Evangelicals are turning against Trump

Trump has been a liar and a cheat, a bully and a victim for over 40 years.
Okay, it's (a little) tempting to give these "evangelicals" credit for changing their minds and admitting the obvious.

BUT, this doesn't look like it's about their religion. This looks more like it's about their politics and political expediency.

So they are every bit as craven as the GQP politicians who have so willingly enabled this ugly, shameful mess.
Pffft.... Biden by all accounts makes Trump look like a choir boy. You already know this, but you are far to invested in woke Democrat idiocy to stop the crazyness going on in your head.
I said I don't like Trump, I never said who I liked. You simple minded dumbass do not realize Trump is being brought down by Republicans with independents helping to finish him off.
They will start voting for baby aborting Dems any minute...oh wait.
They are voting for Republicans but not Trump. Trump is going down and taking you with him. The Republicans want your vote but not your type. Trump and you being the face of the Republican party is hurting them big time.
They are voting for Republicans but not Trump. Trump is going down and taking you with him. The Republicans want your vote but not your type. Trump and you being the face of the Republican party is hurting them big time.
LMAO first you people went BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSH and now it's TRUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUMP. Just admit it, you have zero tolerance for any viewpoint but your own.
LMAO first you people went BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSH and now it's TRUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUMP. Just admit it, you have zero tolerance for any viewpoint but your own.
Your type is being sent to the back of the room by the Republican party. They would prefer you shut up and do not tell people you are a Republican. You are not a Republican. You are a Trump lemming being used by Trump and the Republican party.
If you want to help Democrats, keep spouting off about who you are and who you support politically.
You are such an idiot. Republicans are taking Trump down, not Democrats. For a simple minded knuckle head like you, it is hard to comprehend. What do you do if you cannot blame everything on the Democrats.
It's so sad to see an old neo-Con going down in flames.
Who blames everything on the Dems?
The neo-Cons like you suck just as bad.
One minute you call me a Democrat, then you call me a neo-con. You should just call me "Oh Great One".
You must be something if you hate Trump and that's what there is...
Dems and neo-Cons.
The 3rd choice is that you are dumb as dogshit.
You falsely believe that I hate Trump.

The only people at liberty to hate Trump are the women he’s raped and abused and others whom he’s harmed.

Otherwise, to want to see justice done for the crimes Trump has committed is not to ‘hate’ Trump.

To oppose Trump’s racism, bigotry, and misogyny is not to ‘hate’ Trump.

And to denounce Trump’s lies and corruption is not to ‘hate’ Trump.
Photo shopp works wonders. Unless you were there, you can't prove any of the bull crap being passed around the webb. Most of them were probably FBI agents in those photos. Just sayin... lol.
And this is one of many examples of why the voters rejected Republicans this November: the dishonesty, corruption, and lies coming from the right.
Hate destroys the haters not the hated. That's why the Republcan Party is destroying itself now. They've adopted the politics of hate.
What is the "politics of hate"... exactly. LOL

quite a vague, hack term to just be aimlessly spewing nonstop and expect to be taken seriously. Be specific. If you make the claim, own it and proclaim it.
Yeah, he's a real victim.

Absolutely amazing how you didn't see or hear the constant personal insults and childish name-calling in which he has engaged, for all those years.

That's not "counterpunching", that's juvenile. That is a petulant child. And his flock cheers him on when he does it. What that says about his flock is not good.

You would too if you were attacked like that feller was for 6+ year's. How can he not be bitter unto his enemies ?
Opposing Trump’s failed, wrongheaded policies isn’t ‘attacking’ Trump.

Denouncing Trump’s agenda of conspiracy theories, misinformation, and lies isn’t ‘attacking’ Trump.

And condemning Trump’s inciting a coup attempt to overturn an accurate, fair, and lawful election is not to ‘attack’ Trump.

Trump has only himself to blame.

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