Euthanasia for GOP?

Euthanasia for GOP?

  • yes,I normaly vote democrat

    Votes: 3 37.5%
  • no, I normally vote democrat

    Votes: 2 25.0%
  • yes, I normally vote GOP

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • no, I normally vote GOP

    Votes: 3 37.5%

  • Total voters
The Gop is a party on the way out. It's on life support in the nursing home.

Assuming Trump doesn't make it to the final round.

Is it time to invoke Nietzsche law , That which is falling should be pushed? I certainly wouldnt advocate this with an individual person, but a political party, maybe?

What I'm suggesting, is for the good of America, next time, all conservatives should vote Democrat, so that Conservatism can be reborn.

I think having two parties who are interested in an honest debate of ideas is a good thing.

In my lifetime, I remember that happening for about 5 minutes in 2008 right before McCain named his VP pick.
The Gop is a party on the way out. It's on life support in the nursing home.

Assuming Trump doesn't make it to the final round.

Is it time to invoke Nietzsche law , That which is falling should be pushed? I certainly wouldnt advocate this with an individual person, but a political party, maybe?

What I'm suggesting, is for the good of America, next time, all conservatives should vote Democrat, so that Conservatism can be reborn.

Relax Trump won't be the nominee, Cruz will and he will put an historic can of whoop ass on the Democrats.

He will gut our ability to compete in science and pretty much trash our country as a first world power. Gutting has never been a plan!!! I guess religious fundies love living poorly and in their own shit.

I realize this is a complete waste of time, but have any of you, on either side of the political divide, given the slightest thought to what the collapse of the Republican party could mean? Ah, no , I forget, that's politics. You wouldn't be interested. Go back to calling each other turds. Sorry to have interrupted.

Have you thought about what exactly people like Cruz would do to our ability to compete in this world? China is already gaining a great amount of ground on us, but what the hell, lets throw a bucket of gasoline on this fire. The republicans either moderate to remain a respectable national party or they will die.
The Gop is a party on the way out. It's on life support in the nursing home.

Assuming Trump doesn't make it to the final round.

Is it time to invoke Nietzsche law , That which is falling should be pushed? I certainly wouldnt advocate this with an individual person, but a political party, maybe?

What I'm suggesting, is for the good of America, next time, all conservatives should vote Democrat, so that Conservatism can be reborn.

Relax Trump won't be the nominee, Cruz will and he will put an historic can of whoop ass on the Democrats.

He will gut our ability to compete in science and pretty much trash our country as a first world power. Gutting has never been a plan!!! I guess religious fundies love living poorly and in their own shit.


That's possibly the dumbest thing I read all week, please refrain from voting or using a microwave.
The Gop is a party on the way out. It's on life support in the nursing home.

Assuming Trump doesn't make it to the final round.

Is it time to invoke Nietzsche law , That which is falling should be pushed? I certainly wouldnt advocate this with an individual person, but a political party, maybe?

What I'm suggesting, is for the good of America, next time, all conservatives should vote Democrat, so that Conservatism can be reborn.

Relax Trump won't be the nominee, Cruz will and he will put an historic can of whoop ass on the Democrats.
Cruz couldn't get elected dog catcher. He's a religious fanatic who wants to push through Chrisharia law. Nobody in their right minds would vote for that motherfucker. He would even put me in jail for typing that.
The Gop is a party on the way out. It's on life support in the nursing home.

Assuming Trump doesn't make it to the final round.

Is it time to invoke Nietzsche law , That which is falling should be pushed? I certainly wouldnt advocate this with an individual person, but a political party, maybe?

What I'm suggesting, is for the good of America, next time, all conservatives should vote Democrat, so that Conservatism can be reborn.

I think having two parties who are interested in an honest debate of ideas is a good thing.

In my lifetime, I remember that happening for about 5 minutes in 2008 right before McCain named his VP pick.

Proof that the racist far left religion is the most dangerous religion on the planet..
The Gop is a party on the way out. It's on life support in the nursing home.

Assuming Trump doesn't make it to the final round.

Is it time to invoke Nietzsche law , That which is falling should be pushed? I certainly wouldnt advocate this with an individual person, but a political party, maybe?

What I'm suggesting, is for the good of America, next time, all conservatives should vote Democrat, so that Conservatism can be reborn.

Relax Trump won't be the nominee, Cruz will and he will put an historic can of whoop ass on the Democrats.
Cruz couldn't get elected dog catcher. He's a religious fanatic who wants to push through Chrisharia law. Nobody in their right minds would vote for that motherfucker. He would even put me in jail for typing that.

You goofball Christian hating libs, you realize he was elected to the US Senate right. I'd mock you but you made yourself look a fool. :laugh:
I realize this is a complete waste of time, but have any of you, on either side of the political divide, given the slightest thought to what the collapse of the Republican party could mean? Ah, no , I forget, that's politics. You wouldn't be interested. Go back to calling each other turds. Sorry to have interrupted.
Well what do you think would happen?

He doesnt know,he just likes to pretend to be intelligent.
No, I am intelligent. That's why I know I don't know what will happen. Only idiots have certitude about everything. What I have is a great deal of concern. That too is the burden that thoughtful people have to live with. I repeat my question. Have you considered the fallout of the collapse of one of our two major parties? Of course you haven't.
The Gop is a party on the way out. It's on life support in the nursing home.

Assuming Trump doesn't make it to the final round.

Is it time to invoke Nietzsche law , That which is falling should be pushed? I certainly wouldnt advocate this with an individual person, but a political party, maybe?

What I'm suggesting, is for the good of America, next time, all conservatives should vote Democrat, so that Conservatism can be reborn.
Another far left wing loon spews nonsense.
You cat brained idiots try this shit every election cycle.
"Your party cannot win ,so you may as well stay home on election day"...
"The polls say, none of your candidates have a chance"
Meanwhile the GOP nailed over 600 national and state seats in 2012.
If cruz wins the nomination the party is dead as a national party.

People love their ssi, medicare, roads, and science institutions. Most Americans don't want to act like a bunch of cave fucking savages.

Pure hyperbole
Then show us what real intelligence is. Provide a thoughtful analysis of why the Republican party won't die. Show us why the many people on the right and left who are concerned about that possibility are wrong.
I realize this is a complete waste of time, but have any of you, on either side of the political divide, given the slightest thought to what the collapse of the Republican party could mean? Ah, no , I forget, that's politics. You wouldn't be interested. Go back to calling each other turds. Sorry to have interrupted.

Well. Aren't you the scholar.

Have you taken the time to engage anyone here in a conversation that doesn't involve you telling them how stupid they are?

Perhaps you might want to spend some time in a forum that isn't about politics. might find a few people who have some thoughts that don't offend you.
If cruz wins the nomination the party is dead as a national party.

People love their ssi, medicare, roads, and science institutions. Most Americans don't want to act like a bunch of cave fucking savages.

Pure hyperbole
Then show us what real intelligence is. Provide a thoughtful analysis of why the Republican party won't die. Show us why the many people on the right and left who are concerned about that possibility are wrong.

Well let's see, one year ago they shellacked the left in the midterms, they keep winning elections at every level....thoughtful enough?
Given the democrats have been getting decimated in elections recently euthanasia is a wee premature. The dems would be wise to figure why they are indeed losing seats at every level
The GOP is the result of a purge from the Whig party. When Hillary LOSES then the DNC will purge THEIR party.

There was no "purge". The Whigs had already disintegrated. Didn't even have enough continuity to renominate their own sitting POTUS. The new RP then filled the vacuum they left.
Do you think that sort of thing could happen soon?

Yeah and I see that that's the thrust of the thread. If Rump succeeds in destroying the party I think it's automatic that some new one organizes to fill the vacuum. But its first order of business would have to be to ban Rump's immigration into it.

--- and more's the pity, since it would in effect preserve and perpetuate the Duopoly system. I'd rather we dispense with parties altogether.

Such a successor would undoubtledly be comprised of the present Republican population since it's already in place. One would hope this new party would at the least take the opportunity to dispense with the "social conservative"/religious baboon shit the Jerry Falwells brought in and go back to honest Conservatism.
The GOP already has wrecked itself. The failed to govern by the conservative principles on which they ran their campaigns...
Boehner quit. Mc Connell will lose if he runs again for his seat. The RINO GOP establishment cannot force their chosen candidate( Jeb Bush) to get more than 5% of polling numbers for the GOP nomination. The only reason Bush has not dropped out is because the RNC won't let him. Plus the RNC is so stupid for believing Trump is not going to follow through. That he is not a legitimate candidate.
You almost gotta laugh that mostly you have to define the word "euthanasia" for the low information left that didn't get the memo. The sad truth for democrats is that they endured the most insulting defeat in modern mid term history the previous November and it don't look like the world class enabler for hie husband's infidelity is likely to even win the nomination by sane democrats.

When your party does not get more votes but still wins more don't get to claim that you kicked ass. ought to be asking what the fuck you need to do to get more votes.

Fortunately for the DNC, your party hasn't asked that question.
I realize this is a complete waste of time, but have any of you, on either side of the political divide, given the slightest thought to what the collapse of the Republican party could mean? Ah, no , I forget, that's politics. You wouldn't be interested. Go back to calling each other turds. Sorry to have interrupted.
Well what do you think would happen?

He doesnt know,he just likes to pretend to be intelligent.
No, I am intelligent. That's why I know I don't know what will happen. Only idiots have certitude about everything. What I have is a great deal of concern. That too is the burden that thoughtful people have to live with. I repeat my question. Have you considered the fallout of the collapse of one of our two major parties? Of course you haven't.

So I was right...
I realize this is a complete waste of time, but have any of you, on either side of the political divide, given the slightest thought to what the collapse of the Republican party could mean? Ah, no , I forget, that's politics. You wouldn't be interested. Go back to calling each other turds. Sorry to have interrupted.

Have you thought about what exactly people like Cruz would do to our ability to compete in this world? China is already gaining a great amount of ground on us, but what the hell, lets throw a bucket of gasoline on this fire. The republicans either moderate to remain a respectable national party or they will die.
China? This thread is about the Republican party. Thoughtful people, including the RNC chair, have speculated on the possibility of the party collapsing. That's a rather consequential possibility. If that subject doesn't interest you, then why are you responding in this thread?

If you want to discuss the effect that a Cruz victory would have on the Republican party, that would be germane. Matthew, I am a human being. An Individual. I am not a "sock puppet" or a libturd. I am a concerned American. What are you?
If cruz wins the nomination the party is dead as a national party.

People love their ssi, medicare, roads, and science institutions. Most Americans don't want to act like a bunch of cave fucking savages.

Pure hyperbole
Then show us what real intelligence is. Provide a thoughtful analysis of why the Republican party won't die. Show us why the many people on the right and left who are concerned about that possibility are wrong.

Well let's see, one year ago they shellacked the left in the midterms, they keep winning elections at every level....thoughtful enough?
And that wasn't nation elections just regional in cross groveling flyover states
Here's a photo of a Liberal scientist:

I realize this is a complete waste of time, but have any of you, on either side of the political divide, given the slightest thought to what the collapse of the Republican party could mean? Ah, no , I forget, that's politics. You wouldn't be interested. Go back to calling each other turds. Sorry to have interrupted.

Well. Aren't you the scholar.

Have you taken the time to engage anyone here in a conversation that doesn't involve you telling them how stupid they are?

Perhaps you might want to spend some time in a forum that isn't about politics. might find a few people who have some thoughts that don't offend you.
Thoughts never offend me. Have you expressed one? I respond to thoughtful posts with thoughtful replies and to complete stupidity with mockery. What the hell do you expect me to say to some moron who responds to my quoting fucking Abraham Lincoln by calling me a libturd? I have so far posted NOTHING which a rational person could construe as partisan. I have yet to be responded to with anything but personal attacks. Do you think that's worthy of respect?

I have run several forums. I was one of those "Nazis" who moderated posts. I did not allow the kind of ad hominem bullshit that passes for thought in this cesspool. This thread is about the possible demise of a major American political party. Almost no one has responded to that subject. Does that strike you as a good thing?

Sir, I assure you, make a thoughtful reply and I will respond both thoughtfully and respectfully. This thread is about a serious subject, which should be of great concern to any real American. I didn't come here for grade school rank out contests. I came for conversation. Do you want to have one?

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