Eva Bartlett on Gaza in Crisis - An Eyewitness Report

A good report on Israel's war crimes in Gaza by somebody who was there.

When was the court case then, as I have seen no mention of Israel being charged with war crimes. Not even being charged with littering. Using emotive terms does not help you one little bit, it just shows how desperate you are getting when your video shows less than 100 people turning up to listen to some islamonazi bitch spout her lies
Mohamed Tinmore at his Jew hate campaign? Who woulda thunk it?

Yah...PT finkmore. I ALMOST said the same thing about him yesterday...... but my post was pulled by COYucki.............i said he reminded me of HAMASs..............why your post is still here and mine "ain't" - well........


* Ma che minchia ? *

P F Tinmore, et al,

First, do you think there is a reason the borders are closed?

A good report on Israel's war crimes in Gaza by somebody who was there.

Everything You Need to Know About the Israel-Gaza Conflict
By ABC NEWS Jul 31, 2014, 3:07 PM ET

This is dated material back to the approximate time of Eva Barlett's (biased) report.


I was astonished that the Arab Palestinians in Gaza think that they have the "right" to cross borders into other countries.

Israel has NO Obligation to provide anything to Gaza Palestinians. WHY do the Palestinians think they are under siege? Under what law, is Israel or Egypt required to allow Palestinian Security Threats entry into their countries?

There is a reason? Do you think that the Arab Palestinians who pledge Jihadism, Deadly Fedayeen Action, Hostile Insurgency Operations, Radicalized Islamic Behaviors, and Asymmetric Violence has anything to do with it?

Most Respectfully,
Under what law, is Israel or Egypt required to allow Palestinian Security Threats entry into their countries?
Of course that Israeli bullshit does not explain the blockade of Palestine's territorial waters.
P F Tinmore, et al,

Even your speaker (Eve Bartlett) understands that you are just attempting to justify continued violence with Israel by claiming that they cannot see the border between Israel and Gaza.

WHY do the Palestinians think they are under siege?
Israel is defending its settler colonial project.

No matter what you might think of the acquisition process, the REALITY is that the Gaza Strip is what it is.

The after that you don't recognize the reality of a real-world situation is (I don't know what) ...

Most Respectfully,
Even your speaker (Eve Bartlett) understands that you are just attempting to justify continued violence with Israel by claiming that they cannot see the border between Israel and Gaza.
There is no border. You are the one who brought up the border.
P F Tinmore, et al,

Even your speaker (Eve Bartlett) understands that you are just attempting to justify continued violence with Israel by claiming that they cannot see the border between Israel and Gaza.

WHY do the Palestinians think they are under siege?
Israel is defending its settler colonial project.

No matter what you might think of the acquisition process, the REALITY is that the Gaza Strip is what it is.

The after that you don't recognize the reality of a real-world situation is (I don't know what) ...

Most Respectfully,
Uhhh, OK. :confused-84:

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