Even Facebook Knows That The Right Wing Militia Vigilantes In Kenosha Were Dangerous--Now Cancelled, But Noted!


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
I enjoyed watching the stupid kid in Kenosha shoot that urban dwelling thug, two idiots doing mother nature a favor... You democratic party thugs were warned to stay out of Wisconsin, keep at it and see what happens...:wink:

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Deut 23: 19-20 is not about foreign aid--but is still in there(?)!)

Are liberals still bitching about how their foreign-funded Democrat-supported domestic terrorists showed up to burn an innocent American citizen's car dealership, decided to attack a young man carrying an AR-15, and ended up finding out the hard way that Americans refuse to be their helpless victims anymore?

Snowflakes on this board have tried every FAILED way possible to liberate the domestic terrorists from their own personal responsibility in this situation and make the young man they attacked 1st out to be some crazed, blood-thirsty white supremacist cold blooded killer...

...when the video footage clearly shows the terrorists chased the guy, who was running in an attempt to get away, while being chased by 2 terrorists with guns and 1 'Darwin Award Winner' wannabe who thought he could attack someone carrying an AR-15 with a skateboard and somehow win...

The video shows the young man tripping and falling, gun shots were heard behind him, he turned around and was attacked, hit on the head with the skateboard, and then used his weapon...killing and wounding his attackers.

What a hard way to learn that sometimes victims fight back...and that an AR-15 beats a skateboard every time.

F* Zuckerburg and his fellow billionaire Conservative Censoring pals trying to make the poor little terrorists who showed up to commit acts of terrorism - burning businesses to the ground - and ended up attacking the wrong person as the 'victims' in this story.

Here's a solid fact for him and the snowflakes on this board, if those terrorists who CHOSE to show up to burn businesses down had CHOSEN to stay home instead, if they had chosen NOT to attack this guy, they would not have gotten shot / killed.

Ironically, the same terrorist lil' bitches condemning the cops for not coming to their rescue in this case are the same ones who have called for the Defunding of the police, the elimination of the police, who have been hitting the police with bricks, throwing urine on them, and the ones who refused to allow the police into their chop zones to help others they had attacked / injured....

Karma is a bitch, ain't it, violent lil' snowflake domestic terrorists?

My MSM feed mentioned an organized militia FB thing but have yet to even investigate the entities supplying BLM and ultrafa with their brick pallets and frozen water bottles and incendiary devices.
We don’t have journalism. We have pravda.
ai read an article about the feds raiding some food truck in the area that had all kinds of weapons, body armor, etc in it, resupplying the terrorists.

Hey Soros, you just lost your food truck, all those weapons, and all that gear ... better order another one / more...

Anyone reads a source of the 20th Century Holocaust, Deut. 23: 19-20. It's still there, after nearly 4000 years, it not always in English. How Mormons may have been able to obtain--is for the Mormons to explain--in English, Utah version.

Anyone reads the source of the Great Recession, the Fragile, Sniveling, Cowardly, and Servile Trumped-Up economy: Allegedly versus Chinese bats, In just this year. The Trumped-Up economy was clearly not match. The Trumped-Up economy is still no match. The RNC is still no match.

Both downturns originate in Matt 25: 14-30. The not quite-so-ancient atrocity is still there 2000 years later. Worldwide, it is not itself always in English. KJV is about that. Those are still there.

The Milita-kid gets sent back to Kenosha, apparently, Sept 25 time-frame. The charges are not about self-defense, at all. The Fragile, Sniveling, Cowardly, and Servile Trumped-Up kid went to some extensive lengths to avoid the draft, even(?). Even the original, Trumped-Up Draft Dodging, was not Trumped-UP like that!

People do contend that both are on the same side(?)!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!
(Of the Imperial Roman custom of baby abandonment, historically recorded: Comes this atrocity, Matt 25: 14-30!)
It felt like a "you ain't so bad" moment. And it took a 17 year old kid to do it. Impressive.
My MSM feed mentioned an organized militia FB thing but have yet to even investigate the entities supplying BLM and ultrafa with their brick pallets and frozen water bottles and incendiary devices.
We don’t have journalism. We have pravda.
Not for long, come November, one way or the other, the democratic party and all of its maleficent actors are either unconditionally surrendering, or coming to a permanent end! :Boom2:
The Milita-kid gets sent back to Kenosha, apparently, Sept 25 time-frame. The charges are not about self-defense, at all. The Fragile, Sniveling, Cowardly, and Servile Trumped-Up kid went to some extensive lengths to avoid the draft, even(?). Even the original, Trumped-Up Draft Dodging, was not Trumped-Up like that!

End of Matter.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!
(Of the Imperial Roman custom of baby abandonment, historically recorded: Comes this atrocity, Matt 25: 14-30!)

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Deut 23: 19-20 is not about foreign aid--but is still in there(?)!)
They are only dangerous to left wing BLM/antifa terrorists.
The Milita-kid gets sent back to Kenosha, apparently, Sept 25 time-frame. The charges are not about self-defense, at all. The Fragile, Sniveling, Cowardly, and Servile Trumped-Up kid went to some extensive lengths to avoid the draft, even(?). Even the original, Trumped-Up Draft Dodging, was not Trumped-Up like that!

End of Matter.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!
(Of the Imperial Roman custom of baby abandonment, historically recorded: Comes this atrocity, Matt 25: 14-30!)
When the facts are revealed, we will see that it was wholly self-defense.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Deut 23: 19-20 is not about foreign aid--but is still in there(?)!)

Are liberals still bitching about how their foreign-funded Democrat-supported domestic terrorists showed up to burn an innocent American citizen's car dealership, decided to attack a young man carrying an AR-15, and ended up finding out the hard way that Americans refuse to be their helpless victims anymore?

Snowflakes on this board have tried every FAILED way possible to liberate the domestic terrorists from their own personal responsibility in this situation and make the young man they attacked 1st out to be some crazed, blood-thirsty white supremacist cold blooded killer...

...when the video footage clearly shows the terrorists chased the guy, who was running in an attempt to get away, while being chased by 2 terrorists with guns and 1 'Darwin Award Winner' wannabe who thought he could attack someone carrying an AR-15 with a skateboard and somehow win...

The video shows the young man tripping and falling, gun shots were heard behind him, he turned around and was attacked, hit on the head with the skateboard, and then used his weapon...killing and wounding his attackers.

What a hard way to learn that sometimes victims fight back...and that an AR-15 beats a skateboard every time.

F* Zuckerburg and his fellow billionaire Conservative Censoring pals trying to make the poor little terrorists who showed up to commit acts of terrorism - burning businesses to the ground - and ended up attacking the wrong person as the 'victims' in this story.

Here's a solid fact for him and the snowflakes on this board, if those terrorists who CHOSE to show up to burn businesses down had CHOSEN to stay home instead, if they had chosen NOT to attack this guy, they would not have gotten shot / killed.

Ironically, the same terrorist lil' bitches condemning the cops for not coming to their rescue in this case are the same ones who have called for the Defunding of the police, the elimination of the police, who have been hitting the police with bricks, throwing urine on them, and the ones who refused to allow the police into their chop zones to help others they had attacked / injured....

Karma is a bitch, ain't it, violent lil' snowflake domestic terrorists?


There is no evidence that anyone was attempting to burn anything or that any fire was present at the time of these shootings. There is no evidence that the person he killed initiated their altercation or that Rittenhouse was attacked. There is no evidence that the three people who were shot were doing anything illegal or violent, except that all of them, including Rittenhouse, were violating the curfew.

He was only chased AFTER he killed the unarmed guy and made a phone call. Calling someone to announce that you just killed somebody is not the act of a fearful innocent person trying to get away from danger. It looks like people started to chase him BECAUSE he had killed someone. On one of the videos, a black male voice is heard asking "what did he do?" and somebody replied that he had just shot somebody. I have not heard that it is illegal to chase a criminal. People do it all the time.

There is nothing to suggest that the people chasing him were "terrorists." Even if someone chasing him had a gun, so what? Wisconsin permits people to carry guns, and I would think that someone chasing a murderer just might draw their gun. Wouldn't you? Rittenhouse himself had an AR-15. You make it sound as if you are against people carrying guns. Make up your mind.
The Self-Defense claim is based on video evidence which notes only that one victim had made a move to grab the barrel of the gun, being carried within harming distance of the victim, (by an unlawful open-carrier teen, under 18--not stated), that the shooter pulled the gun away, and fired as the two were coming together! One dead lawful resident of Wisconsin was the outcome.

Then the shooter ran away. Others noticed and were off in hot-pursuit. One would be shot to death.

Flimsy self-defense--homicide, then avoiding and clearly actively evading apprehension!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(The parties may even have been praying(?): Matt 25: 14-30!)

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Deut 23: 19-20 is not about foreign aid--but is still in there(?)!)

Are liberals still bitching about how their foreign-funded Democrat-supported domestic terrorists showed up to burn an innocent American citizen's car dealership, decided to attack a young man carrying an AR-15, and ended up finding out the hard way that Americans refuse to be their helpless victims anymore?

Snowflakes on this board have tried every FAILED way possible to liberate the domestic terrorists from their own personal responsibility in this situation and make the young man they attacked 1st out to be some crazed, blood-thirsty white supremacist cold blooded killer...

...when the video footage clearly shows the terrorists chased the guy, who was running in an attempt to get away, while being chased by 2 terrorists with guns and 1 'Darwin Award Winner' wannabe who thought he could attack someone carrying an AR-15 with a skateboard and somehow win...

The video shows the young man tripping and falling, gun shots were heard behind him, he turned around and was attacked, hit on the head with the skateboard, and then used his weapon...killing and wounding his attackers.

What a hard way to learn that sometimes victims fight back...and that an AR-15 beats a skateboard every time.

F* Zuckerburg and his fellow billionaire Conservative Censoring pals trying to make the poor little terrorists who showed up to commit acts of terrorism - burning businesses to the ground - and ended up attacking the wrong person as the 'victims' in this story.

Here's a solid fact for him and the snowflakes on this board, if those terrorists who CHOSE to show up to burn businesses down had CHOSEN to stay home instead, if they had chosen NOT to attack this guy, they would not have gotten shot / killed.

Ironically, the same terrorist lil' bitches condemning the cops for not coming to their rescue in this case are the same ones who have called for the Defunding of the police, the elimination of the police, who have been hitting the police with bricks, throwing urine on them, and the ones who refused to allow the police into their chop zones to help others they had attacked / injured....

Karma is a bitch, ain't it, violent lil' snowflake domestic terrorists?


There is no evidence that anyone was attempting to burn anything or that any fire was present at the time of these shootings. There is no evidence that the person he killed initiated their altercation or that Rittenhouse was attacked. There is no evidence that the three people who were shot were doing anything illegal or violent, except that all of them, including Rittenhouse, were violating the curfew.

He was only chased AFTER he killed the unarmed guy and made a phone call. Calling someone to announce that you just killed somebody is not the act of a fearful innocent person trying to get away from danger. It looks like people started to chase him BECAUSE he had killed someone. On one of the videos, a black male voice is heard asking "what did he do?" and somebody replied that he had just shot somebody. I have not heard that it is illegal to chase a criminal. People do it all the time.

There is nothing to suggest that the people chasing him were "terrorists." Even if someone chasing him had a gun, so what? Wisconsin permits people to carry guns, and I would think that someone chasing a murderer just might draw their gun. Wouldn't you? Rittenhouse himself had an AR-15. You make it sound as if you are against people carrying guns. Make up your mind.
A car dealership was burn down the night before...some of the terrorists said they were going to do it again.

If you aren't up to no good you don't normally attack someone who is carrying an AR-15, especially with your SKATEBOARD...unless you're stupid.

There are so many holes in your BS its not even funny...


"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Deut 23: 19-20 is not about foreign aid--but is still in there(?)!)

Are liberals still bitching about how their foreign-funded Democrat-supported domestic terrorists showed up to burn an innocent American citizen's car dealership, decided to attack a young man carrying an AR-15, and ended up finding out the hard way that Americans refuse to be their helpless victims anymore?

Snowflakes on this board have tried every FAILED way possible to liberate the domestic terrorists from their own personal responsibility in this situation and make the young man they attacked 1st out to be some crazed, blood-thirsty white supremacist cold blooded killer...

...when the video footage clearly shows the terrorists chased the guy, who was running in an attempt to get away, while being chased by 2 terrorists with guns and 1 'Darwin Award Winner' wannabe who thought he could attack someone carrying an AR-15 with a skateboard and somehow win...

The video shows the young man tripping and falling, gun shots were heard behind him, he turned around and was attacked, hit on the head with the skateboard, and then used his weapon...killing and wounding his attackers.

What a hard way to learn that sometimes victims fight back...and that an AR-15 beats a skateboard every time.

F* Zuckerburg and his fellow billionaire Conservative Censoring pals trying to make the poor little terrorists who showed up to commit acts of terrorism - burning businesses to the ground - and ended up attacking the wrong person as the 'victims' in this story.

Here's a solid fact for him and the snowflakes on this board, if those terrorists who CHOSE to show up to burn businesses down had CHOSEN to stay home instead, if they had chosen NOT to attack this guy, they would not have gotten shot / killed.

Ironically, the same terrorist lil' bitches condemning the cops for not coming to their rescue in this case are the same ones who have called for the Defunding of the police, the elimination of the police, who have been hitting the police with bricks, throwing urine on them, and the ones who refused to allow the police into their chop zones to help others they had attacked / injured....

Karma is a bitch, ain't it, violent lil' snowflake domestic terrorists?


There is no evidence that anyone was attempting to burn anything or that any fire was present at the time of these shootings. There is no evidence that the person he killed initiated their altercation or that Rittenhouse was attacked. There is no evidence that the three people who were shot were doing anything illegal or violent, except that all of them, including Rittenhouse, were violating the curfew.

He was only chased AFTER he killed the unarmed guy and made a phone call. Calling someone to announce that you just killed somebody is not the act of a fearful innocent person trying to get away from danger. It looks like people started to chase him BECAUSE he had killed someone. On one of the videos, a black male voice is heard asking "what did he do?" and somebody replied that he had just shot somebody. I have not heard that it is illegal to chase a criminal. People do it all the time.

There is nothing to suggest that the people chasing him were "terrorists." Even if someone chasing him had a gun, so what? Wisconsin permits people to carry guns, and I would think that someone chasing a murderer just might draw their gun. Wouldn't you? Rittenhouse himself had an AR-15. You make it sound as if you are against people carrying guns. Make up your mind.
A car dealership was burn down the night before...some of the terrorists said they were going to do it again.

If you aren't up to no good you don't normally attack someone who is carrying an AR-15, especially with your SKATEBOARD...unless you're stupid.

There are so many holes in your BS its not even funny...


Try as you might to fly a bullshit narrative, it's not going to get off the ground. If you know who these "terrorists" who threatened to burn a dealership that night are, please identify them. Did they know any of the three who were shot? The skateboarder "attacked" this kid because the kid had just shot someone and he was trying to stop the gunman. His heroism cost him his life.

What "holes" are there in my "BS." Please explain what they are.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Deut 23: 19-20 is not about foreign aid--but is still in there(?)!)

Are liberals still bitching about how their foreign-funded Democrat-supported domestic terrorists showed up to burn an innocent American citizen's car dealership, decided to attack a young man carrying an AR-15, and ended up finding out the hard way that Americans refuse to be their helpless victims anymore?

Snowflakes on this board have tried every FAILED way possible to liberate the domestic terrorists from their own personal responsibility in this situation and make the young man they attacked 1st out to be some crazed, blood-thirsty white supremacist cold blooded killer...

...when the video footage clearly shows the terrorists chased the guy, who was running in an attempt to get away, while being chased by 2 terrorists with guns and 1 'Darwin Award Winner' wannabe who thought he could attack someone carrying an AR-15 with a skateboard and somehow win...

The video shows the young man tripping and falling, gun shots were heard behind him, he turned around and was attacked, hit on the head with the skateboard, and then used his weapon...killing and wounding his attackers.

What a hard way to learn that sometimes victims fight back...and that an AR-15 beats a skateboard every time.

F* Zuckerburg and his fellow billionaire Conservative Censoring pals trying to make the poor little terrorists who showed up to commit acts of terrorism - burning businesses to the ground - and ended up attacking the wrong person as the 'victims' in this story.

Here's a solid fact for him and the snowflakes on this board, if those terrorists who CHOSE to show up to burn businesses down had CHOSEN to stay home instead, if they had chosen NOT to attack this guy, they would not have gotten shot / killed.

Ironically, the same terrorist lil' bitches condemning the cops for not coming to their rescue in this case are the same ones who have called for the Defunding of the police, the elimination of the police, who have been hitting the police with bricks, throwing urine on them, and the ones who refused to allow the police into their chop zones to help others they had attacked / injured....

Karma is a bitch, ain't it, violent lil' snowflake domestic terrorists?


There is no evidence that anyone was attempting to burn anything or that any fire was present at the time of these shootings. There is no evidence that the person he killed initiated their altercation or that Rittenhouse was attacked. There is no evidence that the three people who were shot were doing anything illegal or violent, except that all of them, including Rittenhouse, were violating the curfew.

He was only chased AFTER he killed the unarmed guy and made a phone call. Calling someone to announce that you just killed somebody is not the act of a fearful innocent person trying to get away from danger. It looks like people started to chase him BECAUSE he had killed someone. On one of the videos, a black male voice is heard asking "what did he do?" and somebody replied that he had just shot somebody. I have not heard that it is illegal to chase a criminal. People do it all the time.

There is nothing to suggest that the people chasing him were "terrorists." Even if someone chasing him had a gun, so what? Wisconsin permits people to carry guns, and I would think that someone chasing a murderer just might draw their gun. Wouldn't you? Rittenhouse himself had an AR-15. You make it sound as if you are against people carrying guns. Make up your mind.
A car dealership was burn down the night before...some of the terrorists said they were going to do it again.

If you aren't up to no good you don't normally attack someone who is carrying an AR-15, especially with your SKATEBOARD...unless you're stupid.

There are so many holes in your BS its not even funny...


Try as you might to fly a bullshit narrative, it's not going to get off the ground. If you know who these "terrorists" who threatened to burn a dealership that night are, please identify them. Did they know any of the three who were shot? The skateboarder "attacked" this kid because the kid had just shot someone and he was trying to stop the gunman. His heroism cost him his life.

What "holes" are there in my "BS." Please explain what they are.
Sorry, again, FAIL. The video shows the 17yo running from his attackers and that he did not shoot until they were on him.

If you chase someone with an AR-15 and attack them you deserve to be shot.
There is no evidence that anyone was attempting to burn anything or that any fire was present at the time of these shootings.

There is no evidence they were not there to burn anything.

We do know that on previous nights, there was plenty of damage done by the rioters.


There is no evidence that the person he killed initiated their altercation or that Rittenhouse was attacked.

There is footage of him being chased BEFORE the first shooting. Nobody disputes this. The footage includes video and sound from a handgun being fired fairly close to where Rittenhouse was. That was when he turned and shot. Someone fires a handgun in the vicintiy of someone with a rifle.

And why fire the handgun ? Up to that point, he's done nothing wrong.

From the New York Times:

He eventually leaves the dealership and is barred by the police from returning. Six minutes later footage shows Mr. Rittenhouse being chased by an unknown group of people into the parking lot of another dealership several blocks away.

He was only chased AFTER he killed the unarmed guy and made a phone call. Calling someone to announce that you just killed somebody is not the act of a fearful innocent person trying to get away from danger.

Sorry, but the facts don't back this claim as shown above. You can find numerous videos and analysis' on YouTube from different folks including a defense lawyer who all analyze the video.

And in fact you can find video of the first guy killed where he is telling someone to shoot him. I hate to be unkind....but as someone in the comments section said "Be careful what you wish for."

Who is he talking to ? Don't know.

It looks like people started to chase him BECAUSE he had killed someone. On one of the videos, a black male voice is heard asking "what did he do?" and somebody replied that he had just shot somebody. I have not heard that it is illegal to chase a criminal. People do it all the time.

They had already been chasing him.

And you are correct....you can chase someone.

He is not yet a criminal. He has been charged but has not been convicted. So who where they chasing. A "maybe" criminal ?

Finally, people don't generally chase those suspected of crimes when they are carrying rifles. I really have to wonder what they were thinking. Then you see them charge him. One of them is carrying a handgun.

As you said, it was not illegal.

It was a poor decision.

And what about the moron who kicked him....and the runs away.

That's not going to put someone on edge ?

There is nothing to suggest that the people chasing him were "terrorists." Even if someone chasing him had a gun, so what? Wisconsin permits people to carry guns, and I would think that someone chasing a murderer just might draw their gun. Wouldn't you? Rittenhouse himself had an AR-15.

There is plenty to suggest they were there with bad intentions. As you indicated, they had broken curfew. That makes them illegal right there. Why didn't they leave. Why do they need guns if all they are doing is protesting ? Rittenhouse was there to defend property and we KNOW there was property damage from the previous nights.

Next...he is not murderer at that time. Nobody has convicted him, so your description of him is flat out wrong. He might be suspected. And you'd chase someone with a rifle ?

Here is a great analysis:

Defense lawyer says strong case for self defense.

Rittenhouse was charged with 1st degree murder. That is ludicrous. The Wisconsin D.A. is simply wrong.

In fact, people stated he was offering aid to protestors earlier.

There is video of him trying to get back to the place he apparently worked...but police turned him away.

He is being chased in BOTH cases and shoots at those chasing him. It certainly isn't pre-meditated murder. Especially in the cases where the one guy basically puts himself in front of the gun while trying to take it.
Last edited:

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Deut 23: 19-20 is not about foreign aid--but is still in there(?)!)

Are liberals still bitching about how their foreign-funded Democrat-supported domestic terrorists showed up to burn an innocent American citizen's car dealership, decided to attack a young man carrying an AR-15, and ended up finding out the hard way that Americans refuse to be their helpless victims anymore?

Snowflakes on this board have tried every FAILED way possible to liberate the domestic terrorists from their own personal responsibility in this situation and make the young man they attacked 1st out to be some crazed, blood-thirsty white supremacist cold blooded killer...

...when the video footage clearly shows the terrorists chased the guy, who was running in an attempt to get away, while being chased by 2 terrorists with guns and 1 'Darwin Award Winner' wannabe who thought he could attack someone carrying an AR-15 with a skateboard and somehow win...

The video shows the young man tripping and falling, gun shots were heard behind him, he turned around and was attacked, hit on the head with the skateboard, and then used his weapon...killing and wounding his attackers.

What a hard way to learn that sometimes victims fight back...and that an AR-15 beats a skateboard every time.

F* Zuckerburg and his fellow billionaire Conservative Censoring pals trying to make the poor little terrorists who showed up to commit acts of terrorism - burning businesses to the ground - and ended up attacking the wrong person as the 'victims' in this story.

Here's a solid fact for him and the snowflakes on this board, if those terrorists who CHOSE to show up to burn businesses down had CHOSEN to stay home instead, if they had chosen NOT to attack this guy, they would not have gotten shot / killed.

Ironically, the same terrorist lil' bitches condemning the cops for not coming to their rescue in this case are the same ones who have called for the Defunding of the police, the elimination of the police, who have been hitting the police with bricks, throwing urine on them, and the ones who refused to allow the police into their chop zones to help others they had attacked / injured....

Karma is a bitch, ain't it, violent lil' snowflake domestic terrorists?


There is no evidence that anyone was attempting to burn anything or that any fire was present at the time of these shootings. There is no evidence that the person he killed initiated their altercation or that Rittenhouse was attacked. There is no evidence that the three people who were shot were doing anything illegal or violent, except that all of them, including Rittenhouse, were violating the curfew.

He was only chased AFTER he killed the unarmed guy and made a phone call. Calling someone to announce that you just killed somebody is not the act of a fearful innocent person trying to get away from danger. It looks like people started to chase him BECAUSE he had killed someone. On one of the videos, a black male voice is heard asking "what did he do?" and somebody replied that he had just shot somebody. I have not heard that it is illegal to chase a criminal. People do it all the time.

There is nothing to suggest that the people chasing him were "terrorists." Even if someone chasing him had a gun, so what? Wisconsin permits people to carry guns, and I would think that someone chasing a murderer just might draw their gun. Wouldn't you? Rittenhouse himself had an AR-15. You make it sound as if you are against people carrying guns. Make up your mind.
A car dealership was burn down the night before...some of the terrorists said they were going to do it again.

If you aren't up to no good you don't normally attack someone who is carrying an AR-15, especially with your SKATEBOARD...unless you're stupid.

There are so many holes in your BS its not even funny...


Try as you might to fly a bullshit narrative, it's not going to get off the ground. If you know who these "terrorists" who threatened to burn a dealership that night are, please identify them. Did they know any of the three who were shot? The skateboarder "attacked" this kid because the kid had just shot someone and he was trying to stop the gunman. His heroism cost him his life.

What "holes" are there in my "BS." Please explain what they are.

The second guy gets killed for making a poor....no....a really stupid decision. He is, in no way, a hero. This kid was leaving. They were chasing him. He has a rifle. He's shot someone who was chasing him (not in dispute).

No, that's not a charged situation. There are not one or two people chasing him. He's not charged up or running on adrenaline. He's not afraid for himself. Regardless of what happened first.

I am sorry...but his stupidity cost him his life.

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