Evangelicals explain their support for Trump. It's the racism that stands out.

The market before and during the 60's and the market today are two different things.

For contracted services, why is this an issue?

Why should people be forced to endorse a ceremony they don't believe in?

Progressives don't just have to win, they have to crush their opponents and ruin them. What a fucking bunch of pathetic losers you are.

Damn Marty ... You can be a business owner and discriminate against whomever you feel like, for whatever reason.
Unless you are either stupid enough to make it obvious or policy ... Or self righteous enough to make it an issue by stating your intent.

The market (the products, services, prices, location, contract labor etc ...) ... Is how you do it ... :thup:

If you are business owner and want to fight for the bottom of the market ...
Then you may have to bow to the concerns of people who don't have your success in mind.

The market before and during the 60's and the market today are two different things.

For contracted services, why is this an issue?

Why should people be forced to endorse a ceremony they don't believe in?

Progressives don't just have to win, they have to crush their opponents and ruin them. What a fucking bunch of pathetic losers you are.

Damn Marty ... You can be a business owner and discriminate against whomever you feel like, for whatever reason.
Unless you are either stupid enough to make it obvious or policy ... Or self righteous enough to make it an issue by stating your intent.

The market (the products, services, prices, location, contract labor etc ...) ... Is how you do it ... :thup:

If you are business owner and want to fight for the bottom of the market ...
Then you may have to bow to the concerns of people who don't have your success in mind.


One shouldn't have to be shifty to perform free exercise.
So if they refuse to serve negroes, it is their business?

Show me a religion that makes being black a sin, and then we can talk.
Your question

Why should a person who owns their own business be forced to provide a good or service they don't want to provide?

So should businesses refuse service to blacks if they don’t want to provide?

The market would handle that on it's own. Government is no longer needed.

Considering I agree with PA laws when it comes to actual PA's, the whole "No Blacks allowed" sign thing would be illegal to me.
The market did not handle it on its own. In practice, Jim Crow America conspired to refuse service to blacks

Same thing is happening with Gay Marriage. They lost the issue in the courts and now are conspiring to prevent service to gay marriage

It does not just apply to cakes. It applies to photography, limos, receiption halls, music, invitations, hotels

The market before and during the 60's and the market today are two different things.

For contracted services, why is this an issue?

Why should people be forced to endorse a ceremony they don't believe in?

Progressives don't just have to win, they have to crush their opponents and ruin them. What a fucking bunch of pathetic losers you are.

For blacks, the market has changed. Nobody would dream of denying service to blacks...even if they could.

But that market, in some communities, is turning against gay marriage

They are fine if you have to go to another community to get married. Block access to hotels, banquet halls, florists, musicians...even bakers

Your kind is not wanted around here....look elsewhere
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I have to butt in with this one as I just experienced it minutes ago. There is an Ethiopian grandmother in my building, who has the Christian cross (Ethiopian style) permanently tattooed on her forehead. She had her granddaughter with her. I was carrying down the stairs a heavy load of glass, plastic, tin cans, so that I could take it to the recycling center. She tried to grab the bag so that she would carry the heavy bag and not me. There are Christians, and then there are people who call themselves Christians.
One shouldn't have to be shifty to perform free exercise.

It isn't being shifty at all nit-wit ... :thup:

As a business owner ... I can most certainly do business with ...
The clients I want ...
Providing the products and services I want to provide ...
For the price I want to receive ...
Using the employees I want to hire ...
Without asking another fucking fool on the face of the Earth.

It's when you attempt to fight what someone else's desires are that you find conflict.
It's not their business ... They don't have your success in mind.

Why the fuck would you be stupid enough to give them the opportunity to make your business decisions?
If a person wants my products or services (because I told them they are available) ...
Can walk through the door (because they know where it is and find it convenient enough to get there) ...
Can pay the price (because they can afford it) ...

You're damn right I'll take their money.
If you for one instant think I cannot limit the people who meet those requirements to suit my desires ... Then you are a fool.

The best thing to do is stop selling shitty crap ...
Focus on quality over quantity ...
Targeted Marketing ...
And limit your liabilities ... By providing better products and services, at higher prices to exclusive clients.

I already stated that if you are a business owner and want to roll in the mud with the trash ...
Then you are most probably going to end up having to smell like their shit ... :thup:


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Show me a religion that makes being black a sin, and then we can talk.
Your question

Why should a person who owns their own business be forced to provide a good or service they don't want to provide?

So should businesses refuse service to blacks if they don’t want to provide?

The market would handle that on it's own. Government is no longer needed.

Considering I agree with PA laws when it comes to actual PA's, the whole "No Blacks allowed" sign thing would be illegal to me.
The market did not handle it on its own. In practice, Jim Crow America conspired to refuse service to blacks

Same thing is happening with Gay Marriage. They lost the issue in the courts and now are conspiring to prevent service to gay marriage

It does not just apply to cakes. It applies to photography, limos, receiption halls, music, invitations, hotels

The market before and during the 60's and the market today are two different things.

For contracted services, why is this an issue?

Why should people be forced to endorse a ceremony they don't believe in?

Progressives don't just have to win, they have to crush their opponents and ruin them. What a fucking bunch of pathetic losers you are.

For blacks, the market has changed. Nobody would dream of denying service to blacks...even if they could.

But that market, in some communities, is turning against gay marriage

They are fine if you have to go to another community to get married. Block access to hotels, banquet halls, florists, musicians...even bakers

Your kind is not wanted around here....look elsewhere

If an entire community decided to not participate, THEN I can see an issue with regards to commerce and then forcing them to provide it.
One shouldn't have to be shifty to perform free exercise.

It isn't being shifty at all nit-wit ... :thup:

As a business owner ... I can most certainly do business with ...
The clients I want ...
Providing the products and services I want to provide ...
For the price I want to receive ...
Using the employees I want to hire ...
Without asking another fucking fool on the face of the Earth.

It's when you attempt to fight what someone else's desires are that you find conflict.
It's not their business ... They don't have your success in mind.

Why the fuck would you be stupid enough to give them the opportunity to make your business decisions?
If a person wants my products or services (because I told them they are available) ...
Can walk through the door (because they know where it is and find it convenient enough to get there) ...
Can pay the price (because they can afford it) ...

You're damn right I'll take their money.
If you for one instant think I cannot limit the people who meet those requirements to suit my desires ... Then you are a fool.

The best thing to do is stop selling shitty crap ...
Focus on quality over quantity ...
Targeted Marketing ...
And limit your liabilities ... By providing better products and services, at higher prices to exclusive clients.

I already stated that if you are a business owner and want to roll in the mud with the trash ...
Then you are most probably going to end up having to smell like their shit ... :thup:



What does that have to do with SOMEONE ELSE not wanting to participate in something they find sinful?

Stop projecting your views on others.
What does that have to do with SOMEONE ELSE not wanting to participate in something they find sinful?

Stop projecting your views on others.

That's the point nit-wit ... :thup:

It specifically has to do with the fact they were self righteous enough ...
To assume they were as divine as God in judging the sins of another sinner ...
Instead of using functions of the market to limit the clients they want to do business with.

If they want to play religion and politics with their business ...
Then they deserve the crap they end up with.

There are ways you could use market functions to limit selling wedding cakes to gay couples ...
Unless you are stupid enough to think you are God and try to telling them that you won't because you think they are sinners.

It's the same with any condition of exclusion.
Are you doing business or playing politics ... :dunno:

What does that have to do with SOMEONE ELSE not wanting to participate in something they find sinful?

Stop projecting your views on others.

That's the point nit-wit ... :thup:

It specifically has to do with the fact they were self righteous enough ...
To assume they were as divine as God in judging the sins of another sinner ...
Instead of using functions of the market to limit the clients they want to do business with.

If they want to play religion and politics with their business ...
Then they deserve the crap they end up with.

There are ways you could use market functions to limit selling wedding cakes to gay couples ...
Unless you are stupid enough to think you are God and try to telling them that you won't because you think they are sinners.


What a self-centered little prick you are.

God forbid people are honest about their beliefs and try to live their lives the way they want to.
What a self-centered little prick you are.

God forbid people are honest about their beliefs and try to live their lives the way they want to.

You call me self centered because I don't have to have Congress or the government agree with what I think to do business?

You're the self centered person trying to make other people do things the way you want them to.
I use the market to do business and don't force things my way.

You're the prick that needs to validate your beliefs through the forced actions/compliance of others ... :thup:
I don't have to assume I am God and tell someone they are a sinner ...
To forego taking responsibility for my own actions, and not participating in what I may think is a sin.


What a self-centered little prick you are.

God forbid people are honest about their beliefs and try to live their lives the way they want to.

You call me self centered because I don't have to have Congress or the government agree with what I think to do business?

You're the self centered person trying to make other people do things the way you want them to.
I use the market to do business and don't force things my way.

You're the prick that needs to validate your beliefs through the forced actions/compliance of others ... :thup:
I don't have to assume I am God and tell someone they are a sinner ...
To forego taking responsibility for my own actions, and not participating in what I may think is a sin.


Ironically, they whine and cry yet won't take the action at their state level by actually doing the WORK to get laws they don't like repealed....They just whine.
What a self-centered little prick you are.

God forbid people are honest about their beliefs and try to live their lives the way they want to.

You call me self centered because I don't have to have Congress or the government agree with what I think to do business?

You're the self centered person trying to make other people do things the way you want them to.
I use the market to do business and don't force things my way.

You're the prick that needs to validate your beliefs through the forced actions/compliance of others ... :thup:
I don't have to assume I am God and tell someone they are a sinner ...
To forego taking responsibility for my own actions, and not participating in what I may think is a sin.



No, you are saying government should have their way with people, and people need to "trick" government to get what they want.

Can you even have a coherent thought in that dime store head of yours?
What a self-centered little prick you are.

God forbid people are honest about their beliefs and try to live their lives the way they want to.

You call me self centered because I don't have to have Congress or the government agree with what I think to do business?

You're the self centered person trying to make other people do things the way you want them to.
I use the market to do business and don't force things my way.

You're the prick that needs to validate your beliefs through the forced actions/compliance of others ... :thup:
I don't have to assume I am God and tell someone they are a sinner ...
To forego taking responsibility for my own actions, and not participating in what I may think is a sin.


Ironically, they whine and cry yet won't take the action at their state level by actually doing the WORK to get laws they don't like repealed....They just whine.

Once again body-twat goes with the "stop having opinions on an opinion board" bullshit.
Are you fucking serious?
Show us a Muslim nation that is invading others

Wow. Already moving the goal posts.

They expanded by the sword and fire until they were stopped in all directions.

That they are not currently launching formal wars of aggression right now, is because they have been getting their asses kicked for quite some time, not a change to peace and love.


You claim Muslims are warlike. We have many, many Muslim nation’s
Show where they went to war to spread Islam. If it is in the Koran, they will not care about the consequences

Sure they would. Being warlike and being suicidal do not go hand in hand.
I asked, what countries have been invaded by Muslims
You mocked....Are you serious?

I am still waiting for a reply. The far right constantly claims Islam is a religion of war

I asked you a simple question.....show me

There are six Islamic States and dozens more that are Muslim majority

Show where they are waging war on non Muslim states

Why the qualifier? If a muslim state wars against a muslim state it is still war, thus undermining the claim to be a religion of peace.
No, you are saying government should have their way with people, and people need to "trick" government to get what they want.

Can you even have a coherent thought in that dime store head of yours?

The government should not have a fucking thing to do with my business ... :thup:

And as long as stupid self centered pricks like you feel the need to run around calling other sinners, sinners ...
You're just going to end up fighting the stupid battle you asked for ...
And creating more problems for business owners who abide by their faith. and use market functions to provide their desired clientele.

On another note ... It is you who cannot comprehend anything past your own self righteous garbage.

No, you are saying government should have their way with people, and people need to "trick" government to get what they want.

Can you even have a coherent thought in that dime store head of yours?

The government should not have a fucking thing to do with my business ... :thup:

And as long as stupid self centered pricks like you fell the need to run around calling other sinners, sinners ...
You're just going to end up fighting the stupid battle you asked for ...
And creating more problems for business owners who abide by their faith. and use market functions to provide their desired clientele.


1. I don't call others sinners.
2. My view is for point of sale services like bodegas, hotels, supermarkets and such when you open your property up to the public you have to sell to the public.
3. On the other hand contracted services don't fall under this catagory.
4. Fighting for free exercise is not "stupid"
5. Having to be shady about it is letting the other side set the rules. Fuck that.
6. Sod off, you wanker.
Your question

Why should a person who owns their own business be forced to provide a good or service they don't want to provide?

So should businesses refuse service to blacks if they don’t want to provide?

The market would handle that on it's own. Government is no longer needed.

Considering I agree with PA laws when it comes to actual PA's, the whole "No Blacks allowed" sign thing would be illegal to me.
The market did not handle it on its own. In practice, Jim Crow America conspired to refuse service to blacks

Same thing is happening with Gay Marriage. They lost the issue in the courts and now are conspiring to prevent service to gay marriage

It does not just apply to cakes. It applies to photography, limos, receiption halls, music, invitations, hotels

The market before and during the 60's and the market today are two different things.

For contracted services, why is this an issue?

Why should people be forced to endorse a ceremony they don't believe in?

Progressives don't just have to win, they have to crush their opponents and ruin them. What a fucking bunch of pathetic losers you are.

For blacks, the market has changed. Nobody would dream of denying service to blacks...even if they could.

But that market, in some communities, is turning against gay marriage

They are fine if you have to go to another community to get married. Block access to hotels, banquet halls, florists, musicians...even bakers

Your kind is not wanted around here....look elsewhere

If an entire community decided to not participate, THEN I can see an issue with regards to commerce and then forcing them to provide it.
That is the way Jim Crow worked.....the entire community enforced the peculiar institution

Now, what if the community of Buttfuk Kentucky decided they didn’t want no gays getting married in their town? Any photographer, florist, baker or wedding venue that provided a service to gays would be black balled.

Just like they did under Jim Crow
The market would handle that on it's own. Government is no longer needed.

Considering I agree with PA laws when it comes to actual PA's, the whole "No Blacks allowed" sign thing would be illegal to me.
The market did not handle it on its own. In practice, Jim Crow America conspired to refuse service to blacks

Same thing is happening with Gay Marriage. They lost the issue in the courts and now are conspiring to prevent service to gay marriage

It does not just apply to cakes. It applies to photography, limos, receiption halls, music, invitations, hotels

The market before and during the 60's and the market today are two different things.

For contracted services, why is this an issue?

Why should people be forced to endorse a ceremony they don't believe in?

Progressives don't just have to win, they have to crush their opponents and ruin them. What a fucking bunch of pathetic losers you are.

For blacks, the market has changed. Nobody would dream of denying service to blacks...even if they could.

But that market, in some communities, is turning against gay marriage

They are fine if you have to go to another community to get married. Block access to hotels, banquet halls, florists, musicians...even bakers

Your kind is not wanted around here....look elsewhere

If an entire community decided to not participate, THEN I can see an issue with regards to commerce and then forcing them to provide it.
That is the way Jim Crow worked.....the entire community enforced the peculiar institution

Now, what if the community of Buttfuk Kentucky decided they didn’t want no gays getting married in their town? Any photographer, florist, baker or wedding venue that provided a service to gays would be black balled.

Just like they did under Jim Crow

Then the courts can force said community to follow a Consent Decree because they all colluded to deny a service as a blanket denial, not as individual choices.
1. I don't call others sinners.
2. My view is for point of sale services like bodegas, hotels, supermarkets and such when you open your property up to the public you have to sell to the public.
3. On the other hand contracted services don't fall under this catagory.
4. Fighting for free exercise is not "stupid"
5. Having to be shady about it is letting the other side set the rules. Fuck that.
6. Sod off, you wanker.

You give up "free exercise" in your business ...
When you grant any other motherfucker on the face of the Earth the ability to determine how and why you do business.

You don't have to agree with me ... And I don't have to be shady about anything.
I can flat out tell your stupid ass I don't want to do business with you.

The government, the members of Antioch Baptist Church, the Gay Pride Commission, the Congressional Hispanic Caucus ...
None of those motherfuckers have a say-so in whether or not I do business with anyone.

You don't understand free exercise ...
You don't want free exercise ...
You want compliance with your silly desires nit-wit ... :thup:

1. I don't call others sinners.
2. My view is for point of sale services like bodegas, hotels, supermarkets and such when you open your property up to the public you have to sell to the public.
3. On the other hand contracted services don't fall under this catagory.
4. Fighting for free exercise is not "stupid"
5. Having to be shady about it is letting the other side set the rules. Fuck that.
6. Sod off, you wanker.

You give up "free exercise" in your business ...
When you grant any other motherfucker on the face of the Earth the ability to determine how and why you do business.

You don't have to agree with me ... And I don't have to be shady about anything.
I can flat out tell your stupid ass I don't want to do business with you.

The government, the members of Antioch Baptist Church, the Gay Pride Commission, the Congressional Hispanic Caucus ...
None of those motherfuckers have a say-so in whether or not I do business with anyone.

You don't understand free exercise ...
You don't want free exercise ...
You want compliance with your silly desires nit-wit ... :thup:


Not true. The whole "give an inch take a mile" thing is how the progressives justify their overreaching laws.

Good luck with that. Try denying a point of sale item "just because"

Absolutists are the scourge of the earth.

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