Europe wary as Italy moves toward populist government

The left has completely ruined Europe. It maybe too late now to go back
Hitler was so much better, right?

They have cause to be wary.

Europe wary as Italy moves toward populist government

With Europe and markets watching anxiously, Italy edged toward its first populist government Monday as the euroskeptic 5-Star Movement and the right-wing League identified a 53-year-old law professor with no political experience as their pick to become the country's next premier.

When FDR was a populist the Left loved it

Fidel Castro and Hugo Chavez were also Populists and the Leftists ADORED them, typical Leftist double standard hypocrisy:

Leftist Populists = Great. Rightist and Anti-Establishment Populists = Not Great.
It is much more simple than that.

Non-white populists = great
white populists = evil incarnate

The so-called left is nothing more than a giant umbrella for anti-white hate groups to gather under.
They have cause to be wary.

Europe wary as Italy moves toward populist government

With Europe and markets watching anxiously, Italy edged toward its first populist government Monday as the euroskeptic 5-Star Movement and the right-wing League identified a 53-year-old law professor with no political experience as their pick to become the country's next premier.

The globalist Agenda has been terrible for Italy, as per design. Now they are fighting back, and poor little globalists like the OP are worried.

The below map is the graphic of the result of the Italian General 2013 Election:


^^^^ Conservative-Right-Wing Coalition in Blue is PdL*(Right of Centre), Lega Nord (Right-Wing), Fratelli d'Italia (Right-Wing Nationalist), the Leftist Coalition are in the Red (this was the PD the Democratic Party who are the Socialists along with smaller parties SEL Left Ecology Freedom, CD the Democratic Centre and the PSI the Italian Socialist Party) the Five Star Movement are in yellow and are Populist and Anti-Establishment.

* PdL = People of Freedom, it was a merger of Forza Italia and the National Alliance it existed from 2009 until 2013 when it was dissolved and Forza Italia returned to a relaunched Forza Italia and half of the National Alliance joined Forza Italia and the others joined Lega Nord, the National Alliance began as the MSI - the Italian Social Movement with their leader Gianfranco Fini.

The People of Freedom - Wikipedia

National Alliance (Italy) - Wikipedia

Contrast the above map with the below map of the graphic of the result of the Italian General 2018 Election:


^^^^ Notice how the Italian Left have been destroyed and have lost MASSIVE sections of Italy to both the Conservative-Right Wing Coalition in blue of Forza Italia (Right of Centre), Lega Nord (Right-Wing), Fratelli d'Italia (Right-Wing Nationalist) and the Five Star Movement in Yellow who now are not only STILL Populist and Anti-Establishment but also Anti-Immigration. MILLIONS and MILLIONS of Italians who in 2013 voted for the Leftist Coalition in 2018 ABANDONED the Left and voted for either the Conservative-Right Wing Coalition or the Five Star Movement, this is what happens when a population feels their survival is at risk they fall into the arms of the Strong-Armed who they know will do everything and that includes be violent if need be to protect the nation and the population. We do need to get to work now in Spain, we need to encourage Spain to take in feral Kebabs and Sub Saharan Africans in large numbers and then sit and wait and let it fester until just prior to the next Spanish General Election and then our Spanish friends of the Spanish Right Wing and Populist Movements hopefully will win the Spanish General Election, we have a winning formula now no reason to think it would fail in Spain when it is succeeding in so many nations on this Continent now, I think even the Catalans would be on the team especially if they think they can get Independence from a Right Wing and Populist Government in Madrid. Across the Continent Right Wing and Populist Movements have ALL supported the Catalans desire for Independence.

So back to the above electoral graphic map, that the Conservative-Right Wing Coalition lost seats in Southern Italy to the Five Star Movement means NOTHING in the scheme of things because they offset those losses by winning massive amounts of seats from the Leftist Coalition in Central and Northern Italy, so it was a Win-Win for BOTH the Conservative-Right Wing Coalition and the Five Star Movement and the WORST results EVER for the Leftist Coalition in Italian modern history.

Now WHAT occur to cause such a dramatic and politically devastating happening between these two elections of 2013 and 2018? What occur to cause the Death of the Italian Left and the incredible rise of the Italian Right, of the Italian Nationalists AND Populists? Yes that is correct, the 2015 MIGRANT happening, the 2015 flooding of this Continent of feral Kebabs and Sub Saharan African savages.

Now Lega Nord and the Five Star Movement are in a Win-Win situation, this new Government even IF it falls means a new election, a new election is what BOTH Matteo Salvini (head of Lega Nord) and Luigi Di Maio (head of the Five Star Movement) BOTH want to the point that BOTH just three weeks ago were DEMANDING a new election for the first week of July, why would both be happy for a new election? It's because ALL the polls say that if they had a new election Lega Nord and the Five Star Movement would both increase their votes even more, and the Italian Left are terrified of a new election because the polls now say they will only get between 14%-18% and in March it was chronic enough just look at the above electoral graphic map to illustrate.
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Italy is all for family and tradition and religion.....GOD BLESS ITALY!

Fertility rate in Italy is one of the lowest in Europe, 25 per cent of women dont have children. Under current fertility rate Italy will need more than 2 million immigrants to keep its current worker to retiree ratio.

^^^^ Globalist Propaganda, this is what they use to get nations to accept unlimited amounts of savages. Italy has been here a VERY VERY long time, Italy is going nowhere they will survive, they do not need savage immigrants and nobody else needs them either. Period.

Probably one of Italy’s saving graces is the Mafia. They won’t let third world savages and Muslims take over their country.
What a surprise, a con supports the Mafia. :rolleyes:

I don’t support the Mafia. Merely pointing out that even the Mafia has the best interests of their country in mind, as opposed to corrupt leftwing globalist pigs.
Italy is all for family and tradition and religion.....GOD BLESS ITALY!

Fertility rate in Italy is one of the lowest in Europe, 25 per cent of women dont have children. Under current fertility rate Italy will need more than 2 million immigrants to keep its current worker to retiree ratio.

^^^^ Globalist Propaganda, this is what they use to get nations to accept unlimited amounts of savages. Italy has been here a VERY VERY long time, Italy is going nowhere they will survive, they do not need savage immigrants and nobody else needs them either. Period.
No, it is just demographics. And unless the current demographic figures are dramatically reversed, there is no other perspective for European countries to become more 'brown' and Muslim in the long term. And Eastern European countries will follow this path, it is only a matter of time. All your boasting about populist and right-wing parties winning here and there is just meaningless stuff.
Probably one of Italy’s saving graces is the Mafia. They won’t let third world savages and Muslims take over their country.
Because Italian savages are better?

Or because they supply Drumpf's coke and some of his shady business deals?
Italy is all for family and tradition and religion.....GOD BLESS ITALY!

Fertility rate in Italy is one of the lowest in Europe, 25 per cent of women dont have children. Under current fertility rate Italy will need more than 2 million immigrants to keep its current worker to retiree ratio.

^^^^ Globalist Propaganda, this is what they use to get nations to accept unlimited amounts of savages. Italy has been here a VERY VERY long time, Italy is going nowhere they will survive, they do not need savage immigrants and nobody else needs them either. Period.
No, it is just demographics. And unless the current demographic figures are dramatically reversed, there is no other perspective for European countries to become more 'brown' and Muslim in the long term. And Eastern European countries will follow this path, it is only a matter of time. All your boasting about populist and right-wing parties winning here and there is just meaningless stuff.

Or they can just have a declining population instead of being replaced.
Italy is all for family and tradition and religion.....GOD BLESS ITALY!

Fertility rate in Italy is one of the lowest in Europe, 25 per cent of women dont have children. Under current fertility rate Italy will need more than 2 million immigrants to keep its current worker to retiree ratio.

^^^^ Globalist Propaganda, this is what they use to get nations to accept unlimited amounts of savages. Italy has been here a VERY VERY long time, Italy is going nowhere they will survive, they do not need savage immigrants and nobody else needs them either. Period.
No, it is just demographics. And unless the current demographic figures are dramatically reversed, there is no other perspective for European countries to become more 'brown' and Muslim in the long term. And Eastern European countries will follow this path, it is only a matter of time. All your boasting about populist and right-wing parties winning here and there is just meaningless stuff.

Or they can just have a declining population instead of being replaced.
There are already significant numbers of Muslims in some European countries that are young and whose number will grow. Also, it seems impossible to halt illegal immigration from Asia and Africa without harsh measures on the borders.
Also, economy. Aging and declining population without young labour force will inevitably lead to decline in economic figures and social standarts.
Italy is all for family and tradition and religion.....GOD BLESS ITALY!

Fertility rate in Italy is one of the lowest in Europe, 25 per cent of women dont have children. Under current fertility rate Italy will need more than 2 million immigrants to keep its current worker to retiree ratio.

^^^^ Globalist Propaganda, this is what they use to get nations to accept unlimited amounts of savages. Italy has been here a VERY VERY long time, Italy is going nowhere they will survive, they do not need savage immigrants and nobody else needs them either. Period.
No, it is just demographics. And unless the current demographic figures are dramatically reversed, there is no other perspective for European countries to become more 'brown' and Muslim in the long term. And Eastern European countries will follow this path, it is only a matter of time. All your boasting about populist and right-wing parties winning here and there is just meaningless stuff.

Or they can just have a declining population instead of being replaced.
There are already significant numbers of Muslims in some European countries that are young and whose number will grow. Also, it seems impossible to halt illegal immigration from Asia and Africa without harsh measures on the borders.
Also, economy. Aging and declining population without young labour force will inevitably lead to decline in economic figures and social standarts.

Harsh measures are called for.

THe budget crunch is coming either way. THe underemployed Third World losers we are importing are not going to keep up the economy.

And a shrinking population with a stable economy, can still have an increasing PER CAPITA wealth.
Harsh measures are called for.
The most effective measure would be downing the boats crossing the Mediterranian. I doubt that this method will be employed.

THe budget crunch is coming either way. THe underemployed Third World losers we are importing are not going to keep up the economy
They are the first pretenders for a hard and low-paying job the Europeans dont want to do. As were the Turks and Pakistanis in Germany and England respectivelly in the second half of 20 century. Though the Arabs may be a different case.

And a shrinking population with a stable economy, can still have an increasing PER CAPITA wealth.
How can economy be stable with shrinking labour force and decreasing purchasing power?
Harsh measures are called for.
The most effective measure would be downing the boats crossing the Mediterranian. I doubt that this method will be employed.

I find it hard to believe that Europe can NOT defend itself from unarmed boats. FIND A WAY, THEN DO IT.

THe budget crunch is coming either way. THe underemployed Third World losers we are importing are not going to keep up the economy
They are the first pretenders for a hard and low-paying job the Europeans dont want to do...[/QUOTE]

Yeah, that's bullshit.

And a shrinking population with a stable economy, can still have an increasing PER CAPITA wealth.
How can economy be stable with shrinking labour force and decreasing purchasing power?[/QUOTE]

Why would purchasing power decrease?
Yeah, that's bullshit.
Sure, that is why some Western European countries began importing immigrants in the second half of 20 century. If it werent the Poles and other East-Europeans whom you use as cheap labour force since 1990s there would be twice immigrants from the thirld world than there is now I think.

Why would purchasing power decrease?
Because there will be more ageing retired people who will rely on state support. So, more money will be spent on pensions and other allowances, medical care. At the same time there will be less people who work and pay taxes, who provide support for economy. So, a state will have more and more spending while its revenue will be decreasing. So, the state will have to cut its spending to support these people while a number of such people will be groving.
Yeah, that's bullshit.
Sure, that is why some Western European countries began importing immigrants in the second half of 20 century. If it werent the Poles and other East-Europeans whom you use as cheap labour force since 1990s there would be twice immigrants from the thirld world than there is now I think.

Or maybe wages would have risen and the population would just be smaller.

Why would purchasing power decrease?
Because there will be more ageing retired people who will rely on state support. So, more money will be spent on pensions and other allowances, medical care. At the same time there will be less people who work and pay taxes, who provide support for economy. So, a state will have more and more spending while its revenue will be decreasing. So, the state will have to cut its spending to support these people while a number of such people will be groving.[/QUOTE]

Are you talking about GOVERNMENT purchasing power, or individual purchasing power?
Or maybe wages would have risen and the population would just be smaller.
Basicslly, wages can be rusen in two cases: 1. the productivity of a laborer is increasing, or 2. the price of a good which laborer produces is increasing.
It has nothing to do with the smaller population.

Are you talking about GOVERNMENT purchasing power, or individual purchasing power?
Actually both.
Or maybe wages would have risen and the population would just be smaller.
Basicslly, wages can be rusen in two cases: 1. the productivity of a laborer is increasing, or 2. the price of a good which laborer produces is increasing.

It has nothing to do with the smaller population.

Productivity has been increasing, while wages have not, or lagging terribly.

You reduce supply, you increase price.

Are you talking about GOVERNMENT purchasing power, or individual purchasing power?
Actually both.[/QUOTE]

1. THe government budget issue is a crisis that no nation so far has an answer to.

2. Individual purchasing power will not decrease just because population does. Indeed, if they inherit from multiple people due to decreasing family sized, it could increase.

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