Even if trump held money to get Ukraine to say biden is Corrupt I’m OK with that

Anyone that thinks biden would have ever been a threat to trump is just not all there
Obviously tRump thought so, and I agree that he isn't all there.
Blowing the whistle on Democrats is trying to gain an advantage in the elections don’t be corrupt Democrats lol HELLO LOL
English, Pigeon. We speak English here.
He's have trouble communicating from Baghdad.
At some point you Democrats are going to have to add some substance or I will boot you from this topic
What blowing the whistle on biden?

There was nothing to blow the whistle ON.

One more time.

There was NO investigation of Hunter Biden.

Joe Biden getting the corrupt prosecutor removed was a GOOD thing that he in no way personally benefited from
What blowing the whistle on biden?

There was nothing to blow the whistle ON.

One more time.

There was NO investigation of Hunter Biden.

Joe Biden getting the corrupt prosecutor removed was a GOOD thing that he in no way personally benefited from
No John Kerry started to spread false information about the prosecutor, this is why the ambassador was briefed about Hunter Biden during her confirmation hearing
Because everyone knew Biden’s are corrupt.. again he got a energy job, and his father is the one funding their energy program with US DOLLARS! It’s over buddy
You can’t take my tax money to pay your son for a job he’s not qualified for.. he’s not an elected official. He’s a crack head! I want my money back! I want biden in jail for tax fraud! I want his son in jail for stealing money!
Next we can talk about cloud strike
No John Kerry started to spread false information about the prosecutor, this is why the ambassador was briefed about Hunter Biden during her confirmation hearing

Who are you talking about?

You can't be talking about the prosecutor Shokin. Virtually the entire international community recognized that he was corrupt...INCLUDING a group of GOP Senators (chief among them Ron Johnson)
I don’t think trump was trying to gain any advantage In the election, Biden never had a chance..

I think he wants to prove democrats are fucking Corrupt! And I’m ok with that

Warren has no chance but Biden does and that is why Trump wanted dirt on Biden, and in my personal opinion he was wrong for doing so.

Should he be Impeached for the Ukraine nonsense?

You admit to what Trump did and just don't care?


That is your opinion which is wrong just like you still believing Hillary Clinton won the 2016 election and Trump is an illegitimate President...

Ukraine falls in like the Iran/Contra Scandal and yet Reagan was never Impeached for it!

So no I do not believe Trump should have been Impeached for the Ukraine nonsense and the only reason you support it is because of your stupidity and blind loyalty to a political party that lies to you daily.

As Schiff stated the Impeachment is more about fearing Trump could win this year than the Ukraine nonsense, so let admit the Impeachment over the Ukraine is political!

Get over losing the 2016 election and stop using Impeachment to steal the Oval Office, but then again even if you get rid of Trump you will have Pence, so enjoy your damn stupidity!
No John Kerry started to spread false information about the prosecutor, this is why the ambassador was briefed about Hunter Biden during her confirmation hearing

Who are you talking about?

You can't be talking about the prosecutor Shokin. Virtually the entire international community recognized that he was corrupt...INCLUDING a group of GOP Senators (chief among them Ron Johnson)
I don’t think trump was trying to gain any advantage In the election, Biden never had a chance..

I think he wants to prove democrats are fucking Corrupt! And I’m ok with that

I'm absolutely okay with it...but I'm okay with ANYTHING that may increase the suicide rate among LefTards...if the Kenyan Super Toad can write his own immigration policy Trump can leverage foreign nations that suck our tit and expose Mexicrat corruption.

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