European refugee exploitation Vs African slavery in the US


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Mar 23, 2013
The Real World
Think about why there were ZERO african slaves in the north toiling in mills and industries. They had to bring in slavs, pollacks, krauts, wops and micks in the 1800's before the war. People who would work for pennies an hour, stack themselves in the most squalid conditions known to man outside London. To this day you have to travel to find and search out the same sort of hellish conditions and they only exist in forgotten regions no one cares to go to. Yet slavery is still widespread, especially sex slavery and it is awful.

Blacks wouldn't tolerate those conditions in the 1800's for all the food, shelter and clothing they could get in such a climate. They weren't stupid enough for that or desperate. Someone OWNED them and had a vested interest in keeping them fed, sheltered, and clothed. Sure, you has sadistic plantation owners, you also had sadistic factory managers who would push you down a flight of stairs and shoot you because NO ONE CARED IF YOU DIED. You had a better life as a slave on a cotton plantation in South Carolina in 1860 than you did in an Iron Factory in Pennsylvania.

Seriously... Let's just think about this here. No one opened a serious industrial facility in the south and stuffed a bunch of black slaves in there. NOT ONE MOTHER FUCKER, because Blacks would not have tolerated it. You'd think that you'd have all the cotton mills and textile factories CLOSER to the source of final production even with rail roads. Why were all the factories in the North, which forbade slavery and had zero regulations as far as who worked for how much even if it was barely enough to survive on? It's because there were thousands of staving micks that couldn't grow potatoes anymore that the limies would have purged if they didn't find some place to dump them.

Northern industrialists had an endless supply of the cheapest labor, CHEAPER THAN SLAVERY because there was no investment into the individual. If they fell into a machine, it was a slight problem, but if they starved to death, froze to death, died of disease, WHO GAVE A FUCK? There was 1000 more slavs, pollacks, krauts, wops and micks coming in the country tomorrow that would suck dicks for pennies, and required no initial investments.

This has NOTHING TO DO with RACISM either. "Race" is a concept developed by 1920's regressive asswipes who studied shit nearly as asinine as "Phrenology" to defend ideas that should have been easily debunked. "Race" has been further used to divide and control people according to regressive goals which specify a serious population reduction.
If you want a serious discussion about racism, you have to be willing to discuss it's roots, and there is one side of the political spectrum not only unwilling to do so, but attempting to suppress any speech that would undermine their ridiculous point of view.

Think about why there were ZERO african slaves in the north toiling in mills and industries. They had to bring in slavs, pollacks, krauts, wops and micks in the 1800's before the war. People who would work for pennies an hour, stack themselves in the most squalid conditions known to man outside London. To this day you have to travel to find and search out the same sort of hellish conditions and they only exist in forgotten regions no one cares to go to. Yet slavery is still widespread, especially sex slavery and it is awful.

Blacks wouldn't tolerate those conditions in the 1800's for all the food, shelter and clothing they could get in such a climate. They weren't stupid enough for that or desperate. Someone OWNED them and had a vested interest in keeping them fed, sheltered, and clothed. Sure, you has sadistic plantation owners, you also had sadistic factory managers who would push you down a flight of stairs and shoot you because NO ONE CARED IF YOU DIED. You had a better life as a slave on a cotton plantation in South Carolina in 1860 than you did in an Iron Factory in Pennsylvania.

Seriously... Let's just think about this here. No one opened a serious industrial facility in the south and stuffed a bunch of black slaves in there. NOT ONE MOTHER FUCKER, because Blacks would not have tolerated it. You'd think that you'd have all the cotton mills and textile factories CLOSER to the source of final production even with rail roads. Why were all the factories in the North, which forbade slavery and had zero regulations as far as who worked for how much even if it was barely enough to survive on? It's because there were thousands of staving micks that couldn't grow potatoes anymore that the limies would have purged if they didn't find some place to dump them.

Northern industrialists had an endless supply of the cheapest labor, CHEAPER THAN SLAVERY because there was no investment into the individual. If they fell into a machine, it was a slight problem, but if they starved to death, froze to death, died of disease, WHO GAVE A FUCK? There was 1000 more slavs, pollacks, krauts, wops and micks coming in the country tomorrow that would suck dicks for pennies, and required no initial investments.

This has NOTHING TO DO with RACISM either. "Race" is a concept developed by 1920's regressive asswipes who studied shit nearly as asinine as "Phrenology" to defend ideas that should have been easily debunked. "Race" has been further used to divide and control people according to regressive goals which specify a serious population reduction.
If you want a serious discussion about racism, you have to be willing to discuss it's roots, and there is one side of the political spectrum not only unwilling to do so, but attempting to suppress any speech that would undermine their ridiculous point of view.

Its true that the US was built on Black and White slavery. But there was no war needed to free the white slaves and there was no body of legislation enacted to oppress them for a century after. The two are not comparable and you can, er, fuck off.
I think the idea that the blacks "would not have tolerated it" is a weak excuse. The blacks had no choice but to tolerate whatever the Master decided.

As for the mistreatment of immigrants is well documented. But being a poor immigrant and being a slave are not the same. The immigrants may not have been able to feed their children well, but they did not have them taken away and sold. The immigrants may have been living in squalor, but they could always leave and try to make there way someplace else. Slaves did not have that option. Immigrant workers were not summoned at night to have sex with their Master, as slaves often were. And the offspring of such unions were not taken away from the mother and sold for a profit.
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I think the idea that the blacks "would not have tolerated it" is a weak excuse. The blacks had no choice but to tolerate whatever the Master decided.

As for the mistreatment of immigrants is well documented. But being a poor immigrant and being a slave are not the same. The immigrants may not have been able to feed their children well, but they did not have them taken away and sold. The immigrants may have been living in squalor, but they could always leave and try to make there way someplace else. Slaves did not have that option. Immigrant workers were not summoned at night to have sex with their Master, as slaves often were. And the offspring of such unions were not taken away from the mother and sold for a profit.

You have several excellent points here, please make no mistake that I am in anyway trying to justify the institution of slavery, it was a horrific and tragic part of ALL HUMAN HISTORY, not just US history, but it certainly did not begin here, NOR WAS IT ENDED HERE. It still exists around the world and in some cases is even more abusive.

I will argue that blacks did "have a choice" and did choose to escape. They did have a serious disadvantage in the fact they were easily targeted because they were black and even if they had been freed could face arrest and satisfy a bounty. This is a stain on the ONE COUNTRY ON EARTH that is supposed to be a land of Liberty, and the opportunity for ANYONE to enhance their standards of living regardless of anything other than their ability to stay above ambient temperature.

The point I am trying to make is that the african slaves who were traded and sold as chattle, had a higher standard of living than the hordes of eurotrash because NO ONE owned or cared if they lived or died.

A slave had a value, there was some investment into keeping them alive...The euroweenies did not have that advantage.

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My guess is that a number of blacks were working in some of these Northern industries. They lived in the same hood as the Irish when the draft riots broke out in NYC. I did watch a good video that compared the living conditions/food etc., of American slaves to that of poor Irish in Ireland and American slaves were better off relative to the aforementioned. Nonetheless they were slaves without rights..........which the British tried to do to the Irish with the Penal Laws.
Anyone who defends Negro Chattel Slavery in America is a slavidiot.
The only people that defended and indeed fought for Slavery in America were Democrats.

Now they realize they don’t need Chattel Slavery, they can do like the North did and exploit cheap labor. That’s why Dems and Globalists Love China, they provide that nice cheap industrial slave labor.

That’s why real Americans prefer America First and punishing corporations that use overseas slave labor. President Trump was the first in 70 years to seriously do so by implementing tariffs against Communist China. And for that, he was crucified by the Corporate C*nts that rely on Chinese slave labor.
Think about why there were ZERO african slaves in the north toiling in mills and industries. They had to bring in slavs, pollacks, krauts, wops and micks in the 1800's before the war. People who would work for pennies an hour, stack themselves in the most squalid conditions known to man outside London. To this day you have to travel to find and search out the same sort of hellish conditions and they only exist in forgotten regions no one cares to go to. Yet slavery is still widespread, especially sex slavery and it is awful.

Blacks wouldn't tolerate those conditions in the 1800's for all the food, shelter and clothing they could get in such a climate. They weren't stupid enough for that or desperate. Someone OWNED them and had a vested interest in keeping them fed, sheltered, and clothed. Sure, you has sadistic plantation owners, you also had sadistic factory managers who would push you down a flight of stairs and shoot you because NO ONE CARED IF YOU DIED. You had a better life as a slave on a cotton plantation in South Carolina in 1860 than you did in an Iron Factory in Pennsylvania.

Seriously... Let's just think about this here. No one opened a serious industrial facility in the south and stuffed a bunch of black slaves in there. NOT ONE MOTHER FUCKER, because Blacks would not have tolerated it. You'd think that you'd have all the cotton mills and textile factories CLOSER to the source of final production even with rail roads. Why were all the factories in the North, which forbade slavery and had zero regulations as far as who worked for how much even if it was barely enough to survive on? It's because there were thousands of staving micks that couldn't grow potatoes anymore that the limies would have purged if they didn't find some place to dump them.

Northern industrialists had an endless supply of the cheapest labor, CHEAPER THAN SLAVERY because there was no investment into the individual. If they fell into a machine, it was a slight problem, but if they starved to death, froze to death, died of disease, WHO GAVE A FUCK? There was 1000 more slavs, pollacks, krauts, wops and micks coming in the country tomorrow that would suck dicks for pennies, and required no initial investments.

This has NOTHING TO DO with RACISM either. "Race" is a concept developed by 1920's regressive asswipes who studied shit nearly as asinine as "Phrenology" to defend ideas that should have been easily debunked. "Race" has been further used to divide and control people according to regressive goals which specify a serious population reduction.
If you want a serious discussion about racism, you have to be willing to discuss it's roots, and there is one side of the political spectrum not only unwilling to do so, but attempting to suppress any speech that would undermine their ridiculous point of view.

I think the idea that the blacks "would not have tolerated it" is a weak excuse. The blacks had no choice but to tolerate whatever the Master decided.

As for the mistreatment of immigrants is well documented. But being a poor immigrant and being a slave are not the same. The immigrants may not have been able to feed their children well, but they did not have them taken away and sold. The immigrants may have been living in squalor, but they could always leave and try to make there way someplace else. Slaves did not have that option. Immigrant workers were not summoned at night to have sex with their Master, as slaves often were. And the offspring of such unions were not taken away from the mother and sold for a profit.
There were a hell of a lot of immigrant women who had to put out for the boss to keep their job. Hell, in the seventies and even eighties secretaries were expected to “relieve the bosses stress” in the office. The things Weinstein, Cosby, JFK and other powerful men did were accepted and joked about. Yeah slaves had it rough, but in the end every slave was a valuable piece of property that was difficult to replace. That was especially true after 1808 when the importation of slaves was banned by the Federal Government.
As for immigrants “being free to leave”. How do they do that when they can barely put food on the table? No, immigrants were stuck where they either landed or their money ran out. That’s why the big immigrant communities were located in big port cities like NY, Boston and Philly. There were a lot of slaves in the North, in fact if not in name. Most mills and mines were in “company towns”, the workers lived in company housing and shopped in company stores. The prices were set to insure the workers barely could survive.
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My guess is that a number of blacks were working in some of these Northern industries. They lived in the same hood as the Irish when the draft riots broke out in NYC. I did watch a good video that compared the living conditions/food etc., of American slaves to that of poor Irish in Ireland and American slaves were better off relative to the aforementioned. Nonetheless they were slaves without rights..........which the British tried to do to the Irish with the Penal Laws.
Yes there were many free blacks in the north competing with the immigrants for survival. You could trust free blacks to operate machinery because their job and survival depended on job performance. I don’t believe you could trust slaves to do the same because it was too easy for them to ruin the expensive machinery and you can only beat a slave so much before killing him and dead slaves were a total loss, only good for fertilizer.

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