Europe Conquered

Except for maybe 3 nations, all of Europe is run by Muslims.

IF a Leftist posted this type of ridiculous comment I would say they were a Moonbat. I point out that from 27 EU nations we have 18 now with a Conservative-Right-Wing Nationalist-Populist Government so are you saying that those 18 nations must ALL also be run by Muslims. WTF?! Insane comments from you, I like you but please get a grip and READ and EDUCATE yourself on these issues because commenting this type of thing to a European is ridiculous.

This would be like ME looking at San Francisco and those Far Left run other places and posting a thread titled:

AMERICA CONQUERED BY COMMUNISM and then saying that apart from 3 American States ALL the rest of America is run by Far Left Moonbats.
You haven't noticed that 90% + of the hyperbolic bullshit posted here is from conservitards?

Open your eyes.

I am Right-Wing, the thing is I am not going to just agree with someone because they are Conservative if I feel what they comment is hysterical and I know NOT to be accurate ESPECIALLY IF it is about my Continent, the Continent that my family since my family begin born and lived on, the Continent I was born and live on. It's like when at random moments they post that ALL of the European Continent is Socialist when it is NOT. WHERE are they getting this ridiculas and not ACCURATE information from.

I attempt NOT to tell Americans what America is or what is or does NOT occur in America, I do read various things and various articles about America but I do NOT think I am am EXPERT of what America is and I do NOT tell Americans that they do NOT know what is going on and then ME tell them what is happening in America because I DON'T live there to EXPERIENCE anything that occur day to day in America. I LIKE Weatherman but his OP and subsequent comments are bizarro and hysterical especially his comment that this Continent is under Sharia Law when it is NOT. WHERE do they get this strange thinking from, WHAT peoples are feeding them this not accurate information?
Welcome to American conservatism. It's about 75% lies and 25% hypocrisy. dOnald tRump single handedly swung the needle off the 50-50 mark.

For some time I have realised that European Right-Wingers agree with American Right-Wingers on MANY of the issues but that also we have some VERY fundamental differences on some issues.

Eg. we are NOT in general wanting to bomb random nations because they refuse to become a Vassal State or we want their oil or whatever, we do NOT support Saudi Arabia and think full on Sanctions should have been put on them after they had that journalist dismembered in the Embassy in Turkey, we DO support that a nation should have a Safety Net to protect it's most vulnerable AND a Health Service that you do NOT have to cut off an arm to pay your medical bills IF you lose your job and lose your Health Insurance, we also do NOT think that terminally ill children with VERY OBSCURE medical problems who have NO HOPE of ANY RECOVERY and are GOING TO DIE ANYWAY should be subjected like some lab experiement and KEEP them ALIVE and SUFFERING in the HOPE that perhaps in 5 years or whatever a CURE is found for their obscure medical problem eg. that British boy Alfie forget other name he one example where crowds of Quasi-Religious Fanatical Americans were accusing the British Government of MURDERING that boy. What to think of this strange situation, I do not know. We also are Anti-Abortion but DO think that exceptions SHOULD be made for rape, incest and where the life of the mother is in danger.

These are some of the differences I now realise from being at this forum between European Right-Winger's and American Right-Winger's, you know IF it was NOT for their bizarro Jew Fetish on some things we on this Continent probably would call them Nazi's and/or Nazi-esque and NOT in the name calling thing but in the often they OPENLY declare that ALL Muslims should be exterminated off this planet, they OPENLY want to Genocide 100 millions peoples because a percentage of that crowd are Radical Islamists.

We do NOT want ALL these Middle East Muslims and Sub Saharan Africans being on OUR beautiful Continent but we DO NOT want to MURDER them ALL we just WANT them to GTFO and go back to their OWN nations and we are even PREPARED to PAY them to leave this Continent and go to their OWN nations.
So mostly you're a liberal if you skip the immigration thing.
^^^^^ Badly done photo shop. ... :cuckoo:

Same font as this badly done photoshop.

The problem is they're telling non-Muslims they can't eat bacon and ham on their Subway sandwiches.
According to the OP's article Subway has 1,500 stores spread throughout the U.K.

Only 200 of the stores in located in areas with a predominate muslim customer base will modify it's menu to conform to halal standards.

Just a smart business practice by Subway. ... :cool:
Proof the Muslims are slowly taking over Britain.


That's an understatement.
Islam is a very natural fit with the Democrats because they hate the same people
They are allied in the destruction of Western Civilization.

Eh, the Muslims are a threat, a threat made possible by submissive Cucks like you, who haven't figured out that Jews, and Capitalists are enemies.
There are only 14 million Jews in the world, there are almost a billion and a half Muslims. Do the math. And capitalism has bought more people out of poverty than any other economic system.
Islam is a very natural fit with the Democrats because they hate the same people
They are allied in the destruction of Western Civilization.

Eh, the Muslims are a threat, a threat made possible by submissive Cucks like you, who haven't figured out that Jews, and Capitalists are enemies.
There are only 14 million Jews in the world, there are almost a billion and a half Muslims. Do the math. And capitalism has bought more people out of poverty than any other economic system.

I don't want to go off topic.
But, let's just say follow who hires Illegals, outsources jobs on one hand, and on the other hand funds the Democrats, owns Hollywood, and the media.

As for this Muslim appeasement, this is Capitalism in action.

Capitalism isn't necessary for bringing people out of poverty.
Islam is a very natural fit with the Democrats because they hate the same people
They are allied in the destruction of Western Civilization.

Eh, the Muslims are a threat, a threat made possible by submissive Cucks like you, who haven't figured out that Jews, and Capitalists are enemies.
There are only 14 million Jews in the world, there are almost a billion and a half Muslims. Do the math. And capitalism has bought more people out of poverty than any other economic system.

I don't want to go off topic.
But, let's just say follow who hires Illegals, outsources jobs on one hand, and on the other hand funds the Democrats, owns Hollywood, and the media.

As for this Muslim appeasement, this is Capitalism in action.

Capitalism isn't necessary for bringing people out of poverty.
What else does?
Islam is a very natural fit with the Democrats because they hate the same people
They are allied in the destruction of Western Civilization.

Eh, the Muslims are a threat, a threat made possible by submissive Cucks like you, who haven't figured out that Jews, and Capitalists are enemies.
There are only 14 million Jews in the world, there are almost a billion and a half Muslims. Do the math. And capitalism has bought more people out of poverty than any other economic system.

I don't want to go off topic.
But, let's just say follow who hires Illegals, outsources jobs on one hand, and on the other hand funds the Democrats, owns Hollywood, and the media.

As for this Muslim appeasement, this is Capitalism in action.

Capitalism isn't necessary for bringing people out of poverty.
What else does?

Fascist style governments, maybe even more so.

But, that's a different discussion.

Either, you're a Nationalist Conservative, or a Capitalis for Liberalism.
Pick one.
If you support Capitalists selling Muslim ordeals like keeping it Halal, like in the OP, and support Capitalist Porn, Capitalist Hollywood, Capitalist drug dealers, Capitalist Media, Capitalist Gangster rap music, Capitalist Che Guevara T-Shirts etc. etc.
You realize that Capitalism sells out to Liberalism, and realize Capitalism isn't the Conservative, or Nationalist answer.

Subway removes ham and bacon from nearly 200 UK & Ireland stores and offers halal meat only after ‘strong demand’ from Muslims.

A lot of Americans died in two world wars to free them. Screw them now. They made their own bed.

USA did not free UK & Irealand, you are wrong.
No Americans died keeping the UK free in WW1 and 2?? You have to go to a university to learn to be so stupid.

The BRITISH died keeping the BRITISH free in BOTH wars.

Oh STFU NOBODY gives a SHIT, babble your crap somewhere else while masturbating at the thought of Europa being doomed, getting tired of your CONSTANT crap you post from the CRAZED American Evangelical view point you are one of the LEAST educated members of this forum so push your CRAP on whatever other low IQ morons you can find here. Also WHEN did the British get into those two wars? Oh that's right AT THE BEGIN, when did America get into those wars? Oh that's right MANY YEAR AFTER THEY BEGIN. The British peoples in general HATED the American troops, loud mouth drunk grabbing at women, you have NEVER had ANY class and have ALWAYS been OBNOXIOUS and vulgar.

Russia won the Second War, most American troops were either drunk or raping women and the British old soldiers would have told you the Americans kill more British soldiers with what you call Friendly Fire, you have always been doped up and trigger happy. NOBODY WANTS you so fuck off already and STFU and babble your JOHN WAYNE WON THE WAR crap to the ALREADY converted.

Thank God UNEDUCATED MANIACS like YOU are NOT on this Continent pushing your Propaganda CRAP about how JOHN WAYNE WON THE WAR and how EVERYONE has to lick your filthy buttocks 24/7 OR if you WERE then WE WOULD STILL be at WAR with the British who are NOW I am HAPPY to say we are friends.

In the FINAL analysis we are ALL Europeans and we WILL stay TOGETHER to the END and IF ANY European nation have to chose between ALL European nations OR going and sucking off America's MICRO PENIS then I tell you THIS they will STAY LOYAL to their European brothers and sisters. And WHY would ANY European side with America when it has American Idiots like YOU who HATE this Continent and masturbate at the thought of it being destroyed.

Quid Pro Quo - YOU CONSTANTLY TRASH MY CONTINENT, SO THIS IS ME TRASHING AMERICA IN RETURN. Why should ANY European give a SHIT about America when it has YOUR TYPE in it. The MAJORITY of Europeans also do NOT want Americans SQUATTING on our Continent, you cause problems with your Propaganda, so GTFO and go HOME to your OWN nation.
Last edited:
^^^^^ Badly done photo shop. ... :cuckoo:

Same font as this badly done photoshop.

Are you saying Muslims to not demonstrate for Sharia? Tell us another one. The rub your face in it every day, and you enjoy it.
I am saying that people like you are dishonest.
Dishonest about what? Certainly not about Islam or the damage your country has suffered including thousands of young women scarred for life because authorities were scared of being called racists. The dishonesty is yours.
^^^^^ Badly done photo shop. ... :cuckoo:

Same font as this badly done photoshop.

Are you saying Muslims to not demonstrate for Sharia? Tell us another one. The rub your face in it every day, and you enjoy it.
I am saying that people like you are dishonest.
Dishonest about what? Certainly not about Islam or the damage your country has suffered including thousands of young women scarred for life because authorities were scared of being called racists. The dishonesty is yours.

When were YOU LAST in England exactly? On this Continent we LOVE ignorant Americans telling Europeans what it is LIKE to LIVE on our Continent and you tell Europeans this from THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS of kms away, you tell Europeans how CRAP it is to live on this Continent from St. Louis Missouri and you tell Europeans how we have been conquered by Islam from Chicago Illinois and you tell Europeans how doomed we are because YOU KNOW and when we say NO we are NOT doomed you LAUGH and tell us WE do NOT KNOW what we are talking about and you do this from Dallas Texas and you tell Europeans to just die already because SOON the Muslims are going to murder us anyway and you do this from Seattle Washington.

Incredible that Missouri, Illinois, Texas, Washington etc know MORE about WHAT it is LIKE to live on the European Continent than we Europeans do.
^^^^^ Badly done photo shop. ... :cuckoo:

Same font as this badly done photoshop.

Are you saying Muslims to not demonstrate for Sharia? Tell us another one. The rub your face in it every day, and you enjoy it.
I am saying that people like you are dishonest.
Dishonest about what? Certainly not about Islam or the damage your country has suffered including thousands of young women scarred for life because authorities were scared of being called racists. The dishonesty is yours.

When were YOU LAST in England exactly? On this Continent we LOVE ignorant Americans telling Europeans what it is LIKE to LIVE on our Continent and you tell Europeans this from THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS of kms away, you tell Europeans how CRAP it is to live on this Continent from St. Louis Missouri and you tell Europeans how we have been conquered by Islam from Chicago Illinois and you tell Europeans how doomed we are because YOU KNOW and when we say NO we are NOT doomed you LAUGH and tell us WE do NOT KNOW what we are talking about and you do this from Dallas Texas and you tell Europeans to just die already because SOON the Muslims are going to murder us anyway and you do this from Seattle Washington.

Incredible that Missouri, Illinois, Texas, Washington etc know MORE about WHAT it is LIKE to live on the European Continent than we Europeans do.
Europe is circling the toilet bowl and you and others are enjoying the ride.Anything else?
Same font as this badly done photoshop.

Are you saying Muslims to not demonstrate for Sharia? Tell us another one. The rub your face in it every day, and you enjoy it.
I am saying that people like you are dishonest.
Dishonest about what? Certainly not about Islam or the damage your country has suffered including thousands of young women scarred for life because authorities were scared of being called racists. The dishonesty is yours.

When were YOU LAST in England exactly? On this Continent we LOVE ignorant Americans telling Europeans what it is LIKE to LIVE on our Continent and you tell Europeans this from THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS of kms away, you tell Europeans how CRAP it is to live on this Continent from St. Louis Missouri and you tell Europeans how we have been conquered by Islam from Chicago Illinois and you tell Europeans how doomed we are because YOU KNOW and when we say NO we are NOT doomed you LAUGH and tell us WE do NOT KNOW what we are talking about and you do this from Dallas Texas and you tell Europeans to just die already because SOON the Muslims are going to murder us anyway and you do this from Seattle Washington.

Incredible that Missouri, Illinois, Texas, Washington etc know MORE about WHAT it is LIKE to live on the European Continent than we Europeans do.
Europe is circling the toilet bowl and you and others are enjoying the ride.Anything else?

Repeat: You were LAST on this Continent LIVING for a period of time WHEN exactly? Go on tell us we WANT to know, considering you and the American Evangelical Maniac Weatherman (who is MASTURBATING EVERY DAY thinking about Europa's Doom because he WANTS Armageddon to kick off so he can be Raptured Up To Jesus When He Is Going To Get A Shock When He's Raptured Down To HELL because he sucks off 24/7 THOSE who HATE AND REJECT AND DENY Jesus Christ IS The ONLY Messiah) are considering yourselves EXPERTS on living on the European Continent so much you know EVERYTHING about EVERYTHING.

As I AM your intellectual superior I am confident I can shoot down ANY of the gibberish you are going to post. This thread is FULL of YOUR AND WEATHERMAN'S gibberish and it has already been shot down efficiently by MULTIPLE posters already in this thread.
Same font as this badly done photoshop.

Are you saying Muslims to not demonstrate for Sharia? Tell us another one. The rub your face in it every day, and you enjoy it.
I am saying that people like you are dishonest.
Dishonest about what? Certainly not about Islam or the damage your country has suffered including thousands of young women scarred for life because authorities were scared of being called racists. The dishonesty is yours.

When were YOU LAST in England exactly? On this Continent we LOVE ignorant Americans telling Europeans what it is LIKE to LIVE on our Continent and you tell Europeans this from THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS of kms away, you tell Europeans how CRAP it is to live on this Continent from St. Louis Missouri and you tell Europeans how we have been conquered by Islam from Chicago Illinois and you tell Europeans how doomed we are because YOU KNOW and when we say NO we are NOT doomed you LAUGH and tell us WE do NOT KNOW what we are talking about and you do this from Dallas Texas and you tell Europeans to just die already because SOON the Muslims are going to murder us anyway and you do this from Seattle Washington.

Incredible that Missouri, Illinois, Texas, Washington etc know MORE about WHAT it is LIKE to live on the European Continent than we Europeans do.
Europe is circling the toilet bowl and you and others are enjoying the ride.Anything else?

YOU are IN the toilet bowl, do you WANT me to flush it already?
Same font as this badly done photoshop.

Are you saying Muslims to not demonstrate for Sharia? Tell us another one. The rub your face in it every day, and you enjoy it.
I am saying that people like you are dishonest.
Dishonest about what? Certainly not about Islam or the damage your country has suffered including thousands of young women scarred for life because authorities were scared of being called racists. The dishonesty is yours.

When were YOU LAST in England exactly? On this Continent we LOVE ignorant Americans telling Europeans what it is LIKE to LIVE on our Continent and you tell Europeans this from THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS of kms away, you tell Europeans how CRAP it is to live on this Continent from St. Louis Missouri and you tell Europeans how we have been conquered by Islam from Chicago Illinois and you tell Europeans how doomed we are because YOU KNOW and when we say NO we are NOT doomed you LAUGH and tell us WE do NOT KNOW what we are talking about and you do this from Dallas Texas and you tell Europeans to just die already because SOON the Muslims are going to murder us anyway and you do this from Seattle Washington.

Incredible that Missouri, Illinois, Texas, Washington etc know MORE about WHAT it is LIKE to live on the European Continent than we Europeans do.
Europe is circling the toilet bowl and you and others are enjoying the ride.Anything else?

America is arguably, in an even more sorry state than Europe
Islam is a very natural fit with the Democrats because they hate the same people
They are allied in the destruction of Western Civilization.

Eh, the Muslims are a threat, a threat made possible by submissive Cucks like you, who haven't figured out that Jews, and Capitalists are enemies.
There are only 14 million Jews in the world, there are almost a billion and a half Muslims. Do the math. And capitalism has bought more people out of poverty than any other economic system.

Oh I THOUGHT we could NOT go a thread WITHOUT Muh Jews Muh Poor Jews being brought into it. All you weirdos with your Jew Fetish. You NEED to get a LIFE, that crowd do NOT give a SHIT about you.
Islam is a very natural fit with the Democrats because they hate the same people
They are allied in the destruction of Western Civilization.

Eh, the Muslims are a threat, a threat made possible by submissive Cucks like you, who haven't figured out that Jews, and Capitalists are enemies.
There are only 14 million Jews in the world, there are almost a billion and a half Muslims. Do the math. And capitalism has bought more people out of poverty than any other economic system.

Oh I THOUGHT we could NOT go a thread WITHOUT Muh Jews Muh Poor Jews being brought into it. All you weirdos with your Jew Fetish. You NEED to get a LIFE, that crowd do NOT give a SHIT about you.
Oh but your PRECIOUS MUSLIMS DO... right?


I'd ask you how it feels to be BRAIN WASHED, but obviously a person that is can't tell you.
Are you saying Muslims to not demonstrate for Sharia? Tell us another one. The rub your face in it every day, and you enjoy it.
I am saying that people like you are dishonest.
Dishonest about what? Certainly not about Islam or the damage your country has suffered including thousands of young women scarred for life because authorities were scared of being called racists. The dishonesty is yours.

When were YOU LAST in England exactly? On this Continent we LOVE ignorant Americans telling Europeans what it is LIKE to LIVE on our Continent and you tell Europeans this from THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS of kms away, you tell Europeans how CRAP it is to live on this Continent from St. Louis Missouri and you tell Europeans how we have been conquered by Islam from Chicago Illinois and you tell Europeans how doomed we are because YOU KNOW and when we say NO we are NOT doomed you LAUGH and tell us WE do NOT KNOW what we are talking about and you do this from Dallas Texas and you tell Europeans to just die already because SOON the Muslims are going to murder us anyway and you do this from Seattle Washington.

Incredible that Missouri, Illinois, Texas, Washington etc know MORE about WHAT it is LIKE to live on the European Continent than we Europeans do.
Europe is circling the toilet bowl and you and others are enjoying the ride.Anything else?

YOU are IN the toilet bowl, do you WANT me to flush it already?
If you wish to think that you have any government in Western Europe that wants to preserve its culture and put it citizens first you are lying.
I am saying that people like you are dishonest.
Dishonest about what? Certainly not about Islam or the damage your country has suffered including thousands of young women scarred for life because authorities were scared of being called racists. The dishonesty is yours.

When were YOU LAST in England exactly? On this Continent we LOVE ignorant Americans telling Europeans what it is LIKE to LIVE on our Continent and you tell Europeans this from THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS of kms away, you tell Europeans how CRAP it is to live on this Continent from St. Louis Missouri and you tell Europeans how we have been conquered by Islam from Chicago Illinois and you tell Europeans how doomed we are because YOU KNOW and when we say NO we are NOT doomed you LAUGH and tell us WE do NOT KNOW what we are talking about and you do this from Dallas Texas and you tell Europeans to just die already because SOON the Muslims are going to murder us anyway and you do this from Seattle Washington.

Incredible that Missouri, Illinois, Texas, Washington etc know MORE about WHAT it is LIKE to live on the European Continent than we Europeans do.
Europe is circling the toilet bowl and you and others are enjoying the ride.Anything else?

YOU are IN the toilet bowl, do you WANT me to flush it already?
If you wish to think that you have any government in Western Europe that wants to preserve its culture and put it citizens first you are lying to yourself. .

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