Even Fake News CNN Admits Trump is the GREATEST


Gold Member
Jun 22, 2019
ME: That's why he is a billionaire. He knows his shit. While you people were sleeping, China blinked, and Trump won. Of course Trump is always winnings. Read and learn:

Dow closes higher after China blinks
Dow closes higher after China blinks - CNN

New York (CNN Business)The Dow and the broader US stock market rebounded Tuesday, driven by optimism that currency tensions between the United States and China would ease. The Dow (INDU) finished up 312 points, or 1.2%, while the S&P 500 (SPX) closed 1.3% higher. The tech-heavy Nasdaq Composite (COMP), which was hit worst in Monday's selloff, closed up 1.4%......

........Things got worse on Monday evening when the United States, for the first time in years, labeled China a currency manipulator. But now markets are calming down

ME: Blam!! Trump labelled the fucker "a currency manipulator" and the bastards backed down. Trump wins again.
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Posted by mikegriffith1

Anyone with internet access can confirm in a minute or two that Trump did not "inherit a booming stock market"--rather, the stock market took off just days after Trump was elected, and that before then it was rising at a much slower rate under Obama. Starting just days after election day in 2016, the stock market has risen by a whopping 7,385 points, from 18,332 on election day to 25,717 today--in just 2 years and 9 months. In contrast, from December 2013 until election day 2016 under Obama, the stock market rose from 16,576 to 18,332, an increase of only 1,756 points--in 2 years and 11 months. 7,385 in 33 months under Trump vs. 1,756 points in 35 months under Obama. So the stock market's rise under Trump has been more than triple what it was in Obama's last 3 years. Here are the yearly numbers:

Today (8/5/19) -- 25,717
December 2018 -- 23,327
December 2017 -- 24,719
January 2017 -- 19,827
November 9, 2016 -- 18,589
November 2, 2016 -- 18,332
December 2015 -- 17,425
December 2014 -- 17,823
December 2013 -- 16,576

Yet, every time there has been a dip in the stock market under Trump, liberals have run to post threads citing the dip as "proof" that Trump's economic policies are not working! But, of course, when the stock market has quickly recovered after these dips and has continued to rise, the liberals fall silent.
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DEVELOPING: Stocks Bounce Back After ‘China Blinks’ on Trade War with US | Sean Hannity

The Dow Jones Industrial average bounced back in late-afternoon trading Tuesday; recovering from the worst drop in 2019 after China “manipulated” their currency to impact global markets.

“The Dow Jones Industrial Average rebounded Tuesday 300 points in late afternoon trading, one day after the major indexes posted their worst day of the year. China pegged its yuan inside the 7 mark after the Treasury labeled the country a currency manipulator,” reports financial website The Street.

“The Dow Jones Industrial Average, which finished down 767 points in the previous session, was up 302 points, or 1.18%, to 26,020. The S&P 500 rose 1.35%, and the Nasdaq climbed 1.47%,” adds the site. “The move from the People’s Bank of China was seen as an attempt to ease tensions between the world’s two biggest economies as their ongoing trade dispute threatens global-growth prospects.”
Betting on Trump winning is one of the easiest bets ever made possible.
Even Fake News CNN Admits Trump is the GREATEST

New Update:
CNN's John King: ‘Trump is absolutely right’ on China and he 'deserves a lot of credit'

CNN's John King: ‘Trump is absolutely right’ on China and he 'deserves a lot of credit'
Why The Left and the Fake News Media ALWAYS carry water for the Chinese Communists:

ALL THE (PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA’S) PRESIDENT’S MEN: Report: Communist China Paid Millions to WAPO and NYT to Publish ‘Cleverly Disguised’ Chinese Propaganda Articles.

Just when you think the fake news media can’t get any more slimy, they do something so disgusting and outrageous.

We know our mainstream media are propaganda artists for the progressive agenda – basically they behave like a SuperPAC for globalists – taking their marching orders from the DNC and intel communities.

However, it looks like they now have a new boss to report to.


An investigation revealed that the Washington Post and New York Times (and many others) accepted millions from Communist China to publish Chinese propaganda that was designed to look like legit articles.

You can’t get much faker than that:

China Daily, an official mouthpiece of the Chinese Communist Party, has published hundreds of propaganda articles designed to look like ordinary news stories in some of America’s most influential newspapers. While foreign agents may place ads in the United States, the propaganda outlet has repeatedly violated the Foreign Agent Registration Act (FARA) by failing to provide full disclosures about its purchases.

China Daily has published propaganda in mainstream outlets for decades, but did not disclose its purchases of space in American newspapers to the Department of Justice until 2012. Even after it began acknowledging its relationship with the papers, the regime mouthpiece continued to violate federal disclosure requirements. China Daily has failed to provide breakdowns of spending activities and withheld copies of online ads, among other omissions that violate federal law, according to experts who reviewed years of its FARA filings.

China Daily has run more than 700 online ads designed to look like news articles and purchased 500 print pages in six American newspapers over the last seven years.

Free Beacon
Every propaganda piece is disguised to look like a typical U.S news or commentary article and they frame China and the communist government in a positive light while downplaying and criticizing issues lie Hong Kong and even U.S. trade.

Of course, this is what our mainstream media does every day.

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