA? Created with the express purpose of destroying the west?
It is of no surprise, considering that the Jews were persecuted throughout almost of the entire history of Western civilization.

That's a fine justification for wanting revenge. But ya gotta wonder... why were they persecuted in the first place? Sure, religion definitely played a role. Killers of Jesus and all that...we're talking ancient Europe here after all so it'd be silly to expect medieval Catholics and orthodox Christians to have woke modern day PC values. If you keep getting beat up on the playground for eating boogers, maybe instead of blaming the bullies you should...I dunno, maybe stop eating boogers?
Religion was always a pretext. Maybe in ancient times the Jews also often exceeded the host nations in entelectual level and this wasn't pleased by them?

The point is you keep getting beat up not for eating boogers but for you being said to eat boogers.

It's funny. The people who complain the most about Antisemitism are the ones who get all outraged at the idea of ethnicity playing a role in human intelligence and behavior.
I don't know what people you mean, but I personally belive that such a thing as national mentality actually exists.

The entire political establishment, that's who.
This one:

Accusing Muslim citizens of being more loyal to the ‘Ummah’ (transnational Muslim community) or to their countries of origin, or to the alleged priorities of Muslims worldwide, than to the interests of their own nations

How is that different than Muh Jews exactly? One of their frequent hysterical Mega Whinings is about how they are more loyal to the 51st State that they LOVE THAT much they DON'T want to ALL go and LIVE there of course, and how they are more concerned with the priorities of International Jewry than the interests of their own Host Nations.

SO it's NOT OKAY for the Muslims to get upset about this, BUT it IS OKAY for Muh Jews to get upset about it when it's them.

We have a TINY PERCENT at this forum who are basically borderline insane in their demented hatred of ALL Muslims, thinking that ALL Muslims are Radical Islamist Terrorist and because of that they OPENLY ADVOCATE that ALL Muslims should be EXTERMINATED and that Mecca should be NUKED. No it's NOT us who are the Nazi's, it's YOU who are Nazi-esque.

EVERY TIME there is some HYSTERICAL RANT about ALL Muslims, exchange Muslims for Jews and that's it.
SO it's NOT OKAY for the Muslims to get upset about this, BUT it IS OKAY for Muh Jews to get upset about it when it's them.
The Jews have no plans for world domination, Islam does.

You better inform Rothschilds, and Soros , thst they aren't Jews looking to create a Global government of their dominance, the so called New World Order.
Is it written down for everyone to read like Islam?

way back, he would get a New World Order by consent, or by force.

Soros also speaks of a New World Order.

Ultimately they have Nukes, Islamists, except Pakistan don't.

It's not Islamists who are capable of World domination, it's Jewish bankers like Soros / Rothschilds.
Rothschild said
Then it is a conspiracy theory, Islam is a reality.

Haha, as if Islam is powerful enough to conquer the World.

It's the Zionist USA which is beyond powerful.

Not Islam.

AIPAC runs America.

Jews have manipulated the Neocon idiots well.

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