Even Jesus Is A Zionist

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So many problems with this.

For one, promises of land were always conditional in The Old Testanent. AND the conditions have not been satisfied, it calls on the people to follow God. ISRAEL is a sectarian nation.

Second, with Jesus comes a new covenant that replaces the old one. The only words Jesus has to say about the land is the meek shall inherit it. AND He says it's the world now the meek shall inherit.

The Kingdom of God is what believers of Jesus enter into. THE Gospel of the Kingdom is what Jesus preached, a Kingdom whose inhabitants are Jews and Gentiles who believe in Jesus.

As for End Times, there are many different views about what will happen. In all, Christ has victory.
And I do not think choosing to believe any of the different views is particularly harmful unless a Christian puts their views about End Times above Jesus or lets their opinions lead them to hate others or have unhealthy attitudes about others.
Christian Zionism is nothing but Idolatry.

It was not in The Church for the first 1800 years of Christianity.
This from someone who said...
:cuckoo: Hamas resembles Jesus :cuckoo:

Yup. :lmao:

Wow, she really said that ? ?

That's unbelievable. If there's anyone here who had any doubt that Sherri is ....well...fucked up, then the proof is right here LOL!
Yup, she said that in this very thread. Go back a few pages and see for yourself.

The dirtbag compared Jesus to Hamas. Talk about "slandering" Jesus. This whole thing about Jesus is a charade with her. I don't think she gives a crap about Jesus or Christianity.
So many problems with this.

For one, promises of land were always conditional in The Old Testanent. AND the conditions have not been satisfied, it calls on the people to follow God. ISRAEL is a sectarian nation.

Second, with Jesus comes a new covenant that replaces the old one. The only words Jesus has to say about the land is the meek shall inherit it. AND He says it's the world now the meek shall inherit.

The Kingdom of God is what believers of Jesus enter into. THE Gospel of the Kingdom is what Jesus preached, a Kingdom whose inhabitants are Jews and Gentiles who believe in Jesus.

As for End Times, there are many different views about what will happen. In all, Christ has victory.
And I do not think choosing to believe any of the different views is particularly harmful unless a Christian puts their views about End Times above Jesus or lets their opinions lead them to hate others or have unhealthy attitudes about others.
No problems at all. Let's remember this is your interpretation, a fucking IslamoNazi worshipping lunatic who compared Jesus to Hamas.
None of that supports the claim Jesus is a Zionist.

But I guess I'm a bit confused where you stand on that now as you posted an article calling Zionism inconsistent with The Bible.

Hosanna to the Son of David (matt 21)
Jesus was a descendant of King David. Magi proclaimed him king if the jews. This is why Herod hunted him and why the Romans crucified him.
Are you going to rewrite the bible to change these facts?
And you call yourself a christian?
Did you not understand what you read?
'Transubstantiation' is a word that appears NOWHERE in the Bible.

'Substitutionary atonement' is a phrase that appears NOWHERE in the Bible.

'Replacement theology' is a phrase that appears nowhere in the Bible - nor does 'supercessionism'.

The Bible also never states explicitly that Jesus was not a woman. And just because the Bible never mentions Jesus or the apostles defecating, that doesn't mean they never did. After all, it mentions them eating, and they were human......

There is nothing 'slanderous' in suggesting that a Jewish rabbi of the Second Temple period was a 'Zionist': as has been pointed out numerous times, 'Zionism' is the default world-view of the Jewish milieu....
ZION is not Zionism.

ZION is not Zionist.

Zion is just a synonym for Jerusalem.

And Jesus did that already , fulfill the prophecy you address, which was not Jesus prophecy, when He entered Jerusalem on a donkey and was crucified and arose from the dead to save mankind from sin.

What was written of in The Old Testament about Zion already happened.

Now, you have a choice, end your disbelief in Jesus, establish a personal relationship with Him, or stand condemned and burn in hell for eternity.

Your choice, shall it be Heaven or is it hell?

Zionism is a word that appears nowhere in The Bible.

Zionist is a word appearing nowhere in The Bible.

Zionism was founded in the 1800s, over 1800 years after The Bible was written.
Sure it does, we've shown you hundreds of instances where the word Zion is mentioned, even Jesus himself says he will reappear from Zion to save the Children of Israel. Get lost DUMBASS!
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So many problems with this.

For one, promises of land were always conditional in The Old Testanent. AND the conditions have not been satisfied, it calls on the people to follow God. ISRAEL is a sectarian nation.

Second, with Jesus comes a new covenant that replaces the old one. The only words Jesus has to say about the land is the meek shall inherit it. AND He says it's the world now the meek shall inherit.

The Kingdom of God is what believers of Jesus enter into. THE Gospel of the Kingdom is what Jesus preached, a Kingdom whose inhabitants are Jews and Gentiles who believe in Jesus.

As for End Times, there are many different views about what will happen. In all, Christ has victory.
And I do not think choosing to believe any of the different views is particularly harmful unless a Christian puts their views about End Times above Jesus or lets their opinions lead them to hate others or have unhealthy attitudes about others.
No problems at all. Let's remember this is your interpretation, a fucking IslamoNazi worshipping lunatic who compared Jesus to Hamas.
Remember: "In with the old, out with the new". Or something like that. I'm a little confused at this point.
It is very much like Sabra and Shatila. The Jews wanted people killed, they set it up to happen; but got another/others to do the actual killing act/acts.

Hardane wanted the palestinians dead and told Hobeika to take care of it. Your blaming an Israeli for something that was a SSNP plan, the same ones responsible for Bashir's assassination. It was all a set up for syrian control of Lebanon. From preventing a peace agreement between Israel and Lebanon from being ratified to getting rid of those that stood in the way.
I understand you were not there and did not know those involved but I did. I knew some of the commanders and several of those in the operation. I even wrote a report for the Al-Quwat al-Musallaḥa al-Lubnaniya, Lebanese Military, on what was found in camps.
For the same reasons Israelis could not enter the camps, so to Syrian military could not enter either. They wanted the focus on the palestinians for Bashir's death instead of on the SSNP or Hobeika. They also wanted to force Israel out of the country. It was a three for one deal that almost worked.
There was no strategic value for the Israelis to have wanted a massacre to take place in the camps. They just wanted the remaining fighters to follow Arafat.
Joy and protection for Judah and Ephraim

9*Rejoice greatly, Daughter Zion.
********Sing aloud, Daughter Jerusalem.
Look, your king will come to you.
********He is righteous and victorious.
********He is humble and riding on an ass,
************on a colt, the offspring of a donkey.

Zechariah 9:9

Zechariah 9:9 - Bible Gateway
ZION is not Zionism.

ZION is not Zionist.

Zion is just a synonym for Jerusalem.

And Jesus did that already , fulfill the prophecy you address, which was not Jesus prophecy, when He entered Jerusalem on a donkey and was crucified and arose from the dead to save mankind from sin.

What was written of in The Old Testament about Zion already happened.

Now, you have a choice, end your disbelief in Jesus, establish a personal relationship with Him, or stand condemned and burn in hell for eternity.

Your choice, shall it be Heaven or is it hell?

Zionism is a word that appears nowhere in The Bible.

Zionist is a word appearing nowhere in The Bible.

Zionism was founded in the 1800s, over 1800 years after The Bible was written.
Sure it does, we've shown you hundreds of instances where the word Zion is mentioned, even Jesus himself says he will reappear from Zion to save the Children of Israel. Get lost DUMBASS!

Worry about yourself, you're the one going to hell , Satanic Shill
'Transubstantiation' is a word that appears NOWHERE in the Bible.

'Substitutionary atonement' is a phrase that appears NOWHERE in the Bible.
'Replacement theology' is a phrase that appears nowhere in the Bible - nor does 'supercessionism'.

The Bible also never states explicitly that Jesus was not a woman. And just because the Bible never mentions Jesus or the apostles defecating, that doesn't mean they never did. After all, it mentions them eating, and they were human......

There is nothing 'slanderous' in suggesting that a Jewish rabbi of the Second Temple period was a 'Zionist':
as has been pointed out numerous times, 'Zionism' is the default world-view of the Jewish milieu....
Well said in all respects.
Our own Eva Braun is trying Replacement theology. A favorite of anti-semites.
Of course, even that wouldn't entitle Muslims to the Holy Land; on the Contrary.

And also of course, the whole NT is Heretical from a True reading of ORIGINAL scripture point of view.

Deuteronomy 4:

1. "Now, O Israel, listen to the statutes and the judgments which I am teaching you to perform,
so that you may live and go in and Take Possession of the Land which the LORD, the God of your fathers, is giving you.

2. "You shall NOT add to the word which I am commanding you, nor take away from it,
that you may keep the commandments of the LORD your God which I command you.
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Poor l'il sherrithing still hasn't grasped the fact that NOBODY on here takes its shit-flinging seriously. NOT even the sunnitroll or the phocid redux: the sherriKKKins' posts simply are *useful* for their own agendas...... The fact is, laughing at the bizarre bigotry of the filthy sherriliar is probably one of the biggest draws for USMB. I suspect there are hundreds of lurkers reading her spewage and not replying because they're laughing too hard......
I'm guessing that most of the pro-Palestinian crowd around here cringe and flinch every time he/she-it opens her mouth...

Maybe she's a Mossad agent, intentionally making the pro-Palestinian side look even worse than they are?
ZION is not Zionism.

ZION is not Zionist.

Zion is just a synonym for Jerusalem.

And Jesus did that already , fulfill the prophecy you address, which was not Jesus prophecy, when He entered Jerusalem on a donkey and was crucified and arose from the dead to save mankind from sin.

What was written of in The Old Testament about Zion already happened.

Now, you have a choice, end your disbelief in Jesus, establish a personal relationship with Him, or stand condemned and burn in hell for eternity.

Your choice, shall it be Heaven or is it hell?

Sure it does, we've shown you hundreds of instances where the word Zion is mentioned, even Jesus himself says he will reappear from Zion to save the Children of Israel. Get lost DUMBASS!

Worry about yourself, you're the one going to hell , Satanic Shill

what sort of disgusting perverse "god" condemns people of his OWN CREATION to ETERNAL TORMENT ---for simply NOT BELIEVING -------you are projecting your own filth----on a "god". Your comment is not of a "religion" it is of VILE PSYCHOPATHIC
use your kind of TERRORIZING OF THE VULNERABLE in order to enslave whole
nations -------the WORSHIP ME OR SUFFER-----form of your kind of filth-----
What's the confusion?

There is a new covenant in The New Testament of The Christian Bible.

Out with the old and in with the new.

It's not as if there is nothing of value in The OT, there definitely is, but the covenant that today saves is the one set forth in The New Testament. And Jesus is fulfillment of OT promises.

So many problems with this.

For one, promises of land were always conditional in The Old Testanent. AND the conditions have not been satisfied, it calls on the people to follow God. ISRAEL is a sectarian nation.

Second, with Jesus comes a new covenant that replaces the old one. The only words Jesus has to say about the land is the meek shall inherit it. AND He says it's the world now the meek shall inherit.

The Kingdom of God is what believers of Jesus enter into. THE Gospel of the Kingdom is what Jesus preached, a Kingdom whose inhabitants are Jews and Gentiles who believe in Jesus.

As for End Times, there are many different views about what will happen. In all, Christ has victory.
And I do not think choosing to believe any of the different views is particularly harmful unless a Christian puts their views about End Times above Jesus or lets their opinions lead them to hate others or have unhealthy attitudes about others.
No problems at all. Let's remember this is your interpretation, a fucking IslamoNazi worshipping lunatic who compared Jesus to Hamas.
Remember: "In with the old, out with the new". Or something like that. I'm a little confused at this point.
Jesus condemns noone.

People stand condemned by their continuing disbelief in Jesus.

It'syour choice, Will it be Heaven or shall you choose hell?

ZION is not Zionism.

ZION is not Zionist.

Zion is just a synonym for Jerusalem.

And Jesus did that already , fulfill the prophecy you address, which was not Jesus prophecy, when He entered Jerusalem on a donkey and was crucified and arose from the dead to save mankind from sin.

What was written of in The Old Testament about Zion already happened.

Now, you have a choice, end your disbelief in Jesus, establish a personal relationship with Him, or stand condemned and burn in hell for eternity.

Your choice, shall it be Heaven or is it hell?

Worry about yourself, you're the one going to hell , Satanic Shill

what sort of disgusting perverse "god" condemns people of his OWN CREATION to ETERNAL TORMENT ---for simply NOT BELIEVING -------you are projecting your own filth----on a "god". Your comment is not of a "religion" it is of VILE PSYCHOPATHIC
use your kind of TERRORIZING OF THE VULNERABLE in order to enslave whole
nations -------the WORSHIP ME OR SUFFER-----form of your kind of filth-----
Jesus condemns noone.

People stand condemned by their continuing disbelief in Jesus.

It'syour choice, Will it be Heaven or shall you choose hell?

Your statement makes no sense, sherri----it is childish babble-------
no one can "STAND CONDEMNED" unless some FORCE has
been exerted upon him -----from an external source. ----you did
seem to claim that the external force is the perverted "god" of
your imagination-----if it is not------WHAT IS IT?
Even if one decides to say a person is CONDEMNED to die because
of a sickness-----then there is an AGENT of the sickness----like a virus
or malignant cell that destroy bodily tissues Lack of belief ---
which does not galvanize anyone or thing to act----cannot CONDEMN
ZION is not Zionism.

ZION is not Zionist.

Zion is just a synonym for Jerusalem.

And Jesus did that already , fulfill the prophecy you address, which was not Jesus prophecy, when He entered Jerusalem on a donkey and was crucified and arose from the dead to save mankind from sin.

What was written of in The Old Testament about Zion already happened.

Now, you have a choice, end your disbelief in Jesus, establish a personal relationship with Him, or stand condemned and burn in hell for eternity.

Your choice, shall it be Heaven or is it hell?

Zionism is a word that appears nowhere in The Bible.

Zionist is a word appearing nowhere in The Bible.

Zionism was founded in the 1800s, over 1800 years after The Bible was written.
Sure it does, we've shown you hundreds of instances where the word Zion is mentioned, even Jesus himself says he will reappear from Zion to save the Children of Israel. Get lost DUMBASS!
There were no "ISM's" back then, you illiterate, uneducated, ignorant lunatic.

Jesus clearly showed a love for Zion. So did God. Love for Zion = Zionism. Every time the word Zion appears in the Bible, its a PLACE, whether it be Jerusalem, the mountain, Judeah, they are all synonymous with the land of Israel.

And that's why most Americans believe both Jesus and the Bible are Zionist.

Period end of story. You can blabber the same idiotic crap a million more times it won't change a thing.

Quote of the year by Jihad Sherri:

Hamas resembles Jesus!
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Poor l'il sherrithing still hasn't grasped the fact that NOBODY on here takes its shit-flinging seriously. NOT even the sunnitroll or the phocid redux: the sherriKKKins' posts simply are *useful* for their own agendas...... The fact is, laughing at the bizarre bigotry of the filthy sherriliar is probably one of the biggest draws for USMB. I suspect there are hundreds of lurkers reading her spewage and not replying because they're laughing too hard......
I'm guessing that most of the pro-Palestinian crowd around here cringe and flinch every time he/she-it opens her mouth...

Maybe she's a Mossad agent, intentionally making the pro-Palestinian side look even worse than they are?
Yup that's what I said. She's either extremely crazy and stupid, or a Mossad agent. LOL
And absolutely nothing here proving Jesus was a Zionist.

Which only an imbecile would claim since ZIONISM. WAS not founded until the 1800s.

AND Jesus preached the Gospel of the Kingdom , as His Father directed Him.

I never heard of Zionists preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom of God.

QUOTE=abu afak;8506986]
'Transubstantiation' is a word that appears NOWHERE in the Bible.

'Substitutionary atonement' is a phrase that appears NOWHERE in the Bible.
'Replacement theology' is a phrase that appears nowhere in the Bible - nor does 'supercessionism'.

The Bible also never states explicitly that Jesus was not a woman. And just because the Bible never mentions Jesus or the apostles defecating, that doesn't mean they never did. After all, it mentions them eating, and they were human......

There is nothing 'slanderous' in suggesting that a Jewish rabbi of the Second Temple period was a 'Zionist':
as has been pointed out numerous times, 'Zionism' is the default world-view of the Jewish milieu....
Well said in all respects.
Our own Eva Braun is trying Replacement theology. A favorite of anti-semites.
Of course, even that wouldn't entitle Muslims to the Holy Land; on the Contrary.

And also of course, the whole NT is Heretical from a True reading of ORIGINAL scripture point of view.

Deuteronomy 4:

1. "Now, O Israel, listen to the statutes and the judgments which I am teaching you to perform,
so that you may live and go in and Take Possession of the Land which the LORD, the God of your fathers, is giving you.

2. "You shall NOT add to the word which I am commanding you, nor take away from it,
that you may keep the commandments of the LORD your God which I command you.
Zionism was not founded until the 1800s.

Jesus lived 1800 years before that.

ZION is not Zionism.

ZION is not Zionist.

Zion is just a synonym for Jerusalem.

And Jesus did that already , fulfill the prophecy you address, which was not Jesus prophecy, when He entered Jerusalem on a donkey and was crucified and arose from the dead to save mankind from sin.

What was written of in The Old Testament about Zion already happened.

Now, you have a choice, end your disbelief in Jesus, establish a personal relationship with Him, or stand condemned and burn in hell for eternity.

Your choice, shall it be Heaven or is it hell?

Sure it does, we've shown you hundreds of instances where the word Zion is mentioned, even Jesus himself says he will reappear from Zion to save the Children of Israel. Get lost DUMBASS!
There were no "ISM's" back then, you illiterate, uneducated, ignorant lunatic.

Jesus clearly showed a love for Zion. So did God. Love for Zion = Zionism. Every time the word Zion appears in the Bible, its a PLACE, whether it be Jerusalem, the mountain, Judeah, they are all synonymous with the land of Israel.

And that's why most Americans believe both Jesus and the Bible are Zionist.

Period end of story. You can blabber the same idiotic crap a million more times it won't change a thing.

Quote of the year by Jihad Sherri:

Hamas resembles Jesus!
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