Evangelicals are turning against Trump

Trump suggested decreasing production when the price of oil we negative, dumbass.

Were you bitching when the price of gas was $2 per gallon? No, dumbass. You was giving Trump credit for something that Russia and the Saudi's were doing. Now that you find out that Trump had something to do with the increase in prices, suddenly you're all in favor of high gas prices?

WTF is wrong with you Trump loyalist?
Were you bitching when the price of gas was $2 per gallon? No, dumbass. You was giving Trump credit for something that Russia and the Saudi's were doing. Now that you find out that Trump had something to do with the increase in prices, suddenly you're all in favor of high gas prices?

WTF is wrong with you Trump loyalist?
Where did I say I was in favor of high gas prices? I simply pointed out that you're a dumb fuck
Where did I say I was in favor of high gas prices? I simply pointed out that you're a dumb fuck

And the whole time you were doing that, you were making yourself out to an a Trump ball washer.

Trump's your daddy. He OWNS you.
And the whole time you were doing that, you were making yourself out to an a Trump ball washer.

Trump's your daddy. He OWNS you.
I did no such thing, shit for brains. You, on the other hand. have made it clear that you hate America. You constantly attack Republicans, but never the left.
I did no such thing, shit for brains. You, on the other hand. have made it clear that you hate America. You constantly attack Republicans, but never the left.

I attack CINO's who just happen to be republicans. I attack them because they're too liberal. Is that too complicated for your pea brain? Are you too stupid to understand what true independence and fiscal conservatism stands for?
I attack CINO's who just happen to be republicans. I attack them because they're too liberal. Is that too complicated for your pea brain? Are you too stupid to understand what true independence and fiscal conservatism stands for?
Wouldn't it be better to attack left wingers because they are too liberal Why, that would make too much sense. You don't want anyone thinking you don't like liberals not, do you?
I attack CINO's who just happen to be republicans. I attack them because they're too liberal. Is that too complicated for your pea brain? Are you too stupid to understand what true independence and fiscal conservatism stands for?
How does he "own me?"
How does he "own me?"

Because you're taking up for someone who notched our 2A, funded gender studies and abortions. Who helped create this inflation problem we're in by spending $6.7 trillion in 4 years (new spending). Who got Saudi to lower oil productions (April of 2020) which set off the oil bust cycle we're still in.

That's how he owns you. Because if it was Hillary in office from 2016 to 2020, and she'd done those things, you'd be bitching about it. But since Trump did it, you're as silent as a little mouse.
Wouldn't it be better to attack left wingers because they are too liberal Why, that would make too much sense. You don't want anyone thinking you don't like liberals not, do you?

The left are retarded. Biden is retarded. They spend too much. The meddle in the free market too much. They borrow too much. They try jack with oil companies too much. They lie about how they're making the economy better.
blah blah blah blah blah..

I've called out plenty of lefties on this forum. You just wasn't paying attention. You're so stupid that you think anyone who calls Trump out, must be a lefty. I hate to break it to you pal, but some of us are truly independent. Independent in our thinking, our beliefs and our political philosophy. Mine just happens to be fiscal and constitutional conservatism. Something that the Republicans abandoned a long time ago. And since then, our debt and our deficit have increased 1,000X. Our liberties are being squashed, the right to life for the unborn is still not being acknowledged, the buying power of the USD has dwindled below even the peso. And so forth and so on.
Since Reagan, we've had more Republican presidents than democrat ones. So pardon me if I choose to not support the damn Republicans or the democrats because they're waaaaay too far to the left for me. And that includes the north eastern liberal, Donald J. Trump. (who only identifies as a conservative)

He's got you fooled. But that's because you're stupid. Like all the other Trumpbots. Yall as dumb as the Biden democrats.
Because you're taking up for someone who notched our 2A, funded gender studies and abortions. Who helped create this inflation problem we're in by spending $6.7 trillion in 4 years (new spending). Who got Saudi to lower oil productions (April of 2020) which set off the oil bust cycle we're still in.

That's how he owns you. Because if it was Hillary in office from 2016 to 2020, and she'd done those things, you'd be bitching about it. But since Trump did it, you're as silent as a little mouse.
No, no, no... You are sitting there interpreting Trump's accomplishments in an unfair leftist biased sort of way. Try again sparky, but this time give Trump's accomplishments a look see through a republican looking glass instead.

Where did he fund gender studies and abortion ? Funded abortion ???? How so ??

Tell the truth about the 6.7 trillion spent, because last I saw it was Obama saying "where's he going to create all these job's (wave his magic wand), mic drop", but then Trump went on to bring back manufacturing Jobs by the thousand's, stopped the illegal invasion, put Americans back to work, built the wall, and had the lowest unemployment numbers across the board.

Trump was an advocate for oil independence, and brought prices down from Democrat run high prices during the Obama years to Republican low prices during the Trump year's. Well whatta ya know, the Democrat's are back in office again, and the prices are through the roof AGAIN. Not only that, but blood stained sidewalks are a result of Democrat ideas and policies all over the world now.

Just fess up, Trump owned your Democrat aces, and he still does by a record that was proven to serve the American people.
No, no, no... You are sitting there interpreting Trump's accomplishments in an unfair leftist biased sort of way. Try again sparky, but this time give Trump's accomplishments a look see through a republican looking glass instead.

His accomplishments to what? Things he did get done, like reducing the time it takes oil companies to get drilling permits is something he was supposed to do. Getting conservative judges on the supreme court is something he was supposed to do. Giving someone credit for doing things they're supposed to do, is the equivalent to a participation trophy.
What I'm doing is holding Trump accountable for the things he did wrong. He wasn't elected to do things wrong. He wasn't elected to notch our 2A or strike a deal with Saudi to lower oil production.

Where did he fund gender studies and abortion ? Funded abortion ???? How so ??

In appropriation bills that he signed into law. He only vetoed 1 spending bill in his entire 4 years. And that was because he said it didn't spend enough.
Tell the truth about the 6.7 trillion spent, because last I saw it was Obama saying "where's he going to create all these job's (wave his magic wand), mic drop",

The $6.7 trillion is the truth. And it has nothing to do with Obama bragging about creating jobs. Government doesn't create jobs. Customers do.

but then Trump went on to bring back manufacturing Jobs by the thousand's, stopped the illegal invasion, put Americans back to work, built the wall, and had the lowest unemployment numbers across the board.

Trump didn't bring back jobs. The ONLY jobs government can create are government jobs.
Trump was an advocate for oil independence, and brought prices down from Democrat run high prices during the Obama years to Republican low prices during the Trump year's. Well whatta ya know, the Democrat's are back in office again, and the prices are through the roof AGAIN. Not only that, but blood stained sidewalks are a result of Democrat ideas and policies all over the world now.

Just fess up, Trump owned your Democrat aces, and he still does by a record that was proven to serve the American people.

There's this thing called the oil boom's and busts. They occur with every two term president. The president has no control over when oil companies decide to lay off their oil field hands and reap the benefits of their boom cycle.
Prices were low under Trump because the oil bust cycle ending when he took office. Then Russia and Saudi got into an oil price war, which is THE ONLY reason oil prices were as low as they were. This is when Trump meddled in the free market and got saudi to lower production. US oil companies couldn't compete, because Russia and the Saudi's have more oil than the USA has land mass. Just look at the global oil field map. Russian oil fields are bigger than the entire USA. They can sell that stuff for $10 barrel and still make money.
We can't because the value of our dollar is so inflated, US oil companies have to pay their oil field hands a minimum of $50K per year to keep them working. Saudi oil field hands are lucky if they make $15K per year.

This is why it's cheaper to import from Saudi and Russia than produce our own.

The left are retarded. Biden is retarded...
Returning to the topic, white evangelicals shed any semblance of moral rectitude when they held their noses and kowtowed to the degenerate to further their lust for authoritarian governance. Now that they have used him, they are whining that the stench is unacceptable.


Returning to the topic, white evangelicals shed any semblance of moral rectitude when they held their noses and kowtowed to the degenerate to further their lust for authoritarian governance. Now that they have used him, they are whining that the stench is unacceptable.

The turning will only be caused by Trump abandoning them, not them abandoning him. As long as he remains civil and decent as a public official or past public official seeking office again, then he's good, but he has to walk a straight line as best that he can. With all things there are degree's of tolerance, let's all hope that he stays in the right lane.
The turning will only be caused by Trump abandoning them, not them abandoning him. As long as he remains civil and decent as a public official or past public official seeking office again, then he's good, but he has to walk a straight line as best that he can. With all things there are degree's of tolerance, let's all hope that he stays in the right lane.
Trump's participating in a democratic presidential election when he still refuses to respect the last democratic presidential election elicits the reasonable question, "When you lose this one, will you again incite your goons to attack Congress, and will you again pleasure yourself for hours by watching it on tv?"

Is there any reason not to expect such consistency?

Returning to the topic, white evangelicals shed any semblance of moral rectitude when they held their noses and kowtowed to the degenerate to further their lust for authoritarian governance. Now that they have used him, they are whining that the stench is unacceptable.

This is the result of voting for the lesser of two evils. And how the two party's rig their own primaries.
This is the result of voting for the lesser of two evils. And how the two party's rig their own primaries.
Losers often seek solace in cynicism, and demean democracy when it does not accommodate their personal agenda.

Screen Shot 2022-11-25 at 12.31.07 PM.png

It has been said that democracy is the worst form of
government except all the others that have been tried.

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