Evangelicals are turning against Trump

LMAO! A USMB wanna-be shrink.. now I’ve seen it all.

And what exactly are we talking about that has to do with defined examples of “love”… I’m curious
You are coming across as uptight again.
Lighten up, dude. You are taking yourself too seriously. You don't need a PHD in psychology to see that. We are here to help you.
I don't hate Trump. I love to see Trump losing his political power. I love seeing Trump lose his many law suits in an attempt to over ride the 2020 election. I love to see the many criminal and civil investigations for him and his company. I would love to see him go to jail for the crimes he has committed. No hate, just love.
I love the many things happening to Trump and his lemmings, lately.
And I would love to see you get run over by a semi - but I don't hate you.
Here :itsok:


Trees, grass, and cows don’t vote.
Are you demanding that evangelicals attempt to vote ministers and pastors into office?

As a man of faith, while I don't condone Trump's infedility, it's not part of his policy that he enforces or encourages.. so what do I care? If I hire a plumber to fix the sink, I care if he can fix the sink, not if he's having marital problems.
Because hypocrites are hypocritical.
He's not the one at whom they should be mad.

They should be looking in the damn mirror.
All trump has to do is cry a few fake tears and they will come crawling back to him...of course I am not sure he has a heart. So the tears thing may be a bridge too far.
lol... no you aren't.

you mean like when he rolled back scores of EPA regs to pre 1970 where water & air quality would tank & land so overdeveloped to the point of killing off all kindsa habitat?

ummmm .... whatever happened to the biblical referance to god charging humans to be 'good stewarts of the earth'?

thankfully the current & duly elected prez reversed them thar orders from yer chosen one.

Pffft... Don't even go there... The Democrat's and their incentives to grow the poor into numbers that will give them a sure voter base forever, has become one of the biggest strain on our natural resources and economies ever in the history of this nation. Go tell your biased bull crap to someone dumb enough to listen. Now you all are doing it with the southern border, but you lie and lie and lie about it all.
I said I don't like Trump, I never said who I liked. You simple minded dumbass do not realize Trump is being brought down by Republicans with independents helping to finish him off.
If they are, then they are the dumb ace's not me. You freaking Democrat's won't give a Republican any quarter's in this war you are conducting, but the dumb ace rhino's are the biggest bunch of ace kissers of all time. Hopefully their time in office will be coming to an end, otherwise the republican's will finally figure the idiocy out, and will procedurally remove them from office somehow.
Problem is, the right isn't protecting our freedoms. It was Trump who put a notch in our 2A. Not to mention, those appropriations bills that funded planned parenthood (and gender studies). If Trump was pro life, he wouldn't have signed them into law.

Trumps a good speaker. And a good salesman. He could sell ice to an eskimo. Die hard Trump supporters won't even think about his actual record. It's like they're not allowed to, out of loyalty and the lesser of two evils brainwashing that a lot of voters are guilty of.

Take the sugar coating off of Trumps actual record and you'll find its at best, a moderate democrats record.

Is his record better than Bidens? Obviously. But better doesn't equate to good. We the people deserve better than what Trump brings to the table.
I do agree that I was disappointed in some things I saw, otherwise when I saw Trump trying to kiss a little bit of ace at times (I.e. thinking that he could cross party lines sometimes), but as he found out "it was a huge mistake to cross those lines. They hated him, but would take advantage of his sign of weakness.
81 million morons voted for him, and now they want to pretend they didn't.

Fucking hilarious/

Some folks just as devoted to Trump as you are. And for good reason. Trump is weak. He's a big spending democrat who only identifies as a republican. I believe you people call them RINO's.

Personally, I call them CINO's. But what ever.

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