Evangelical Leader Claims Teaching Kids Basic Science Causes Mass Shootings

Tony Perkins said children need to be taught about God so they don’t turn into murderers.

A right-wing evangelical leader on Sunday claimed mass shootings are caused by “driving God from the public square” and more specifically by teaching kids science such as evolution in schools.

“We’ve taught our kids that they come about by chance through primordial slime and then we’re surprised that they treat their fellow Americans like dirt,” Tony Perkins, head of the Family Research Council, said on “Fox & Friends” one day after a gunman in Texas killed 7 and wounded 21 others.

He added:

“I think we have to go back to the point where we instill in these children, at least give them the opportunity to know that they’re created in the image of God, therefore they have inherent value.”

Perkins also claimed it’s impossible to have morality without religion, a view he noted was shared by George Washington.

Evangelical Leader Claims Teaching Kids Basic Science Causes Mass Shootings

Wow, that is some crazy shit. Maybe Perkins hasn't read the Old Testament. What do you think?

When you kick God out, dope up your kids, break families.......devastation is the result. It will get worse.

You must mean the Muslim God.

There is no muslim god to kick out.

The USA country was founded on freedom of religion, not the Christian religion, and we have a Separation of Church and State.
First of all show us where there is separation of church and state in the constitution you fucking bitch.
Second of all Christianity is not a religion… It’s a faith.

All “Religion” is man made… That is why it’s so flawed.
Tony Perkins said children need to be taught about God so they don’t turn into murderers.

A right-wing evangelical leader on Sunday claimed mass shootings are caused by “driving God from the public square” and more specifically by teaching kids science such as evolution in schools.

“We’ve taught our kids that they come about by chance through primordial slime and then we’re surprised that they treat their fellow Americans like dirt,” Tony Perkins, head of the Family Research Council, said on “Fox & Friends” one day after a gunman in Texas killed 7 and wounded 21 others.

He added:

“I think we have to go back to the point where we instill in these children, at least give them the opportunity to know that they’re created in the image of God, therefore they have inherent value.”

Perkins also claimed it’s impossible to have morality without religion, a view he noted was shared by George Washington.

Evangelical Leader Claims Teaching Kids Basic Science Causes Mass Shootings

Wow, that is some crazy shit. Maybe Perkins hasn't read the Old Testament. What do you think?

When you kick God out, dope up your kids, break families.......devastation is the result. It will get worse.

So now it is the government's job to teach your kids about God? What the fuck, is there anything you do not think the government is the answer to?

I know you don’t agree… But the truth stings doesn’t it? Lol
Where does the left find this stuff? He never said that, it's an interpretation by somebody name Ed Mazza. The preacher's point is that we need to teach kids morality. Maybe that shocks liberals.

Far too many react negatively to anything a spiritual leader says and will twist it to mean something completely different.

Straw men are easy to knock down.
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There is no muslim god to kick out.

The USA country was founded on freedom of religion, not the Christian religion, and we have a Separation of Church and State.

There is no separation of state in the Constitution but jeffersons letter should be observed.

The president of the US should not have a religious test, need I say more. Also the Constitution has no mention of a God in it.

The declaration did and justified a rebellion to secure God-given rights whereas the Constitution declares that its purposes are “to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty.” These are wholly secular objects. The Constitution acknowledged religious sects but took no position on theology.

The declaration of independence isn't law in America.

The constitution and it's amendments are law in America. Nor does any law in America have to conform to the declaration of independence. It's not a legal document and we don't base any law on it nor does any court decide if any law conforms to it.

You should have learned this in grade school,

Obviously you didn't comprehend the difference of a declaration justified by rebellion to secure God given rights and a constitution written wholly for the secular world.
You must mean the Muslim God.

There is no muslim god to kick out.

The USA country was founded on freedom of religion, not the Christian religion, and we have a Separation of Church and State.

There is no separation of state in the Constitution but jeffersons letter should be observed.

The president of the US should not have a religious test, need I say more. Also the Constitution has no mention of a God in it.

The constitution doesn't have the word god in it.

It does contain a rule that there is to be no religious test for anyone who runs for or holds public office.
And it also says nothing about separation of church and state you fucking retard
There is no muslim god to kick out.

The USA country was founded on freedom of religion, not the Christian religion, and we have a Separation of Church and State.

There is no separation of state in the Constitution but jeffersons letter should be observed.

The president of the US should not have a religious test, need I say more. Also the Constitution has no mention of a God in it.

The declaration did and justified a rebellion to secure God-given rights whereas the Constitution declares that its purposes are “to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty.” These are wholly secular objects. The Constitution acknowledged religious sects but took no position on theology.

The declaration of independence isn't law in America.

The constitution and it's amendments are law in America. Nor does any law in America have to conform to the declaration of independence. It's not a legal document and we don't base any law on it nor does any court decide if any law conforms to it.

You should have learned this in grade school,
True, but it does state for the collective to go pound sand.
Tony Perkins said children need to be taught about God so they don’t turn into murderers.

A right-wing evangelical leader on Sunday claimed mass shootings are caused by “driving God from the public square” and more specifically by teaching kids science such as evolution in schools.

“We’ve taught our kids that they come about by chance through primordial slime and then we’re surprised that they treat their fellow Americans like dirt,” Tony Perkins, head of the Family Research Council, said on “Fox & Friends” one day after a gunman in Texas killed 7 and wounded 21 others.

He added:

“I think we have to go back to the point where we instill in these children, at least give them the opportunity to know that they’re created in the image of God, therefore they have inherent value.”

Perkins also claimed it’s impossible to have morality without religion, a view he noted was shared by George Washington.

Evangelical Leader Claims Teaching Kids Basic Science Causes Mass Shootings

Wow, that is some crazy shit. Maybe Perkins hasn't read the Old Testament. What do you think?

When you kick God out, dope up your kids, break families.......devastation is the result. It will get worse.

So now it is the government's job to teach your kids about God? What the fuck, is there anything you do not think the government is the answer to?
For conservatives it’s about compelling adherence to Christian dogma using the power of the state, in violation of the Framers’ mandate that church and state remain separate.
Show us where says there’s a separation of church and state in the constitution you fucking retard
Religions reflect the culture of the people. Society has seen a tremendous shift in the past century or so--science has explained many things we didn't understand before, technology has changed the very fiber of our daily lives. Since the 60's, the whole concept of family has changed. Birth control, abortion, loosening of divorce laws, acceptance of gays, all of those things have eroded traditional beliefs. It is the churches that have not been able to keep pace with the changes. People will always seek some sort of answer to their existence and to why things happen, especially bad things. But the traditional answer of a patriarchal God, and being asked to follow rules and traditions that were established thousands of years ago is not popular with people anymore.

Every modern Abrahamic religion is seeing the same loss of interest by people. It is not the people's fault. It is the churches'.
Tony Perkins said children need to be taught about God so they don’t turn into murderers.

A right-wing evangelical leader on Sunday claimed mass shootings are caused by “driving God from the public square” and more specifically by teaching kids science such as evolution in schools.

“We’ve taught our kids that they come about by chance through primordial slime and then we’re surprised that they treat their fellow Americans like dirt,” Tony Perkins, head of the Family Research Council, said on “Fox & Friends” one day after a gunman in Texas killed 7 and wounded 21 others.

He added:

“I think we have to go back to the point where we instill in these children, at least give them the opportunity to know that they’re created in the image of God, therefore they have inherent value.”

Perkins also claimed it’s impossible to have morality without religion, a view he noted was shared by George Washington.

Evangelical Leader Claims Teaching Kids Basic Science Causes Mass Shootings

Wow, that is some crazy shit. Maybe Perkins hasn't read the Old Testament. What do you think?

When you kick God out, dope up your kids, break families.......devastation is the result. It will get worse.

So now it is the government's job to teach your kids about God? What the fuck, is there anything you do not think the government is the answer to?

I know you don’t agree… But the truth stings doesn’t it? Lol

This from one of my favorite statist!
Tony Perkins said children need to be taught about God so they don’t turn into murderers.
A right-wing evangelical leader on Sunday claimed mass shootings are caused by “driving God from the public square” and more specifically by teaching kids science such as evolution in schools.
“We’ve taught our kids that they come about by chance through primordial slime and then we’re surprised that they treat their fellow Americans like dirt,” Tony Perkins, head of the Family Research Council, said on “Fox & Friends” one day after a gunman in Texas killed 7 and wounded 21 others.
He added:

“I think we have to go back to the point where we instill in these children, at least give them the opportunity to know that they’re created in the image of God, therefore they have inherent value.”
Perkins also claimed it’s impossible to have morality without religion, a view he noted was shared by George Washington.
Evangelical Leader Claims Teaching Kids Basic Science Causes Mass Shootings

Wow, that is some crazy shit. Maybe Perkins hasn't read the Old Testament. What do you think?
I think he is an ass with an agenda. "Shootings" (mass or otherwise) are only possible with guns. How many guns were there when Jesus walked the earth? I will make an assumption that during Jesus' time thievery was commonplace because lack of food drove people to commit crimes. So here we are in the year of our Lord 2019 and there are still people without enough to eat. Guns, bows & arrows, sticks, and stones. Jews, Christians, and Muslims all have a tradition of "fasting" but starving is something else.
We must give thanks that the Parson has identified the real problem. Its such a relief that it isnt about guns.
Yes. It is so infuriating that people immediately think of guns at the first mention of "shootings". People just cannot focus these days.

All mass school shootings have been at public schools. None at private or parochial schools. Maybe he has a point about teaching religion?
He's wrong about teaching "basic science". However, when schools get too PC or political, that's when they need to be corrected.
Who cares if he has a point? Liberty comes at a cost, as the gun nuts remind us every time there is a mass shooting. Freedom from religion in our public school's isn't going anywhere.
We must give thanks that the Parson has identified the real problem. Its such a relief that it isnt about guns.
Yes. It is so infuriating that people immediately think of guns at the first mention of "shootings". People just cannot focus these days.

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Its the long term affect of taking Jesus out of schools. That gun totin preacher man took zero shit from any libs.
It's obvious that schools are one of the primary creators of mass shootings, that's why so many take place at said schools. Notice that anti-leftist schools don't have the shooting problem. Leftists quite like the shootings as then they can grab people's guns after they blame the guns, not themselves for the shooting.
There are schools all over the world but they dont have shootings like you do in the US. You failed again matey.
Tony Perkins said children need to be taught about God so they don’t turn into murderers.

A right-wing evangelical leader on Sunday claimed mass shootings are caused by “driving God from the public square” and more specifically by teaching kids science such as evolution in schools.

“We’ve taught our kids that they come about by chance through primordial slime and then we’re surprised that they treat their fellow Americans like dirt,” Tony Perkins, head of the Family Research Council, said on “Fox & Friends” one day after a gunman in Texas killed 7 and wounded 21 others.

He added:

“I think we have to go back to the point where we instill in these children, at least give them the opportunity to know that they’re created in the image of God, therefore they have inherent value.”

Perkins also claimed it’s impossible to have morality without religion, a view he noted was shared by George Washington.

Evangelical Leader Claims Teaching Kids Basic Science Causes Mass Shootings

Wow, that is some crazy shit. Maybe Perkins hasn't read the Old Testament. What do you think?

When you kick God out, dope up your kids, break families.......devastation is the result. It will get worse.

So now it is the government's job to teach your kids about God? What the fuck, is there anything you do not think the government is the answer to?
For conservatives it’s about compelling adherence to Christian dogma using the power of the state, in violation of the Framers’ mandate that church and state remain separate.

From Jefferson...and you should know this. Im not surprised though that you try to obfuscate such fact.

“I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should ‘make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof,’ thus building a wall of separation between Church & State.” This phrase became so famous that many have come to believe it is in the Constitution, though it is not.
The letter was an assurance to the Danbury Baptists that they may certainly form a religious community that excludes all other religions. Such exercise of religious belief would get no interference from the federal government because there was a wall of separation between church and state.
Tony Perkins said children need to be taught about God so they don’t turn into murderers.

A right-wing evangelical leader on Sunday claimed mass shootings are caused by “driving God from the public square” and more specifically by teaching kids science such as evolution in schools.

“We’ve taught our kids that they come about by chance through primordial slime and then we’re surprised that they treat their fellow Americans like dirt,” Tony Perkins, head of the Family Research Council, said on “Fox & Friends” one day after a gunman in Texas killed 7 and wounded 21 others.

He added:

“I think we have to go back to the point where we instill in these children, at least give them the opportunity to know that they’re created in the image of God, therefore they have inherent value.”

Perkins also claimed it’s impossible to have morality without religion, a view he noted was shared by George Washington.

Evangelical Leader Claims Teaching Kids Basic Science Causes Mass Shootings

Wow, that is some crazy shit. Maybe Perkins hasn't read the Old Testament. What do you think?

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