Evangelicals Are Probably The Most Obnoxious People On Planet Earth

I've known Catholics all my life, and never once heard any of them say shit about any other faith or religion. Of the evangelicals and Jews I have known, a minority of them have not openly expressed disdain for Catholics.

I'm Southern Baptist, and I have never in my entire life heard Baptists bashing CATHOLICS. I have heard them voice their distress at some of the practices of the Catholic church, and I have heard them pray for Catholics, however.

I have heard and have in fact been bashed by Catholics, though. One who chewed me out on facebook because my son was baptized on Christmas day.

Speaking of delusional ... koshergrl bashes everyone and ALWAYS lies about it.

I knew a baptist who would say things like 'he's a catholic but he's a nice person'.

But to be fair, with their asinine preaching that their way is the only way' nonsense, most religions seem to hate other religions.
I've seen catholics demonstrate against abortion. I've known evangelicals. I let them try to convert me, then I try to convert them to satanism, and we usually just call it a draw, although I have much better arguments than they do. The religion I truly detest is islam, islam, which means "is lame". At least evangelicals and catholics don't cut people's heads off if they won't convert, and they don't fly planes into our buildings.
I've seen catholics demonstrate against abortion. I've known evangelicals. I let them try to convert me, then I try to convert them to satanism, and we usually just call it a draw, although I have much better arguments than they do. The religion I truly detest is islam, islam, which means "is lame". At least evangelicals and catholics don't cut people's heads off if they won't convert, and they don't fly planes into our buildings.

Would someone here please describe to me what they think an "Evangelical Christian" is??? Please ??
What makes me feel bad is that the influence of evangelicals, their total hatred towards Catholics, has made me feel hate in return. That's the worst part. I now know what fueled all those religious wars in Europe that killed so many people.

Protestantism, when it comes down to it, is rooted in hatred of the Catholic Church and for a long time, Protestants tried to destroy completely the Catholic Church in Ireland.

ninja007, shart_attack, and Jeremiah have kept that hatred burning even into this modern age, when Christians should be allies against the common enemy, a world that hates and wants to destroy ALL Christian churches.

But putting aside the hatred is impossible for evangelicals, they are so steeped in hatred from the first day of Sunday school that they can never give it up.

have you been born again?

Just curious- you call us names, tell us what idiots we are then turn around and say you deserve respect? Seriously?
I've seen catholics demonstrate against abortion. I've known evangelicals. I let them try to convert me, then I try to convert them to satanism, and we usually just call it a draw, although I have much better arguments than they do. The religion I truly detest is islam, islam, which means "is lame". At least evangelicals and catholics don't cut people's heads off if they won't convert, and they don't fly planes into our buildings.

Would someone here please describe to me what they think an "Evangelical Christian" is??? Please ??

those are the evil Christians who believe in OSAS, and hate those pesky Catholics!
I've seen catholics demonstrate against abortion. I've known evangelicals. I let them try to convert me, then I try to convert them to satanism, and we usually just call it a draw, although I have much better arguments than they do. The religion I truly detest is islam, islam, which means "is lame". At least evangelicals and catholics don't cut people's heads off if they won't convert, and they don't fly planes into our buildings.

I agree on the bolded, but do you realize it is SATAN that is in control of Islam?
No secret that I hate the bible thumping crap, the delusional idiots banging on your door on Saturday morning and they're oft-stated hate for their fellow human beings as well as their obvious hate for the god they say they worship.

those aren't Christian Skippy- they are a cult- Jehovah's Witnesses- a false religion.
I've known Catholics all my life, and never once heard any of them say shit about any other faith or religion. Of the evangelicals and Jews I have known, a minority of them have not openly expressed disdain for Catholics.

I'm Southern Baptist, and I have never in my entire life heard Baptists bashing CATHOLICS. I have heard them voice their distress at some of the practices of the Catholic church, and I have heard them pray for Catholics, however.

I have heard and have in fact been bashed by Catholics, though. One who chewed me out on facebook because my son was baptized on Christmas day.

All the Catholics I know mind their own business; they really don't care what other people do. On the other hand I have witnessed evangelicals rage against the Pope and Catholic beliefs.

Sorry you had bad experiences. Facebook is a toilet anyway. Worse than here, if that's even possible.

then they aren't doing the job Jesus called for them to do!
To begin, let’s break down the two words. The term Christian essentially means "follower of Christ." Christian is the term given to followers of Jesus Christ in the first century A.D. (Acts 11:26). The term evangelical comes from the Greek word that means "good news." Evangelism is sharing the good news of the salvation that is available through Jesus Christ. An evangelical, then, is a person dedicated to promoting the good news about Jesus Christ. Combined, the description "evangelical Christian" is intended to indicate a believer in Jesus Christ who is faithful in sharing and promoting the good news.

This doesn't mean that we, as Evangelicals are to hog tie, and force feed unbelievers the Gospel. It means that we present the Gospel to those that don't know the Gospel, but we do it without condemnation or a judgmental attitude. We do it gently, with real concern and love for those around us. We don't threaten them with hellfire and brimstone if they don't wish to believe. That's not our place. We are to encourage the lost, not discourage them with holier than thou attitudes of superiority because frankly, we don't have that right....We are all sinners and hypocrites, both believers and non believers, the difference being is that when a Christian that given their life over 100%, holding nothing back, well. we have the Holy Spirit within us that convicts us the moment we screw up...Others don't have that. We are to present God's Holy Word (plant seeds ) with compassion and love, and then step back and allow God to water those seeds we planted,,,,,, but be there to help a new believer as a mentor.
Evangelicals, you set such a bad example for Christians that you make all Christians look bad.

You open your mouths, and everyone assumes you speak for all Christians.

Please, from now on, tell people ahead of time that you're not really Christians, you are evangelicals, which is a heretic branch of Christianity that absurdly believes in all sorts of stupid ideas that have been rejected by most Christians.

And in a world that is hostile to all Christian denominations, you continue your hateful attacks on the Catholic Church, as if Catholics are the enemy.

You disgust me.
They disgust me too but most people see them for what they are...a kissing cousin of Islamic terrorists.

Let me be clear. I am not at war with any Catholics - I feel great mercy for the Catholic people who have been lied to, used, indoctrinated into believing lies about the Jews, lies about "Fundamentalist born again Christians" - listen up - Jesus said, Ye must be born again! The Vaticans false teachings clash with Jesus Christ and "His Gospel" - do not despise the messengers of the Gospel for speaking the truth.

Think about this for a moment. The history of the Vatican has been bloodshed from the beginning. It was based on a lie - false teachings not found in the bible - doctrines of Devils - is what the New Testament calls it - mass murders in the hundreds of thousands - Jews murdered - forced into conversions with their children taken from them - Christians burned at the stake - Bloody Mary the Catholic Queen murdered so many Christians they had to flee for their lives until she was gone - hundreds and hundreds of thousands of Christians who held fast to the bible were murdered by Catholics! That is the history! Paedophiles moved from one parish to the next - for decades - preying on the unaware children of these catholic members. Predators - yes, wolves in sheeps clothing.

Jessuits in most all the highest offices in the USA doing the bidding of the Vatican - for decades now - look at the corruption! There is nothing holy about this organization and yet the people - are the victims!

They do not know their bibles have been encouraged NOT to read the bible - and those who did said I don't understand why they have told us all these years not to read it! hello? Look at how they are taught to hate the Jews! It is despicable! Look at the false teachings based on paganism. Mary was not a virgin when she died. Mary had other children. Mary and the saints who died are ordinary people like you and I and should not ever have been revered as gods - as ones to be prayed to - that is idolatry!

The RCC teaches a false religion that is not found in the bible. I am speaking up for the catholic people who have been devoured by these wolves in sheeps clothing for centuries on end - you are defending the wolves as if they were some how deserving of such a defense!

The bible is clear. Jesus said,

Beware, the false teachers, men who come to you in sheep's fleece, but beneath that disguise they are ravenous wolves.
-Matthew 7:15

We are not to cover for these wolves. They are devouring the sheep! This is wrong. Very, very wrong. I pray the Catholic people receive Christ and are freed from this bondage of Roman traditionalism and lies. I know it is difficult. I had to do it myself. My family were all Roman Catholics. But I chose to follow Christ and I have no regrets. None.

As for you, Ravi. I am praying for you and have asked the LORD to help you. To bless you and your loved ones. I harbor no ill will towards you at all. I do not feel anything but great mercy for you because you truly do not understand. I can see that. There are some who defend the Vatican who are hirelings. They know the satanic going ons inside the RCC Vatican and they know the truth about this pope - but for filthy lucre - and the praise of men - they'll betray Christ and the Scriptures. God have mercy on such men.
To begin, let’s break down the two words. The term Christian essentially means "follower of Christ." Christian is the term given to followers of Jesus Christ in the first century A.D. (Acts 11:26). The term evangelical comes from the Greek word that means "good news." Evangelism is sharing the good news of the salvation that is available through Jesus Christ. An evangelical, then, is a person dedicated to promoting the good news about Jesus Christ. Combined, the description "evangelical Christian" is intended to indicate a believer in Jesus Christ who is faithful in sharing and promoting the good news.

This doesn't mean that we, as Evangelicals are to hog tie, and force feed unbelievers the Gospel. It means that we present the Gospel to those that don't know the Gospel, but we do it without condemnation or a judgmental attitude. We do it gently, with real concern and love for those around us. We don't threaten them with hellfire and brimstone if they don't wish to believe. That's not our place. We are to encourage the lost, not discourage them with holier than thou attitudes of superiority because frankly, we don't have that right....We are all sinners and hypocrites, both believers and non believers, the difference being is that when a Christian that given their life over 100%, holding nothing back, well. we have the Holy Spirit within us that convicts us the moment we screw up...Others don't have that. We are to present God's Holy Word (plant seeds ) with compassion and love, and then step back and allow God to water those seeds we planted,,,,,, but be there to help a new believer as a mentor.

The Word of God is sharper than a two edged sword - it does convict the heart if there is unrepented sin. It also brings salvation to the one who hears. I suppose you consider Paul , Timothy and Peter to be Hog tie? Force feed? What melodrama!

This is a message board! No one has hog tied anyone to a thread! Get a grip. If you don't want to read a thread do not read it. Problem solved.
I've known Catholics all my life, and never once heard any of them say shit about any other faith or religion. Of the evangelicals and Jews I have known, a minority of them have not openly expressed disdain for Catholics.

I'm Southern Baptist, and I have never in my entire life heard Baptists bashing CATHOLICS. I have heard them voice their distress at some of the practices of the Catholic church, and I have heard them pray for Catholics, however.

I have heard and have in fact been bashed by Catholics, though. One who chewed me out on facebook because my son was baptized on Christmas day.

Exposing false teachers and church leadership accused of mass rape / murder of children and covering those scandals by their power and money is not "bashing Catholics". It is protecting them. Someone needs to do it. The Vatican certainly won't. They are in on it. read Matthew 7:15. Then read this and realize it's only the tip of the iceberg.......

Pope Francis and Clergy Sexual Abuse in Argentina Including a Database of Publicly Accused Argentine Clerics

Questions about Bergoglio’s role in five abuse cases

The factors that have produced disclosure by bishops and religious superiors in other countries – civil action by victims, investigations of the church by prosecutors, and governmental inquiries – have occurred little or not at all in the Federal Capital of Buenos Aires, which is the territory of the archdiocese. As a result, almost no information has emerged about Cardinal Bergoglio’s direct management of accused priests. Only one Buenos Aires archdiocesan priest – Carlos Maria Gauna – has been publicly accused. But in the high-profile cases of four child molesters from religious orders or other dioceses – Grassi, Pardo, Picciochi, and Sasso – there is evidence that Bergoglio knowingly or unwittingly slowed victims in their fight to expose and prosecute their assailants. Victims of all four offenders say that they sought the cardinal's help. None of them received it, even those who were poor, struggling on the periphery of society – the people whom Pope Francis has championed. (According to Bergoglio's former spokesman, the cardinal declined to meet with victims.)
Fr. Julio César Grassi – Grassi was convicted in 2009 of molesting a boy who had lived in a home for street children that Grassi founded. After Grassi’s conviction, Bergoglio commissioned a secret study to persuade Supreme Court judges of Grassi's innocence. Bergoglio’s intervention is believed to be at least part of the reason that Grassi remained free for more than four years following his conviction. He finally was sent to jail in September 2013. See our detailed summary of the Grassi case with links to articles.
Fr. Rubén Pardo – In 2003, a priest with AIDS who had admitted to his bishop that he had sexually assaulted a boy was discovered to be hiding from law enforcement in a vicarage in the archdiocese of Buenos Aires, then headed by Bergoglio. Pardo also was reportedly hearing children's confessions and teaching in a nearby school. One of Bergoglio’s auxiliary bishops, with whom he met every two weeks, appears to have lived at the vicarage at the same time. Typically, an ordinary must give permission for a priest to live and work in his diocese. It is unlikely that Pardo lived and ministered in Buenos Aires without Bergoglio's approval. See our detailed summary of the Pardo case.

Brother Fernando Enrique Picciochi, S.M. – After a victim discovered that his abuser had fled Argentina to the US, eluding law enforcement, the victim sought Bergoglio’s help in getting released from the confidentiality order imposed by the cleric’s religious order. He conveyed his request in meetings with Bergoglio’s private secretary and with the auxiliary bishop, current archbishop Mario Poli. The archdiocese would not help. See our detailed summary of the Picciochi case.

Fr. Mario Napoleon Sasso – In 2001, following a diagnosis as a pedophile at a church-run treatment center, Sasso was made pastor of a very poor parish with a community soup kitchen in the Zárate-Campana diocese. In 2002-2003, he sexually assaulted at least five little girls in his bedroom off the soup kitchen. In 2006, with Sasso in jail but not yet convicted, the parents of the little girls reportedly sought Bergoglio's help. Bergoglio was then president of the Argentine bishops' conference, and the soup kitchen was just 25 miles from the Buenos Aires archdiocese. Bergoglio would not meet with them. See our detailed summary of the Sasso case.

Rev. Carlos Maria Gauna – Gauna was an archdiocesan priest under Bergoglio's direct supervision. In 2001, two girls at a school filed a criminal complaint saying Gauna had touched them inappropriately. Bergoglio reportedly was going to look into it. Gauna still works in the Buenos Aires archdiocese. Notably, he's now a deacon and a hospital chaplain – possible indicators that Bergoglio considered the allegations credible but decided to demote him rather than remove him from ministry. See our detailed summary of the Gauna case.
Management of accused clerics by other Argentine bishops and religious superiors
Bergoglio’s strategy for suppressing the crisis in Buenos Aires – his behind-the-scenes refusal to help victims combined with a total lack of transparency – continues to be the approach of many of Argentina’s bishops and religious superiors.
As of March 11, 2014, a year after its most powerful prelate was elected pope, the Argentine bishops' conference has issued no significant public statement on clergy sexual abuse. Nor has it published the abuse-response policy that it was supposed to finalize and submit to the Vatican by May 2012. Such policies have been posted by bishops' conferences in Brazil, Chile, and Colombia, as well as those in the US, Canada, Australia, and most of Europe.
Instead, as the database reveals, various Argentine bishops and religious superiors have sided publicly with convicted sex offenders. They have used threats and gag orders to silence victims. They continue to keep accused priests in ministry . They exploit both Argentina’s and the Vatican’s weak reporting law – they are not legally required to report to civil authorities most incidents of child sexual abuse by priests. They have enabled abusers to escape to other dioceses, other countries, and to Rome. They have argued in court that parents are to blame for their children’s sexual assaults by priests. Most alarming, they have applied these practices recently. See the examples below. read more on link above
Since then Pope Francis has also been served with a bench warrant. Two women have come forward with stories of his raping both of them. Why would he investigate these paedophiles when he is one himself? I pray every single bit of this comes out and I could not care less who feels "inconvenienced" by the truth!
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No secret that I hate the bible thumping crap, the delusional idiots banging on your door on Saturday morning and they're oft-stated hate for their fellow human beings as well as their obvious hate for the god they say they worship.

Just answer the door in the nude while holding an assault rifle, and tell them you worship the Devil.

They probably won't come back.

I've known Catholics all my life, and never once heard any of them say shit about any other faith or religion. Of the evangelicals and Jews I have known, a minority of them have not openly expressed disdain for Catholics.

I'm Southern Baptist, and I have never in my entire life heard Baptists bashing CATHOLICS. I have heard them voice their distress at some of the practices of the Catholic church, and I have heard them pray for Catholics, however.

I have heard and have in fact been bashed by Catholics, though. One who chewed me out on facebook because my son was baptized on Christmas day.

Exposing false teachers and church leadership accused of mass rape / murder of children and covering those scandals by their power and money is not "bashing Catholics". It is protecting them. Someone needs to do it. The Vatican certainly won't. They are in on it. read Matthew 7:15. Then read this and realize it's only the tip of the iceberg.......

Pope Francis and Clergy Sexual Abuse in Argentina Including a Database of Publicly Accused Argentine Clerics

Questions about Bergoglio’s role in five abuse cases

The factors that have produced disclosure by bishops and religious superiors in other countries – civil action by victims, investigations of the church by prosecutors, and governmental inquiries – have occurred little or not at all in the Federal Capital of Buenos Aires, which is the territory of the archdiocese. As a result, almost no information has emerged about Cardinal Bergoglio’s direct management of accused priests. Only one Buenos Aires archdiocesan priest – Carlos Maria Gauna – has been publicly accused. But in the high-profile cases of four child molesters from religious orders or other dioceses – Grassi, Pardo, Picciochi, and Sasso – there is evidence that Bergoglio knowingly or unwittingly slowed victims in their fight to expose and prosecute their assailants. Victims of all four offenders say that they sought the cardinal's help. None of them received it, even those who were poor, struggling on the periphery of society – the people whom Pope Francis has championed. (According to Bergoglio's former spokesman, the cardinal declined to meet with victims.)
Fr. Julio César Grassi – Grassi was convicted in 2009 of molesting a boy who had lived in a home for street children that Grassi founded. After Grassi’s conviction, Bergoglio commissioned a secret study to persuade Supreme Court judges of Grassi's innocence. Bergoglio’s intervention is believed to be at least part of the reason that Grassi remained free for more than four years following his conviction. He finally was sent to jail in September 2013. See our detailed summary of the Grassi case with links to articles.
Fr. Rubén Pardo – In 2003, a priest with AIDS who had admitted to his bishop that he had sexually assaulted a boy was discovered to be hiding from law enforcement in a vicarage in the archdiocese of Buenos Aires, then headed by Bergoglio. Pardo also was reportedly hearing children's confessions and teaching in a nearby school. One of Bergoglio’s auxiliary bishops, with whom he met every two weeks, appears to have lived at the vicarage at the same time. Typically, an ordinary must give permission for a priest to live and work in his diocese. It is unlikely that Pardo lived and ministered in Buenos Aires without Bergoglio's approval. See our detailed summary of the Pardo case.

Brother Fernando Enrique Picciochi, S.M. – After a victim discovered that his abuser had fled Argentina to the US, eluding law enforcement, the victim sought Bergoglio’s help in getting released from the confidentiality order imposed by the cleric’s religious order. He conveyed his request in meetings with Bergoglio’s private secretary and with the auxiliary bishop, current archbishop Mario Poli. The archdiocese would not help. See our detailed summary of the Picciochi case.

Fr. Mario Napoleon Sasso – In 2001, following a diagnosis as a pedophile at a church-run treatment center, Sasso was made pastor of a very poor parish with a community soup kitchen in the Zárate-Campana diocese. In 2002-2003, he sexually assaulted at least five little girls in his bedroom off the soup kitchen. In 2006, with Sasso in jail but not yet convicted, the parents of the little girls reportedly sought Bergoglio's help. Bergoglio was then president of the Argentine bishops' conference, and the soup kitchen was just 25 miles from the Buenos Aires archdiocese. Bergoglio would not meet with them. See our detailed summary of the Sasso case.

Rev. Carlos Maria Gauna – Gauna was an archdiocesan priest under Bergoglio's direct supervision. In 2001, two girls at a school filed a criminal complaint saying Gauna had touched them inappropriately. Bergoglio reportedly was going to look into it. Gauna still works in the Buenos Aires archdiocese. Notably, he's now a deacon and a hospital chaplain – possible indicators that Bergoglio considered the allegations credible but decided to demote him rather than remove him from ministry. See our detailed summary of the Gauna case.
Management of accused clerics by other Argentine bishops and religious superiors
Bergoglio’s strategy for suppressing the crisis in Buenos Aires – his behind-the-scenes refusal to help victims combined with a total lack of transparency – continues to be the approach of many of Argentina’s bishops and religious superiors.
As of March 11, 2014, a year after its most powerful prelate was elected pope, the Argentine bishops' conference has issued no significant public statement on clergy sexual abuse. Nor has it published the abuse-response policy that it was supposed to finalize and submit to the Vatican by May 2012. Such policies have been posted by bishops' conferences in Brazil, Chile, and Colombia, as well as those in the US, Canada, Australia, and most of Europe.
Instead, as the database reveals, various Argentine bishops and religious superiors have sided publicly with convicted sex offenders. They have used threats and gag orders to silence victims. They continue to keep accused priests in ministry . They exploit both Argentina’s and the Vatican’s weak reporting law – they are not legally required to report to civil authorities most incidents of child sexual abuse by priests. They have enabled abusers to escape to other dioceses, other countries, and to Rome. They have argued in court that parents are to blame for their children’s sexual assaults by priests. Most alarming, they have applied these practices recently. See the examples below. read more on link above
Since then Pope Francis has also been served with a bench warrant. Two women have come forward with stories of his raping both of them. Why would he investigate these paedophiles when he is one himself? I pray every single bit of this comes out and I could not care less who feels "inconvenienced" by the truth!

8220 25 MORE SHOCKING ARRESTS 8221 Pastors Charged With Sex Crimes Awkward Moments Not Found In Your Average Children s Bible
I don't see anyone attempting to hog tie anyone. Nor do I see how hating Catholics is consistent with being a disciple of Christ. It does not seem fair to evangelicals to pretend that these are defining characteristics.
If their god is so powerful, why does it need them to go door to door? :dunno:
To begin, let’s break down the two words. The term Christian essentially means "follower of Christ." Christian is the term given to followers of Jesus Christ in the first century A.D. (Acts 11:26). The term evangelical comes from the Greek word that means "good news." Evangelism is sharing the good news of the salvation that is available through Jesus Christ. An evangelical, then, is a person dedicated to promoting the good news about Jesus Christ. Combined, the description "evangelical Christian" is intended to indicate a believer in Jesus Christ who is faithful in sharing and promoting the good news.

This doesn't mean that we, as Evangelicals are to hog tie, and force feed unbelievers the Gospel. It means that we present the Gospel to those that don't know the Gospel, but we do it without condemnation or a judgmental attitude. We do it gently, with real concern and love for those around us. We don't threaten them with hellfire and brimstone if they don't wish to believe. That's not our place. We are to encourage the lost, not discourage them with holier than thou attitudes of superiority because frankly, we don't have that right....We are all sinners and hypocrites, both believers and non believers, the difference being is that when a Christian that given their life over 100%, holding nothing back, well. we have the Holy Spirit within us that convicts us the moment we screw up...Others don't have that. We are to present God's Holy Word (plant seeds ) with compassion and love, and then step back and allow God to water those seeds we planted,,,,,, but be there to help a new believer as a mentor.

The Word of God is sharper than a two edged sword - it does convict the heart if there is unrepented sin. It also brings salvation to the one who hears. I suppose you consider Paul , Timothy and Peter to be Hog tie? Force feed? What melodrama!

This is a message board! No one has hog tied anyone to a thread! Get a grip. If you don't want to read a thread do not read it. Problem solved.

Jeri, Reading the Bible does not provide Salvation, it merely explains how Salvation can be attained. Salvation can only be attained by repentance of sin, and profession of faith in Christ Jesus. Then and only then with the HS convict one's heart of sin. However if you are referring to Christ as being the Word, as explained in John 1:1, then yes, Salvation is there for the taking. BUT, we MUST profess our faith and Love the Lord with all our heart , soul, and mind or we will not be Saved. The HS is not within an unsaved person and its the HS that convicts us of our sins. I do not consider Paul, John or Timothy as those that hog tie and force feed the Gospel. It is so called evangelists that attempt to force folks into accepting Christ but actually appear to be doing the bidding of Satan by providing stumbling blocks to non believers as well as believers. (Matt1:1-9) Jeri, I have been reading your bible thumping evangelism and I too would turn away from Christ as an unbeliever if I became convinced that all Evangelical Christians used the bullying tactics that you use. Where is your compassion? Where is the love and genuine concern for the lost? Where is your gentle spirit? When I read your posts, all I see is anger, and judgmental attitude for the lost.
From the responses you are getting, I would be asking myself how your brutal technique is working for you. You are now even using your sharp tongue and mean spirited attitude to other Christians here.

“Woe to the world because of its stumbling blocks! For it is inevitable that stumbling blocks come; but woe to that man through whom the stumbling block comes! (Matt.18:7)

For the word of God is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword, and piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow, and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart. ( Hebrews 4:12)
If their god is so powerful, why does it need them to go door to door? :dunno:

God doesn't "require" us to go door to door.

We are told, and we choose, to share the good news of salvation with people in order to afford them the opportunity to join us in heaven. If you had the cure for cancer, wouldn't you want to tell cancer patients that it was available to them? That's the way Christians feel about salvation and witnessing.
Here's a fun thing to do with a prosthelytizing evangelicals, or christians in general.

I tell them that I've never met a "christian", i.e. someone who follows the teachings of jesus christ as described in the bible, namely "sermon on the mount". They'll tell me that they follow the teachings, in which case I'll find the part that says "give to the one who asks of you, and do not turn away he that wishes to borrow from you". So give me $20. Sometimes they'll whine and say that god wants them to be good stewards with their money, in which case I'll find the part that says "but lord, how shall we cloth ourselves, how shall we feed ourselves? And I (jesus) say unto thee, look at the birds, they neither sow nor do they reap, but god takes care of them. Don't you think he'll take care of you?" Eventually I get to the part where jesus says "You hyprocrit! How can you tell your brother there is a speck in his eye, when you have a log in your eye?" Then I say "give me my $20 hyprocrit!"

I've actually had people give me $20!

Of course I wouldn't try this with muslims, they might cut my head off. Not figuratively, literally. So to get back to the subject, no, I don't find evangelicals to nearly as obnoxious as some others.
Obviously you don't know what a christian is. Which makes the rest of your post not worth the time it takes to read it.

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