Evangelicals are turning against Trump

It's not possible to build or maintain a decent, honest nation when it's lead by dishonest and corrupt people who are only looking to line their own pockets. Trump doesn't even have a platform or a plan. He just wants revenge for 2020.
You would too if you were attacked like that feller was for 6+ year's. How can he not be bitter unto his enemies ?
We're suffering because of Biden's horrible policies.

lol... no you aren't.

Trump's policies were infinitely better.

you mean like when he rolled back scores of EPA regs to pre 1970 where water & air quality would tank & land so overdeveloped to the point of killing off all kindsa habitat?

ummmm .... whatever happened to the biblical referance to god charging humans to be 'good stewarts of the earth'?

thankfully the current & duly elected prez reversed them thar orders from yer chosen one.

Photo shopp works wonders. Unless you were there, you can't prove any of the bull crap being passed around the webb. Most of them were probably FBI agents in those photos. Just sayin... lol.


i know what i saw in real time LIVE on TV.

you should be proud of your fellow MAGAt brothers & sisters!

own it! love it!
So you don't care if your candidate is a liar, a thief or even a murderer so long as he owns the libs. This much is obvious because you voted for Trump.

And you don't see any correlation between Trump's basic level of dishonesty and the level of corruption in his administration. The most corrupt and dysfunctional admnstration in American history.
The dingbat constantly defends Biden has the nerve to call Trump a liar?
The dingbat constantly defends Biden has the nerve to call Trump a liar?

So you admit you've got nothing to defend your lying conman with other than "whataboutism" and your usual lame insults. Your concession is noted and appreciated.
13% of women seeking abortions are evangelicals. Since evangelicals are only 19% of the population, it appears that evangelical women are just as likely to get an abortion as atheists, regardless of how they vote.
Dems go abort 100,000 babies you know you want to.
The thing that amuses me most about a type of narrative as this… when leftists dictate if the religious right are acting religious enough… is that no matter what the religious right does, the leftist will paint them as immoral, racist, etc. There’s no “win”, so why pretend
No one is ‘dictating’ anything to the religious right; racism, bigotry, and hate are comprehensively immoral among all religious dogma – it’s perfectly appropriate to condemn the religious right when it foments racism, bigotry and hate via the political process.
Your troll game is weak
There’s nothing ‘weak’ about noting the hypocrisy of the Christian right supporting the likes of Trump.

And it has nothing to do with Trump’s personal life.

It has to do with the fact that many of Trump’s policies are fundamentally un-Christian – such as the unwarranted nativism and hostility toward immigrants and refugees, policies harmful to women, policies detrimental to Americans of color, gay, and transgender Americans.

Trump promotes a political agenda that is clearly racist, bigoted, and hateful – things Christians should oppose.
are YOU claiming they were always against abortion?

lMao!!!! you are clueless.


The Religious Right and the Abortion Myth​


05/10/2022 03:24 PM EDT

White evangelicals in the 1970s didn’t initially care about abortion. They organized to defend racial segregation in evangelical institutions — and only seized on banning abortion because it was more palatable than their real goal.

...White evangelicals in the 1970s did not mobilize against Roe v. Wade, which they considered a Catholic issue. They organized instead to defend racial segregation in evangelical institutions, including Bob Jones University.

To suggest otherwise is to perpetrate what I call the abortion myth, the fiction that the genesis of the Religious Right — the powerful evangelical political movement that has reshaped American politics over the past four decades — lay in opposition to abortion.
The Religious Right and the Abortion Myth


Defending racial segregation in evangelical institutions, another example of the immorality of the Christian right.
So wait... there's a gigantic group of people who all in unison call liberals "demons"? Where is this group?

Or, have you seen a few anecdotal examples of random morons on the internet and are just going to paint everyone with it.

I'm guessing the latter.

Oh boy, don't you sound angry, emotional, and unhinged. I'll let you be angry and hate people all by yourself.

Have you even read the posts on this board? Just read the signtures of half the posters here.
You're on here thinking Evangelicals pray to Trump? No wonder you're so unhinged. Just an FYI, they don't.

But I have to be honest... I question the intelligence of someone who so easily believes that such a large group of people literally refuse to pray to their God and instead pray to a politician that you hate. You don't seem to observe reality, you create a nice juicy dramafest.. where you're the good guy, and THEY are evil!.. and you apply it.

You falsely believe that I hate Trump. I want him arrested and tried like any other criminal. That's a logical response to viewing openly criminal activity.

Hate destroys the haters not the hated. That's why the Republcan Party is destroying itself now. They've adopted the politics of hate. Hate is why Republicans have lost the last 3 elections in the USA. HATE is destroying the GOP.
Have you even read the posts on this board? Just read the signtures of half the posters here.

You base the entire population, and the entire spectrum of your political opponents, on signatures on a divisive message board?

that explains a lot.
You would too if you were attacked like that feller was for 6+ year's. How can he not be bitter unto his enemies ?
Yeah, he's a real victim.

Absolutely amazing how you didn't see or hear the constant personal insults and childish name-calling in which he has engaged, for all those years.

That's not "counterpunching", that's juvenile. That is a petulant child. And his flock cheers him on when he does it. What that says about his flock is not good.

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