Europe Conquered

YOU are IN the toilet bowl, do you WANT me to flush it already?
If you wish to think that you have any government in Western Europe that wants to preserve its culture and put it citizens first you are lying.

When were YOU LAST on this Continent exactly? When did YOU LAST spend extensive time traveling across this Continent exactly?

You know SHIT about ANYTHING you are commenting, your comments are CONSISTENTLY hilarious and WE are LAUGHING at YOU and your IGNORANCE.

"If you wish to think that you have any government in Western Europe that wants to preserve its culture and put it citizens first you are lying."

Uh oh WHAT IS THIS BELOW? FROM the EU Commission and Parliaments OWN WEBSITE ALL about how the EU has been committed for YEARS already to PRESERVING our European Heritage and WHEN they mean DIVERSE in the below they mean ALL NATIONS on this Continent do have a SHARED European Culture but it IS very diverse from nation to nation, being an ignorant, uneducated and very stupid American you would not comprehend this considering America Culture is vulgar and has ZERO class your Culture is what McDonald's, Disneyland, Rap, THINKING JOHN WAYNE WON THE WAR etc. ROFLAO.

Culture in the European Union

European Year of Cultural Heritage, are dedicated to make this vibrant and diverse culture accessible to everyone.

There are cultural components in many EU policies, including education, research, social policy, regional development and external relations. The creation and promotion of culture in today’s interactive and globalised world also goes hand-in-hand with media and digital technologies. The EU promotes policy collaboration on culture among national governments and with international organisations.

Through Creative Europe, the EU supports European cinema, arts and creative industries to create European jobs and growth, as well as to open up new international opportunities, markets and audiences.

Every year, 2 European cities are chosen as Europe's cultural capitals: this gives an extra boost to local economies, and puts the spotlight on local artists and each city’s unique cultural wealth.

The EU also partners with film festivals, cultural exhibitions, concerts, conferences, artistic prizes and awards across Europe all-year round.

Culture in the European Union | European Union
In five weeks it will be the 75th anniversary of the day we began to liberate you from living in the Third Reich.

You’re welcome.

How do you reconcile with the fact that Jewish-supremacist intellectuals created the political and social theories that are currently destroying western society, both Europe AND the USA? Created with the express purpose of destroying the west?

Weatherman has Extreme Jew Fetish Syndrome because he is an Evangelical and you know they ONLY care about the 51st State and ZERO else, he will refer to you as an Anti-Semite for asking the question but I know why you put that question as you do, this because you know that Weatherman is an Intellectual Dwarf with a low IQ and would not comprehend IF you asked the question minus the Jew thing and put instead it's NAME - Cultural Marxism aka Critical Theory Social Theory.

If he'd do his research, maybe he would read where it's spelled out in black and white, plain english. "We despise western cultural and moral values. We know better than they do, because we're superior on a genetic level. Here's how we will destroy them."
Islam is a very natural fit with the Democrats because they hate the same people
They are allied in the destruction of Western Civilization.

Eh, the Muslims are a threat, a threat made possible by submissive Cucks like you, who haven't figured out that Jews, and Capitalists are enemies.
There are only 14 million Jews in the world, there are almost a billion and a half Muslims. Do the math. And capitalism has bought more people out of poverty than any other economic system.

Oh I THOUGHT we could NOT go a thread WITHOUT Muh Jews Muh Poor Jews being brought into it. All you weirdos with your Jew Fetish. You NEED to get a LIFE, that crowd do NOT give a SHIT about you.
Like it or not, Jews are at the center of history of mankind and will continue to be so. Being God’s chosen does that.

That crowd have NO DNA link to the Biblical Hebrews so they are NOT God's Chosen, but keep drinking that Kool Aid.
Islam is a very natural fit with the Democrats because they hate the same people
They are allied in the destruction of Western Civilization.

Eh, the Muslims are a threat, a threat made possible by submissive Cucks like you, who haven't figured out that Jews, and Capitalists are enemies.
There are only 14 million Jews in the world, there are almost a billion and a half Muslims. Do the math. And capitalism has bought more people out of poverty than any other economic system.

Oh I THOUGHT we could NOT go a thread WITHOUT Muh Jews Muh Poor Jews being brought into it. All you weirdos with your Jew Fetish. You NEED to get a LIFE, that crowd do NOT give a SHIT about you.
Oh but your PRECIOUS MUSLIMS DO... right?


I'd ask you how it feels to be BRAIN WASHED, but obviously a person that is can't tell you.

No they are NOT MY precious Muslims, I must have posted THOUSANDS of comments at this forum about my thoughts on Islam.

Hey impuretrash this idiot 007 in a thread the other night, I posted about how the Italian Government was encouraging Italians to buy MORE guns and the ONLY response 007 had to that was WAIT FOR IT....was that a good thing because Muh Mussolini sided with Muh Hitler. ROFLAO.

ROFLAO that's how MENTAL this crowd is, Muh Hitler and Muh Nazi's LITERALLY OCCUPY their MICRO BRAINS 24/7, I have to congratulate Muh New York Jews and Muh Hollyweird for doing such a GREAT BRAINWASHING job on these idiots, they are LITERALLY now like pre-program ROBOTS just VOMITING the SAME CRAP out ALL the time.
They are allied in the destruction of Western Civilization.

Eh, the Muslims are a threat, a threat made possible by submissive Cucks like you, who haven't figured out that Jews, and Capitalists are enemies.
There are only 14 million Jews in the world, there are almost a billion and a half Muslims. Do the math. And capitalism has bought more people out of poverty than any other economic system.

Oh I THOUGHT we could NOT go a thread WITHOUT Muh Jews Muh Poor Jews being brought into it. All you weirdos with your Jew Fetish. You NEED to get a LIFE, that crowd do NOT give a SHIT about you.
Oh but your PRECIOUS MUSLIMS DO... right?


I'd ask you how it feels to be BRAIN WASHED, but obviously a person that is can't tell you.

No they are NOT MY precious Muslims, I must have posted THOUSANDS of comments at this forum about my thoughts on Islam.

Hey impuretrash this idiot 007 in a thread the other night, I posted about how the Italian Government was encouraging Italians to buy MORE guns and the ONLY response 007 had to that was WAIT FOR IT....was that a good thing because Muh Mussolini sided with Muh Hitler. ROFLAO.

ROFLAO that's how MENTAL this crowd is, Muh Hitler and Muh Nazi's LITERALLY OCCUPY their MICRO BRAINS 24/7, I have to congratulate Muh New York Jews and Muh Hollyweird for doing such a GREAT BRAINWASHING job on these idiots, they are LITERALLY now like pre-program ROBOTS just VOMITING the SAME CRAP out ALL the time.
Sorry, you pathetic little wanker... but I'm an American, I'm used to FREE SPEECH, unlike YOU, that if you speak out against MUSLIMS in your CHERISHED Europe, you go to JAIL. You have never lived here, you have no idea how much FREEDOM we have compared to you. You don't understand me or where I'm coming from BECAUSE you've been BRAIN WASHED by your pathetic, crippling, european POLITICAL CORRECTNESS. I don't expect you to understand. I know you're thinking is WARPED. You will go to your grave defending the very things that will be your DEMISE. You are an IDIOT. That's why we kicked you sons a bitches OUT OF HERE a couple hundred years ago.

Enjoy your muslim nation, moron.
Last edited:
Eh, the Muslims are a threat, a threat made possible by submissive Cucks like you, who haven't figured out that Jews, and Capitalists are enemies.
There are only 14 million Jews in the world, there are almost a billion and a half Muslims. Do the math. And capitalism has bought more people out of poverty than any other economic system.

Oh I THOUGHT we could NOT go a thread WITHOUT Muh Jews Muh Poor Jews being brought into it. All you weirdos with your Jew Fetish. You NEED to get a LIFE, that crowd do NOT give a SHIT about you.
Oh but your PRECIOUS MUSLIMS DO... right?


I'd ask you how it feels to be BRAIN WASHED, but obviously a person that is can't tell you.

No they are NOT MY precious Muslims, I must have posted THOUSANDS of comments at this forum about my thoughts on Islam.

Hey impuretrash this idiot 007 in a thread the other night, I posted about how the Italian Government was encouraging Italians to buy MORE guns and the ONLY response 007 had to that was WAIT FOR IT....was that a good thing because Muh Mussolini sided with Muh Hitler. ROFLAO.

ROFLAO that's how MENTAL this crowd is, Muh Hitler and Muh Nazi's LITERALLY OCCUPY their MICRO BRAINS 24/7, I have to congratulate Muh New York Jews and Muh Hollyweird for doing such a GREAT BRAINWASHING job on these idiots, they are LITERALLY now like pre-program ROBOTS just VOMITING the SAME CRAP out ALL the time.
Sorry, you pathetic little dweeb... but I'm an American, I'm used to FREE SPEECH, unlike YOU, that if you speak out against MUSLIMS in your CHERISHED Europe, you go to JAIL. You have never lived here, you have no idea how much FREEDOM we have compared to you. You don't understand me or where I'm coming from BECAUSE you've been BRAIN WASHED by your pathetic, crippling, european POLITICAL CORRECTNESS. I don't expect you to understand. I know you're thinking is WARPED. You will go to your grave defending the very things that will be your DEMISE. You are an IDIOT. That's why we kicked you sons a bitches OUT OF HERE a couple hundred years ago.

Enjoy your muslim nation, moron.

As if Europe is just one singular organism, rather than a diverse continent.
Frigging hilarious.
Islam is a very natural fit with the Democrats because they hate the same people
They are allied in the destruction of Western Civilization.

Eh, the Muslims are a threat, a threat made possible by submissive Cucks like you, who haven't figured out that Jews, and Capitalists are enemies.
There are only 14 million Jews in the world, there are almost a billion and a half Muslims. Do the math. And capitalism has bought more people out of poverty than any other economic system.

Oh I THOUGHT we could NOT go a thread WITHOUT Muh Jews Muh Poor Jews being brought into it. All you weirdos with your Jew Fetish. You NEED to get a LIFE, that crowd do NOT give a SHIT about you.
Oh but your PRECIOUS MUSLIMS DO... right?


I'd ask you how it feels to be BRAIN WASHED, but obviously a person that is can't tell you.

THIS is YOU and Weatherman and ALL the ones like YOU:


You are of course a repressed Homosexual, you are in LOVE with Muh Hitler, he's on Twitter you know he at random Tweets back to The Donald:



Eh, the Muslims are a threat, a threat made possible by submissive Cucks like you, who haven't figured out that Jews, and Capitalists are enemies.
There are only 14 million Jews in the world, there are almost a billion and a half Muslims. Do the math. And capitalism has bought more people out of poverty than any other economic system.

Oh I THOUGHT we could NOT go a thread WITHOUT Muh Jews Muh Poor Jews being brought into it. All you weirdos with your Jew Fetish. You NEED to get a LIFE, that crowd do NOT give a SHIT about you.
Oh but your PRECIOUS MUSLIMS DO... right?


I'd ask you how it feels to be BRAIN WASHED, but obviously a person that is can't tell you.

No they are NOT MY precious Muslims, I must have posted THOUSANDS of comments at this forum about my thoughts on Islam.

Hey impuretrash this idiot 007 in a thread the other night, I posted about how the Italian Government was encouraging Italians to buy MORE guns and the ONLY response 007 had to that was WAIT FOR IT....was that a good thing because Muh Mussolini sided with Muh Hitler. ROFLAO.

ROFLAO that's how MENTAL this crowd is, Muh Hitler and Muh Nazi's LITERALLY OCCUPY their MICRO BRAINS 24/7, I have to congratulate Muh New York Jews and Muh Hollyweird for doing such a GREAT BRAINWASHING job on these idiots, they are LITERALLY now like pre-program ROBOTS just VOMITING the SAME CRAP out ALL the time.
Sorry, you pathetic little wanker... but I'm an American, I'm used to FREE SPEECH, unlike YOU, that if you speak out against MUSLIMS in your CHERISHED Europe, you go to JAIL. You have never lived here, you have no idea how much FREEDOM we have compared to you. You don't understand me or where I'm coming from BECAUSE you've been BRAIN WASHED by your pathetic, crippling, european POLITICAL CORRECTNESS. I don't expect you to understand. I know you're thinking is WARPED. You will go to your grave defending the very things that will be your DEMISE. You are an IDIOT. That's why we kicked you sons a bitches OUT OF HERE a couple hundred years ago.

Enjoy your muslim nation, moron.

Are you an American? So why the Extreme Jew Fetish then? I mean that crowd's nation is Israel not YOUR nation which is America. Why are you loyal to another nation apart from your own? That is being a Semi-Traitor.

My nation is NOT Muslim and we have a Right-Wing Government UNLIKE YOUR nation who has a Cuckservative Government who are allowing THOUSANDS of Illegals who have crossed your border to be released into the American population, Trump IS a Cuckservative he is all mouth and NO action on this he is CONTINUING Obama's Catch and Release Policy and by the end of 2019 TRUMP will have RELEASED 500,000 Illegals into the American population. I posted the link to the Breitbart investigation IN this thread it's on page one of the thread.

So ENJOY LOSING America as a NATION, moron. All the Mexicans and Central Americans are going to PUT YOU in your PLACE by REPLACING YOU. ROFLAO. EXCELLENT!
There are only 14 million Jews in the world, there are almost a billion and a half Muslims. Do the math. And capitalism has bought more people out of poverty than any other economic system.

Oh I THOUGHT we could NOT go a thread WITHOUT Muh Jews Muh Poor Jews being brought into it. All you weirdos with your Jew Fetish. You NEED to get a LIFE, that crowd do NOT give a SHIT about you.
Oh but your PRECIOUS MUSLIMS DO... right?


I'd ask you how it feels to be BRAIN WASHED, but obviously a person that is can't tell you.

No they are NOT MY precious Muslims, I must have posted THOUSANDS of comments at this forum about my thoughts on Islam.

Hey impuretrash this idiot 007 in a thread the other night, I posted about how the Italian Government was encouraging Italians to buy MORE guns and the ONLY response 007 had to that was WAIT FOR IT....was that a good thing because Muh Mussolini sided with Muh Hitler. ROFLAO.

ROFLAO that's how MENTAL this crowd is, Muh Hitler and Muh Nazi's LITERALLY OCCUPY their MICRO BRAINS 24/7, I have to congratulate Muh New York Jews and Muh Hollyweird for doing such a GREAT BRAINWASHING job on these idiots, they are LITERALLY now like pre-program ROBOTS just VOMITING the SAME CRAP out ALL the time.
Sorry, you pathetic little dweeb... but I'm an American, I'm used to FREE SPEECH, unlike YOU, that if you speak out against MUSLIMS in your CHERISHED Europe, you go to JAIL. You have never lived here, you have no idea how much FREEDOM we have compared to you. You don't understand me or where I'm coming from BECAUSE you've been BRAIN WASHED by your pathetic, crippling, european POLITICAL CORRECTNESS. I don't expect you to understand. I know you're thinking is WARPED. You will go to your grave defending the very things that will be your DEMISE. You are an IDIOT. That's why we kicked you sons a bitches OUT OF HERE a couple hundred years ago.

Enjoy your muslim nation, moron.

As if Europe is just one singular organism, rather than a diverse continent.
Frigging hilarious.

Exactly, again illustrating what uneducated low IQ Muppets they are. ROFLAO. But you know that crowd are part of The Enemy, you have SEEN in THIS thread how they TURN on me who IS Right-Wing UNLIKE them who are Cucks, they are to be considered part of The Enemy with the Leftists, when the SHTF they are going to side with the WRONG Team because of Muh Wanna Be Raptured Up To Jesus, again illustrating their low IQ because WHAT do their Fetish THINK about Jesus? Oh that's right, we already know.
Contemporary examples of Islamophobia.....include, but are not limited to:

  • Accusing Muslims... of inventing or exaggerating Islamophobia
  • Accusing Muslim citizens of being more loyal to the ‘Ummah’ (transnational Muslim community) or to their countries of origin, or to the alleged priorities of Muslims worldwide, than to the interests of their own nations
  • Denying Muslim populations the right to self- determination e.g., by claiming that the existence of an independent Palestine or Kashmir is a terrorist endeavour
  • Applying double standards by requiring of Muslims behaviours that are not expected or demanded of any other groups in society, eg loyalty tests
  • Using the symbols and images associated with classic Islamophobia e.g. Muhammed being a paedophile, claims of Muslims spreading Islam by the sword or subjugating minority groups under their rule
In Scotland they have defined Islamophobia. Notice questioning Muslims about anything is Islamophobic when their holy books and bloody history prove some of these things are what their religion says and are obligations. This in reality says Sharia will be enforced, Islam will not be stopped.

Scotland adopts formal definition of "Islamophobia" - stand by for blasphemy laws
Contemporary examples of Islamophobia.....include, but are not limited to:

  • Accusing Muslims... of inventing or exaggerating Islamophobia
  • Accusing Muslim citizens of being more loyal to the ‘Ummah’ (transnational Muslim community) or to their countries of origin, or to the alleged priorities of Muslims worldwide, than to the interests of their own nations
  • Denying Muslim populations the right to self- determination e.g., by claiming that the existence of an independent Palestine or Kashmir is a terrorist endeavour
  • Applying double standards by requiring of Muslims behaviours that are not expected or demanded of any other groups in society, eg loyalty tests
  • Using the symbols and images associated with classic Islamophobia e.g. Muhammed being a paedophile, claims of Muslims spreading Islam by the sword or subjugating minority groups under their rule
In Scotland they have defined Islamophobia. Notice questioning Muslims about anything is Islamophobic when their holy books and bloody history prove some of these things are what their religion says and are obligations. This in reality says Sharia will be enforced, Islam will not be stopped.

Scotland adopts formal definition of "Islamophobia" - stand by for blasphemy laws

SCOTLAND is NOT the ENTIRE European Continent.
There are only 14 million Jews in the world, there are almost a billion and a half Muslims. Do the math. And capitalism has bought more people out of poverty than any other economic system.

Oh I THOUGHT we could NOT go a thread WITHOUT Muh Jews Muh Poor Jews being brought into it. All you weirdos with your Jew Fetish. You NEED to get a LIFE, that crowd do NOT give a SHIT about you.
Oh but your PRECIOUS MUSLIMS DO... right?


I'd ask you how it feels to be BRAIN WASHED, but obviously a person that is can't tell you.

No they are NOT MY precious Muslims, I must have posted THOUSANDS of comments at this forum about my thoughts on Islam.

Hey impuretrash this idiot 007 in a thread the other night, I posted about how the Italian Government was encouraging Italians to buy MORE guns and the ONLY response 007 had to that was WAIT FOR IT....was that a good thing because Muh Mussolini sided with Muh Hitler. ROFLAO.

ROFLAO that's how MENTAL this crowd is, Muh Hitler and Muh Nazi's LITERALLY OCCUPY their MICRO BRAINS 24/7, I have to congratulate Muh New York Jews and Muh Hollyweird for doing such a GREAT BRAINWASHING job on these idiots, they are LITERALLY now like pre-program ROBOTS just VOMITING the SAME CRAP out ALL the time.
Sorry, you pathetic little dweeb... but I'm an American, I'm used to FREE SPEECH, unlike YOU, that if you speak out against MUSLIMS in your CHERISHED Europe, you go to JAIL. You have never lived here, you have no idea how much FREEDOM we have compared to you. You don't understand me or where I'm coming from BECAUSE you've been BRAIN WASHED by your pathetic, crippling, european POLITICAL CORRECTNESS. I don't expect you to understand. I know you're thinking is WARPED. You will go to your grave defending the very things that will be your DEMISE. You are an IDIOT. That's why we kicked you sons a bitches OUT OF HERE a couple hundred years ago.

Enjoy your muslim nation, moron.

As if Europe is just one singular organism, rather than a diverse continent.
Frigging hilarious.
Contemporary examples of Islamophobia.....include, but are not limited to:

  • Accusing Muslims... of inventing or exaggerating Islamophobia
  • Accusing Muslim citizens of being more loyal to the ‘Ummah’ (transnational Muslim community) or to their countries of origin, or to the alleged priorities of Muslims worldwide, than to the interests of their own nations
  • Denying Muslim populations the right to self- determination e.g., by claiming that the existence of an independent Palestine or Kashmir is a terrorist endeavour
  • Applying double standards by requiring of Muslims behaviours that are not expected or demanded of any other groups in society, eg loyalty tests
  • Using the symbols and images associated with classic Islamophobia e.g. Muhammed being a paedophile, claims of Muslims spreading Islam by the sword or subjugating minority groups under their rule
In Scotland they have defined Islamophobia. Notice questioning Muslims about anything is Islamophobic when their holy books and bloody history prove some of these things are what their religion says and are obligations. This in reality says Sharia will be enforced, Islam will not be stopped.

Scotland adopts formal definition of "Islamophobia" - stand by for blasphemy laws

SCOTLAND is NOT the ENTIRE European Continent.
Maybe not, but PC is the new religion and your leaders are devout followers.
Contemporary examples of Islamophobia.....include, but are not limited to:

  • Accusing Muslims... of inventing or exaggerating Islamophobia
  • Accusing Muslim citizens of being more loyal to the ‘Ummah’ (transnational Muslim community) or to their countries of origin, or to the alleged priorities of Muslims worldwide, than to the interests of their own nations
  • Denying Muslim populations the right to self- determination e.g., by claiming that the existence of an independent Palestine or Kashmir is a terrorist endeavour
  • Applying double standards by requiring of Muslims behaviours that are not expected or demanded of any other groups in society, eg loyalty tests
  • Using the symbols and images associated with classic Islamophobia e.g. Muhammed being a paedophile, claims of Muslims spreading Islam by the sword or subjugating minority groups under their rule
In Scotland they have defined Islamophobia. Notice questioning Muslims about anything is Islamophobic when their holy books and bloody history prove some of these things are what their religion says and are obligations. This in reality says Sharia will be enforced, Islam will not be stopped.

Scotland adopts formal definition of "Islamophobia" - stand by for blasphemy laws

This one:

Accusing Muslim citizens of being more loyal to the ‘Ummah’ (transnational Muslim community) or to their countries of origin, or to the alleged priorities of Muslims worldwide, than to the interests of their own nations

How is that different than Muh Jews exactly? One of their frequent hysterical Mega Whinings is about how they are more loyal to the 51st State that they LOVE THAT much they DON'T want to ALL go and LIVE there of course, and how they are more concerned with the priorities of International Jewry than the interests of their own Host Nations.

SO it's NOT OKAY for the Muslims to get upset about this, BUT it IS OKAY for Muh Jews to get upset about it when it's them.

We have a TINY PERCENT at this forum who are basically borderline insane in their demented hatred of ALL Muslims, thinking that ALL Muslims are Radical Islamist Terrorist and because of that they OPENLY ADVOCATE that ALL Muslims should be EXTERMINATED and that Mecca should be NUKED. No it's NOT us who are the Nazi's, it's YOU who are Nazi-esque.

EVERY TIME there is some HYSTERICAL RANT about ALL Muslims, exchange Muslims for Jews and that's it.
Oh I THOUGHT we could NOT go a thread WITHOUT Muh Jews Muh Poor Jews being brought into it. All you weirdos with your Jew Fetish. You NEED to get a LIFE, that crowd do NOT give a SHIT about you.
Oh but your PRECIOUS MUSLIMS DO... right?


I'd ask you how it feels to be BRAIN WASHED, but obviously a person that is can't tell you.

No they are NOT MY precious Muslims, I must have posted THOUSANDS of comments at this forum about my thoughts on Islam.

Hey impuretrash this idiot 007 in a thread the other night, I posted about how the Italian Government was encouraging Italians to buy MORE guns and the ONLY response 007 had to that was WAIT FOR IT....was that a good thing because Muh Mussolini sided with Muh Hitler. ROFLAO.

ROFLAO that's how MENTAL this crowd is, Muh Hitler and Muh Nazi's LITERALLY OCCUPY their MICRO BRAINS 24/7, I have to congratulate Muh New York Jews and Muh Hollyweird for doing such a GREAT BRAINWASHING job on these idiots, they are LITERALLY now like pre-program ROBOTS just VOMITING the SAME CRAP out ALL the time.
Sorry, you pathetic little dweeb... but I'm an American, I'm used to FREE SPEECH, unlike YOU, that if you speak out against MUSLIMS in your CHERISHED Europe, you go to JAIL. You have never lived here, you have no idea how much FREEDOM we have compared to you. You don't understand me or where I'm coming from BECAUSE you've been BRAIN WASHED by your pathetic, crippling, european POLITICAL CORRECTNESS. I don't expect you to understand. I know you're thinking is WARPED. You will go to your grave defending the very things that will be your DEMISE. You are an IDIOT. That's why we kicked you sons a bitches OUT OF HERE a couple hundred years ago.

Enjoy your muslim nation, moron.

As if Europe is just one singular organism, rather than a diverse continent.
Frigging hilarious.
Contemporary examples of Islamophobia.....include, but are not limited to:

  • Accusing Muslims... of inventing or exaggerating Islamophobia
  • Accusing Muslim citizens of being more loyal to the ‘Ummah’ (transnational Muslim community) or to their countries of origin, or to the alleged priorities of Muslims worldwide, than to the interests of their own nations
  • Denying Muslim populations the right to self- determination e.g., by claiming that the existence of an independent Palestine or Kashmir is a terrorist endeavour
  • Applying double standards by requiring of Muslims behaviours that are not expected or demanded of any other groups in society, eg loyalty tests
  • Using the symbols and images associated with classic Islamophobia e.g. Muhammed being a paedophile, claims of Muslims spreading Islam by the sword or subjugating minority groups under their rule
In Scotland they have defined Islamophobia. Notice questioning Muslims about anything is Islamophobic when their holy books and bloody history prove some of these things are what their religion says and are obligations. This in reality says Sharia will be enforced, Islam will not be stopped.

Scotland adopts formal definition of "Islamophobia" - stand by for blasphemy laws

SCOTLAND is NOT the ENTIRE European Continent.
Maybe not, but PC is the new religion and your leaders are devout followers.

I agree,

It's disgusting and pathetic watching all these globalist European leaders bowing to Islam!

Makes you puke!:mad-61:
Oh I THOUGHT we could NOT go a thread WITHOUT Muh Jews Muh Poor Jews being brought into it. All you weirdos with your Jew Fetish. You NEED to get a LIFE, that crowd do NOT give a SHIT about you.
Oh but your PRECIOUS MUSLIMS DO... right?


I'd ask you how it feels to be BRAIN WASHED, but obviously a person that is can't tell you.

No they are NOT MY precious Muslims, I must have posted THOUSANDS of comments at this forum about my thoughts on Islam.

Hey impuretrash this idiot 007 in a thread the other night, I posted about how the Italian Government was encouraging Italians to buy MORE guns and the ONLY response 007 had to that was WAIT FOR IT....was that a good thing because Muh Mussolini sided with Muh Hitler. ROFLAO.

ROFLAO that's how MENTAL this crowd is, Muh Hitler and Muh Nazi's LITERALLY OCCUPY their MICRO BRAINS 24/7, I have to congratulate Muh New York Jews and Muh Hollyweird for doing such a GREAT BRAINWASHING job on these idiots, they are LITERALLY now like pre-program ROBOTS just VOMITING the SAME CRAP out ALL the time.
Sorry, you pathetic little dweeb... but I'm an American, I'm used to FREE SPEECH, unlike YOU, that if you speak out against MUSLIMS in your CHERISHED Europe, you go to JAIL. You have never lived here, you have no idea how much FREEDOM we have compared to you. You don't understand me or where I'm coming from BECAUSE you've been BRAIN WASHED by your pathetic, crippling, european POLITICAL CORRECTNESS. I don't expect you to understand. I know you're thinking is WARPED. You will go to your grave defending the very things that will be your DEMISE. You are an IDIOT. That's why we kicked you sons a bitches OUT OF HERE a couple hundred years ago.

Enjoy your muslim nation, moron.

As if Europe is just one singular organism, rather than a diverse continent.
Frigging hilarious.
Contemporary examples of Islamophobia.....include, but are not limited to:

  • Accusing Muslims... of inventing or exaggerating Islamophobia
  • Accusing Muslim citizens of being more loyal to the ‘Ummah’ (transnational Muslim community) or to their countries of origin, or to the alleged priorities of Muslims worldwide, than to the interests of their own nations
  • Denying Muslim populations the right to self- determination e.g., by claiming that the existence of an independent Palestine or Kashmir is a terrorist endeavour
  • Applying double standards by requiring of Muslims behaviours that are not expected or demanded of any other groups in society, eg loyalty tests
  • Using the symbols and images associated with classic Islamophobia e.g. Muhammed being a paedophile, claims of Muslims spreading Islam by the sword or subjugating minority groups under their rule
In Scotland they have defined Islamophobia. Notice questioning Muslims about anything is Islamophobic when their holy books and bloody history prove some of these things are what their religion says and are obligations. This in reality says Sharia will be enforced, Islam will not be stopped.

Scotland adopts formal definition of "Islamophobia" - stand by for blasphemy laws

SCOTLAND is NOT the ENTIRE European Continent.
Maybe not, but PC is the new religion and your leaders are devout followers.

My nation is NOT Politically Correct, REPEAT we have an ACTUAL Right-Wing as IN Right-Wing Government, we are NOT Politically Correct and also UNLIKE AMERICA we have rendered our Leftists TOTALLY IMPOTENT, both POLITICALLY and SOCIALLY, they have been reduced to ZERO and they know to STFU or ELSE. We also very early on deal with the Antifa, we only had 408 Antifa in this nation but very early on during several nights they were rounded up and taken away into the night and have been silenced.

America is IMPOTENT, you have UNLIMITED amounts of Third World Shit Holers crossing your border, you have Antifa VIOLENTLY rioting on the streets, you have Leftists like Nancy Pelosi and Charles Schumer RUNNING THE SHOW, you have a FULL ON LEFTIST MSM working with ALL the other Leftists to ACTIVELY DESTROY America, you have Leftist Activist Judges STOPPING ANY policy to STOP America being turned into a Third World Shit Hole and you are the MOST Politically Correct NATION on this planet, you have LAWS saying that Transgenders can be woman, you have laws saying that HOMOS can adopt children, things MY NATION would NEVER ALLOW, we do NOT ACCEPT that their IS ANY OTHER GENDERS than MAN AND WOMAN, we do NOT allow Homos to adopt children, we do NOT have Leftist Activist Judges, we have CLOSED our borders and our borders are PROTECTED 24/7 by ARMED UNITS.

America is FUCKED, but we are NOT, we will STILL be HERE INTACT when America is LONG GONE to Third World Shit Hole Status.
Eh, the Muslims are a threat, a threat made possible by submissive Cucks like you, who haven't figured out that Jews, and Capitalists are enemies.
There are only 14 million Jews in the world, there are almost a billion and a half Muslims. Do the math. And capitalism has bought more people out of poverty than any other economic system.

Oh I THOUGHT we could NOT go a thread WITHOUT Muh Jews Muh Poor Jews being brought into it. All you weirdos with your Jew Fetish. You NEED to get a LIFE, that crowd do NOT give a SHIT about you.
Oh but your PRECIOUS MUSLIMS DO... right?


I'd ask you how it feels to be BRAIN WASHED, but obviously a person that is can't tell you.

No they are NOT MY precious Muslims, I must have posted THOUSANDS of comments at this forum about my thoughts on Islam.

Hey impuretrash this idiot 007 in a thread the other night, I posted about how the Italian Government was encouraging Italians to buy MORE guns and the ONLY response 007 had to that was WAIT FOR IT....was that a good thing because Muh Mussolini sided with Muh Hitler. ROFLAO.

ROFLAO that's how MENTAL this crowd is, Muh Hitler and Muh Nazi's LITERALLY OCCUPY their MICRO BRAINS 24/7, I have to congratulate Muh New York Jews and Muh Hollyweird for doing such a GREAT BRAINWASHING job on these idiots, they are LITERALLY now like pre-program ROBOTS just VOMITING the SAME CRAP out ALL the time.
Sorry, you pathetic little wanker... but I'm an American, I'm used to FREE SPEECH, unlike YOU, that if you speak out against MUSLIMS in your CHERISHED Europe, you go to JAIL. You have never lived here, you have no idea how much FREEDOM we have compared to you. You don't understand me or where I'm coming from BECAUSE you've been BRAIN WASHED by your pathetic, crippling, european POLITICAL CORRECTNESS. I don't expect you to understand. I know you're thinking is WARPED. You will go to your grave defending the very things that will be your DEMISE. You are an IDIOT. That's why we kicked you sons a bitches OUT OF HERE a couple hundred years ago.

Enjoy your muslim nation, moron.

"unlike YOU, that if you speak out against MUSLIMS in your CHERISHED Europe, you go to JAIL."

No one put me in jail for ANYTHING I would EVER comment, as others already know I have worked since November 2018 for my nations Ministry of The Interior and I ALSO have Diplomatic Immunity because of what my Papa he do, I can comment ANYTHING and ANYWHERE I want to. IF any one put me in jail this would result in what they call an International Incident.

"You have never lived here"

But I HAVE I lived in Texas for 6 months. Did you EVER live on MY Continent? If not who cares what YOU think, you are ignorant and know ZERO. Also I add when I was in Texas for 6 months not ONE TIME did I meet The Ugly American like you and Weatherman who HATE my Continent and want my peoples DEAD and also not meet like you and Weatherman any Jew Fetish Crowd OR ANY Nazi Fetish Crowd who babble about Muh Hitler and Muh Jews 24/7 and I meet many peoples in Texas that we have discussions on ALL different things including politics and these were NORMAL discussions and NOT this weird Fetish thing like in this thread and other threads.
Contemporary examples of Islamophobia.....include, but are not limited to:

  • Accusing Muslims... of inventing or exaggerating Islamophobia
  • Accusing Muslim citizens of being more loyal to the ‘Ummah’ (transnational Muslim community) or to their countries of origin, or to the alleged priorities of Muslims worldwide, than to the interests of their own nations
  • Denying Muslim populations the right to self- determination e.g., by claiming that the existence of an independent Palestine or Kashmir is a terrorist endeavour
  • Applying double standards by requiring of Muslims behaviours that are not expected or demanded of any other groups in society, eg loyalty tests
  • Using the symbols and images associated with classic Islamophobia e.g. Muhammed being a paedophile, claims of Muslims spreading Islam by the sword or subjugating minority groups under their rule
In Scotland they have defined Islamophobia. Notice questioning Muslims about anything is Islamophobic when their holy books and bloody history prove some of these things are what their religion says and are obligations. This in reality says Sharia will be enforced, Islam will not be stopped.

Scotland adopts formal definition of "Islamophobia" - stand by for blasphemy laws

This one:

Accusing Muslim citizens of being more loyal to the ‘Ummah’ (transnational Muslim community) or to their countries of origin, or to the alleged priorities of Muslims worldwide, than to the interests of their own nations

How is that different than Muh Jews exactly? One of their frequent hysterical Mega Whinings is about how they are more loyal to the 51st State that they LOVE THAT much they DON'T want to ALL go and LIVE there of course, and how they are more concerned with the priorities of International Jewry than the interests of their own Host Nations.

SO it's NOT OKAY for the Muslims to get upset about this, BUT it IS OKAY for Muh Jews to get upset about it when it's them.

We have a TINY PERCENT at this forum who are basically borderline insane in their demented hatred of ALL Muslims, thinking that ALL Muslims are Radical Islamist Terrorist and because of that they OPENLY ADVOCATE that ALL Muslims should be EXTERMINATED and that Mecca should be NUKED. No it's NOT us who are the Nazi's, it's YOU who are Nazi-esque.

EVERY TIME there is some HYSTERICAL RANT about ALL Muslims, exchange Muslims for Jews and that's it.
SO it's NOT OKAY for the Muslims to get upset about this, BUT it IS OKAY for Muh Jews to get upset about it when it's them.
They are getting upset because they are doing what their religion says they must do. The Jews have no plans for world domination, Islam does. Thanks to their own literature they can be caught red handed and still deny it. Nice right to have. Why do they deserve this privilege?

Remember jihadis emulate Muhammad, and it is on Muhammads authority they claim superiority and the right to kill, intimidate, terrorize and rape, and people kiss their ass.
Contemporary examples of Islamophobia.....include, but are not limited to:

  • Accusing Muslims... of inventing or exaggerating Islamophobia
  • Accusing Muslim citizens of being more loyal to the ‘Ummah’ (transnational Muslim community) or to their countries of origin, or to the alleged priorities of Muslims worldwide, than to the interests of their own nations
  • Denying Muslim populations the right to self- determination e.g., by claiming that the existence of an independent Palestine or Kashmir is a terrorist endeavour
  • Applying double standards by requiring of Muslims behaviours that are not expected or demanded of any other groups in society, eg loyalty tests
  • Using the symbols and images associated with classic Islamophobia e.g. Muhammed being a paedophile, claims of Muslims spreading Islam by the sword or subjugating minority groups under their rule
In Scotland they have defined Islamophobia. Notice questioning Muslims about anything is Islamophobic when their holy books and bloody history prove some of these things are what their religion says and are obligations. This in reality says Sharia will be enforced, Islam will not be stopped.

Scotland adopts formal definition of "Islamophobia" - stand by for blasphemy laws

This one:

Accusing Muslim citizens of being more loyal to the ‘Ummah’ (transnational Muslim community) or to their countries of origin, or to the alleged priorities of Muslims worldwide, than to the interests of their own nations

How is that different than Muh Jews exactly? One of their frequent hysterical Mega Whinings is about how they are more loyal to the 51st State that they LOVE THAT much they DON'T want to ALL go and LIVE there of course, and how they are more concerned with the priorities of International Jewry than the interests of their own Host Nations.

SO it's NOT OKAY for the Muslims to get upset about this, BUT it IS OKAY for Muh Jews to get upset about it when it's them.

We have a TINY PERCENT at this forum who are basically borderline insane in their demented hatred of ALL Muslims, thinking that ALL Muslims are Radical Islamist Terrorist and because of that they OPENLY ADVOCATE that ALL Muslims should be EXTERMINATED and that Mecca should be NUKED. No it's NOT us who are the Nazi's, it's YOU who are Nazi-esque.

EVERY TIME there is some HYSTERICAL RANT about ALL Muslims, exchange Muslims for Jews and that's it.
SO it's NOT OKAY for the Muslims to get upset about this, BUT it IS OKAY for Muh Jews to get upset about it when it's them.
The Jews have no plans for world domination, Islam does.

You better inform Rothschilds, and Soros , that they aren't Jews looking to create a Global government of their dominance, the so called New World Order.

The difference is Islamists don't have the tools currently to take over.

The New World Order, is very possible, especially out of America, considering it's Judeo - Capitalist dominance, and Military supremacy.

Islamists are throwing rocks, while Jews are using subversion to trick dope dupes.
Contemporary examples of Islamophobia.....include, but are not limited to:

  • Accusing Muslims... of inventing or exaggerating Islamophobia
  • Accusing Muslim citizens of being more loyal to the ‘Ummah’ (transnational Muslim community) or to their countries of origin, or to the alleged priorities of Muslims worldwide, than to the interests of their own nations
  • Denying Muslim populations the right to self- determination e.g., by claiming that the existence of an independent Palestine or Kashmir is a terrorist endeavour
  • Applying double standards by requiring of Muslims behaviours that are not expected or demanded of any other groups in society, eg loyalty tests
  • Using the symbols and images associated with classic Islamophobia e.g. Muhammed being a paedophile, claims of Muslims spreading Islam by the sword or subjugating minority groups under their rule
In Scotland they have defined Islamophobia. Notice questioning Muslims about anything is Islamophobic when their holy books and bloody history prove some of these things are what their religion says and are obligations. This in reality says Sharia will be enforced, Islam will not be stopped.

Scotland adopts formal definition of "Islamophobia" - stand by for blasphemy laws

This one:

Accusing Muslim citizens of being more loyal to the ‘Ummah’ (transnational Muslim community) or to their countries of origin, or to the alleged priorities of Muslims worldwide, than to the interests of their own nations

How is that different than Muh Jews exactly? One of their frequent hysterical Mega Whinings is about how they are more loyal to the 51st State that they LOVE THAT much they DON'T want to ALL go and LIVE there of course, and how they are more concerned with the priorities of International Jewry than the interests of their own Host Nations.

SO it's NOT OKAY for the Muslims to get upset about this, BUT it IS OKAY for Muh Jews to get upset about it when it's them.

We have a TINY PERCENT at this forum who are basically borderline insane in their demented hatred of ALL Muslims, thinking that ALL Muslims are Radical Islamist Terrorist and because of that they OPENLY ADVOCATE that ALL Muslims should be EXTERMINATED and that Mecca should be NUKED. No it's NOT us who are the Nazi's, it's YOU who are Nazi-esque.

EVERY TIME there is some HYSTERICAL RANT about ALL Muslims, exchange Muslims for Jews and that's it.
SO it's NOT OKAY for the Muslims to get upset about this, BUT it IS OKAY for Muh Jews to get upset about it when it's them.
The Jews have no plans for world domination, Islam does.

You better inform Rothschilds, and Soros , thst they aren't Jews looking to create a Global government of their dominance, the so called New World Order.
Is it written down for everyone to read like Islam?

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