Even If Ron Paul Runs Third Party, Wouldn't It Take Away From Obama's 40% Voter Base?

So how old is Ron Paul? I have no idea, but if he's in the vicinity of 75, wouldn't that be a major factor?
It shouldn't be. In the 19th century, people lived to age 40-50, and 40 was considered old. Today, most presidents are at least 50, or near it. Numerical age is relative.

Healthwise, Paul is one of the youngest candidates. As a doctor he has maintained excellent health. He runs and bikes miles every day. I doubt he will drop dead before age 100.
If Ron Paul runs third party, he will ensure Obamas reelection
Ron Paul really should retire, i just googled him, he was born 1935, in august he will be 77, hmm? a 77 yr old president?
Well even if he did run, who would want to be his running mate? Andy Roony? Barbara Walters? Vladamire Putin,,lol
Well even if he did run, who would want to be his running mate? Andy Roony? Barbara Walters? Vladamire Putin,,lol

Gary Johnson might be up for it. I'd actually prefer Johnson to take the lead slot, given that he has real executive experience. Unfortunately, that's a rarity among libertarians.
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i can just picture Putin calling Ron Paul in 2012 with his authentic russian accent,,,,,,hey, mr. ron paul, I hear you look for good running mate, listen, I lose my election in russia, maybe I can be running mate for you,,,YESS? Paul/Putin 2012, I like the sound of that,,,we celebrate drinking Stoley Vodka,,,,Yesss?
i can just picture Putin calling Ron Paul in 2012 with his authentic russian accent,,,,,,hey, mr. ron paul, I hear you look for good running mate, listen, I lose my election in russia, maybe I can be running mate for you,,,YESS? Paul/Putin 2012, I like the sound of that,,,we celebrate drinking Stoley Vodka,,,,Yesss?

Andy Rooney is dead.

I'd rather see Putin as president than obama.
at least with Putin we would have the First Tiger !!! yess,,,and 1/2 price on all Russian Vodka !!!!
This is something to ponder over. Ron Paul tends to lean more Democratic, so wouldn't you think he would eat away at Obama's already locked in 40% of total votes in 2012?
For the good of the country, it's best he not run. Should he run, he will probably get around 8% of the vote. And not all of that would hit the 55% expected for Romney. Also keep in mind that , wouldn't Ron Paul have to acquire a minimum amount of signatures to be on the ballet?
And odds are Ron Paul may not do well in many swing states being most of those are very determined to boot out Obama.:deal:
What do you guys all think would happen should Paul run as a LibbyTariontan?

Ron Paul DOESN'T lean "democratic...."

Democrats are pro taxes - Ron Paul is NOT

Democrats are pro big federal government - Ron Paul is NOT

Democrats are anti-Tenth Amendment - Ron Paul is NOT

Democrats are all for the government enforcing DEMOCRAT MORALS on the citizens of the US via legislation - Ron Paul is NOT.

Democrats are pro entitlements - Ron Paul is NOT.

Democrats are pro FED Ron Paul is NOT.

He may be a classical liberal but hes no democrat.

Democrats have absolutely no problem with the government telling them what to do just as long as THEY agree with it. Ron Paul is opposed to the government legislating over peoples lives regardless if he agrees with the issue or not...

Classical liberals live by the Bill of Rights - that's our creed - those are our civil liberties.

Ron Paul would have only run as a 3rd party candidate because most people are too ignorant when it comes to libertarianism. However one of the positive aspects of running as a 3rd party candidate is the notion that both democrats and republicans can nominate a 3rd party candidate.... In reality tho, in many states both the republicans and democrats can vote in either primary.

Ron Paul running as a republican makes a lot of sense for many reasons..
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Obama will not win the next election after what he did today. His base is done with him and looking for other options. Paul might be that option.
And who knows, at 77, Ron Paul could start having health problems. Or what if Obama comes down with a smoking related cancer,,,if that happened, most bars would be offering free drinks in celebration that Romney will win !!!
This is something to ponder over. Ron Paul tends to lean more Democratic, so wouldn't you think he would eat away at Obama's already locked in 40% of total votes in 2012?
For the good of the country, it's best he not run. Should he run, he will probably get around 8% of the vote. And not all of that would hit the 55% expected for Romney. Also keep in mind that , wouldn't Ron Paul have to acquire a minimum amount of signatures to be on the ballet?
And odds are Ron Paul may not do well in many swing states being most of those are very determined to boot out Obama.:deal:
What do you guys all think would happen should Paul run as a LibbyTariontan?

You clearly don't know jackshit about Ron Paul's campaign platform if you imagine that he has any appeal to Obama supporters.

RP wants to cut all social welfare programs to the bone.

If his policies were put into effect the USA would go into the most massive deflationary depression that the world has ever seen.
I don't know a lot of people in NYC except my daughter, her boyfriend and their roommate. All voted for Obama last time, all would vote for Ron Paul this year.

Well......that is all the evidence we need! Ron Paul would defeat Obama easily! Thanks for such an insightful post.
i can just picture Putin calling Ron Paul in 2012 with his authentic russian accent,,,,,,hey, mr. ron paul, I hear you look for good running mate, listen, I lose my election in russia, maybe I can be running mate for you,,,YESS? Paul/Putin 2012, I like the sound of that,,,we celebrate drinking Stoley Vodka,,,,Yesss?

Hasn't Lorne Michaels called you yet? Such wasted talent.
And who knows, at 77, Ron Paul could start having health problems. Or what if Obama comes down with a smoking related cancer,,,if that happened, most bars would be offering free drinks in celebration that Romney will win !!!

Do you ever hurt yourself when reaching so far in your attempts to be funny?
This is something to ponder over. Ron Paul tends to lean more Democratic, so wouldn't you think he would eat away at Obama's already locked in 40% of total votes in 2012?
For the good of the country, it's best he not run. Should he run, he will probably get around 8% of the vote. And not all of that would hit the 55% expected for Romney. Also keep in mind that , wouldn't Ron Paul have to acquire a minimum amount of signatures to be on the ballet?
And odds are Ron Paul may not do well in many swing states being most of those are very determined to boot out Obama.:deal:
What do you guys all think would happen should Paul run as a LibbyTariontan?

Ron Paul is going to be in Swan Lake?

Okay, seriously, a lot of problems with this argument.

Obama's locked in vote is probably closer to 47%. The Democratic candidate has not gone below 49% in the last four elections. Even with a strong third party challenge in Ross Perot in 1992, the Democrat still managed to eek out 43%, and Perot had more centrist Appeal than Ron Paul did.

If Ron Paul runs as a libertarian, he doesn't need to get signatures. The Libertarian Party gets automatic ballot access in most states. The only question is, does he get out of the GOP race in time to stand for nomination for the Libertarians, and does he pooch his son's standing in the GOP by doing so?

But, yeah, if he runs as a libertarians, he probably will pull enough votes to muck it up for Mitt Romney, but that's only because Mitt Romney is such an awful candidate from the Get-go.
If Ron Paul runs as a libertarian, he doesn't need to get signatures. The Libertarian Party gets automatic ballot access in most states.

Unless something's changed recently that i haven't heard about, this isn't true. Ballot access is a constant struggle for third parties - one of the many barriers erected by the Republocrats to protect their turf.

Ballot Access | Libertarian Party
If Ron Paul runs as a libertarian, he doesn't need to get signatures. The Libertarian Party gets automatic ballot access in most states.

Unless something's changed recently that i haven't heard about, this isn't true. Ballot access is a constant struggle for third parties - one of the many barriers erected by the Republocrats to protect their turf.

Ballot Access | Libertarian Party

The link you provided indicated the Libertarian Party is on the ballot in all but five states right now. And two of those are pending.
If Ron Paul runs as a libertarian, he doesn't need to get signatures. The Libertarian Party gets automatic ballot access in most states.

Unless something's changed recently that i haven't heard about, this isn't true. Ballot access is a constant struggle for third parties - one of the many barriers erected by the Republocrats to protect their turf.

Ballot Access | Libertarian Party

The link you provided indicated the Libertarian Party is on the ballot in all but five states right now. And two of those are pending.

That was from 2008. They have to do it again, every election cycle.

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