Evelyn Farkas: Her 'Deep State' Dossier Proves She's More Dangerous Than She Appears

Trying to research more about Deep State perpetrator Evelyn Farkas. Farkas needs to testify under oath as to what she knows and what she did and who ordered her. Therefore Butthurt Barry Obama and Crooked Hillary need to testify under oath.

Trying to research more about Deep State perpetrator Evelyn Farkas. Farkas needs to testify under oath as to what she knows and what she did and who ordered her. Therefore Butthurt Barry Obama and Crooked Hillary need to testify under oath.

What are your thoughts on her dossier?
"In all of this do not overlook something no one else is pointing out, that Evelyn Farkas RESIGNED in October 2015 and was leaking classified intelligence in January 2017 which she should not have any access to. Her bio on Wikipedia and the DOD simply goes silent in where this woman has been."

That is why she needs to immediately be taken into protective custody and/or treated like an enemy combatant. Ger her the fuck off the street away from the Hillary Hit Squads and start her talking
"In all of this do not overlook something no one else is pointing out, that Evelyn Farkas RESIGNED in October 2015 and was leaking classified intelligence in January 2017 which she should not have any access to. Her bio on Wikipedia and the DOD simply goes silent in where this woman has been."

That is why she needs to immediately be taken into protective custody and/or treated like an enemy combatant. Ger her the fuck off the street away from the Hillary Hit Squads and start her talking
I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if she ends up being another mysterious homicide victim in the Clinton crime syndicate's wake.
Wow, does the left have a "deep state dossier" on every potential Obama whistle blower?
Farkas has flushed the Trumpertarians into the open
Only to benefit Trump in the end!
There's your feelings again!
I don't feel, I think facts!
No, you don't, snowflake. You feelz, you can't do critical objectivity.
Jake who did Farkas work for after leaving DOD and losing her security clearance
And then Jake goes silent!
What are your thoughts on her dossier?

After checking out previous interviews of hers on You Tube, Evelyn Farkas seems to be a political mule, carrying propaganda for the neocon democrats, spewing talking points with no facts to back them up. As Rush confirms, her loose lips got the best of her and outed the democrat/MSM conspiracy to undermine our President.

Only to benefit Trump in the end!
There's your feelings again!
I don't feel, I think facts!
No, you don't, snowflake. You feelz, you can't do critical objectivity.
Jake who did Farkas work for after leaving DOD and losing her security clearance
And then Jake goes silent!
Tell us what that is important. It's not, is it? :lol:
It's her connection to the Atlantic Council that is most disturbing. This organization is at the heart of a lot of intrigue with high powered players. All anti Russian and all pro the nazis in Kiev.
It's her connection to the Atlantic Council that is most disturbing. This organization is at the heart of a lot of intrigue with high powered players. All anti Russian and all pro the nazis in Kiev.
Agreed and low and behold she is tied to McCain.

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