Europe Conquered

Last time I was in Germany was 1982, no Islamics then. But since then, recently, I've seen news reports of Muslims doing their prayers blocking streets in France, Germany, and other places. Riots are reported. Reports of people being rewarded with opening their homes to them being murdered and raped. Girls scared to go out for fear of being gang raped. My in box is flooded with these reports. So yes it sounds like the Muslims are taking control in Europe.

Islam in France: The French Way of Life Is in Danger
Muslim Migrants In Germany Stage Mob Riots Shouting 'Allahu Ackbar' • Now The End Begins

Islam, Immigration, and the Death of Sweden - CultureWatch
And it's not just Europe.
Somalia: Several dead in Islamist extremist attack | DW | 23.03.2019
Rape and Adultery in Islam

Where there is Islam there is a break down in civilization. Death to Islam or Death to civilization as we know it.

"But since then, recently, I've seen news reports of Muslims doing their prayers blocking streets in France, Germany, and other places."

Again another one, you seem to INDICATE that THIS is ONLY UNIQUE to my Continent which of course as those EUROPEAN CONTINENT EXPERTS Weatherman and Lastamender have told us we ARE under Muslim rule now and ALL but 3 of our Governments are RUN BY MUSLIMS and EVERYONE is under SHARIA LAW :rolleyes-41:

Well yes whatever and whatever, BUT the Muslims are DOING THAT in AMERICA ALSO having ENTIRE STREETS SHUT DOWN so they can pray on them and ALSO having ENTIRE SPORT STADIUMS SHUT DOWN so they can pray on the grass field, see below.



Madison Avenue, New York City:


Again New York City, Fifth Avenue outside Trump Tower:



The Bank Stadium in Minneapolis:


Breitbart article about the above one, 30, 000 MUSLIMS in Bank Stadium PRAYING to Allah:

Report: ‘Allahu Akbar’ Heard from Loudspeakers As Muslims Hold Eid Celebration at U.S. Bank Stadium

Thousands of Muslims streamed to U.S. Bank Stadium in Minneapolis on Tuesday, to celebrate the Muslim holiday of Eid.

According to reporters on the scene, chants of “Allahu Akbar” could be heard from the loudspeakers. The event, advertised as a “Super Eid,” drew some 30,000 Muslims to the stadium where the Minnesota Vikings play, the Star-Tribune reported

Report: 'Allahu Akbar' Heard from Loudspeakers As Muslims Hold Eid Celebration at U.S. Bank Stadium

Angel Stadium, Anaheim, California:


Irving, Texas:


I mean I COULD go on and on posting pictures of Muslims PRAYING on American streets that have been SHUT DOWN so they can pray on them and I COULD go on and on posting pictures of Muslims PRAYING in American Sport Stadiums that have been SHUT DOWN so they can pray on the grass field.
Really? Who comprises the largest voting bloc in the UN? That would be the OIC.

1/2 of Democrat funding comes from Jews.

Blame the Islamists, and only Islamists anyways.​
I put the blame where it belongs. Islam is to blame for Islamic terror and non-assimilation. And Islam is responsible for filling young minds full of hate.

Sure, Islamists haven't assimilated, neither have Jews.

As for filling minds with hate, I suppose it's good to fill hate against Muslims.
All others are off limits.
Jews are not the subject of this thread.

You are just lucky that this site supports your point of view, as you are allowed to indulge in your Jew hatred to your heart's content and no matter whether they are germane to the thread or not.

Why should not this site support Freedom of Expression? We have on a day basis members who TRASH Christians and TRASH Christianity, who TRASH Muslims and TRASH Islam and this is respected as part OF the RIGHT of Freedom of Expression. Are you suggesting that EVERYONE Christian, Muslim, Mormon, Athiest, White, Black, Brown etc can be CRITICISED but the ONLY group who SHOULD NOT EVER be CRITICISED about ANYTHING are Jews and Judaism? I'm sorry but Jews should EXPECT to be treated like EVERYONE else and with that they should EXPECT to be CRITICISED like EVERYONE else. I do NOT support Censorship, that's a Leftist thing wanting to Censor views they disagree with.

The situation is that the ONLY line to the Freedom of Expression thing that should NEVER be allowed is IF someone at this forum EVER openly PROMOTED Paedophilia eg. posting threads about how it SHOULD be LEGAL to fuck children because they LIKE to fuck children. That type of thing.

I'm Christian, I'm Roman Catholic, I have had MY RELIGION TRASHED many times at this forum and I ACCEPT that those who do that do have a RIGHT to TRASH Roman Catholicism and I AM mature enough both emotionally and psychologically to ACCEPT CRITICISM and NOT go SCREAMING to mods to throw whoever OFF the forum this site does not support freedom of expression by a long shot.
Really? Who comprises the largest voting bloc in the UN? That would be the OIC.

1/2 of Democrat funding comes from Jews.

Blame the Islamists, and only Islamists anyways.​
I put the blame where it belongs. Islam is to blame for Islamic terror and non-assimilation. And Islam is responsible for filling young minds full of hate.

Sure, Islamists haven't assimilated, neither have Jews.

As for filling minds with hate, I suppose it's good to fill hate against Muslims.
All others are off limits.
Jews are not the subject of this thread.

You are just lucky that this site supports your point of view, as you are allowed to indulge in your Jew hatred to your heart's content and no matter whether they are germane to the thread or not.

Why should not this site support Freedom of Expression? We have on a day basis members who TRASH Christians and TRASH Christianity, who TRASH Muslims and TRASH Islam and this is respected as part OF the RIGHT of Freedom of Expression. Are you suggesting that EVERYONE Christian, Muslim, Mormon, Athiest, White, Black, Brown etc can be CRITICISED but the ONLY group who SHOULD NOT EVER be CRITICISED about ANYTHING are Jews and Judaism? I'm sorry but Jews should EXPECT to be treated like EVERYONE else and with that they should EXPECT to be CRITICISED like EVERYONE else. I do NOT support Censorship, that's a Leftist thing wanting to Censor views they disagree with.

The situation is that the ONLY line to the Freedom of Expression thing that should NEVER be allowed is IF someone at this forum EVER openly PROMOTED Paedophilia eg. posting threads about how it SHOULD be LEGAL to fuck children because they LIKE to fuck children. That type of thing.

I'm Christian, I'm Roman Catholic, I have had MY RELIGION TRASHED many times at this forum and I ACCEPT that those who do that do have a RIGHT to TRASH Roman Catholicism and I AM mature enough both emotionally and psychologically to ACCEPT CRITICISM and NOT go SCREAMING to mods to throw whoever OFF the forum because they are Anti-Roman Catholic.

because they are Anti-Roman Catholic.
Not leaving the US makes someone bad? I am still waiting for someone to tell me one positive for the non-Muslim in Islam. Can you? And I rely on the news even though it is censored in Europe the truth does manage to get out.

Multiculture is a failure due to the fact one of those cultures is Islam. It is plain to see and seems so easy to deny for many. Do not expect things to get better Islam does not work that way.

So it's evidently clear you have never been to Europe. That being the case, perhaps you should opine less and listen more to the people who are actually there or have spent time there.
Listen to who? This personage from Austria a couple of month ago was constantly claiming that Britain and other Western European countries are cucked and sucked (if I remember correctly this term).
He wants people to listen to her antisemitism here in a thread about Islam.

In recent threads about the Notre Dame fire, he was censoring the living daylights out of people who suggested it might be Islamic terrorism.
Where there is Islam there is a break down in civilization. Death to Islam or Death to civilization as we know it.

What happened to Lebanon should be a warning to us all. It was established as a Christian country and Beirut was called the Paris of the Middle east. Muslim breeding and persecution of non Muslims have rendered it just one more Islamic hell hole.
Most people have no idea how many food items, and things like toothpaste and cleaning supplies are Kosher certified.

Next time you are at the grocery store, just look on the back of the product where the ingredients are listed, and on many of them you with find the letter K or a U with a circle around it. These are largest Jewish Kosher organizations, but there are several others with different certification symbols.

The product manufactures have to pay these jew organizations big bucks to feature their symbol on the products.

Basically, it's an extortion racket, and the cost is passed on to the consumer. ... :cool:
Not leaving the US makes someone bad? I am still waiting for someone to tell me one positive for the non-Muslim in Islam. Can you? And I rely on the news even though it is censored in Europe the truth does manage to get out.

Multiculture is a failure due to the fact one of those cultures is Islam. It is plain to see and seems so easy to deny for many. Do not expect things to get better Islam does not work that way.

So it's evidently clear you have never been to Europe. That being the case, perhaps you should opine less and listen more to the people who are actually there or have spent time there.
Listen to who? This personage from Austria a couple of month ago was constantly claiming that Britain and other Western European countries are cucked and sucked (if I remember correctly this term).

Instead of posting about thing you know ZERO about go and concentrate on your thread Poland Must Perish Because of Muh Poor Jew Fetish thing that you already posted, a THREAD full of BIGOT and XENOPHOBIA against Poland, you Ukrainian who have literally elected a Jew Clown to run your disaster nation. ROFLAO.

1/2 of Democrat funding comes from Jews.

Blame the Islamists, and only Islamists anyways.​
I put the blame where it belongs. Islam is to blame for Islamic terror and non-assimilation. And Islam is responsible for filling young minds full of hate.

Sure, Islamists haven't assimilated, neither have Jews.

As for filling minds with hate, I suppose it's good to fill hate against Muslims.
All others are off limits.
Jews are not the subject of this thread.

You are just lucky that this site supports your point of view, as you are allowed to indulge in your Jew hatred to your heart's content and no matter whether they are germane to the thread or not.

Halal = bad.
Kosher = good.

How about just no, assimilate.

Brooklyn, New York and they are on the street promoting CRUELTY TO ANIMALS and have this man doing the chicken swinging around the head thing, fucking weirdos, they ALSO are in Brooklyn, New York which is in AMERICA so WHY are they NOT TALKING AMERICAN, IF they have assimilated WHY not talking American why babbling in the Alien Talk not NATIVE to AMERICA?

Kaporos ("atonements") is a custom preceding Yom Kippur -- the Jewish Day of Atonement -- in which chickens are ritually sacrificed by many Orthodox Jews. The person "swings" the chicken, held by the legs or by pinning the bird's wings backward, around his or her head while chanting about transferring one's sins symbolically onto the bird. The chicken is then slaughtered and may or may not be given to the poor. Prior to the ceremony, the chickens are packed in crates, and birds not used have been found abandoned in their crates when the ceremony was over.

^^^^ This CROWD are TOTALLY INSANE, lock them up get them off the streets. ROFLAO transferring YOUR SIN'S SYMBOLICALLY ONTO THE CHICKEN :uhoh3: IF Muslims were on American streets doing this weird type thing then The Gateway Pundit would be having a Grand Mal Seizure and DEMANDING that Mecca was IMMEDIATELY Nuked and ALL Muslims in America were rounded up and machine gunned:

I don't support cruelty to Animals, or Humans.

The problem with the USA, is there is a lack of cohesive culture.

But, ultimately, I question why we need hostile Muslims, or Jews scurrying around the USA, none the less.

They don't practice anything close to Americanism, at all.

At the end of the day, many Whites are being assimilated to hostile intruders, themselves.

I.E Kosher, Halal, Cinco De Mayo etc. etc.

The minorities are NOT assimilating, instead they're assimilating us.
Why should not this site support Freedom of Expression? .

This site does not support freedom of Expression for those who oppose Islamism -- only those who support it.

Haha, I've be banned numerous times for being critical of Jews, even on the Israel / Palestine forum.

The fact of the matter is why do you care so much about Capitalists imposing Islamism in their product, but then turn a blind eye about Capitalists imposing Judaism in their product?

There's a striking hypocrisy, one where Islamists, and for the most part ONLY Islamists are the Boogie-man.
Why should not this site support Freedom of Expression? .

This site does not support freedom of Expression for those who oppose Islamism -- only those who support it.

Haha, I've be banned numerous times for being critical of Jews, even on the Israel / Palestine forum.

The fact of the matter is why do you care so much about Capitalists imposing Islamism in their product, but then turn a blind eye about Capitalists imposing Judaism in their product?

There's a striking hypocrisy, one where Islamists, and for the most part ONLY Islamists are the Boogie-man.

You don't "criticise" Jews.

You demonise them.
Breitbart article about the above one, 30, 000 MUSLIMS in Bank Stadium PRAYING to Allah:
Report: ‘Allahu Akbar’ Heard from Loudspeakers As Muslims Hold Eid Celebration at U.S. Bank Stadium Thousands of Muslims streamed to U.S. Bank Stadium in Minneapolis on Tuesday, to celebrate the Muslim holiday of Eid.
According to reporters on the scene, chants of “Allahu Akbar” could be heard from the loudspeakers. The event, advertised as a “Super Eid,” drew some 30,000 Muslims to the stadium where the Minnesota Vikings play, the Star-Tribune reported

Report: 'Allahu Akbar' Heard from Loudspeakers As Muslims Hold Eid Celebration at U.S. B
What the article doesn't say, is the Muslims rented the Stadium for the day when no games were scheduled.

The city where I live the muslims rent the field one day per year for the Eid communal prayer. And the stadium owners are happy for the extra revenue. ... :cool:
Not leaving the US makes someone bad? I am still waiting for someone to tell me one positive for the non-Muslim in Islam. Can you? And I rely on the news even though it is censored in Europe the truth does manage to get out.

Multiculture is a failure due to the fact one of those cultures is Islam. It is plain to see and seems so easy to deny for many. Do not expect things to get better Islam does not work that way.

So it's evidently clear you have never been to Europe. That being the case, perhaps you should opine less and listen more to the people who are actually there or have spent time there.
Listen to who? This personage from Austria a couple of month ago was constantly claiming that Britain and other Western European countries are cucked and sucked (if I remember correctly this term).

I am in this thread ALSO as a European Patriot DEFENDING MY Continent from this HORSECRAP Propaganda that 90% of MY Continent is under Islamic Rule and under Sharia Law posted by low IQ uneducated American BIGOTS AND XENOPHOBES who have NEVER visit MY Continent for extended visit and have illustrated they HATE the European Continent and my population. I think Britian and Sweden etc they have fucked up with terrible political decisions BUT they are STILL MY European brothers and sisters and I will DEFEND them to the death IF I have to.
Really? Who comprises the largest voting bloc in the UN? That would be the OIC.

1/2 of Democrat funding comes from Jews.

Blame the Islamists, and only Islamists anyways.​
I put the blame where it belongs. Islam is to blame for Islamic terror and non-assimilation. And Islam is responsible for filling young minds full of hate.

Sure, Islamists haven't assimilated, neither have Jews.

As for filling minds with hate, I suppose it's good to fill hate against Muslims.
All others are off limits.
Jews are not the subject of this thread.

You are just lucky that this site supports your point of view, as you are allowed to indulge in your Jew hatred to your heart's content and no matter whether they are germane to the thread or not.

I'm Christian, I'm Roman Catholic, I have had MY RELIGION TRASHED many times at this forum and I ACCEPT that those who do that do have a RIGHT to TRASH Roman Catholicism and I AM mature enough both emotionally and psychologically to ACCEPT CRITICISM and NOT go SCREAMING to mods to throw whoever OFF the forum because they are Anti-Roman Catholic.

A lot of this forum is a bit bizarre, they love, love, love Jesus, but then support Jews who reject, and killed Jesus, while throwing Muslims under the bus who see Jesus as a prophet, and to a lesser extent Roman Catholics get pushed aside who are just as pro-Jesus as they are.

Not that I'm against criticism of Muslims.

It's just to me a bit bizarre, considering Muslims are far more Right-Wing, and Nationalistic than the Jews.

Muslims make up a solid portion of those with Right-Wing values on the planet.

Jews on the other hand are an integral part of Leftism, rather than just practicing Leftism, they tend to have founded, and funded a huge chunk of Leftist values in the West.

I am however, certainly against Muslim refugees imposed upon Europe by the EU.

I'm certainly against Islamic terrorism.

Still, Muslims aren't the only terrorists, by a long shot.
Breitbart article about the above one, 30, 000 MUSLIMS in Bank Stadium PRAYING to Allah:
Report: ‘Allahu Akbar’ Heard from Loudspeakers As Muslims Hold Eid Celebration at U.S. Bank Stadium Thousands of Muslims streamed to U.S. Bank Stadium in Minneapolis on Tuesday, to celebrate the Muslim holiday of Eid.
According to reporters on the scene, chants of “Allahu Akbar” could be heard from the loudspeakers. The event, advertised as a “Super Eid,” drew some 30,000 Muslims to the stadium where the Minnesota Vikings play, the Star-Tribune reported

Report: 'Allahu Akbar' Heard from Loudspeakers As Muslims Hold Eid Celebration at U.S. B
What the article doesn't say, is the Muslims rented the Stadium for the day when no games were scheduled.

The city where I live the muslims rent the field one day per year for the Eid communal prayer. And the stadium owners are happy for the extra revenue. ... :cool:

What sport occur at that stadium Baseball?
Why should not this site support Freedom of Expression? .

This site does not support freedom of Expression for those who oppose Islamism -- only those who support it.

Haha, I've be banned numerous times for being critical of Jews, even on the Israel / Palestine forum.

The fact of the matter is why do you care so much about Capitalists imposing Islamism in their product, but then turn a blind eye about Capitalists imposing Judaism in their product?

There's a striking hypocrisy, one where Islamists, and for the most part ONLY Islamists are the Boogie-man.

You don't "criticise" Jews.

You demonise them.

Many members do the same with Muslims here.

This thread is such an example, so is criticism valid, or not?

I guess criticism is right, against Muslims, but not against others, huh?

Worse, I've seen a ton of members here promoting genocide, war, and nuking Muslims, or Muslim nations.

That never seems to get anybody banned, however.

Jews actually get away with the most on this forum.'
Irosie, and Independent can go off topic, flaming off topic insults, and going off topic blasting Poles, on topics where Poland, and Polish people aren't the topic, and never seemed to get banned for it.
1/2 of Democrat funding comes from Jews.

Blame the Islamists, and only Islamists anyways.​
I put the blame where it belongs. Islam is to blame for Islamic terror and non-assimilation. And Islam is responsible for filling young minds full of hate.

Sure, Islamists haven't assimilated, neither have Jews.

As for filling minds with hate, I suppose it's good to fill hate against Muslims.
All others are off limits.
Jews are not the subject of this thread.

You are just lucky that this site supports your point of view, as you are allowed to indulge in your Jew hatred to your heart's content and no matter whether they are germane to the thread or not.

I'm Christian, I'm Roman Catholic, I have had MY RELIGION TRASHED many times at this forum and I ACCEPT that those who do that do have a RIGHT to TRASH Roman Catholicism and I AM mature enough both emotionally and psychologically to ACCEPT CRITICISM and NOT go SCREAMING to mods to throw whoever OFF the forum because they are Anti-Roman Catholic.

A lot of this forum is a bit bizarre, they love, love, love Jesus, but then support Jews who reject, and killed Jesus, while throwing Muslims under the bus who see Jesus as a prophet, and to a lesser extent Roman Catholics get pushed aside who are just as pro-Jesus as they are.

Not that I'm against criticism of Muslims.

It's just to me a bit bizarre, considering Muslims are far more Right-Wing, and Nationalistic than the Jews.

Muslims make up a solid portion of those with Right-Wing values on the planet.

Jews on the other hand are an integral part of Leftism, rather than just practicing Leftism, they tend to have founded, and funded a huge chunk of Leftist values in the West.

I am however, certainly against Muslim refugees imposed upon Europe by the EU.

I'm certainly against Islamic terrorism.

Still, Muslims aren't the only terrorists, by a long shot.

Notice that the only two that were posting in this thread UNTIL NOW and were losing with EVERY post now seem to have PMd some help, but that is okay the ones they have PMd also NOT sharpest knife in box.
Why should not this site support Freedom of Expression? .

This site does not support freedom of Expression for those who oppose Islamism -- only those who support it.

Haha, I've be banned numerous times for being critical of Jews, even on the Israel / Palestine forum.

The fact of the matter is why do you care so much about Capitalists imposing Islamism in their product, but then turn a blind eye about Capitalists imposing Judaism in their product?

There's a striking hypocrisy, one where Islamists, and for the most part ONLY Islamists are the Boogie-man.

You don't "criticise" Jews.

You demonise them.

Many members do the same with Muslims here.

This thread is such an example, so is criticism valid, or not?

I guess criticism is right, against Muslims, but not against others, huh?

Worse, I've seen a ton of members here promoting genocide, war, and nuking Muslims, or Muslim nations.

That never seems to get anybody banned, however.

Jews actually get away with the most on this forum.'
Irosie, and Independent can go off topic, flaming off topic insults, and going off topic blasting Poles, on topics where Poland, and Polish people aren't the topic, and never seemed to get banned for it.

IF openly advocate the EXTERMINATION of ALL Muslims, IF openly advocate Nuking Mecca is NOT Demonise ALL Muslims then WHAT IS?

We have a MINORITY at this forum who WANT to GENOCIDE 200 MILLIONS and that is consider okay, that is NOT Demonise. They are not educated as IF they were educated they WOULD be able to seperate Muslims in GENERAL from Radical Islamist Muslims, there is Islam in GENERAL and there is a PERVERTED version which is Radical Islam and they are NOT the SAME thing.
I put the blame where it belongs. Islam is to blame for Islamic terror and non-assimilation. And Islam is responsible for filling young minds full of hate.

Sure, Islamists haven't assimilated, neither have Jews.

As for filling minds with hate, I suppose it's good to fill hate against Muslims.
All others are off limits.
Jews are not the subject of this thread.

You are just lucky that this site supports your point of view, as you are allowed to indulge in your Jew hatred to your heart's content and no matter whether they are germane to the thread or not.

I'm Christian, I'm Roman Catholic, I have had MY RELIGION TRASHED many times at this forum and I ACCEPT that those who do that do have a RIGHT to TRASH Roman Catholicism and I AM mature enough both emotionally and psychologically to ACCEPT CRITICISM and NOT go SCREAMING to mods to throw whoever OFF the forum because they are Anti-Roman Catholic.

A lot of this forum is a bit bizarre, they love, love, love Jesus, but then support Jews who reject, and killed Jesus, while throwing Muslims under the bus who see Jesus as a prophet, and to a lesser extent Roman Catholics get pushed aside who are just as pro-Jesus as they are.

Not that I'm against criticism of Muslims.

It's just to me a bit bizarre, considering Muslims are far more Right-Wing, and Nationalistic than the Jews.

Muslims make up a solid portion of those with Right-Wing values on the planet.

Jews on the other hand are an integral part of Leftism, rather than just practicing Leftism, they tend to have founded, and funded a huge chunk of Leftist values in the West.

I am however, certainly against Muslim refugees imposed upon Europe by the EU.

I'm certainly against Islamic terrorism.

Still, Muslims aren't the only terrorists, by a long shot.

Notice that the only two that were posting in this thread UNTIL NOW and were losing with EVERY post now seem to have PMd some help, but that is okay the ones they have PMd also NOT sharpest knife in box.

That happens often, must be some kind of coincidence.

As for Muslims, the ridiculous irony here is that many of these Islamic Refugees are coming to Europe, and the USA because of USA wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, Liberia, Syria, etc. etc.

Yet, dumb bozos want more war for Muslims.

How do they see themselves as part of the solution, rather than part of the problem?

Commonsense, it doesn't exist among British people, and yes British ethnics are the most prevalent ethnics of the USA, particularly the South.
Why should not this site support Freedom of Expression? .

This site does not support freedom of Expression for those who oppose Islamism -- only those who support it.

Haha, I've be banned numerous times for being critical of Jews, even on the Israel / Palestine forum.

The fact of the matter is why do you care so much about Capitalists imposing Islamism in their product, but then turn a blind eye about Capitalists imposing Judaism in their product?

There's a striking hypocrisy, one where Islamists, and for the most part ONLY Islamists are the Boogie-man.

You don't "criticise" Jews.

You demonise them.

Many members do the same with Muslims here.

This thread is such an example, so is criticism valid, or not?

I guess criticism is right, against Muslims, but not against others, huh?

Worse, I've seen a ton of members here promoting genocide, war, and nuking Muslims, or Muslim nations.

That never seems to get anybody banned, however.

Jews actually get away with the most on this forum.'
Irosie, and Independent can go off topic, flaming off topic insults, and going off topic blasting Poles, on topics where Poland, and Polish people aren't the topic, and never seemed to get banned for it.

IF openly advocate the EXTERMINATION of ALL Muslims, IF openly advocate Nuking Mecca is NOT Demonise ALL Muslims then WHAT IS?

We have a MINORITY at this forum who WANT to GENOCIDE 200 MILLIONS and that is consider okay, that is NOT Demonise. They are not educated as IF they were educated they WOULD be able to seperate Muslims in GENERAL from Radical Islamist Muslims, there is Islam in GENERAL and there is a PERVERTED version which is Radical Islam and they are NOT the SAME thing.

They cry "Muh Holocaust is wrong"
but then cry "Muslim Holocaust is needed"

How about "NO" for an answer?
Why should not this site support Freedom of Expression? .

This site does not support freedom of Expression for those who oppose Islamism -- only those who support it.

Dogmaphobe IF that was correct then YOU would have been perm exit by mod from this forum a long time ago and so would Weatherman and others, you are in this thread now and a MOD DTMB is IN this thread NOW and has he perm exit you for criticism of Islam? No.

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