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Even facts are denied by apologists for Islam

American Taliban - RationalWiki
The American Taliban is a derogatory but often accurate term for American Christian fundamentalists. It was coined after the invasion of Afghanistan, when the ...
Quotes - ‎The Newsroom did it better - ‎See also - ‎Footnotes

this is what passes for legitimate discourse for you idiots
If the burning cross fits...

good one stupid; now which one do you think has actually killed or plans to kill an actual human being?
The one who actually believes what her Holy Book says, not the one who fucks another woman's husband at a Family Values conference.

THANKS FOR making my point for me dummy!!!
The point is, both are assholes, but at least one them has an actual faith, which isn't good for you at all...
He is both a liar and a fool.

He can't produce stats to back up his claim on terrorist for the "last ten years".

And to the extent he has anything close to figures like he claims from some bogus Left-Wing Loon source, he hopes we will fall for the usual Pinhead Trick---he expects us to forget that there are way more Jews than Muslims in America....and way, way more White boys (Thank goodness) than there are Muslims.

65% White 1% Muslim population.

So, 12 acts of terrorism by Whites and 11 by Muslims is a massive amount more Muslim lunacy based on the only legitimate gauge--ratio of population.

The poster is a dumb-ass who hopes we are even dumber.

And you point is valid too. Under this fool Obama, the Fort Hood murderous rampage by a jihadist lunatic Muslim is called Work Place violence...and likely isn't even in the Terrorist stats.

Not much to say about such a post. Its by a Liar, a Fool, and a Dumb-ass.

But, hey...its the internet.
Here you go, big mouth, something to read while you're home alone...

Any douche bag, as you have just proven, can present a pie chart with no facts or rationale to back it up. But then again you are a douche bag, so no one expects much from you!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
He is both a liar and a fool.

He can't produce stats to back up his claim on terrorist for the "last ten years".

And to the extent he has anything close to figures like he claims from some bogus Left-Wing Loon source, he hopes we will fall for the usual Pinhead Trick---he expects us to forget that there are way more Jews than Muslims in America....and way, way more White boys (Thank goodness) than there are Muslims.

65% White 1% Muslim population.

So, 12 acts of terrorism by Whites and 11 by Muslims is a massive amount more Muslim lunacy based on the only legitimate gauge--ratio of population.

The poster is a dumb-ass who hopes we are even dumber.

And you point is valid too. Under this fool Obama, the Fort Hood murderous rampage by a jihadist lunatic Muslim is called Work Place violence...and likely isn't even in the Terrorist stats.

Not much to say about such a post. Its by a Liar, a Fool, and a Dumb-ass.

But, hey...its the internet.
Here you go, big mouth, something to read while you're home alone...

Any douche bag, as you have just proven, can present a pie chart with no facts or rationale to back it up. But then again you are a douche bag, so no one expects much from you!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Ummm.... it was already linked, along with text and sublinks from the page, back in post 50. As well as many other times in several other threads in the past.

Read much?
Any douche bag, as you have just proven, can present a pie chart with no facts or rationale to back it up. But then again you are a douche bag, so no one expects much from you!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I was going to provide the link, but Pogo did it for me.
Curt Schilling sends out insensitive tweet, deletes it minutes later

The man makes a perfect point and is black balled and apologies. To keep the analogy Muslims in WW2 SUPPORTED Hitler as well.
That a boy Schilling fuck Islam. The danger isn't radical Islam, it is Islam itself!

That 5-10% number is BS anyways it is more like 70-80%. In the Middle East it is over 90%

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Dear GHook93 I know you MEAN well by going after any and all religious abusers,
but your approach actually HURTS Curt Schilling and other people who are accused of inciting people like you.
You go too far, and that is why the people like Bush (who WERE able to act effectively by DISTINGUISHING
the lawful followers from the unlawful abusers) get TARGETED and taken down. Because of people like YOU who can't make that distinction that is necessary to act legally with full authority of law as Bush was able to invoke.

You remind me of the religious right who went too far, pushed laws to BAN gay marriage altogether (instead of privatizing it),
and that discrimination was used to argue for legal protection! So it makes the matter worse.
You allow your own opposition to use YOUR overreaching statements to defeat the ability to defend against the TRUE oppressors and abusers benefiting from this confusion.

The best way to defend against the abusers is to identify and isolate them FROM the lawabiding victims.

The more you run them together, they hide behind innocent people and get more people killed
which is what they want. You feed the terrorists own game where they exploit the fear of
"all Muslims" just like Black crooks who hide among poor Blacks who aren't criminals
so it is harder to catch and call them out.

We need to call them out by name, to go after the wrongdoers and their criminal support,
and not allow them to hide behind the fear of Muslims as a group.

Don't enable them to play this game.
And don't make "blanket generalizations" that are used to attack
opponents of Jihadists and terrorists, just like the banning of gay marriage
was used to legalize it because the opposition went too far in the other direction.

You are hurting your own cause when you throw the victims in with the oppressors.
The only people who benefit from that fear are the Terrorists who use it to hide behind!
Knowing it gets their opponents cut down at the knees when you make overly broad attacks like that.

Bush understood not to undercut and attack the lawabiding Muslims.
The religious right like you jumped on him for that, and could have undermined
his credibility and authority. When you push too far, you cause a backlash against
Schilling and other Republicans willing to stand strong against the Terrorists who thrive on division and chaos.

Bush only got things done by unity, and when it fell apart, well, you see what happened in Iraq.
Don't do this to your own leaders, govt, and troops.
You aren't helping when you feed into the fear of "Islamaphobia" and start
blaming the victims along with the Jihadist regimes terrorizing and hiding behind the innocent masses.
Don't you know we can't say blacks are responsible for any crime anymore than Muslims are responsible for any acts of terrorism.

We can say what we want to...this being America...if we are also willing to say FUCK the Political Correctness Nazis in places like New York, New England, and California.

And, after half a century of the War on Poverty, the Great Society, and Affirmative Action, Americans have a right to ask why Blacks aren't doing a better job of taking care of themselves, rather than looking to the Federal Government in distressingly high numbers. Increasingly high numbers!

And, Americans have a right to take a look at the hatred and violence that is the culture of Islam...and say we think that there ought to be ZERO immigration from places like Yemen, Iran, Irag, Syria, Libya, Kuwait, Oman etc. etc. etc. It is not for us to ferret through the psychological profiles of these people individually ...we just need to take notice of the fact that the Islamic Culture produces too high a number of dangerous zealots...a disproportionately large number...and on such a basis to say it is not worth the risk of letting them come to America.

When they civilize themselves somewhat...maybe learn about the goodness of Separation of Church & State...we can take another look at it...in the meantime...it is simply foolish to let them in.

Dear MACAULAY I agree with and SECOND SuperDemocrat statement that it is
just as wrongful to blame all Blacks for crime as it is to blame all Muslims for terrorism.

You comment that we can SAY anything we want,
but if we want to enforce the concept of DUE PROCESS
it is wrongful to ACCUSE people by "guilty by association"
without first proving they are actually responsible for crimes or abuses of law.

If you promote lawlessness and fear, well,
that is the environment the SHIELD that the Terrorists use to hide behind
and carry out sneak attacks.

If we are too distracted fighting in division, that allows any enemy to exploit
that weakness to plot, divide conquer and destroy.

Any LAW ENFORCEMENT professional can tell you that the safest
communities are UNITED and aware of who is doing what in their vicinity.

We need to be on the same page to enforce laws consistently!
Accusing the wrong people distracts, and allows the crooks to get away.
Blaming whole groups and causing backlash back and forth
is not consistent law enforcement, sorry.

Badmouthing and inciting rejection and attacks against
all Blacks, all Police, all Muslims, all Democrats All Republicans,
that DIVISIVE abuse of free speech to incite fear, hate and bullying
is KILLING this country and making us weaker by wasting our own resources
on infighting.

United we can invest those same resources rebuilding our country
and economy and govt, not tearing each other down. While
China, Korea, Russia and now ISIS compete to unite more forces
while America is seen as divided and weakened by our own administration
turning American against American by partisan division and fear fear fear.

Why not use our free speech to unite not divide and defeat ourselves?
To enforce our own laws, not contradict them and lose moral authority?

Don't promote lawlessness, what makes America strong is the strong
ethic we have to enforce justice . Accusing and dividing people is not justice.
Let's agree what the true principles are and enforce those standing united.
That is the traditional strength of America.
This backbiting division has to stop that only enemies benefit from.
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Curt Schilling sends out insensitive tweet, deletes it minutes later

The man makes a perfect point and is black balled and apologies. To keep the analogy Muslims in WW2 SUPPORTED Hitler as well.
That a boy Schilling fuck Islam. The danger isn't radical Islam, it is Islam itself!

That 5-10% number is BS anyways it is more like 70-80%. In the Middle East it is over 90%

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Do you realize GHook93 that in those countries even the peaceful Muslims
who want no part of the genocidal terrorism are threatened with death to them and their families
if they do not comply with militant taking over their govts. If they resist, they are dead and their sisters/wives raped.

In China, nobody can speak against the govt.
Even the Chinese who live in America or other free countries are expected to tow the party line,
or if word gets back they said anything critical of China, their families back home can be threatened.

What do you think it is like in countries where militant Jihadists have taken over govt
and have shut down schools so they retain control?

Do you really EXPECT people to have freedom of speech, religion and affiliation over there?
Don't you think they will be forced to comply, just like
the innocent children used by the VC as shields.
I can speak to your point about Chinese immigrants being shit scared of saying a word against the regime in China even though they live in the US. The Chinese government has a very old and large book of people who have managed to escape China........sometimes with multi-millions of dollars.
We can say what we want to...this being America...if we are also willing to say FUCK the Political Correctness Nazis in places like New York, New England, and California.

And, after half a century of the War on Poverty, the Great Society, and Affirmative Action, Americans have a right to ask why Blacks aren't doing a better job of taking care of themselves, rather than looking to the Federal Government in distressingly high numbers. Increasingly high numbers!

And, Americans have a right to take a look at the hatred and violence that is the culture of Islam...and say we think that there ought to be ZERO immigration from places like Yemen, Iran, Irag, Syria, Libya, Kuwait, Oman etc. etc. etc. It is not for us to ferret through the psychological profiles of these people individually ...we just need to take notice of the fact that the Islamic Culture produces too high a number of dangerous zealots...a disproportionately large number...and on such a basis to say it is not worth the risk of letting them come to America.

When they civilize themselves somewhat...maybe learn about the goodness of Separation of Church & State...we can take another look at it...in the meantime...it is simply foolish to let them in.
When are you going to take a look at your own hatred and violence?

According to FBI records for the last 10 years, more terrorist incidents in this country was committed by Jewish terrorist groups, than Muslim terrorist groups. And the group the FBI considers the biggest threat to this country as far as committing a terrorist act, is right-wing militias.

Dear Billo_Really
1. was the Ft. Hood shooting counted as a "terrorist" attack or "workplace violence"
2. are you counting the luring of young women and teens by ISIS
as a dangerous terrorist activity?
Last I checked, the recruiting of Jewish or Rightwing political groups
does not involve kidnapping, raping and forcing women to be brides of soldiers
in foreign countries where they can't be tracked, saved or returned to their families.

And most of all my question to you is do you
DISTINGUISH the difference between
1. right wing militant groups that rail against govt for not following the Constitution
by their standards vs.
2. jihadist terrorists groups attacking society for not worshipping Jihad and Allah by their standards

The reason I bring this up, is the law these groups are invoking
makes a huge DIFFERENCE in being able to check against abuses

for example
1. the Organized Constitutional groups against govt abuses are civil and law abiding.
so the ORGANIZED rightwing serves as a CHECK against the fringe extremists
that go to lawless extremes. they don't condone but reject those extremists.
not so with
2. the Jihadists who are organized like Al Qaeda and now ISIS
RECRUIT the lone wolves and create these cells to use them.
Even the ones they don't take direct credit for, they do afterwards to recruit more followers.
so this movement Invites and incites the terrorist attacks
while the
1. rightwing groups are AGAINST abuses that UNDERMINE their lawful purpose,
approach and intent.

Do you see the difference between 1 and 2?

The Tea Party and REAL Constitutionalists uniting in movements to hold govt in check
DECRY and DON'T want to be associated with anything labeled "rightwing terrorist attacks"

THOSE are the "organized" right wing.
while any terrorist right wing are the FRINGE groups REJECTED by the movement
because they break the very laws the Organized movement is trying to hold govt to lawfully!

The OPPOSITE is going on with the Jihadists and terrorists
where they WANT to be associated and take credit for attacks!

THOSE are the "organized" movement, preying on mentally ill or
vulnerable people to recruit to commit MORE terrorist attacks.

So these cannot be compared in terms of the spirit and purpose of how they operate.

Do you see why it is so dangerous not only to confuse the
Jihadist terrorists with any other group, but to UNDERMINE
the rightwing Constitutionalists who ACT as the strongest CHECK AGAINST
either the Jihadist or the rightwing terrorists both breaking the laws.

This is a tactic to weaken the rightwing Constitutionalists that
are stronger allies in ENFORCING law and order.

It is enabling enemies of the state to undermine Constitutional authority
by demonizing the very Constitutionalists who enfore lawful govt.

I hope you can make this distinction.

There is a HUGE difference between the
* Constitutionalists seeking to correct govt by enforcing consistent standards PEACEFULLY
vs. extremists or mentally ill people shooting random targets as "anti govt" or against ALL society
* Jewish groups seeking to defend their homeland and culture against terrorist takeover and attacks
Extreme ZIONISTS and post-millenial dispensationalist cults who push for Armageddon and Apocalyptic war to destroy the world physically
* Muslims who are peaceful and seek to live by civil laws and govt similar to Christians who obey civil authority
Extreme Jihadists and terrorists who attack society in general and seek to win by war

In the case of the Jihadist terrorists,
the ORGANIZED movement is in favor of the attacks on innocent people that doesn't respect due process

In the case of the Jewish and rightwing and Christian and other "terrorists"
these are NOT the organized groups.

The ORGANIZED rightwing Constitutional groups seek to enforce law and order
by CIVIL reforms not by terrorist attacks that are done by FRINGE people and groups
they REJECT.

That is a HUGE difference.

You seem to be running the rightwing and Jewish groups together with
the Jihadist terrorists "as if these are ALL THE SAME"
similar to people blaming all Muslims or blaming all religion for what the Jihadists are doing.

I'm saying the SPIRIT of what they are doing is different.

The closest equivalent to what the Jihadists are doing
are the ZIONISTS who act as a cult, and are rejected by peaceful Jews and Christians.

Both the Jihadists worship Jihad as the Zionists and Apocalyptic extremists
worship Armageddon.
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We can say what we want to...this being America...if we are also willing to say FUCK the Political Correctness Nazis in places like New York, New England, and California.

And, after half a century of the War on Poverty, the Great Society, and Affirmative Action, Americans have a right to ask why Blacks aren't doing a better job of taking care of themselves, rather than looking to the Federal Government in distressingly high numbers. Increasingly high numbers!

And, Americans have a right to take a look at the hatred and violence that is the culture of Islam...and say we think that there ought to be ZERO immigration from places like Yemen, Iran, Irag, Syria, Libya, Kuwait, Oman etc. etc. etc. It is not for us to ferret through the psychological profiles of these people individually ...we just need to take notice of the fact that the Islamic Culture produces too high a number of dangerous zealots...a disproportionately large number...and on such a basis to say it is not worth the risk of letting them come to America.

When they civilize themselves somewhat...maybe learn about the goodness of Separation of Church & State...we can take another look at it...in the meantime...it is simply foolish to let them in.
When are you going to take a look at your own hatred and violence?

According to FBI records for the last 10 years, more terrorist incidents in this country was committed by Jewish terrorist groups, than Muslim terrorist groups. And the group the FBI considers the biggest threat to this country as far as committing a terrorist act, is right-wing militias.
The word is 'were' dumb-ass.
Now put up the FBI links to prove your absurd claim. You won't b/c there are no such FBI stats.
You're so fucking stupid you can't form an intelligent sentence.
You first claim there are "groups" then you refer to the "groups" in the singular.
Then you claim the "group" is a "right-wing militia". You're stupid.
We can say what we want to...this being America...if we are also willing to say FUCK the Political Correctness Nazis in places like New York, New England, and California.

And, after half a century of the War on Poverty, the Great Society, and Affirmative Action, Americans have a right to ask why Blacks aren't doing a better job of taking care of themselves, rather than looking to the Federal Government in distressingly high numbers. Increasingly high numbers!

And, Americans have a right to take a look at the hatred and violence that is the culture of Islam...and say we think that there ought to be ZERO immigration from places like Yemen, Iran, Irag, Syria, Libya, Kuwait, Oman etc. etc. etc. It is not for us to ferret through the psychological profiles of these people individually ...we just need to take notice of the fact that the Islamic Culture produces too high a number of dangerous zealots...a disproportionately large number...and on such a basis to say it is not worth the risk of letting them come to America.

When they civilize themselves somewhat...maybe learn about the goodness of Separation of Church & State...we can take another look at it...in the meantime...it is simply foolish to let them in.
When are you going to take a look at your own hatred and violence?

According to FBI records for the last 10 years, more terrorist incidents in this country was committed by Jewish terrorist groups, than Muslim terrorist groups. And the group the FBI considers the biggest threat to this country as far as committing a terrorist act, is right-wing militias.
Your nose is growing. Islamic terrorism is everywhere this country a Christian man was just killed for being a Christian by Islamist from Somalia. In many cases the government doesn't classify Islamic terrorism for what it is. The Fort Hood massacre is still not officially classified as terrorism.'the. You have the DC sniper. Despite his claims and drawings from prison and the fact he was a devote Muslim extremist prior to the attacks, they gave a truly bullshit excuse and worked hard to never say he was Muslim. He was clearly motivated by jihad. There are countless others. Now tell us one Jewish act of terrorism in this country or heck in Europe.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

He is both a liar and a fool.

He can't produce stats to back up his claim on terrorist for the "last ten years".

And to the extent he has anything close to figures like he claims from some bogus Left-Wing Loon source, he hopes we will fall for the usual Pinhead Trick---he expects us to forget that there are way more Jews than Muslims in America....and way, way more White boys (Thank goodness) than there are Muslims.

65% White 1% Muslim population.

So, 12 acts of terrorism by Whites and 11 by Muslims is a massive amount more Muslim lunacy based on the only legitimate gauge--ratio of population.

The poster is a dumb-ass who hopes we are even dumber.

And you point is valid too. Under this fool Obama, the Fort Hood murderous rampage by a jihadist lunatic Muslim is called Work Place violence...and likely isn't even in the Terrorist stats.

Not much to say about such a post. Its by a Liar, a Fool, and a Dumb-ass.

But, hey...its the internet.

Desperation strikes deep.
Into your posts it will creep.
Starts when you're always afraid...
Into bogus sites like "JihadWatch" blindly they wade...

We've done this a thousand and one times too...

>> But perception is not reality. The data simply does not support such a hasty conclusion. On the FBI’s official website, there exists a chronological list of all terrorist attacks committed on U.S. soil from the year 1980 all the way to 2005. That list can be accessed here (scroll down all the way to the bottom).


Terrorist Attacks on U.S. Soil by Group, From 1980 to 2005, According to FBI Database

According to this data, there were more Jewish acts of terrorism within the United States than Islamic (7% vs 6%). These radical Jews committed acts of terrorism in the name of their religion. These were not terrorists who happened to be Jews; rather, they were extremist Jews who committed acts of terrorism based on their religious passions, just like Al-Qaeda and company.

Yet notice the disparity in media coverage between the two. It would indeed be very interesting to construct a corresponding pie chart that depicted the level of media coverage of each group. The reason that Muslim apologists and their “leftist dhimmi allies” cannot recall another non-Islamic act of terrorism other than Waco is due to the fact that the media gives menial (if any) coverage to such events. If a terrorist attack does not fit the “Islam is the perennial and existential threat of our times” narrative, it is simply not paid much attention to, which in a circuitous manner reinforces and “proves” the preconceived narrative. It is to such an extent that the average American cannot remember any Jewish or Latino terrorist; why should he when he has never even heard of the Jewish Defense League or the Ejercito Popular Boricua Macheteros? Surely what he does not know does not exist! << (here, yet again)

Ah, Gullible's Travels. Pam Geller says thank you. She was at the bank. Laughing.

And AGAIN Pogo et al
given that the Hitler Nazi's were only 7%
aren't you just enforcing the same point AGAIN???

Don't you GET it? It's NOT the SIZE of the % that counts
but what that % does that makes them so dangerous.

Get it???

If Ebola is only a fraction of the types of diseases out there,
does that mean you do not put up all guard and extreme caution
when dealing with Ebola which is a LEVEL 4 biohazardous pathogen that requires isolation
at every step of contact (unlike the MAJORITY of other diseases that can
be shown to kill more people statistically)

Are you going to apply % to Ebola
and be like our friend DeltaEmbassy who argued obesity
"kills more people" than Ebola?
Muslims are just like Nazis.

No, Mad Scientist it was the Jihadists who are being compared to the Nazi's.
The fraction of the population that was going overboard with military regimes to commit genocide.

In Biblical terms, I would say these are both "antichrist"
or extreme Retribution out of fear and ill will.
This is the opposite of what God and Christ stand for
which is love of truth and good will for all.

So both the Jihadist Terrorists and the Hitler Nazi's
(also the extreme Zionists and post-millenial dispensationalist
cults who push for Armageddon as a physical war and apocalypse
as fulfilling Bible prophecy) are all ANTICHRIST in spirit.

Against law and order, against civil due process,
but pushing to annihilate and execute retributive justice
by their own authority, instead of Restorative Justice which is the meaning of Christ Jesus.

The Good Germans, the Good Jews Christians and Muslims
all respect civil law and order, and the true believers all live by Restorative Justice
with Mercy and Peace for all humanity.

We need to distinguish these and quit blaming whole groups
for the corruption of the abusers.
Don't you know we can't say blacks are responsible for any crime anymore than Muslims are responsible for any acts of terrorism.

We can say what we want to...this being America...if we are also willing to say FUCK the Political Correctness Nazis in places like New York, New England, and California.

And, after half a century of the War on Poverty, the Great Society, and Affirmative Action, Americans have a right to ask why Blacks aren't doing a better job of taking care of themselves, rather than looking to the Federal Government in distressingly high numbers. Increasingly high numbers!

And, Americans have a right to take a look at the hatred and violence that is the culture of Islam...and say we think that there ought to be ZERO immigration from places like Yemen, Iran, Irag, Syria, Libya, Kuwait, Oman etc. etc. etc. It is not for us to ferret through the psychological profiles of these people individually ...we just need to take notice of the fact that the Islamic Culture produces too high a number of dangerous zealots...a disproportionately large number...and on such a basis to say it is not worth the risk of letting them come to America.

When they civilize themselves somewhat...maybe learn about the goodness of Separation of Church & State...we can take another look at it...in the meantime...it is simply foolish to let them in.

Dear MACAULAY I agree with and SECOND SuperDemocrat statement that it is
just as wrongful to blame all Blacks for crime as it is to blame all Muslims for terrorism.

You comment that we can SAY anything we want,
but if we want to enforce the concept of DUE PROCESS
it is wrongful to ACCUSE people by "guilty by association"
without first proving they are actually responsible for crimes or abuses of law.

If you promote lawlessness and fear, well,
that is the environment the SHIELD that the Terrorists use to hide behind
and carry out sneak attacks.

If we are too distracted fighting in division, that allows any enemy to exploit
that weakness to plot, divide conquer and destroy.

Any LAW ENFORCEMENT professional can tell you that the safest
communities are UNITED and aware of who is doing what in their vicinity.

We need to be on the same page to enforce laws consistently!
Accusing the wrong people distracts, and allows the crooks to get away.
Blaming whole groups and causing backlash back and forth
is not consistent law enforcement, sorry.

Badmouthing and inciting rejection and attacks against
all Blacks, all Police, all Muslims, all Democrats All Republicans,
that DIVISIVE abuse of free speech to incite fear, hate and bullying
is KILLING this country and making us weaker by wasting our own resources
on infighting.

United we can invest those same resources rebuilding our country
and economy and govt, not tearing each other down. While
China, Korea, Russia and now ISIS compete to unite more forces
while America is seen as divided and weakened by our own administration
turning American against American by partisan division and fear fear fear.

Why not use our free speech to unite not divide and defeat ourselves?
To enforce our own laws, not contradict them and lose moral authority?

Don't promote lawlessness, what makes America strong is the strong
ethic we have to enforce justice . Accusing and dividing people is not justice.
Let's agree what the true principles are and enforce those standing united.
That is the traditional strength of America.
This backbiting division has to stop that only enemies benefit from.


"Let's agree what the true principles are and enforce those standing united".

Your post looks like a good faith attempt at discussion...which almost never occurs here...and you have quoted Tom Jefferson, so there' that. I can also say with confidence that it would have gotten a "A" in any Political Correctness Class at any Pinhead school in New England.

Also, that it gets an "F" in the Real World.

I quoted and highlighted just one sentence from your narrative, and am curious as to how you expect such agreement and such unity to ever occur. It never has happened in history, except in totalitarian regimes (like Cuba, Iran & North Korea, today) where they enforce their Political Correctness Rules by throwing you in prison or cutting you head off.

You want to "stand united"...but the unity you want is to come from me adopting your view....that is the way it is with Pinheads*....when you don't agree with them, which no person of good sense ever would...then they want you to Shut-Up.

But, a really smart man once said:

"The Liberty of Discussion is the foundation of all other liberties".

I believe him, and so have to respectfully dis-agree with most everything you had to say. The Real World is a bitch.

*A Pinhead is a Liberal-Progressive (Socialist) who thinks they are smarter than us Heartland Americans, and so also think they are imbued with the right to tell us how to think, and, many of them would put us in jail if they could. (All Pinheads have a whisper of KIM-JUNG-UN in them.) They are found mostly in New England and New York, and in gated communities of rotting Northern cities like Chicago. They are not necessarily Stupid People, but their estimate of their intelligent is soooooooooooo much higher than their actual intelligence, they generally appear as Fools.
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Don't you know we can't say blacks are responsible for any crime anymore than Muslims are responsible for any acts of terrorism.

We can say what we want to...this being America...if we are also willing to say FUCK the Political Correctness Nazis in places like New York, New England, and California.

And, after half a century of the War on Poverty, the Great Society, and Affirmative Action, Americans have a right to ask why Blacks aren't doing a better job of taking care of themselves, rather than looking to the Federal Government in distressingly high numbers. Increasingly high numbers!

And, Americans have a right to take a look at the hatred and violence that is the culture of Islam...and say we think that there ought to be ZERO immigration from places like Yemen, Iran, Irag, Syria, Libya, Kuwait, Oman etc. etc. etc. It is not for us to ferret through the psychological profiles of these people individually ...we just need to take notice of the fact that the Islamic Culture produces too high a number of dangerous zealots...a disproportionately large number...and on such a basis to say it is not worth the risk of letting them come to America.

When they civilize themselves somewhat...maybe learn about the goodness of Separation of Church & State...we can take another look at it...in the meantime...it is simply foolish to let them in.

Dear MACAULAY I agree with and SECOND SuperDemocrat statement that it is
just as wrongful to blame all Blacks for crime as it is to blame all Muslims for terrorism.

You comment that we can SAY anything we want,
but if we want to enforce the concept of DUE PROCESS
it is wrongful to ACCUSE people by "guilty by association"
without first proving they are actually responsible for crimes or abuses of law.

If you promote lawlessness and fear, well,
that is the environment the SHIELD that the Terrorists use to hide behind
and carry out sneak attacks.

If we are too distracted fighting in division, that allows any enemy to exploit
that weakness to plot, divide conquer and destroy.

Any LAW ENFORCEMENT professional can tell you that the safest
communities are UNITED and aware of who is doing what in their vicinity.

We need to be on the same page to enforce laws consistently!
Accusing the wrong people distracts, and allows the crooks to get away.
Blaming whole groups and causing backlash back and forth
is not consistent law enforcement, sorry.

Badmouthing and inciting rejection and attacks against
all Blacks, all Police, all Muslims, all Democrats All Republicans,
that DIVISIVE abuse of free speech to incite fear, hate and bullying
is KILLING this country and making us weaker by wasting our own resources
on infighting.

United we can invest those same resources rebuilding our country
and economy and govt, not tearing each other down. While
China, Korea, Russia and now ISIS compete to unite more forces
while America is seen as divided and weakened by our own administration
turning American against American by partisan division and fear fear fear.

Why not use our free speech to unite not divide and defeat ourselves?
To enforce our own laws, not contradict them and lose moral authority?

Don't promote lawlessness, what makes America strong is the strong
ethic we have to enforce justice . Accusing and dividing people is not justice.
Let's agree what the true principles are and enforce those standing united.
That is the traditional strength of America.
This backbiting division has to stop that only enemies benefit from.


"Let's agree what the true principles are and enforce those standing united".

Your post looks like a good faith attempt at discussion...which almost never occurs here...and you have quoted Tom Jefferson, so there' that. I can also say with confidence that it would have gotten a "A" in any Political Correctness Class at any Pinhead school in New England.

Also, that it gets an "F" in the Real World.

I quoted and highlighted just one sentence from your narrative, and am curious as to how you expect such agreement and such unity to ever occur. It never has happened in history, except in totalitarian regimes (like Cuba, Iran & North Korea, today) where they enforce their Political Correctness Rules by throwing you in prison or cutting you head off.

You want to "stand united"...but the unity you want is to come from me adopting your view....that is the way it is with Pinheads*....when you don't agree with them, which no person of good sense ever would...then they want you to Shut-Up.

But, a really smart man once said:

"The Liberty of Discussion is the foundation of all other liberties".

I believe him, and so have to respectfully dis-agree with most everything you had to say. The Real World is a bitch.

*A Pinhead is a Liberal-Progressive (Socialist) who thinks they are smarter than us Heartland Americans, and so also think they are imbued with the right to tell us how to think, and, many of them would put us in jail if they could. (All Pinheads have a whisper of KIM-JUNG-UN in them.) They are found mostly in New England and New York, and in gated communities of rotting Northern cities like Chicago. They are not necessarily Stupid People. but their estimate of their intelligent is soooooooooooo much higher than their actual intelligence, they generally appear as Fools.

Thank you for your thoughtful response and expressing equal good faith and intent.

What I know about building consensus is that the final answer is a stretch on both
sides, and the solutions usually come out different from where either person was originally coming from.

It is an equal give and take.

So the agreement I reach with you would bring out the best ideas and information you have to offer
and where these agree with the same on my side. It is collaborative and evolves.

it changes the perspective of both people because new insights are mixed together
to correct some things and expand and clarify others. We gain as much from each other as we give, so it is like a good marriage, where both partners are equally important and respected and neither dominates the relationship no matter what different roles we may serve.

So that is why I am not afraid of change and consensus.
I already know it is going to take all of us contributing equally
and we influence each other mutually.

There is no fear of one side dominating more than the other
because the solution and process take on a life of their own that nobody can predict or dictate fully.

Consent of the people truly comes from each person to build the whole
from all the parts. So the power is shared, and the process empowers
and relies on all participants equally.

By the time we establish common truth and equal justice,
we will all end up respecting and including everyone equally for what we contribute
that nobody else can do. Each person has a unique part, so I try to uncover , support and respect that.

I apologize when I do come across as pushing "my" views or "my belief in consensus"
that seems to impose or dominate.

I am used to fighting with people who are equally defending their views
so I see it as the norm that each person is going to lay out their cards on the table.
I don't mean to impose "my way" but just expect each person to represent and defend "their way"
so we can put it all together, after we see who is holding what in their hands that
we can play as a team where everybody wins and nobody loses.

The whole ends up being greater than the sum of the parts.

The process inevitable turns in directions and produces insights and solutions
that nobody foresaw going into it. So I dont' expect any one person or group to
claim control over the process or outcome. I see it as equally shared
in order to cover all ground.

I see a collaboration of ideas solutions and leaders from all parties
but it won't be the people at the top, but the members on the grassroots levels
investing directly in solutions as a team. Then feeding the best ideas that work and unite people to govt leaders and media to promote and implement AFTER we troubleshoot the process and develop the programs, testing them out first before making public policy out of models proven to work most effectively that all sides can agree on.

this way there is not competition to outbully or control the programs.
the right solutions will speak for themselves,
and the credit will be shared so people are rewarded for collaboration not bullying.

here is one proposed project I would like to see all candidates for 2016
try to build in teams: Earned Amnesty

why not challenge contenders for office to invest campaign funding
directly into building solutions along the border and show their best leadership
and management skills? and run for office that way? as teams trying to succeed,
not bullies looking to make the other person fail to get ahead in the race.
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The word is 'were' dumb-ass.
Now put up the FBI links to prove your absurd claim. You won't b/c there are no such FBI stats.
You're so fucking stupid you can't form an intelligent sentence.
You first claim there are "groups" then you refer to the "groups" in the singular.
Then you claim the "group" is a "right-wing militia". You're stupid.
The link is on post #50, junior.
The word is 'were' dumb-ass.
Now put up the FBI links to prove your absurd claim. You won't b/c there are no such FBI stats.
You're so fucking stupid you can't form an intelligent sentence.
You first claim there are "groups" then you refer to the "groups" in the singular.
Then you claim the "group" is a "right-wing militia". You're stupid.
The link is on post #50, junior.
Muslim extremists killed more innocent people in the US than all the other terrorist attacks in the US combined according to the FBI link you cited.
You're like the dummies who claim "more White people are killed by other White people than occurs in the Black community". Neglecting to factor in the number of negroes compared to the number of Whites in the country.
Thanks for proving my point.

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