Even Jesus Is A Zionist

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Satanic Sherri, who da fuck is Jesus Christmas? Posting 20 hours a day, 7 days a week will do that to ya.
One of the Sherri's quit after this humiliating thread so until they find another lunatic, Sherri's one through three are working double shifts.

I'm surprised one of them quit.

I couldn't imagine a job that's more fun.

Get drunk, post shit, drink some more, post again.

Great work if you can get it. :thup:
Not one single verse supports Roudys claim Jesus is a Zionist.
If after reading all those verses you can truly say this then you have a few screws loose up there.

To have perspective, let's remember this is also somebody who said "Hamas resembles Jesus". :cuckoo:

Sherri.. you are completely out of line spamming the board with these repetitive walls of scripture.. If this was my forum.. I would ban you.
No please don't ban Sherri! Then we have nobody to laugh at. What are you doing?!
Satanic Sherri, who da fuck is Jesus Christmas? Posting 20 hours a day, 7 days a week will do that to ya.
One of the Sherri's quit after this humiliating thread so until they find another lunatic, Sherri's one through three are working double shifts.

I'm surprised one of them quit.

I couldn't imagine a job that's more fun.

Get drunk, post shit, drink some more, post again.

Great work if you can get it. :thup:

Are you saying Sherri the 'Christian' and Sherri the Hezbollah supporter actually imbibe the old amber nectar? :eek::eek::eek:
If after reading all those verses you can truly say this then you have a few screws loose up there.

To have perspective, let's remember this is also somebody who said "Hamas resembles Jesus". :cuckoo:

Sherri.. you are completely out of line spamming the board with these repetitive walls of scripture.. If this was my forum.. I would ban you.

No please don't ban Sherri! Then we have nobody to laugh at. What are you doing?!

Why don't you ignore her and elevate the discussion?? Or, is this forum all about name calling and personal attacks?
Sherri.. you are completely out of line spamming the board with these repetitive walls of scripture.. If this was my forum.. I would ban you.

No please don't ban Sherri! Then we have nobody to laugh at. What are you doing?!

Why don't you ignore her and elevate the discussion?? Or, is this forum all about name calling and personal attacks?

And there goes that wonderful double standard again.

Or can you link to a post from you calling out Jihad Sherri for her name calling and personal attacks toward us??
No please don't ban Sherri! Then we have nobody to laugh at. What are you doing?!

Why don't you ignore her and elevate the discussion?? Or, is this forum all about name calling and personal attacks?

And there goes that wonderful double standard again.

Or can you link to a post from you calling out Jihad Sherri for her name calling and personal attacks toward us??

I am not impressed with Sherri... so stuff it.
People enter the Kingdom of God through the new birth in Christ spoken of in John 3.

This is the Kingdom Jesus is King of, not an earthly kingdom but a spiritual kingdom.

Verses 3 and 4 of John make it very clear that when one is saved he enters the kingdom of God.

All verses about Zion in the Old Testament speak forward to Jesus Christ and his birth and life and death and resurrection and Salvation He alone can give to any of us today.

Jesus is the Messiah, the King who saves those who believe on Him.

He came to save and teach the Gospel of the Kingdom.

The Gospel of the Kingdom has nothing to do with land ownership.

Jesus came to bring eternal life to those who believe in Him.
Why don't you ignore her and elevate the discussion?? Or, is this forum all about name calling and personal attacks?

And there goes that wonderful double standard again.

Or can you link to a post from you calling out Jihad Sherri for her name calling and personal attacks toward us??

I am not impressed with Sherri... so stuff it.

You just think having double standards makes you better than us because you have twice as many standards.

Good point. As I stated previously "Well lets see now. Who are we to believe? Notable Christian theolologians who have proven that the Jewish Jesus lived & died a Zionist, or Sherri, a noteable Jew hating terrorist supporter who claims he wasn't. Boy that's a tough one, huh"?

Well lets see now. Who are we to believe? Notable Christian theolologians who have proven that the Jewish Jesus lived & died a Zionist, or Sherri, a noteable Jew hating terrorist supporter who claims he wasn't. Boy that's a tough one, huh?

Sherri.. you are completely out of line spamming the board with these repetitive walls of scripture.. If this was my forum.. I would ban you.

No please don't ban Sherri! Then we have nobody to laugh at. What are you doing?!

Why don't you ignore her and elevate the discussion?? Or, is this forum all about name calling and personal attacks?
Sherri.. you are completely out of line spamming the board with these repetitive walls of scripture.. If this was my forum.. I would ban you.

No please don't ban Sherri! Then we have nobody to laugh at. What are you doing?!

Why don't you ignore her and elevate the discussion?? Or, is this forum all about name calling and personal attacks?
I know, all Sherri ever did was call everybody who doesn't agree with her lunacy "Satanic" and "going to hell", for a thousand times in this thread. Do you see a PERSONAL ATTACK there? I don't. LOL
No please don't ban Sherri! Then we have nobody to laugh at. What are you doing?!

Why don't you ignore her and elevate the discussion?? Or, is this forum all about name calling and personal attacks?
I know, all Sherri ever did was call everybody who doesn't agree with her lunacy "Satanic" and "going to hell", for a thousand times in this thread. Do you see a PERSONAL ATTACK there? I don't. LOL

She thinks everyone is going to hell except her
And right you are, we need to put our trust in Jesus.

We all fall miserably short.

I just found all these books by Dr. John R. Rice and some of what He wrote is so right and no doubt but that God led me to these books.

But this man lived in another time and his support for Southern practices like Segregation were not right, and other matters I question about his position on morality issues. He was a product of his times, and some of his ideas reflected his times and not God.

Our trust should be only in Jesus.

What this man was is a man deeply concerned about Jesus and what Jesus says and His writings stay with us to show us who and what matters most, Jesus.

Why don't you ignore her and elevate the discussion?? Or, is this forum all about name calling and personal attacks?

And there goes that wonderful double standard again.

Or can you link to a post from you calling out Jihad Sherri for her name calling and personal attacks toward us??

I am not impressed with Sherri... so stuff it.
My God, my God...even Satanic Sherri's think a likes are deserting her. A mentally insane person believes they are the sane one and everyone else is crazy. Satanic Sherri believes she is the only one who is right and every one else is wrong. Get the connection?
Why don't you ignore her and elevate the discussion?? Or, is this forum all about name calling and personal attacks?

And there goes that wonderful double standard again.

Or can you link to a post from you calling out Jihad Sherri for her name calling and personal attacks toward us??

I am not impressed with Sherri... so stuff it.
Before this epiphany that you act like you're having, you came in with guns blazing supporting Sherri and not saying a word about her crap. This went on for oh, about a thousand posts. You even sided with her in a few of your posts claiming that Jesus wasn't a Zionist.

Sucks to be on the loosing side doesn't it.
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