Europe must resist pressure to become 'America's followers,' says Macron

ABOARD COTAM UNITÉ (FRANCE’S AIR FORCE ONE) — Europe must reduce its dependency on the United States and avoid getting dragged into a confrontation between China and the U.S. over Taiwan, French President Emmanuel Macron said in an interview on his plane back from a three-day state visit to China.

That would be the smart thing to do. If the rest of the world followed it might even force us to mind our own business.
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So after we saved Frances asses from Socialist dictators they want us to let Taiwan go ahead and get run over. I have a better idea. Tell China if they attack Taiwan we send nukes their way. If they attack France we send condolence cards to the French.
ABOARD COTAM UNITÉ (FRANCE’S AIR FORCE ONE) — Europe must reduce its dependency on the United States and avoid getting dragged into a confrontation between China and the U.S. over Taiwan, French President Emmanuel Macron said in an interview on his plane back from a three-day state visit to China.

That would be the smart thing to do. If the rest of the world followed it might even force us to mind our own business.
Cool. Likewise the US shouldn’t be dragged into problems between Russia and Europe. Or anyone and Europe. The US can stop funding the defense of Europe via NATO and send Macron a small bill for liberating France (twice) and defending it for the last 60+ years. Or he can STFU and just say thanks.
In an Interview with the Polish political magazine Myśl Polska, former German Finance Minister Oskar Lafontaine drops truth bombs about the Ukraine war:
"The United States had been preparing for this war for decades. Ukraine is merely a battleground. The Americans are fighting the Russians there to challenge its status on the world stage. Those who believe that this conflict can be resolved with increased arms supplies should think twice now.
Hundreds of thousands of people have died.
There is no end in sight.
It's unbelievable that Germany is still pursuing such a stupid policy. Germany is an industrialized economy, and such countries should always care about competitive prices for energy resources. Germany will either go down the drain, or this government can be removed from power and one formed that understands that we need cheap energy resources and economic cooperation with Russia must be rebuilt"
When you start realizing your "ally" is in fact your enemy.
How the US planned the war and energy crisis in Europe.....
The US made them shut down power plants? How?

They were warned.

And warned again.
The US made them shut down power plants? How?
They were warned.
Yes, indeed, the US has repeatedly warned Europe that if Europe continues to use cheap Russian gas instead of expensive American gas, the US will take action. Like a blackmailing thug who threatens violence if he is not paid. Have you forgotten about the destruction of the Nord Stream pipeline? The reality of life is that the US is now the Evil Empire.
In an Interview with the Polish political magazine Myśl Polska, former German Finance Minister Oskar Lafontaine

Information: Oscar Lafontaine had been for the former Chancellor Schröder an extreme left wing politician which he had to fire - ¿or did he resign? - after only 6 month.

drops truth bombs about the Ukraine war:
"The United States had been preparing for this war for decades. Ukraine is merely a battleground. The Americans are fighting the Russians there to challenge its status on the world stage. Those who believe that this conflict can be resolved with increased arms supplies should think twice now.
Hundreds of thousands of people have died.
There is no end in sight.
It's unbelievable that Germany is still pursuing such a stupid policy. Germany is an industrialized economy, and such countries should always care about competitive prices for energy resources. Germany will either go down the drain, or this government can be removed from power and one formed that understands that we need cheap energy resources and economic cooperation with Russia must be rebuilt"

If Oscar Lafontaine really said so then he is just simple wrong. Whatever the USA did do on whatever reason - they have absolutelly nothing to do with the stupid, senseless and criminal war which Russia started against the Ukraine. Absolutelly no one and nothing - also not the western world and specially not Germany - provoked the Russians to start any war. That the NATO - the USA, Germany and many many other nations in Europe - trained to defend Europe and so the USA and all other NATO-nations are really able to do so is not any reason for nothing. The NATO is just simple a defense alliance.

And it was not Germany who did not like to be in business with Russia. It was Russia who made it impossible to be in business with Russia any longer.
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Yes, indeed, the US has repeatedly warned Europe that if Europe continues to use cheap Russian gas instead of expensive American gas, the US will take action. Like a blackmailing thug who threatens violence if he is not paid. Have you forgotten about the destruction of the Nord Stream pipeline? The reality of life is that the US is now the Evil Empire.

The fight of the USA against the pipeline Nord Stream 2 was one of the most funny and most absurde idiocies the USA ever had done in history. This fight of the USA shows only that politicians often have not any light idea about what to do on what reason under which values with which effects and risks.

But in the moment, Russian, it really looks like that the Russians destroyed the Nord-Stream pipelines on their own. A weird behavior - but who really wonders about the weirdness of the Russian behavior any longer? “Though this be madness, yet there is method in’t.”

When I took a look I was very astonished how the word "genocide" ("Völkermord)" was born. It was born because of the murderous behavior of Russians against Poles when Poland was seperated in three parts - while the German Prussians and specially the German Austrians were much more tolerant than this had been Russia - the selve defined protector of all Slaws.

That's why I understood why the Ukrainians live in contempt of the Russians and also in fear to become a victim of a genocide made from Russians on all Ukrainians.
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Europe will fall & bow at America's feet if this is the hard way Macron wants!


Europe just looking at America. American politics is far more interesting that European politics generally...
Much like a dumpster fire is better to look at than a green field...
... It's unbelievable that Germany is still pursuing such a stupid policy. ...

:lol: ... Believe me - we can be much more stupid than you are able to imagine at all. In the moment Germany in general suffers only a little kind of a pre-traumatic stress disorder - but when this will tilt over into a furor teutonicus then "Good night, Russia!". This will not be funny. But in the end everything will be good.

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Europe just looking at America. American politics is far more interesting that European politics generally...
Much like a dumpster fire is better to look at than a green field...
Endless wars over the centuries killing their own population over and over culminating in tho major wars in the 20th Century.
Yes, indeed, the US has repeatedly warned Europe that if Europe continues to use cheap Russian gas instead of expensive American gas, the US will take action. Like a blackmailing thug who threatens violence if he is not paid. Have you forgotten about the destruction of the Nord Stream pipeline? The reality of life is that the US is now the Evil Empire.
LMAO! Russia holds them hostage every winter and you think that’s our fault.

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