Europe Conquered

Are you saying Muslims to not demonstrate for Sharia? Tell us another one. The rub your face in it every day, and you enjoy it.
I am saying that people like you are dishonest.
Dishonest about what? Certainly not about Islam or the damage your country has suffered including thousands of young women scarred for life because authorities were scared of being called racists. The dishonesty is yours.

When were YOU LAST in England exactly? On this Continent we LOVE ignorant Americans telling Europeans what it is LIKE to LIVE on our Continent and you tell Europeans this from THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS of kms away, you tell Europeans how CRAP it is to live on this Continent from St. Louis Missouri and you tell Europeans how we have been conquered by Islam from Chicago Illinois and you tell Europeans how doomed we are because YOU KNOW and when we say NO we are NOT doomed you LAUGH and tell us WE do NOT KNOW what we are talking about and you do this from Dallas Texas and you tell Europeans to just die already because SOON the Muslims are going to murder us anyway and you do this from Seattle Washington.

Incredible that Missouri, Illinois, Texas, Washington etc know MORE about WHAT it is LIKE to live on the European Continent than we Europeans do.
Europe is circling the toilet bowl and you and others are enjoying the ride.Anything else?

America is arguably, in an even more sorry state than Europe

Of course America is in a more sorry state than my Continent and you know WHAT, we are going not ONLY to laugh but we have the Champagne on ice for when America implodes, it will be GREAT it will be BETTER than the BEST sex EVER.

They obviously not ONLY HATE the European Continent they HATE Europeans, no WONDER then the Americans INFEST this Continent with the NGOs which is WHY we are now doing something to REMOVE ALL those NGOs.

I have to find a news article about Estonia, you know the Estonians have now find that the American Embassy in Estonia has been paying MILLIONS AND MILLIONS in Propaganda to push in the Estonian Media how Estonia should open it's borders to embrace Multiculturalism and this is NOW with TRUMP as President doing the SAME thing as Obama did pushing the Anti-White Christian Agenda IF TRUMP WANTED TO he could tell the American Embassy in Estonia to STOP IT but he has NOT, WHY HAS HE NOT? I ONLY find this out about what is happening in Estonia the other day during my Conference Call with the Latvians, the Latvians tell me about Estonia.

The Americans are NOT our friends they NEVER have been, they just want the European Continent to be a Vassal of Washington DC. How many Europeans have DIED in America's Wars in The Middle East to PROTECT their 51st State and steal oil off Iraq? We have American Evangelical Maniacs like Weatherman vomiting at EVERY OPPORTUNITY about Muh Americans dying to save Britian and Muh Americans dying to save the European Continent but IGNORING HOW MANY EUROPEANS have DIED going along with America's Middle East Wars?

Also WHEN was the LAST TIME America EVEN WON a War? They CAN NOT even WIN in Afghanistan they have been there now nearly 20 YEARS fighting essentially Mountain Tribesmen with HAND HELD ROCKET LAUNCHERS. ROFLAO.
I am saying that people like you are dishonest.
Dishonest about what? Certainly not about Islam or the damage your country has suffered including thousands of young women scarred for life because authorities were scared of being called racists. The dishonesty is yours.

When were YOU LAST in England exactly? On this Continent we LOVE ignorant Americans telling Europeans what it is LIKE to LIVE on our Continent and you tell Europeans this from THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS of kms away, you tell Europeans how CRAP it is to live on this Continent from St. Louis Missouri and you tell Europeans how we have been conquered by Islam from Chicago Illinois and you tell Europeans how doomed we are because YOU KNOW and when we say NO we are NOT doomed you LAUGH and tell us WE do NOT KNOW what we are talking about and you do this from Dallas Texas and you tell Europeans to just die already because SOON the Muslims are going to murder us anyway and you do this from Seattle Washington.

Incredible that Missouri, Illinois, Texas, Washington etc know MORE about WHAT it is LIKE to live on the European Continent than we Europeans do.
Europe is circling the toilet bowl and you and others are enjoying the ride.Anything else?

America is arguably, in an even more sorry state than Europe

Of course America is in a more sorry state than my Continent and you know WHAT, we are going not ONLY to laugh but we have the Champagne on ice for when America implodes, it will be GREAT it will be BETTER than the BEST sex EVER.

They obviously not ONLY HATE the European Continent they HATE Europeans, no WONDER then the Americans INFEST this Continent with the NGOs which is WHY we are now doing something to REMOVE ALL those NGOs.

I have to find a news article about Estonia, you know the Estonians have now find that the American Embassy in Estonia has been paying MILLIONS AND MILLIONS in Propaganda to push in the Estonian Media how Estonia should open it's borders to embrace Multiculturalism and this is NOW with TRUMP as President doing the SAME thing as Obama did pushing the Anti-White Christian Agenda IF TRUMP WANTED TO he could tell the American Embassy in Estonia to STOP IT but he has NOT, WHY HAS HE NOT? I ONLY find this out about what is happening in Estonia the other day during my Conference Call with the Latvians, the Latvians tell me about Estonia.

The Americans are NOT our friends they NEVER have been, they just want the European Continent to be a Vassal of Washington DC. How many Europeans have DIED in America's Wars in The Middle East to PROTECT their 51st State and steal oil off Iraq? We have American Evangelical Maniacs like Weatherman vomiting at EVERY OPPORTUNITY about Muh Americans dying to save Britian and Muh Americans dying to save the European Continent but IGNORING HOW MANY EUROPEANS have DIED going along with America's Middle East Wars?

Also WHEN was the LAST TIME America EVEN WON a War? They CAN NOT even WIN in Afghanistan they have been there now nearly 20 YEARS fighting essentially Mountain Tribesmen with HAND HELD ROCKET LAUNCHERS. ROFLAO.
Islam is a very natural fit with the Democrats because they hate the same people
They are allied in the destruction of Western Civilization.

Eh, the Muslims are a threat, a threat made possible by submissive Cucks like you, who haven't figured out that Jews, and Capitalists are enemies.
There are only 14 million Jews in the world, there are almost a billion and a half Muslims. Do the math. And capitalism has bought more people out of poverty than any other economic system.

Oh I THOUGHT we could NOT go a thread WITHOUT Muh Jews Muh Poor Jews being brought into it. All you weirdos with your Jew Fetish. You NEED to get a LIFE, that crowd do NOT give a SHIT about you.
Like it or not, Jews are at the center of history of mankind and will continue to be so. Being God’s chosen does that.
I am saying that people like you are dishonest.
Dishonest about what? Certainly not about Islam or the damage your country has suffered including thousands of young women scarred for life because authorities were scared of being called racists. The dishonesty is yours.

When were YOU LAST in England exactly? On this Continent we LOVE ignorant Americans telling Europeans what it is LIKE to LIVE on our Continent and you tell Europeans this from THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS of kms away, you tell Europeans how CRAP it is to live on this Continent from St. Louis Missouri and you tell Europeans how we have been conquered by Islam from Chicago Illinois and you tell Europeans how doomed we are because YOU KNOW and when we say NO we are NOT doomed you LAUGH and tell us WE do NOT KNOW what we are talking about and you do this from Dallas Texas and you tell Europeans to just die already because SOON the Muslims are going to murder us anyway and you do this from Seattle Washington.

Incredible that Missouri, Illinois, Texas, Washington etc know MORE about WHAT it is LIKE to live on the European Continent than we Europeans do.
Europe is circling the toilet bowl and you and others are enjoying the ride.Anything else?

America is arguably, in an even more sorry state than Europe

Of course America is in a more sorry state than my Continent and you know WHAT, we are going not ONLY to laugh but we have the Champagne on ice for when America implodes, it will be GREAT it will be BETTER than the BEST sex EVER.

They obviously not ONLY HATE the European Continent they HATE Europeans, no WONDER then the Americans INFEST this Continent with the NGOs which is WHY we are now doing something to REMOVE ALL those NGOs.

I have to find a news article about Estonia, you know the Estonians have now find that the American Embassy in Estonia has been paying MILLIONS AND MILLIONS in Propaganda to push in the Estonian Media how Estonia should open it's borders to embrace Multiculturalism and this is NOW with TRUMP as President doing the SAME thing as Obama did pushing the Anti-White Christian Agenda IF TRUMP WANTED TO he could tell the American Embassy in Estonia to STOP IT but he has NOT, WHY HAS HE NOT? I ONLY find this out about what is happening in Estonia the other day during my Conference Call with the Latvians, the Latvians tell me about Estonia.

The Americans are NOT our friends they NEVER have been, they just want the European Continent to be a Vassal of Washington DC. How many Europeans have DIED in America's Wars in The Middle East to PROTECT their 51st State and steal oil off Iraq? We have American Evangelical Maniacs like Weatherman vomiting at EVERY OPPORTUNITY about Muh Americans dying to save Britian and Muh Americans dying to save the European Continent but IGNORING HOW MANY EUROPEANS have DIED going along with America's Middle East Wars?

Also WHEN was the LAST TIME America EVEN WON a War? They CAN NOT even WIN in Afghanistan they have been there now nearly 20 YEARS fighting essentially Mountain Tribesmen with HAND HELD ROCKET LAUNCHERS. ROFLAO.
The Americans are NOT our friends they NEVER have been, they just want the European Continent to be a Vassal of Washington DC.

Maybe it’s time we just say screw it and kick your puppet governments out so we can have more effective control.
I am saying that people like you are dishonest.
Dishonest about what? Certainly not about Islam or the damage your country has suffered including thousands of young women scarred for life because authorities were scared of being called racists. The dishonesty is yours.

When were YOU LAST in England exactly? On this Continent we LOVE ignorant Americans telling Europeans what it is LIKE to LIVE on our Continent and you tell Europeans this from THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS of kms away, you tell Europeans how CRAP it is to live on this Continent from St. Louis Missouri and you tell Europeans how we have been conquered by Islam from Chicago Illinois and you tell Europeans how doomed we are because YOU KNOW and when we say NO we are NOT doomed you LAUGH and tell us WE do NOT KNOW what we are talking about and you do this from Dallas Texas and you tell Europeans to just die already because SOON the Muslims are going to murder us anyway and you do this from Seattle Washington.

Incredible that Missouri, Illinois, Texas, Washington etc know MORE about WHAT it is LIKE to live on the European Continent than we Europeans do.
Europe is circling the toilet bowl and you and others are enjoying the ride.Anything else?

YOU are IN the toilet bowl, do you WANT me to flush it already?
If you wish to think that you have any government in Western Europe that wants to preserve its culture and put it citizens first you are lying.

When were YOU LAST on this Continent exactly? When did YOU LAST spend extensive time traveling across this Continent exactly?

You know SHIT about ANYTHING you are commenting, your comments are CONSISTENTLY hilarious and WE are LAUGHING at YOU and your IGNORANCE.

"If you wish to think that you have any government in Western Europe that wants to preserve its culture and put it citizens first you are lying."

Uh oh WHAT IS THIS BELOW? FROM the EU Commission and Parliaments OWN WEBSITE ALL about how the EU has been committed for YEARS already to PRESERVING our European Heritage and WHEN they mean DIVERSE in the below they mean ALL NATIONS on this Continent do have a SHARED European Culture but it IS very diverse from nation to nation, being an ignorant, uneducated and very stupid American you would not comprehend this considering America Culture is vulgar and has ZERO class your Culture is what McDonald's, Disneyland, Rap, THINKING JOHN WAYNE WON THE WAR etc. ROFLAO.

Culture in the European Union

European Year of Cultural Heritage, are dedicated to make this vibrant and diverse culture accessible to everyone.

There are cultural components in many EU policies, including education, research, social policy, regional development and external relations. The creation and promotion of culture in today’s interactive and globalised world also goes hand-in-hand with media and digital technologies. The EU promotes policy collaboration on culture among national governments and with international organisations.

Through Creative Europe, the EU supports European cinema, arts and creative industries to create European jobs and growth, as well as to open up new international opportunities, markets and audiences.

Every year, 2 European cities are chosen as Europe's cultural capitals: this gives an extra boost to local economies, and puts the spotlight on local artists and each city’s unique cultural wealth.

The EU also partners with film festivals, cultural exhibitions, concerts, conferences, artistic prizes and awards across Europe all-year round.

Culture in the European Union | European Union
I am saying that people like you are dishonest.
Dishonest about what? Certainly not about Islam or the damage your country has suffered including thousands of young women scarred for life because authorities were scared of being called racists. The dishonesty is yours.

When were YOU LAST in England exactly? On this Continent we LOVE ignorant Americans telling Europeans what it is LIKE to LIVE on our Continent and you tell Europeans this from THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS of kms away, you tell Europeans how CRAP it is to live on this Continent from St. Louis Missouri and you tell Europeans how we have been conquered by Islam from Chicago Illinois and you tell Europeans how doomed we are because YOU KNOW and when we say NO we are NOT doomed you LAUGH and tell us WE do NOT KNOW what we are talking about and you do this from Dallas Texas and you tell Europeans to just die already because SOON the Muslims are going to murder us anyway and you do this from Seattle Washington.

Incredible that Missouri, Illinois, Texas, Washington etc know MORE about WHAT it is LIKE to live on the European Continent than we Europeans do.
Europe is circling the toilet bowl and you and others are enjoying the ride.Anything else?

America is arguably, in an even more sorry state than Europe

Of course America is in a more sorry state than my Continent and you know WHAT, we are going not ONLY to laugh but we have the Champagne on ice for when America implodes, it will be GREAT it will be BETTER than the BEST sex EVER.

They obviously not ONLY HATE the European Continent they HATE Europeans, no WONDER then the Americans INFEST this Continent with the NGOs which is WHY we are now doing something to REMOVE ALL those NGOs.

I have to find a news article about Estonia, you know the Estonians have now find that the American Embassy in Estonia has been paying MILLIONS AND MILLIONS in Propaganda to push in the Estonian Media how Estonia should open it's borders to embrace Multiculturalism and this is NOW with TRUMP as President doing the SAME thing as Obama did pushing the Anti-White Christian Agenda IF TRUMP WANTED TO he could tell the American Embassy in Estonia to STOP IT but he has NOT, WHY HAS HE NOT? I ONLY find this out about what is happening in Estonia the other day during my Conference Call with the Latvians, the Latvians tell me about Estonia.

The Americans are NOT our friends they NEVER have been, they just want the European Continent to be a Vassal of Washington DC. How many Europeans have DIED in America's Wars in The Middle East to PROTECT their 51st State and steal oil off Iraq? We have American Evangelical Maniacs like Weatherman vomiting at EVERY OPPORTUNITY about Muh Americans dying to save Britian and Muh Americans dying to save the European Continent but IGNORING HOW MANY EUROPEANS have DIED going along with America's Middle East Wars?

Also WHEN was the LAST TIME America EVEN WON a War? They CAN NOT even WIN in Afghanistan they have been there now nearly 20 YEARS fighting essentially Mountain Tribesmen with HAND HELD ROCKET LAUNCHERS. ROFLAO.

Please calm down, you're not helping matters. Europe has friends in America. Trust me when I say that many of us feel great angst about the negative effects of muslim migration and the influence of global capitalist greed happening in Europe and civilized nations across the globe.
Dishonest about what? Certainly not about Islam or the damage your country has suffered including thousands of young women scarred for life because authorities were scared of being called racists. The dishonesty is yours.

When were YOU LAST in England exactly? On this Continent we LOVE ignorant Americans telling Europeans what it is LIKE to LIVE on our Continent and you tell Europeans this from THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS of kms away, you tell Europeans how CRAP it is to live on this Continent from St. Louis Missouri and you tell Europeans how we have been conquered by Islam from Chicago Illinois and you tell Europeans how doomed we are because YOU KNOW and when we say NO we are NOT doomed you LAUGH and tell us WE do NOT KNOW what we are talking about and you do this from Dallas Texas and you tell Europeans to just die already because SOON the Muslims are going to murder us anyway and you do this from Seattle Washington.

Incredible that Missouri, Illinois, Texas, Washington etc know MORE about WHAT it is LIKE to live on the European Continent than we Europeans do.
Europe is circling the toilet bowl and you and others are enjoying the ride.Anything else?

America is arguably, in an even more sorry state than Europe

Of course America is in a more sorry state than my Continent and you know WHAT, we are going not ONLY to laugh but we have the Champagne on ice for when America implodes, it will be GREAT it will be BETTER than the BEST sex EVER.

They obviously not ONLY HATE the European Continent they HATE Europeans, no WONDER then the Americans INFEST this Continent with the NGOs which is WHY we are now doing something to REMOVE ALL those NGOs.

I have to find a news article about Estonia, you know the Estonians have now find that the American Embassy in Estonia has been paying MILLIONS AND MILLIONS in Propaganda to push in the Estonian Media how Estonia should open it's borders to embrace Multiculturalism and this is NOW with TRUMP as President doing the SAME thing as Obama did pushing the Anti-White Christian Agenda IF TRUMP WANTED TO he could tell the American Embassy in Estonia to STOP IT but he has NOT, WHY HAS HE NOT? I ONLY find this out about what is happening in Estonia the other day during my Conference Call with the Latvians, the Latvians tell me about Estonia.

The Americans are NOT our friends they NEVER have been, they just want the European Continent to be a Vassal of Washington DC. How many Europeans have DIED in America's Wars in The Middle East to PROTECT their 51st State and steal oil off Iraq? We have American Evangelical Maniacs like Weatherman vomiting at EVERY OPPORTUNITY about Muh Americans dying to save Britian and Muh Americans dying to save the European Continent but IGNORING HOW MANY EUROPEANS have DIED going along with America's Middle East Wars?

Also WHEN was the LAST TIME America EVEN WON a War? They CAN NOT even WIN in Afghanistan they have been there now nearly 20 YEARS fighting essentially Mountain Tribesmen with HAND HELD ROCKET LAUNCHERS. ROFLAO.
The Americans are NOT our friends they NEVER have been, they just want the European Continent to be a Vassal of Washington DC.

Maybe it’s time we just say screw it and kick your puppet governments out so we can have more effective control.

No you just concentrate on the 51st State which is ALL in the end that is important to America.
Like it or not, Jews are at the center of history of mankind and will continue to be so. Being God’s chosen does that.

sigh (2).gif
Dishonest about what? Certainly not about Islam or the damage your country has suffered including thousands of young women scarred for life because authorities were scared of being called racists. The dishonesty is yours.

When were YOU LAST in England exactly? On this Continent we LOVE ignorant Americans telling Europeans what it is LIKE to LIVE on our Continent and you tell Europeans this from THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS of kms away, you tell Europeans how CRAP it is to live on this Continent from St. Louis Missouri and you tell Europeans how we have been conquered by Islam from Chicago Illinois and you tell Europeans how doomed we are because YOU KNOW and when we say NO we are NOT doomed you LAUGH and tell us WE do NOT KNOW what we are talking about and you do this from Dallas Texas and you tell Europeans to just die already because SOON the Muslims are going to murder us anyway and you do this from Seattle Washington.

Incredible that Missouri, Illinois, Texas, Washington etc know MORE about WHAT it is LIKE to live on the European Continent than we Europeans do.
Europe is circling the toilet bowl and you and others are enjoying the ride.Anything else?

YOU are IN the toilet bowl, do you WANT me to flush it already?
If you wish to think that you have any government in Western Europe that wants to preserve its culture and put it citizens first you are lying.

When were YOU LAST on this Continent exactly? When did YOU LAST spend extensive time traveling across this Continent exactly?

You know SHIT about ANYTHING you are commenting, your comments are CONSISTENTLY hilarious and WE are LAUGHING at YOU and your IGNORANCE.

"If you wish to think that you have any government in Western Europe that wants to preserve its culture and put it citizens first you are lying."

Uh oh WHAT IS THIS BELOW? FROM the EU Commission and Parliaments OWN WEBSITE ALL about how the EU has been committed for YEARS already to PRESERVING our European Heritage and WHEN they mean DIVERSE in the below they mean ALL NATIONS on this Continent do have a SHARED European Culture but it IS very diverse from nation to nation, being an ignorant, uneducated and very stupid American you would not comprehend this considering America Culture is vulgar and has ZERO class your Culture is what McDonald's, Disneyland, Rap, THINKING JOHN WAYNE WON THE WAR etc. ROFLAO.

Culture in the European Union

European Year of Cultural Heritage, are dedicated to make this vibrant and diverse culture accessible to everyone.

There are cultural components in many EU policies, including education, research, social policy, regional development and external relations. The creation and promotion of culture in today’s interactive and globalised world also goes hand-in-hand with media and digital technologies. The EU promotes policy collaboration on culture among national governments and with international organisations.

Through Creative Europe, the EU supports European cinema, arts and creative industries to create European jobs and growth, as well as to open up new international opportunities, markets and audiences.

Every year, 2 European cities are chosen as Europe's cultural capitals: this gives an extra boost to local economies, and puts the spotlight on local artists and each city’s unique cultural wealth.

The EU also partners with film festivals, cultural exhibitions, concerts, conferences, artistic prizes and awards across Europe all-year round.

Culture in the European Union | European Union
In five weeks it will be the 75th anniversary of the day we began to liberate you from living in the Third Reich.

You’re welcome.
Dishonest about what? Certainly not about Islam or the damage your country has suffered including thousands of young women scarred for life because authorities were scared of being called racists. The dishonesty is yours.

When were YOU LAST in England exactly? On this Continent we LOVE ignorant Americans telling Europeans what it is LIKE to LIVE on our Continent and you tell Europeans this from THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS of kms away, you tell Europeans how CRAP it is to live on this Continent from St. Louis Missouri and you tell Europeans how we have been conquered by Islam from Chicago Illinois and you tell Europeans how doomed we are because YOU KNOW and when we say NO we are NOT doomed you LAUGH and tell us WE do NOT KNOW what we are talking about and you do this from Dallas Texas and you tell Europeans to just die already because SOON the Muslims are going to murder us anyway and you do this from Seattle Washington.

Incredible that Missouri, Illinois, Texas, Washington etc know MORE about WHAT it is LIKE to live on the European Continent than we Europeans do.
Europe is circling the toilet bowl and you and others are enjoying the ride.Anything else?

America is arguably, in an even more sorry state than Europe

Of course America is in a more sorry state than my Continent and you know WHAT, we are going not ONLY to laugh but we have the Champagne on ice for when America implodes, it will be GREAT it will be BETTER than the BEST sex EVER.

They obviously not ONLY HATE the European Continent they HATE Europeans, no WONDER then the Americans INFEST this Continent with the NGOs which is WHY we are now doing something to REMOVE ALL those NGOs.

I have to find a news article about Estonia, you know the Estonians have now find that the American Embassy in Estonia has been paying MILLIONS AND MILLIONS in Propaganda to push in the Estonian Media how Estonia should open it's borders to embrace Multiculturalism and this is NOW with TRUMP as President doing the SAME thing as Obama did pushing the Anti-White Christian Agenda IF TRUMP WANTED TO he could tell the American Embassy in Estonia to STOP IT but he has NOT, WHY HAS HE NOT? I ONLY find this out about what is happening in Estonia the other day during my Conference Call with the Latvians, the Latvians tell me about Estonia.

The Americans are NOT our friends they NEVER have been, they just want the European Continent to be a Vassal of Washington DC. How many Europeans have DIED in America's Wars in The Middle East to PROTECT their 51st State and steal oil off Iraq? We have American Evangelical Maniacs like Weatherman vomiting at EVERY OPPORTUNITY about Muh Americans dying to save Britian and Muh Americans dying to save the European Continent but IGNORING HOW MANY EUROPEANS have DIED going along with America's Middle East Wars?

Also WHEN was the LAST TIME America EVEN WON a War? They CAN NOT even WIN in Afghanistan they have been there now nearly 20 YEARS fighting essentially Mountain Tribesmen with HAND HELD ROCKET LAUNCHERS. ROFLAO.

Please calm down, you're not helping matters. Europe has friends in America. Trust me when I say that many of us feel great angst about the negative effects of muslim migration and the influence of global capitalist greed happening in Europe and civilized nations across the globe.

"Please calm down, you're not helping matters."

No not me in the wrong, The Ugly Americans are in the wrong.

"Europe has friends in America."

But MORE who HATE this Continent than are friends of this Continent. We have in this thread comments that the MAJORITY of Americans AGREE WITH about this Continent and our peoples.

We have Anti-European VISCIOUS Propaganda by The Ugly Americans it is now to be know that Americans HATE this Continent and ALL Europeans and want us DEAD, no wonder we have never trusted America, we have though ALWAYS been polite as Europeans UNLIKE Americans we are NOT obnoxious and vulgar, we have never trusted America and now here we have we know why this.
When were YOU LAST in England exactly? On this Continent we LOVE ignorant Americans telling Europeans what it is LIKE to LIVE on our Continent and you tell Europeans this from THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS of kms away, you tell Europeans how CRAP it is to live on this Continent from St. Louis Missouri and you tell Europeans how we have been conquered by Islam from Chicago Illinois and you tell Europeans how doomed we are because YOU KNOW and when we say NO we are NOT doomed you LAUGH and tell us WE do NOT KNOW what we are talking about and you do this from Dallas Texas and you tell Europeans to just die already because SOON the Muslims are going to murder us anyway and you do this from Seattle Washington.

Incredible that Missouri, Illinois, Texas, Washington etc know MORE about WHAT it is LIKE to live on the European Continent than we Europeans do.
Europe is circling the toilet bowl and you and others are enjoying the ride.Anything else?

America is arguably, in an even more sorry state than Europe

Of course America is in a more sorry state than my Continent and you know WHAT, we are going not ONLY to laugh but we have the Champagne on ice for when America implodes, it will be GREAT it will be BETTER than the BEST sex EVER.

They obviously not ONLY HATE the European Continent they HATE Europeans, no WONDER then the Americans INFEST this Continent with the NGOs which is WHY we are now doing something to REMOVE ALL those NGOs.

I have to find a news article about Estonia, you know the Estonians have now find that the American Embassy in Estonia has been paying MILLIONS AND MILLIONS in Propaganda to push in the Estonian Media how Estonia should open it's borders to embrace Multiculturalism and this is NOW with TRUMP as President doing the SAME thing as Obama did pushing the Anti-White Christian Agenda IF TRUMP WANTED TO he could tell the American Embassy in Estonia to STOP IT but he has NOT, WHY HAS HE NOT? I ONLY find this out about what is happening in Estonia the other day during my Conference Call with the Latvians, the Latvians tell me about Estonia.

The Americans are NOT our friends they NEVER have been, they just want the European Continent to be a Vassal of Washington DC. How many Europeans have DIED in America's Wars in The Middle East to PROTECT their 51st State and steal oil off Iraq? We have American Evangelical Maniacs like Weatherman vomiting at EVERY OPPORTUNITY about Muh Americans dying to save Britian and Muh Americans dying to save the European Continent but IGNORING HOW MANY EUROPEANS have DIED going along with America's Middle East Wars?

Also WHEN was the LAST TIME America EVEN WON a War? They CAN NOT even WIN in Afghanistan they have been there now nearly 20 YEARS fighting essentially Mountain Tribesmen with HAND HELD ROCKET LAUNCHERS. ROFLAO.

Please calm down, you're not helping matters. Europe has friends in America. Trust me when I say that many of us feel great angst about the negative effects of muslim migration and the influence of global capitalist greed happening in Europe and civilized nations across the globe.

"Please calm down, you're not helping matters."

No not me in the wrong, The Ugly Americans are in the wrong.

"Europe has friends in America."

But MORE who HATE this Continent than are friends of this Continent. We have in this thread comments that the MAJORITY of Americans AGREE WITH about this Continent and our peoples.

We have Anti-European VISCIOUS Propaganda by The Ugly Americans it is now to be know that Americans HATE this Continent and ALL Europeans and want us DEAD, no wonder we have never trusted America, we have though ALWAYS been polite as Europeans UNLIKE Americans we are NOT obnoxious and vulgar, we have never trusted America and now here we have we know why this.
My Grandfather fought to liberate you. Twice. And died early as a result.

You’re welcome.
When were YOU LAST in England exactly? On this Continent we LOVE ignorant Americans telling Europeans what it is LIKE to LIVE on our Continent and you tell Europeans this from THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS of kms away, you tell Europeans how CRAP it is to live on this Continent from St. Louis Missouri and you tell Europeans how we have been conquered by Islam from Chicago Illinois and you tell Europeans how doomed we are because YOU KNOW and when we say NO we are NOT doomed you LAUGH and tell us WE do NOT KNOW what we are talking about and you do this from Dallas Texas and you tell Europeans to just die already because SOON the Muslims are going to murder us anyway and you do this from Seattle Washington.

Incredible that Missouri, Illinois, Texas, Washington etc know MORE about WHAT it is LIKE to live on the European Continent than we Europeans do.
Europe is circling the toilet bowl and you and others are enjoying the ride.Anything else?

YOU are IN the toilet bowl, do you WANT me to flush it already?
If you wish to think that you have any government in Western Europe that wants to preserve its culture and put it citizens first you are lying.

When were YOU LAST on this Continent exactly? When did YOU LAST spend extensive time traveling across this Continent exactly?

You know SHIT about ANYTHING you are commenting, your comments are CONSISTENTLY hilarious and WE are LAUGHING at YOU and your IGNORANCE.

"If you wish to think that you have any government in Western Europe that wants to preserve its culture and put it citizens first you are lying."

Uh oh WHAT IS THIS BELOW? FROM the EU Commission and Parliaments OWN WEBSITE ALL about how the EU has been committed for YEARS already to PRESERVING our European Heritage and WHEN they mean DIVERSE in the below they mean ALL NATIONS on this Continent do have a SHARED European Culture but it IS very diverse from nation to nation, being an ignorant, uneducated and very stupid American you would not comprehend this considering America Culture is vulgar and has ZERO class your Culture is what McDonald's, Disneyland, Rap, THINKING JOHN WAYNE WON THE WAR etc. ROFLAO.

Culture in the European Union

European Year of Cultural Heritage, are dedicated to make this vibrant and diverse culture accessible to everyone.

There are cultural components in many EU policies, including education, research, social policy, regional development and external relations. The creation and promotion of culture in today’s interactive and globalised world also goes hand-in-hand with media and digital technologies. The EU promotes policy collaboration on culture among national governments and with international organisations.

Through Creative Europe, the EU supports European cinema, arts and creative industries to create European jobs and growth, as well as to open up new international opportunities, markets and audiences.

Every year, 2 European cities are chosen as Europe's cultural capitals: this gives an extra boost to local economies, and puts the spotlight on local artists and each city’s unique cultural wealth.

The EU also partners with film festivals, cultural exhibitions, concerts, conferences, artistic prizes and awards across Europe all-year round.

Culture in the European Union | European Union
In five weeks it will be the 75th anniversary of the day we began to liberate you from living in the Third Reich.

You’re welcome.

How do you reconcile with the fact that Jewish-supremacist intellectuals created the political and social theories that are currently destroying western society, both Europe AND the USA? Created with the express purpose of destroying the west?
When were YOU LAST in England exactly? On this Continent we LOVE ignorant Americans telling Europeans what it is LIKE to LIVE on our Continent and you tell Europeans this from THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS of kms away, you tell Europeans how CRAP it is to live on this Continent from St. Louis Missouri and you tell Europeans how we have been conquered by Islam from Chicago Illinois and you tell Europeans how doomed we are because YOU KNOW and when we say NO we are NOT doomed you LAUGH and tell us WE do NOT KNOW what we are talking about and you do this from Dallas Texas and you tell Europeans to just die already because SOON the Muslims are going to murder us anyway and you do this from Seattle Washington.

Incredible that Missouri, Illinois, Texas, Washington etc know MORE about WHAT it is LIKE to live on the European Continent than we Europeans do.
Europe is circling the toilet bowl and you and others are enjoying the ride.Anything else?

YOU are IN the toilet bowl, do you WANT me to flush it already?
If you wish to think that you have any government in Western Europe that wants to preserve its culture and put it citizens first you are lying.

When were YOU LAST on this Continent exactly? When did YOU LAST spend extensive time traveling across this Continent exactly?

You know SHIT about ANYTHING you are commenting, your comments are CONSISTENTLY hilarious and WE are LAUGHING at YOU and your IGNORANCE.

"If you wish to think that you have any government in Western Europe that wants to preserve its culture and put it citizens first you are lying."

Uh oh WHAT IS THIS BELOW? FROM the EU Commission and Parliaments OWN WEBSITE ALL about how the EU has been committed for YEARS already to PRESERVING our European Heritage and WHEN they mean DIVERSE in the below they mean ALL NATIONS on this Continent do have a SHARED European Culture but it IS very diverse from nation to nation, being an ignorant, uneducated and very stupid American you would not comprehend this considering America Culture is vulgar and has ZERO class your Culture is what McDonald's, Disneyland, Rap, THINKING JOHN WAYNE WON THE WAR etc. ROFLAO.

Culture in the European Union

European Year of Cultural Heritage, are dedicated to make this vibrant and diverse culture accessible to everyone.

There are cultural components in many EU policies, including education, research, social policy, regional development and external relations. The creation and promotion of culture in today’s interactive and globalised world also goes hand-in-hand with media and digital technologies. The EU promotes policy collaboration on culture among national governments and with international organisations.

Through Creative Europe, the EU supports European cinema, arts and creative industries to create European jobs and growth, as well as to open up new international opportunities, markets and audiences.

Every year, 2 European cities are chosen as Europe's cultural capitals: this gives an extra boost to local economies, and puts the spotlight on local artists and each city’s unique cultural wealth.

The EU also partners with film festivals, cultural exhibitions, concerts, conferences, artistic prizes and awards across Europe all-year round.

Culture in the European Union | European Union
In five weeks it will be the 75th anniversary of the day we began to liberate you from living in the Third Reich.

You’re welcome.

WE NEVER ASKED YOU TO DO THAT. The majority were happy as it was and we are PROUD that the ONLY PLACE in this ENTIRE NATION that surrended to the INVADING ARMIES of British, American and Russian was INNSBRUCK, ALL other places fought for this nation as HEROES and PATRIOTS. And MY family has NEVER had a Traitor who side with The Enemy against the nation, every member of my family have ALWAYS been Patriots who DEFENDED and FIGHT for our nation with HONOUR and HAVE MEDALS, not ALL in uniform, many also serve with the Diplomatic Corps and in other Departments.
Europe is circling the toilet bowl and you and others are enjoying the ride.Anything else?

YOU are IN the toilet bowl, do you WANT me to flush it already?
If you wish to think that you have any government in Western Europe that wants to preserve its culture and put it citizens first you are lying.

When were YOU LAST on this Continent exactly? When did YOU LAST spend extensive time traveling across this Continent exactly?

You know SHIT about ANYTHING you are commenting, your comments are CONSISTENTLY hilarious and WE are LAUGHING at YOU and your IGNORANCE.

"If you wish to think that you have any government in Western Europe that wants to preserve its culture and put it citizens first you are lying."

Uh oh WHAT IS THIS BELOW? FROM the EU Commission and Parliaments OWN WEBSITE ALL about how the EU has been committed for YEARS already to PRESERVING our European Heritage and WHEN they mean DIVERSE in the below they mean ALL NATIONS on this Continent do have a SHARED European Culture but it IS very diverse from nation to nation, being an ignorant, uneducated and very stupid American you would not comprehend this considering America Culture is vulgar and has ZERO class your Culture is what McDonald's, Disneyland, Rap, THINKING JOHN WAYNE WON THE WAR etc. ROFLAO.

Culture in the European Union

European Year of Cultural Heritage, are dedicated to make this vibrant and diverse culture accessible to everyone.

There are cultural components in many EU policies, including education, research, social policy, regional development and external relations. The creation and promotion of culture in today’s interactive and globalised world also goes hand-in-hand with media and digital technologies. The EU promotes policy collaboration on culture among national governments and with international organisations.

Through Creative Europe, the EU supports European cinema, arts and creative industries to create European jobs and growth, as well as to open up new international opportunities, markets and audiences.

Every year, 2 European cities are chosen as Europe's cultural capitals: this gives an extra boost to local economies, and puts the spotlight on local artists and each city’s unique cultural wealth.

The EU also partners with film festivals, cultural exhibitions, concerts, conferences, artistic prizes and awards across Europe all-year round.

Culture in the European Union | European Union
In five weeks it will be the 75th anniversary of the day we began to liberate you from living in the Third Reich.

You’re welcome.

WE NEVER ASKED YOU TO DO THAT. The majority were happy as it was and we are PROUD that the ONLY PLACE in this ENTIRE NATION that surrended to the INVADING ARMIES of British, American and Russian was INNSBRUCK, ALL other places fought for this nation as HEROES and PATRIOTS. And MY family has NEVER had a Traitor who side with The Enemy against the nation, every member of my family have ALWAYS been Patriots who DEFENDED and FIGHT for our nation with HONOUR and HAVE MEDALS, not ALL in uniform, many also serve with the Diplomatic Corps and in other Departments.
Yes, most Euros love Nazis. That’s why I smile when I drive thru Dresden.
Europe is circling the toilet bowl and you and others are enjoying the ride.Anything else?

YOU are IN the toilet bowl, do you WANT me to flush it already?
If you wish to think that you have any government in Western Europe that wants to preserve its culture and put it citizens first you are lying.

When were YOU LAST on this Continent exactly? When did YOU LAST spend extensive time traveling across this Continent exactly?

You know SHIT about ANYTHING you are commenting, your comments are CONSISTENTLY hilarious and WE are LAUGHING at YOU and your IGNORANCE.

"If you wish to think that you have any government in Western Europe that wants to preserve its culture and put it citizens first you are lying."

Uh oh WHAT IS THIS BELOW? FROM the EU Commission and Parliaments OWN WEBSITE ALL about how the EU has been committed for YEARS already to PRESERVING our European Heritage and WHEN they mean DIVERSE in the below they mean ALL NATIONS on this Continent do have a SHARED European Culture but it IS very diverse from nation to nation, being an ignorant, uneducated and very stupid American you would not comprehend this considering America Culture is vulgar and has ZERO class your Culture is what McDonald's, Disneyland, Rap, THINKING JOHN WAYNE WON THE WAR etc. ROFLAO.

Culture in the European Union

European Year of Cultural Heritage, are dedicated to make this vibrant and diverse culture accessible to everyone.

There are cultural components in many EU policies, including education, research, social policy, regional development and external relations. The creation and promotion of culture in today’s interactive and globalised world also goes hand-in-hand with media and digital technologies. The EU promotes policy collaboration on culture among national governments and with international organisations.

Through Creative Europe, the EU supports European cinema, arts and creative industries to create European jobs and growth, as well as to open up new international opportunities, markets and audiences.

Every year, 2 European cities are chosen as Europe's cultural capitals: this gives an extra boost to local economies, and puts the spotlight on local artists and each city’s unique cultural wealth.

The EU also partners with film festivals, cultural exhibitions, concerts, conferences, artistic prizes and awards across Europe all-year round.

Culture in the European Union | European Union
In five weeks it will be the 75th anniversary of the day we began to liberate you from living in the Third Reich.

You’re welcome.

How do you reconcile with the fact that Jewish-supremacist intellectuals created the political and social theories that are currently destroying western society, both Europe AND the USA? Created with the express purpose of destroying the west?
Europe is circling the toilet bowl and you and others are enjoying the ride.Anything else?

YOU are IN the toilet bowl, do you WANT me to flush it already?
If you wish to think that you have any government in Western Europe that wants to preserve its culture and put it citizens first you are lying.

When were YOU LAST on this Continent exactly? When did YOU LAST spend extensive time traveling across this Continent exactly?

You know SHIT about ANYTHING you are commenting, your comments are CONSISTENTLY hilarious and WE are LAUGHING at YOU and your IGNORANCE.

"If you wish to think that you have any government in Western Europe that wants to preserve its culture and put it citizens first you are lying."

Uh oh WHAT IS THIS BELOW? FROM the EU Commission and Parliaments OWN WEBSITE ALL about how the EU has been committed for YEARS already to PRESERVING our European Heritage and WHEN they mean DIVERSE in the below they mean ALL NATIONS on this Continent do have a SHARED European Culture but it IS very diverse from nation to nation, being an ignorant, uneducated and very stupid American you would not comprehend this considering America Culture is vulgar and has ZERO class your Culture is what McDonald's, Disneyland, Rap, THINKING JOHN WAYNE WON THE WAR etc. ROFLAO.

Culture in the European Union

European Year of Cultural Heritage, are dedicated to make this vibrant and diverse culture accessible to everyone.

There are cultural components in many EU policies, including education, research, social policy, regional development and external relations. The creation and promotion of culture in today’s interactive and globalised world also goes hand-in-hand with media and digital technologies. The EU promotes policy collaboration on culture among national governments and with international organisations.

Through Creative Europe, the EU supports European cinema, arts and creative industries to create European jobs and growth, as well as to open up new international opportunities, markets and audiences.

Every year, 2 European cities are chosen as Europe's cultural capitals: this gives an extra boost to local economies, and puts the spotlight on local artists and each city’s unique cultural wealth.

The EU also partners with film festivals, cultural exhibitions, concerts, conferences, artistic prizes and awards across Europe all-year round.

Culture in the European Union | European Union
In five weeks it will be the 75th anniversary of the day we began to liberate you from living in the Third Reich.

You’re welcome.

How do you reconcile with the fact that Jewish-supremacist intellectuals created the political and social theories that are currently destroying western society, both Europe AND the USA? Created with the express purpose of destroying the west?

Weatherman has Extreme Jew Fetish Syndrome because he is an Evangelical and you know they ONLY care about the 51st State and ZERO else, he will refer to you as an Anti-Semite for asking the question but I know why you put that question as you do, this because you know that Weatherman is an Intellectual Dwarf with a low IQ and would not comprehend IF you asked the question minus the Jew thing and put instead it's NAME - Cultural Marxism aka Critical Theory Social Theory.
YOU are IN the toilet bowl, do you WANT me to flush it already?
If you wish to think that you have any government in Western Europe that wants to preserve its culture and put it citizens first you are lying.

When were YOU LAST on this Continent exactly? When did YOU LAST spend extensive time traveling across this Continent exactly?

You know SHIT about ANYTHING you are commenting, your comments are CONSISTENTLY hilarious and WE are LAUGHING at YOU and your IGNORANCE.

"If you wish to think that you have any government in Western Europe that wants to preserve its culture and put it citizens first you are lying."

Uh oh WHAT IS THIS BELOW? FROM the EU Commission and Parliaments OWN WEBSITE ALL about how the EU has been committed for YEARS already to PRESERVING our European Heritage and WHEN they mean DIVERSE in the below they mean ALL NATIONS on this Continent do have a SHARED European Culture but it IS very diverse from nation to nation, being an ignorant, uneducated and very stupid American you would not comprehend this considering America Culture is vulgar and has ZERO class your Culture is what McDonald's, Disneyland, Rap, THINKING JOHN WAYNE WON THE WAR etc. ROFLAO.

Culture in the European Union

European Year of Cultural Heritage, are dedicated to make this vibrant and diverse culture accessible to everyone.

There are cultural components in many EU policies, including education, research, social policy, regional development and external relations. The creation and promotion of culture in today’s interactive and globalised world also goes hand-in-hand with media and digital technologies. The EU promotes policy collaboration on culture among national governments and with international organisations.

Through Creative Europe, the EU supports European cinema, arts and creative industries to create European jobs and growth, as well as to open up new international opportunities, markets and audiences.

Every year, 2 European cities are chosen as Europe's cultural capitals: this gives an extra boost to local economies, and puts the spotlight on local artists and each city’s unique cultural wealth.

The EU also partners with film festivals, cultural exhibitions, concerts, conferences, artistic prizes and awards across Europe all-year round.

Culture in the European Union | European Union
In five weeks it will be the 75th anniversary of the day we began to liberate you from living in the Third Reich.

You’re welcome.

How do you reconcile with the fact that Jewish-supremacist intellectuals created the political and social theories that are currently destroying western society, both Europe AND the USA? Created with the express purpose of destroying the west?

^^^^ Illustrates in almost parody form what I just stated about being an Intellectual Dwarf with a low IQ, not intellectually equip to form an ACTUAL THINKING response to the above post.
YOU are IN the toilet bowl, do you WANT me to flush it already?
If you wish to think that you have any government in Western Europe that wants to preserve its culture and put it citizens first you are lying.

When were YOU LAST on this Continent exactly? When did YOU LAST spend extensive time traveling across this Continent exactly?

You know SHIT about ANYTHING you are commenting, your comments are CONSISTENTLY hilarious and WE are LAUGHING at YOU and your IGNORANCE.

"If you wish to think that you have any government in Western Europe that wants to preserve its culture and put it citizens first you are lying."

Uh oh WHAT IS THIS BELOW? FROM the EU Commission and Parliaments OWN WEBSITE ALL about how the EU has been committed for YEARS already to PRESERVING our European Heritage and WHEN they mean DIVERSE in the below they mean ALL NATIONS on this Continent do have a SHARED European Culture but it IS very diverse from nation to nation, being an ignorant, uneducated and very stupid American you would not comprehend this considering America Culture is vulgar and has ZERO class your Culture is what McDonald's, Disneyland, Rap, THINKING JOHN WAYNE WON THE WAR etc. ROFLAO.

Culture in the European Union

European Year of Cultural Heritage, are dedicated to make this vibrant and diverse culture accessible to everyone.

There are cultural components in many EU policies, including education, research, social policy, regional development and external relations. The creation and promotion of culture in today’s interactive and globalised world also goes hand-in-hand with media and digital technologies. The EU promotes policy collaboration on culture among national governments and with international organisations.

Through Creative Europe, the EU supports European cinema, arts and creative industries to create European jobs and growth, as well as to open up new international opportunities, markets and audiences.

Every year, 2 European cities are chosen as Europe's cultural capitals: this gives an extra boost to local economies, and puts the spotlight on local artists and each city’s unique cultural wealth.

The EU also partners with film festivals, cultural exhibitions, concerts, conferences, artistic prizes and awards across Europe all-year round.

Culture in the European Union | European Union
In five weeks it will be the 75th anniversary of the day we began to liberate you from living in the Third Reich.

You’re welcome.

WE NEVER ASKED YOU TO DO THAT. The majority were happy as it was and we are PROUD that the ONLY PLACE in this ENTIRE NATION that surrended to the INVADING ARMIES of British, American and Russian was INNSBRUCK, ALL other places fought for this nation as HEROES and PATRIOTS. And MY family has NEVER had a Traitor who side with The Enemy against the nation, every member of my family have ALWAYS been Patriots who DEFENDED and FIGHT for our nation with HONOUR and HAVE MEDALS, not ALL in uniform, many also serve with the Diplomatic Corps and in other Departments.
Yes, most Euros love Nazis. That’s why I smile when I drive thru Dresden.

YOU are the Nazi, YOU openly WANT to Genocide MILLIONS of Muslims. Your OTHER comment illustrate what I already say you are vulgar and low IQ.
YOU are IN the toilet bowl, do you WANT me to flush it already?
If you wish to think that you have any government in Western Europe that wants to preserve its culture and put it citizens first you are lying.

When were YOU LAST on this Continent exactly? When did YOU LAST spend extensive time traveling across this Continent exactly?

You know SHIT about ANYTHING you are commenting, your comments are CONSISTENTLY hilarious and WE are LAUGHING at YOU and your IGNORANCE.

"If you wish to think that you have any government in Western Europe that wants to preserve its culture and put it citizens first you are lying."

Uh oh WHAT IS THIS BELOW? FROM the EU Commission and Parliaments OWN WEBSITE ALL about how the EU has been committed for YEARS already to PRESERVING our European Heritage and WHEN they mean DIVERSE in the below they mean ALL NATIONS on this Continent do have a SHARED European Culture but it IS very diverse from nation to nation, being an ignorant, uneducated and very stupid American you would not comprehend this considering America Culture is vulgar and has ZERO class your Culture is what McDonald's, Disneyland, Rap, THINKING JOHN WAYNE WON THE WAR etc. ROFLAO.

Culture in the European Union

European Year of Cultural Heritage, are dedicated to make this vibrant and diverse culture accessible to everyone.

There are cultural components in many EU policies, including education, research, social policy, regional development and external relations. The creation and promotion of culture in today’s interactive and globalised world also goes hand-in-hand with media and digital technologies. The EU promotes policy collaboration on culture among national governments and with international organisations.

Through Creative Europe, the EU supports European cinema, arts and creative industries to create European jobs and growth, as well as to open up new international opportunities, markets and audiences.

Every year, 2 European cities are chosen as Europe's cultural capitals: this gives an extra boost to local economies, and puts the spotlight on local artists and each city’s unique cultural wealth.

The EU also partners with film festivals, cultural exhibitions, concerts, conferences, artistic prizes and awards across Europe all-year round.

Culture in the European Union | European Union
In five weeks it will be the 75th anniversary of the day we began to liberate you from living in the Third Reich.

You’re welcome.

How do you reconcile with the fact that Jewish-supremacist intellectuals created the political and social theories that are currently destroying western society, both Europe AND the USA? Created with the express purpose of destroying the west?

I don't want to make an enemy out of you any more than I want to further antagonize Lucy. She needs to get off her high horse and you need to open your eyes.

Marxist Jews run Hollywood and the mainstream media. The media is the instrument used to disseminate cultural poison into our society. WIthout it's corrosive influence, we would't be having a crisis at the border or rampant social degeneracy like single parents, drug abuse and transgenderism.

It's a fact, not a theory.
Europe is circling the toilet bowl and you and others are enjoying the ride.Anything else?

America is arguably, in an even more sorry state than Europe

Of course America is in a more sorry state than my Continent and you know WHAT, we are going not ONLY to laugh but we have the Champagne on ice for when America implodes, it will be GREAT it will be BETTER than the BEST sex EVER.

They obviously not ONLY HATE the European Continent they HATE Europeans, no WONDER then the Americans INFEST this Continent with the NGOs which is WHY we are now doing something to REMOVE ALL those NGOs.

I have to find a news article about Estonia, you know the Estonians have now find that the American Embassy in Estonia has been paying MILLIONS AND MILLIONS in Propaganda to push in the Estonian Media how Estonia should open it's borders to embrace Multiculturalism and this is NOW with TRUMP as President doing the SAME thing as Obama did pushing the Anti-White Christian Agenda IF TRUMP WANTED TO he could tell the American Embassy in Estonia to STOP IT but he has NOT, WHY HAS HE NOT? I ONLY find this out about what is happening in Estonia the other day during my Conference Call with the Latvians, the Latvians tell me about Estonia.

The Americans are NOT our friends they NEVER have been, they just want the European Continent to be a Vassal of Washington DC. How many Europeans have DIED in America's Wars in The Middle East to PROTECT their 51st State and steal oil off Iraq? We have American Evangelical Maniacs like Weatherman vomiting at EVERY OPPORTUNITY about Muh Americans dying to save Britian and Muh Americans dying to save the European Continent but IGNORING HOW MANY EUROPEANS have DIED going along with America's Middle East Wars?

Also WHEN was the LAST TIME America EVEN WON a War? They CAN NOT even WIN in Afghanistan they have been there now nearly 20 YEARS fighting essentially Mountain Tribesmen with HAND HELD ROCKET LAUNCHERS. ROFLAO.

Please calm down, you're not helping matters. Europe has friends in America. Trust me when I say that many of us feel great angst about the negative effects of muslim migration and the influence of global capitalist greed happening in Europe and civilized nations across the globe.

"Please calm down, you're not helping matters."

No not me in the wrong, The Ugly Americans are in the wrong.

"Europe has friends in America."

But MORE who HATE this Continent than are friends of this Continent. We have in this thread comments that the MAJORITY of Americans AGREE WITH about this Continent and our peoples.

We have Anti-European VISCIOUS Propaganda by The Ugly Americans it is now to be know that Americans HATE this Continent and ALL Europeans and want us DEAD, no wonder we have never trusted America, we have though ALWAYS been polite as Europeans UNLIKE Americans we are NOT obnoxious and vulgar, we have never trusted America and now here we have we know why this.
My Grandfather fought to liberate you. Twice. And died early as a result.

You’re welcome.

"My Grandfather fought to liberate you. Twice. And died early as a result."

No your Grandfather did NOT do that, we have nothing to be liberate from, the majority were happy. My family in our Family Archive we have many, I think approx 500 or 600 moving images in colour in Super8 no sound that documentation the life across this nation during that ENTIRE period and EVERYONE is HAPPY and SMILING and EVERYONE is beautiful and healthy and it was a happy time for the majority. I have watched these moving images in Super8 and what a GLORIOUS time for the majority it was on film and this NOT the Hollywood Propaganda FILTH that you were Brainwashed with.

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