Europe wary as Italy moves toward populist government



I've always wanted to eat my way across Italy.
With every town having it's own unique foods it would be a blast!!
Now the trip sounds even better!


^^^^ :thewave:




Here is the article:

Italy's new far-right interior minister warns migrants 'the free ride is over | Daily Mail Online

Here are pictures from the article:




^^^^ Matteo and Luigi need to activate the Italian Special Forces and put them on the streets with the specific mission of rounding up all the feral Kebabs and Sub Saharan Africans, round them ALL up and dump them into dungeons for the 18 month period until all the Deportation paperwork is complete, doing this I add it completely within existing EU Laws, it is LEGAL to dump the savages into dungeons for an 18 month period until Deportation.


^^^^ Matteo and Luigi should put the Italian troops on Sicily, the Sicilians LOVE Matteo he was there yesterday Sunday and the Sicilians went CRAZY for him, they mobbed him and kissed him and throw flowers at his FEET.

The Italian troops sent to Sicily very soon to forcibly prevent more savages arriving, if they have to sink the boats then sink the boats, also ARREST any NGOs caught with the savages and also work with the Tunisian Government and the Tunisian Armed Forces who are doing their part already in preventing more savages from getting in boats at Tunis to go across the Mediterranean. Gloves Off. No Mercy. It Begins NOW. History Repeats. Deus Vult.

The gloves have to now come off, the message now must be sent: NOBODY WANTS the feral Kebabs and Sub Saharan Africans, cease making these ventures to our beautiful Continent we do NOT want you here to filth our beautiful Continent up and cause trouble. STAY in your OWN Shit Hole nations or ELSE you know what is going to be coming to you.

We PROUDLY welcome our Patriotic Italian brothers and sisters to our very expanding European Patriotic Movement, we fully intend to work together and share all our intelligence with them, especially their new Interior Minister Matteo Salvini, we already know who the Peoples Traffickers in the NGOs are, this intelligence has already been shared with our Partners in this Mission the Moroccans, Libyans and Tunisians, especially the Libyans and Tunisians have been doing an excellent job of arresting these Peoples Traffickers and also sinking boats and apprehending the savages, because of this the amount of new savages going from Libya and Tunisia has dropped by approx 80%, we thank them, we consider them now our brothers and sisters in this fight and as I comment on another thread when Kid E has arrived I am prepared to go with my Unit if we our CO tells us are activated in such a mission to go to Tunisia to assist our friends the Tunisian Armed Forces in apprehending Peoples Traffickers and also sinking boats.

The next full mission is going to involve more assistance to our friends in Morocco, this because the ways for the savages to get to our beautiful Continent are now all closed, if they go from Turkey to Greece they then are trapped in Macedonia and also Bosnia, they get no more past Bosnia now because The Balkan Route has been 100% closed now since mid 2016. If they go from Libya and Tunisia then 80% of them are apprehended IN Libya and Tunisia and are arrested and they have special prisons in Libya and Tunisia that they put the savages in. So they now go via Morocco where they arrive in Spain, the mission now is to close that down, it gets closed down by hardcore cooperation with the Moroccan Government and the Moroccan Armed Forces, the aim to keep the savages from even having one foot on our beautiful Continent, they must be dealt with in North Africa - Morocco, Libya, Tunisia, of course our Patriotic Governments are paying a lot of money to the Moroccans, Libyans and Tunisians to assist but it it worth spending that money to protect our beautiful Continent and our populations from the savages who want to come to disrupt, get welfare and cause trouble.

Here is the warning to any Leftist Traitor in Italy, if they think about starting shit when the round ups of the savages begin, these two below videos are the warning for them from February 2018 and that was BEFORE the new Italian Patriotic Government took office, so the below Italian Police CLUBBING Communist Antifa human filth like you would club baby seals, if they think of starting shit now the reaction is going to be 1000 more hardcore than the below reaction, Matteo Salvini as Interior Minister is the Boss of ALL Italian police now, he gives the order, they follow that order.

The Warning and the below videos are very enjoyable to watch, they think of starting shit when the round ups begin and it will not be batons they are clubbed with it will be rubber bullets they are shot with and I add if ANYONE thinks that the EU Commission is going to intervene to STOP the Italian Police shooting Antifa Communist filth with rubber bullets they are NOT, just remember what occur when Madrid send in the Spanish Police into Catalonia to crack Catalan skulls and shoot them with rubber bullets, the EU Commission remained SILENT and did not intervene, just like they will not intervene in DOMESTIC Italian SECURITY affairs.

Last edited:
I've always wanted to eat my way across Italy.
With every town having it's own unique foods it would be a blast!!
Now the trip sounds even better!


^^^^ :thewave:




Here is the article:

Italy's new far-right interior minister warns migrants 'the free ride is over | Daily Mail Online

Here are pictures from the article:




^^^^ Matteo and Luigi need to activate the Italian Special Forces and put them on the streets with the specific mission of rounding up all the feral Kebabs and Sub Saharan Africans, round them ALL up and dump them into dungeons for the 18 month period until all the Deportation paperwork is complete, doing this I add it completely within existing EU Laws, it is LEGAL to dump the savages into dungeons for an 18 month period until Deportation.


^^^^ Matteo and Luigi should put the Italian troops on Sicily, the Sicilians LOVE Matteo he was there yesterday Sunday and the Sicilians went CRAZY for him, they mobbed him and kissed him and throw flowers at his FEET.

The Italian troops sent to Sicily very soon to forcibly prevent more savages arriving, if they have to sink the boats then sink the boats, also ARREST any NGOs caught with the savages and also work with the Tunisian Government and the Tunisian Armed Forces who are doing their part already in preventing more savages from getting in boats at Tunis to go across the Mediterranean. Gloves Off. No Mercy. It Begins NOW. History Repeats. Deus Vult.

The gloves have to now come off, the message now must be sent: NOBODY WANTS the feral Kebabs and Sub Saharan Africans, cease making these ventures to our beautiful Continent we do NOT want you here to filth our beautiful Continent up and cause trouble. STAY in your OWN Shit Hole nations or ELSE you know what is going to be coming to you.

Absolutely wonderful news!!!!

Italy becomes the 17 nation on this Continent that the majority of the population has said NO we will NOT commit Cultural Suicide, we are 17 nations now, there are 28 nations in the EU, WE are now the majority, we welcome any of the other 11 nations who wish to reverse their situation and join with our Movement, all previous mistakes and sins will be forgiven if they within the next year decide that they want to save themselves and join us in this War, because it IS a War and it is a War that WE are going to win, this Movement would not have got this far if we collectively did not think we were not going to win this War, we are Winners not Losers, we now have a Winning Strategy at the ballot box, ALL of our 17 Patriotic Governments have been DEMOCRATICALLY elected by a majority of their nations populations, the peoples are with US, they now agree with US, we have the old, the middle and the young with US and as every election is now illustrating the Left on this Continent are dying at the ballot box, 17 nations in a majority have now not only rejected Leftism but in many situations the Leftists have been totally castrated politically at the ballot box. This was the inevitable, it was ALWAYS going to happen, it was ALWAYS going to end this way. Deus Vult
I've always wanted to eat my way across Italy.
With every town having it's own unique foods it would be a blast!!
Now the trip sounds even better!


^^^^ :thewave:




Here is the article:

Italy's new far-right interior minister warns migrants 'the free ride is over | Daily Mail Online

Here are pictures from the article:




^^^^ Matteo and Luigi need to activate the Italian Special Forces and put them on the streets with the specific mission of rounding up all the feral Kebabs and Sub Saharan Africans, round them ALL up and dump them into dungeons for the 18 month period until all the Deportation paperwork is complete, doing this I add it completely within existing EU Laws, it is LEGAL to dump the savages into dungeons for an 18 month period until Deportation.


^^^^ Matteo and Luigi should put the Italian troops on Sicily, the Sicilians LOVE Matteo he was there yesterday Sunday and the Sicilians went CRAZY for him, they mobbed him and kissed him and throw flowers at his FEET.

The Italian troops sent to Sicily very soon to forcibly prevent more savages arriving, if they have to sink the boats then sink the boats, also ARREST any NGOs caught with the savages and also work with the Tunisian Government and the Tunisian Armed Forces who are doing their part already in preventing more savages from getting in boats at Tunis to go across the Mediterranean. Gloves Off. No Mercy. It Begins NOW. History Repeats. Deus Vult.

The gloves have to now come off, the message now must be sent: NOBODY WANTS the feral Kebabs and Sub Saharan Africans, cease making these ventures to our beautiful Continent we do NOT want you here to filth our beautiful Continent up and cause trouble. STAY in your OWN Shit Hole nations or ELSE you know what is going to be coming to you.

Absolutely wonderful news!!!!

Italy becomes the 17 nation on this Continent that the majority of the population has said NO we will NOT commit Cultural Suicide, we are 17 nations now, there are 28 nations in the EU, WE are now the majority, we welcome any of the other 11 nations who wish to reverse their situation and join with our Movement, all previous mistakes and sins will be forgiven if they within the next year decide that they want to save themselves and join us in this War, because it IS a War and it is a War that WE are going to win, this Movement would not have got this far if we collectively did not think we were not going to win this War, we are Winners not Losers, we now have a Winning Stategy at the ballot box, ALL of our 17 Patriotic Governments have been DEMOCRATICALLY elected by a majority of their nations populations, the peoples are with US, they now agree with US, we have the old, the middle and the young with US and as every election is now illustrating the Left on this Continent are dying at the ballot box, 17 nations in a majority have now not only rejected Leftism but in many situations the Leftists have been totally castrated politically at the ballot box. This was the inevitable, it was ALWAYS going to happen, it was ALWAYS going to end this way. Deus Vult

I find it sad that they didnt see it coming a mile away honestly.
If it weren't for the 2nd and the American trait of Rugged individualism we as well as the rest of the world would be fucked.

America holds the key when it comes to freedom,if we give it up the world is screwed.
I've always wanted to eat my way across Italy.
With every town having it's own unique foods it would be a blast!!
Now the trip sounds even better!


^^^^ :thewave:




Here is the article:

Italy's new far-right interior minister warns migrants 'the free ride is over | Daily Mail Online

Here are pictures from the article:




^^^^ Matteo and Luigi need to activate the Italian Special Forces and put them on the streets with the specific mission of rounding up all the feral Kebabs and Sub Saharan Africans, round them ALL up and dump them into dungeons for the 18 month period until all the Deportation paperwork is complete, doing this I add it completely within existing EU Laws, it is LEGAL to dump the savages into dungeons for an 18 month period until Deportation.


^^^^ Matteo and Luigi should put the Italian troops on Sicily, the Sicilians LOVE Matteo he was there yesterday Sunday and the Sicilians went CRAZY for him, they mobbed him and kissed him and throw flowers at his FEET.

The Italian troops sent to Sicily very soon to forcibly prevent more savages arriving, if they have to sink the boats then sink the boats, also ARREST any NGOs caught with the savages and also work with the Tunisian Government and the Tunisian Armed Forces who are doing their part already in preventing more savages from getting in boats at Tunis to go across the Mediterranean. Gloves Off. No Mercy. It Begins NOW. History Repeats. Deus Vult.

The gloves have to now come off, the message now must be sent: NOBODY WANTS the feral Kebabs and Sub Saharan Africans, cease making these ventures to our beautiful Continent we do NOT want you here to filth our beautiful Continent up and cause trouble. STAY in your OWN Shit Hole nations or ELSE you know what is going to be coming to you.

Absolutely wonderful news!!!!

Italy becomes the 17 nation on this Continent that the majority of the population has said NO we will NOT commit Cultural Suicide, we are 17 nations now, there are 28 nations in the EU, WE are now the majority, we welcome any of the other 11 nations who wish to reverse their situation and join with our Movement, all previous mistakes and sins will be forgiven if they within the next year decide that they want to save themselves and join us in this War, because it IS a War and it is a War that WE are going to win, this Movement would not have got this far if we collectively did not think we were not going to win this War, we are Winners not Losers, we now have a Winning Stategy at the ballot box, ALL of our 17 Patriotic Governments have been DEMOCRATICALLY elected by a majority of their nations populations, the peoples are with US, they now agree with US, we have the old, the middle and the young with US and as every election is now illustrating the Left on this Continent are dying at the ballot box, 17 nations in a majority have now not only rejected Leftism but in many situations the Leftists have been totally castrated politically at the ballot box. This was the inevitable, it was ALWAYS going to happen, it was ALWAYS going to end this way. Deus Vult

I find it sad that they didnt see it coming a mile away honestly.
If it weren't for the 2nd and the American trait of Rugged individualism we as well as the rest of the world would be fucked.

America holds the key when it comes to freedom,if we give it up the world is screwed.

We saw it coming, we have been warning about this since September 2015, it is of satisfaction now that TENS OF MILLIONS of peoples on this Continent now agree with us that we were right all along from day one and we all have been rewarded for our constant grassroots efforts by our political parties being elected to form 17 Governments, we kept the faith all along and now we have been rewarded.

From how we see this America has fundamental problems, that have nothing to do with your Second Amendment, your fundamental problems are your political appointed Leftist Activist Judges and that your MSM is a Monopoly owned by the same 5 individuals, you only have one news network that is not Leftist or Leans Leftist, The Donald wants to crack down on the Illegal Immigrants he is being fought on two fronts from the Leftist Activist Judges and Traitors appointed by Obama who are still within the Department of Justice.

The Donald gives the order to Border Agents to take the gloves off at your borders and he is ignored, look at California they are now a Rogue State with Leftist politicians doing their own thing and actively violating American Federal Law, the same with all these other States with the Sanctuary Cities, I have read the American Constitution there is nothing in it that says that under American Law you can have Sanctuary Cities and harbour Illegals who are CRIMINALS, they are criminals because they are violating American Law by being in America Illegally etc If you could remove all these Leftist Activist Judges and also the Traitors in your Department of Justice and destroy the MSM Monopoly then you could begin taking the gloves off, until then you have fundamental problems that are only going to fester and get worse.
I've always wanted to eat my way across Italy.
With every town having it's own unique foods it would be a blast!!
Now the trip sounds even better!


^^^^ :thewave:




Here is the article:

Italy's new far-right interior minister warns migrants 'the free ride is over | Daily Mail Online

Here are pictures from the article:




^^^^ Matteo and Luigi need to activate the Italian Special Forces and put them on the streets with the specific mission of rounding up all the feral Kebabs and Sub Saharan Africans, round them ALL up and dump them into dungeons for the 18 month period until all the Deportation paperwork is complete, doing this I add it completely within existing EU Laws, it is LEGAL to dump the savages into dungeons for an 18 month period until Deportation.


^^^^ Matteo and Luigi should put the Italian troops on Sicily, the Sicilians LOVE Matteo he was there yesterday Sunday and the Sicilians went CRAZY for him, they mobbed him and kissed him and throw flowers at his FEET.

The Italian troops sent to Sicily very soon to forcibly prevent more savages arriving, if they have to sink the boats then sink the boats, also ARREST any NGOs caught with the savages and also work with the Tunisian Government and the Tunisian Armed Forces who are doing their part already in preventing more savages from getting in boats at Tunis to go across the Mediterranean. Gloves Off. No Mercy. It Begins NOW. History Repeats. Deus Vult.

The gloves have to now come off, the message now must be sent: NOBODY WANTS the feral Kebabs and Sub Saharan Africans, cease making these ventures to our beautiful Continent we do NOT want you here to filth our beautiful Continent up and cause trouble. STAY in your OWN Shit Hole nations or ELSE you know what is going to be coming to you.

Absolutely wonderful news!!!!

Italy becomes the 17 nation on this Continent that the majority of the population has said NO we will NOT commit Cultural Suicide, we are 17 nations now, there are 28 nations in the EU, WE are now the majority, we welcome any of the other 11 nations who wish to reverse their situation and join with our Movement, all previous mistakes and sins will be forgiven if they within the next year decide that they want to save themselves and join us in this War, because it IS a War and it is a War that WE are going to win, this Movement would not have got this far if we collectively did not think we were not going to win this War, we are Winners not Losers, we now have a Winning Stategy at the ballot box, ALL of our 17 Patriotic Governments have been DEMOCRATICALLY elected by a majority of their nations populations, the peoples are with US, they now agree with US, we have the old, the middle and the young with US and as every election is now illustrating the Left on this Continent are dying at the ballot box, 17 nations in a majority have now not only rejected Leftism but in many situations the Leftists have been totally castrated politically at the ballot box. This was the inevitable, it was ALWAYS going to happen, it was ALWAYS going to end this way. Deus Vult

I find it sad that they didnt see it coming a mile away honestly.
If it weren't for the 2nd and the American trait of Rugged individualism we as well as the rest of the world would be fucked.

America holds the key when it comes to freedom,if we give it up the world is screwed.

We saw it coming, we have been warning about this since September 2015, it is of satisfaction now that TENS OF MILLIONS of peoples on this Continent now agree with us that we were right all along from day one and we all have been rewarded for our constant grassroots efforts by our political parties being elected to form 17 Governments, we kept the faith all along and now we have been rewarded.

From how we see this America has fundamental problems, that have nothing to do with your Second Amendment, your fundamental problems are your political appointed Leftist Activist Judges and that your MSM is a Monopoly owned by the same 5 individuals, you only have one news network that is not Leftist or Leans Leftist, The Donald wants to crack down on the Illegal Immigrants he is being fought on two fronts from the Leftist Activist Judges and Traitors appointed by Obama who are still within the Department of Justice.

The Donald gives the order to Border Agents to take the gloves off at your borders and he is ignored, look at California they are now a Rogue State with Leftist politicians doing their own thing and actively violating American Federal Law, the same with all these other States with the Sanctuary Cities, I have read the American Constitution there is nothing in it that says that under American Law you can have Sanctuary Cities and harbour Illegals who are CRIMINALS, they are criminals because they are violating American Law by being in America Illegally etc If you could remove all these Leftist Activist Judges and also the Traitors in your Department of Justice and destroy the MSM Monopoly then you could begin taking the gloves off, until then you have fundamental problems that are only going to fester and get worse.

Are we still talking about Italy?
But again if America falls the rest of the west is fucked.

^^^^ :thewave:




Here is the article:

Italy's new far-right interior minister warns migrants 'the free ride is over | Daily Mail Online

Here are pictures from the article:




^^^^ Matteo and Luigi need to activate the Italian Special Forces and put them on the streets with the specific mission of rounding up all the feral Kebabs and Sub Saharan Africans, round them ALL up and dump them into dungeons for the 18 month period until all the Deportation paperwork is complete, doing this I add it completely within existing EU Laws, it is LEGAL to dump the savages into dungeons for an 18 month period until Deportation.


^^^^ Matteo and Luigi should put the Italian troops on Sicily, the Sicilians LOVE Matteo he was there yesterday Sunday and the Sicilians went CRAZY for him, they mobbed him and kissed him and throw flowers at his FEET.

The Italian troops sent to Sicily very soon to forcibly prevent more savages arriving, if they have to sink the boats then sink the boats, also ARREST any NGOs caught with the savages and also work with the Tunisian Government and the Tunisian Armed Forces who are doing their part already in preventing more savages from getting in boats at Tunis to go across the Mediterranean. Gloves Off. No Mercy. It Begins NOW. History Repeats. Deus Vult.

The gloves have to now come off, the message now must be sent: NOBODY WANTS the feral Kebabs and Sub Saharan Africans, cease making these ventures to our beautiful Continent we do NOT want you here to filth our beautiful Continent up and cause trouble. STAY in your OWN Shit Hole nations or ELSE you know what is going to be coming to you.

Absolutely wonderful news!!!!

Italy becomes the 17 nation on this Continent that the majority of the population has said NO we will NOT commit Cultural Suicide, we are 17 nations now, there are 28 nations in the EU, WE are now the majority, we welcome any of the other 11 nations who wish to reverse their situation and join with our Movement, all previous mistakes and sins will be forgiven if they within the next year decide that they want to save themselves and join us in this War, because it IS a War and it is a War that WE are going to win, this Movement would not have got this far if we collectively did not think we were not going to win this War, we are Winners not Losers, we now have a Winning Stategy at the ballot box, ALL of our 17 Patriotic Governments have been DEMOCRATICALLY elected by a majority of their nations populations, the peoples are with US, they now agree with US, we have the old, the middle and the young with US and as every election is now illustrating the Left on this Continent are dying at the ballot box, 17 nations in a majority have now not only rejected Leftism but in many situations the Leftists have been totally castrated politically at the ballot box. This was the inevitable, it was ALWAYS going to happen, it was ALWAYS going to end this way. Deus Vult

I find it sad that they didnt see it coming a mile away honestly.
If it weren't for the 2nd and the American trait of Rugged individualism we as well as the rest of the world would be fucked.

America holds the key when it comes to freedom,if we give it up the world is screwed.

We saw it coming, we have been warning about this since September 2015, it is of satisfaction now that TENS OF MILLIONS of peoples on this Continent now agree with us that we were right all along from day one and we all have been rewarded for our constant grassroots efforts by our political parties being elected to form 17 Governments, we kept the faith all along and now we have been rewarded.

From how we see this America has fundamental problems, that have nothing to do with your Second Amendment, your fundamental problems are your political appointed Leftist Activist Judges and that your MSM is a Monopoly owned by the same 5 individuals, you only have one news network that is not Leftist or Leans Leftist, The Donald wants to crack down on the Illegal Immigrants he is being fought on two fronts from the Leftist Activist Judges and Traitors appointed by Obama who are still within the Department of Justice.

The Donald gives the order to Border Agents to take the gloves off at your borders and he is ignored, look at California they are now a Rogue State with Leftist politicians doing their own thing and actively violating American Federal Law, the same with all these other States with the Sanctuary Cities, I have read the American Constitution there is nothing in it that says that under American Law you can have Sanctuary Cities and harbour Illegals who are CRIMINALS, they are criminals because they are violating American Law by being in America Illegally etc If you could remove all these Leftist Activist Judges and also the Traitors in your Department of Justice and destroy the MSM Monopoly then you could begin taking the gloves off, until then you have fundamental problems that are only going to fester and get worse.

Are we still talking about Italy?
But again if America falls the rest of the west is fucked.

No I was commenting about America then in two paragraphs, but yes if America falls The West is fucked and you have Leftist Activists including politicians, judges and the media who are doing everything they can to ensure America does fall, this is why they want unlimited Illegals and MILLIONS more of them, this is why they are blocking ANYTHING The Donald wants to do to prevent this and that also includes many RINOS who are on board with the Open Borders Agenda etc.
Absolutely wonderful news!!!!

Italy becomes the 17 nation on this Continent that the majority of the population has said NO we will NOT commit Cultural Suicide, we are 17 nations now, there are 28 nations in the EU, WE are now the majority, we welcome any of the other 11 nations who wish to reverse their situation and join with our Movement, all previous mistakes and sins will be forgiven if they within the next year decide that they want to save themselves and join us in this War, because it IS a War and it is a War that WE are going to win, this Movement would not have got this far if we collectively did not think we were not going to win this War, we are Winners not Losers, we now have a Winning Stategy at the ballot box, ALL of our 17 Patriotic Governments have been DEMOCRATICALLY elected by a majority of their nations populations, the peoples are with US, they now agree with US, we have the old, the middle and the young with US and as every election is now illustrating the Left on this Continent are dying at the ballot box, 17 nations in a majority have now not only rejected Leftism but in many situations the Leftists have been totally castrated politically at the ballot box. This was the inevitable, it was ALWAYS going to happen, it was ALWAYS going to end this way. Deus Vult

I find it sad that they didnt see it coming a mile away honestly.
If it weren't for the 2nd and the American trait of Rugged individualism we as well as the rest of the world would be fucked.

America holds the key when it comes to freedom,if we give it up the world is screwed.

We saw it coming, we have been warning about this since September 2015, it is of satisfaction now that TENS OF MILLIONS of peoples on this Continent now agree with us that we were right all along from day one and we all have been rewarded for our constant grassroots efforts by our political parties being elected to form 17 Governments, we kept the faith all along and now we have been rewarded.

From how we see this America has fundamental problems, that have nothing to do with your Second Amendment, your fundamental problems are your political appointed Leftist Activist Judges and that your MSM is a Monopoly owned by the same 5 individuals, you only have one news network that is not Leftist or Leans Leftist, The Donald wants to crack down on the Illegal Immigrants he is being fought on two fronts from the Leftist Activist Judges and Traitors appointed by Obama who are still within the Department of Justice.

The Donald gives the order to Border Agents to take the gloves off at your borders and he is ignored, look at California they are now a Rogue State with Leftist politicians doing their own thing and actively violating American Federal Law, the same with all these other States with the Sanctuary Cities, I have read the American Constitution there is nothing in it that says that under American Law you can have Sanctuary Cities and harbour Illegals who are CRIMINALS, they are criminals because they are violating American Law by being in America Illegally etc If you could remove all these Leftist Activist Judges and also the Traitors in your Department of Justice and destroy the MSM Monopoly then you could begin taking the gloves off, until then you have fundamental problems that are only going to fester and get worse.

Are we still talking about Italy?
But again if America falls the rest of the west is fucked.

No I was commenting about America then in two paragraphs, but yes if America falls The West is fucked and you have Leftist Activists including politicians, judges and the media who are doing everything they can to ensure America does fall, this is why they want unlimited Illegals and MILLIONS more of them, this is why they are blocking ANYTHING The Donald wants to do to prevent this and that also includes many RINOS who are on board with the Open Borders Agenda etc.

I have to feel America is safe based on the people I know here in Texas.
No way we give up our guns.
Italy becomes the 17 nation on this Continent that the majority of the population has said NO we will NOT commit Cultural Suicide, we are 17 nations now, there are 28 nations in the EU, WE are now the majority, we welcome any of the other 11 nations who wish to reverse their situation and join with our Movement, all previous mistakes and sins will be forgiven if they within the next year decide that they want to save themselves and join us in this War, because it IS a War and it is a War that WE are going to win, this Movement would not have got this far if we collectively did not think we were not going to win this War, we are Winners not Losers, we now have a Winning Stategy at the ballot box, ALL of our 17 Patriotic Governments have been DEMOCRATICALLY elected by a majority of their nations populations, the peoples are with US, they now agree with US, we have the old, the middle and the young with US and as every election is now illustrating the Left on this Continent are dying at the ballot box, 17 nations in a majority have now not only rejected Leftism but in many situations the Leftists have been totally castrated politically at the ballot box. This was the inevitable, it was ALWAYS going to happen, it was ALWAYS going to end this way. Deus Vult

I find it sad that they didnt see it coming a mile away honestly.
If it weren't for the 2nd and the American trait of Rugged individualism we as well as the rest of the world would be fucked.

America holds the key when it comes to freedom,if we give it up the world is screwed.

We saw it coming, we have been warning about this since September 2015, it is of satisfaction now that TENS OF MILLIONS of peoples on this Continent now agree with us that we were right all along from day one and we all have been rewarded for our constant grassroots efforts by our political parties being elected to form 17 Governments, we kept the faith all along and now we have been rewarded.

From how we see this America has fundamental problems, that have nothing to do with your Second Amendment, your fundamental problems are your political appointed Leftist Activist Judges and that your MSM is a Monopoly owned by the same 5 individuals, you only have one news network that is not Leftist or Leans Leftist, The Donald wants to crack down on the Illegal Immigrants he is being fought on two fronts from the Leftist Activist Judges and Traitors appointed by Obama who are still within the Department of Justice.

The Donald gives the order to Border Agents to take the gloves off at your borders and he is ignored, look at California they are now a Rogue State with Leftist politicians doing their own thing and actively violating American Federal Law, the same with all these other States with the Sanctuary Cities, I have read the American Constitution there is nothing in it that says that under American Law you can have Sanctuary Cities and harbour Illegals who are CRIMINALS, they are criminals because they are violating American Law by being in America Illegally etc If you could remove all these Leftist Activist Judges and also the Traitors in your Department of Justice and destroy the MSM Monopoly then you could begin taking the gloves off, until then you have fundamental problems that are only going to fester and get worse.

Are we still talking about Italy?
But again if America falls the rest of the west is fucked.

No I was commenting about America then in two paragraphs, but yes if America falls The West is fucked and you have Leftist Activists including politicians, judges and the media who are doing everything they can to ensure America does fall, this is why they want unlimited Illegals and MILLIONS more of them, this is why they are blocking ANYTHING The Donald wants to do to prevent this and that also includes many RINOS who are on board with the Open Borders Agenda etc.

I have to feel America is safe based on the people I know here in Texas.
No way we give up our guns.

It's not about the guns, it's about you have to do something hardcore to prevent anymore Immigration from Third World Shit Holes and also do something hardcore about deporting all the Illegals you already have, I think it is approx 11 million, to those who comment you cannot deport 11 milllions that it is impossible, no it is no NOTHING is impossible it is possible to deport 20 millions IF you have the stomach to do what needs to be done in that situation. That is where all those Leftist Activist Judges are the obstacle, essentially if there was some massive happening in America so that a National State of Emergency was called and within that Martial Law is declared and then you could begin to solve these problems because under Martial Law you can suspend both Houses of Congress and the American Court System and you can even suspend the American Constitution and then you Rule By Decree. I think during the American Civil War President Abraham Lincoln declared Martial Law.
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We PROUDLY welcome our Patriotic Italian brothers and sisters to our very expanding European Patriotic Movement, we fully intend to work together and share all our intelligence with them, especially their new Interior Minister Matteo Salvini, we already know who the Peoples Traffickers in the NGOs are, this intelligence has already been shared with our Partners in this Mission the Moroccans, Libyans and Tunisians, especially the Libyans and Tunisians have been doing an excellent job of arresting these Peoples Traffickers and also sinking boats and apprehending the savages, because of this the amount of new savages going from Libya and Tunisia has dropped by approx 80%, we thank them, we consider them now our brothers and sisters in this fight and as I comment on another thread when Kid E has arrived I am prepared to go with my Unit if we our CO tells us are activated in such a mission to go to Tunisia to assist our friends the Tunisian Armed Forces in apprehending Peoples Traffickers and also sinking boats.
It is astonishing to see how Muslims can be brothers and friends when they are helping to achieve some goals, but at the same time they are filthy kebabs and savages when they dont fit some agenda.
So, we give up on the idea of ever seeing wages rise significantly?

Actually, I havent said this. Re-read more thoroughly what I wrote. Moreover, it is not clear what 'significantly' is in your oponion.

You tell me to read it, and then cut it? Interesting.

You argue against rising wages because it would move production to other nations.

If that is the case, and you see no way around that, then how do we ever have rising wages?

People have been seeing this coming at us for decades. What has been done or can be done, in your opinion?
I think the only option is increasing of fertility rates among Europeans. But I doubt that this will be done in the foreseeable future, because it will require significant change in phsycology of people.[/QUOTE]

I agree that we need to increase birthrates among whites.

But it is not politically possible to even discuss that, at this time, nor will it be easy, nor will it have quick results.

Indeed, it is not likely to ever be policy here in the US.

So, what then?
You tell me to read it, and then cut it? Interesting.

You argue against rising wages because it would move production to other nations.

If that is the case, and you see no way around that, then how
I dont undersrand what I cut. All my posts in these thread are available to you.
Rising wages should have economical reasons, yes. For example, if some company has found lucrative market for its goods and is able to significantly rise the wages for its emploees, then it is okay.

So, what then?
Then will be what some demographers and the likes predict. In the 2050s the white population in the US will became minority, the number of Muslims worldwide will be almost equal with Christians, 4 out of 10 Christians worldwide will live in Sub-Saharian Africa, the proportion of Muslims in Europe will almost double etc.
I've always wanted to eat my way across Italy.
With every town having it's own unique foods it would be a blast!!
Now the trip sounds even better!

It has now started. We are beginning the process of deporting 60 Imans who should never have been allowed into our nation and shutting down Mosques that have no business being in an historically Roman Catholic Christian nation, the below is the beginning. Deus Vult.

Sebastian and our Government of Patriots are all Practising Roman Catholics, we look forward to assisting our Roman Catholic Patriotic Italian brothers and sisters in any way to also cleanse the beautiful nation of Italy of this plague.



Here is the article, today the date of June 8 2018:

Turkey furious as Austria plans to expel up to 60 imams

Turkey can GTFO, we are a Sovereign nation we want no Turk Islamic filth they belong in Turkey and so are getting deported to Turkey and if Turkey wants to begin shit we can ensure they are punished as we have many many supporters, they want to begin shit they will get bones destroyed.

Also the above to read for miketx Marion Morrison Stratford57 defcon4 theHawk
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I've always wanted to eat my way across Italy.
With every town having it's own unique foods it would be a blast!!
Now the trip sounds even better!

It has now started. We are beginning the process of deporting 60 Imans who should never have been allowed into our nation and shutting down Mosques that have no business being in an historically Roman Catholic Christian nation, the below is the beginning. Deus Vult.

Sebastian and our Government of Patriots are all Practising Roman Catholics, we look forward to assisting our Roman Catholic Patriotic Italian brothers and sisters in any way to also cleanse the beautiful nation of Italy of this plague.

View attachment 197310
View attachment 197311

Here is the article, today the date of June 8 2018:

Turkey furious as Austria plans to expel up to 60 imams

Turkey can GTFO, we are a Sovereign nation we want no Turk Islamic filth they belong in Turkey and so are getting deported to Turkey and if Turkey wants to begin shit we can ensure they are punished as we have many many supporters, they want to begin shit they will get bones destroyed.

Also the above to read for miketx Marion Morrison Stratford57 defcon4 theHawk

And also this below, another part of the beginning of the end, as the new Italian Interior Minister Matteo Salvini stated on beautiful Sicily on Sunday "the fun is over, no more free ride, begin to pack your bags" and the savages who think they can continue to get to our Continent they need to be told by their People Traffickers the NGOs to not even THINK about it anymore, NGOs who are the People Traffickers are already being arrested in Libya and Tunisia and Italy and in Greece. We are going to take new and more hardcore measures to protect in a solid way this Continent's External Borders, 60% of our Internal Borders are already closed, The Migrant Route closed since mid 2016 and the Libya-Tunisia to Italy route very very soon to be closed, migrant routes being fully exterminated.

Our EU Presidency begin July 1 and end January 8 2019.



Here is the article, the date of June 7 2018:

Austria wants to 'resolve the migrant issue' during its EU presidency
Europe is waking up to inviting people who will never adapt to the culture of Europe. Lose your culture.............Lose your country.

The violence of Radical Islam is a Cancer on the world. It needs to be contained in the Middle East...........and the nations there need to be more like Egypt that got out of the cycle after 2 Wars with Israel. Sadat was killed for it by the Arab League. Paid for this change there with his life.

No country is obligated to take whomever pleases into their country. Countries have the right to refuse entry.
Europe is waking up to inviting people who will never adapt to the culture of Europe. Lose your culture.............Lose your country.

The violence of Radical Islam is a Cancer on the world. It needs to be contained in the Middle East...........and the nations there need to be more like Egypt that got out of the cycle after 2 Wars with Israel. Sadat was killed for it by the Arab League. Paid for this change there with his life.

No country is obligated to take whomever pleases into their country. Countries have the right to refuse entry.

WE didn't invite them, WE never were asked is it okay with the majority of this Continents population for this crowd to arrive to squat, they were FORCED on this Continent but I tell you this WE are beginning the process of removing them off this Continent, this can be arranged peacefully or not peacefully, to do this peacefully we would prefer but IF they give us trouble then we can very soon do exactly as the Israeli IDF do.

Hungary is about to pass new laws - note the article I include below - that would make CRIMINAL OFFENCES of assisting the invaders in ANY way within or without the nation, this includes ALL the NGO groups and EVERYONE associating with them, it includes ALL Leftist groups who promote the invasion, it includes ORDINARY CITIZENS who might hide or give food or liquid drinks to an invader and it includes ANY UN workers who promote or assist the invaders and this includes helping them with legal advice, hiding them, telling them where they can hide to escape deportation, giving them food and liquid drinks etc now we are observing this law change in Hungary very close, because if Hungary brings this new law then we ALL are going to ADOPT the same new law, together we stick together and ALL defy the EU Commission that has FORCED this plague on this Continent, if we stick together we can do this, the gloves now have to come off and we have to begin to be hardcore. If the Cucked nations Britain, France etc want to commit Cultural Suicide then they can, we do not care, but 18 nations on this Continent now have decided NOT to commit Cultural Suicide.




Here is the article, the date of May 29 2018:

Hungary to criminalise migrant helpers

"No country is obligated to take whomever pleases into their country. Countries have the right to refuse entry."

Yes agreed on all points.

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