Even Jesus Is A Zionist

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Baptism Necessary for Salvation?John MacArthur

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"Mark 16:16, a verse often quoted to prove baptism is necessary for salvation, is actually a proof of the opposite. Notice that the basis for condemnation in that verse is not the failure to be baptized, but only the failure to believe. Baptism is mentioned in the first part of the verse because it was the outward symbol that always accompanied the inward belief."
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whoever*does not believe will be condemned
The Great Commission

Jesus says to the disciples, "Go therefore and make disciples of all nations baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold I am with you always to the end of the age. "Matthew 28:19-20

These are the last words of Jesus recorded in The Book of Matthew.

I am fascinated, sherri------do you know how those words were expressed in aramaic?
Do you know what is the process ----ie the ritual, associated with conversion to
Judaism? Of course you do not-----you never read the bible and you still think
that Mary cooked up fried eggs and bacon for breakfast I grew up with people like
you and LATER came into contact with a whole bunch of southern baptiists------
fortunately not of your mindset-----but ----almost as completely ignorant of
Judaism-----make that ---like you, completely ignorant of Judaism---making
it impossible to understand words that appear in the "new" testament
I like MacArthurs comments about Baptism being an outward symbol of an inward belief.

His article goes into.a much more in depth discussion about baptism and believers in The Bible itself who appear not to have been baptised, but were saved.
"Therefore go disciple all the nations and baptize them in the name of The Father and The Son and The Spirit of Holiness.”*20“And instruct them to keep everything whatever I have commanded you, and behold, I am with you every day, even unto the end of time. Amen”

Matthew 28*>>
Aramaic Bible in Plain English


Jesus is the fulfillment of all Old Testament promises, so I am not really interested in what Jews do now or did 2000 years ago to convert to Judaism. It has no relevance to my life and not a thing to do with the Gospel of the Kingdom of God preached by Jesus Christ, written about in The Bible.

The Great Commission

Jesus says to the disciples, "Go therefore and make disciples of all nations baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold I am with you always to the end of the age. "Matthew 28:19-20

These are the last words of Jesus recorded in The Book of Matthew.

I am fascinated, sherri------do you know how those words were expressed in aramaic?
Do you know what is the process ----ie the ritual, associated with conversion to
Judaism? Of course you do not-----you never read the bible and you still think
that Mary cooked up fried eggs and bacon for breakfast I grew up with people like
you and LATER came into contact with a whole bunch of southern baptiists------
fortunately not of your mindset-----but ----almost as completely ignorant of
Judaism-----make that ---like you, completely ignorant of Judaism---making
it impossible to understand words that appear in the "new" testament
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>> Quote: Originally Posted by SherriMunnerlyn View Post
Taking a stand on who Jesus is is itself an act of love.<<

Well this thread has a lot of love because we have shown you Jesus was born a jew, raise in the jewish faith, is a decedent of King David, taught the torah, observed the passover, was killed by romans for being "King of the Jews" as the magi had believed and was buried as a jew.
His Mother was jewish, his brothers and sisters were jewish, his brother James even became a priest at the temple before it's destruction by the romans.
If not a jew in Judea that only wanted to remove roman corruption from the Jerusalem temple, why was he born where he was that that time?
He could have been born in greece, turkey, egypt, rome, spain.....
He was a jew that loved his country and his people (in your term) wanted to save them, to open their hearts to god, to teach them about the spirit of the torah and not to be consumed with the letter of the law. He taught them love and forgiveness.
If not a zionist, god should have made him chinese
He didn't, he made Jesus jewish. He wanted to inspire people in the temples true purpose, to bring them close to god.
Even without a temple Jerusalem is still in the hearts of every jews and most christians.... and now muslims. Zion, Jerusalem, is still a place of god for billions of people.

As a christian are you going to remove zion and jerusalem from the bible? Change Jesus heritage? Give him a different set of teachings? Jesus and the bible are what they are.

I respect his teaching and don't dismiss totally the idea of a "force" or the miracle of how life began on the rock or the creation of the universe. I just reject the manipulation and corrupted purpose of religion. I respect Buddha and Krishna, etc, as well. Any teaching of a more moral and peaceful world. Any teaching of tolerance and love.

"I will tell you what to hate. Hate hypocrisy; hate cant; hate intolerance, oppression, injustice, pharisaism; hate them as Christ hated - with a deed abiding god like hated"
~ F.W.Roberson

You are the epitome of all this unfortunately, and I pity you for having lost the purpose of you acclaimed faith, for being so far from the god that you believe in.

I pity the other forum members for having to put up with their ranting and hate.

You are intolerant of anyone that does not think as you do.

You hate anyone that does not share your hate, your bigotry or your prejudice.

Your hate of god's people and of god's house on earth. How you must hate your bible for praising such thing. How you must hate the god of Abraham, Jacob, Moses and Jesus.
How can you "love" Jesus without understanding who and what he was? He spoke to all mankind, but he taught the torah to the jews.
I like MacArthurs comments about Baptism being an outward symbol of an inward belief.

His article goes into.a much more in depth discussion about baptism and believers in The Bible itself who appear not to have been baptised, but were saved.

???? you did not say anything which MacArthur? what you call "baptism"
is a ritual ------from the
bible and practiced by jews for thousands of years-------it is not a free pass to paradise
as some idiots have construed it. I understand you Sherri-----I grew up with people
like you-----who imagine that IMMERSION IN WATER" was invented by some guy
named JOHN who seems in their addled brains to be THE FIRST CHRISTIAN----like
you, they never read the bible or even if they did------did not understand a word.
I like MacArthurs comments about Baptism being an outward symbol of an inward belief.

His article goes into.a much more in depth discussion about baptism and believers in The Bible itself who appear not to have been baptised, but were saved.

Oh---is that what this mac arthur person said?--------ok----he got that right---
he thinks like a rabbi. Jewish theologians have never claimed that persons
get a free pass to paradise by dunking themselves in the river or a mikveh----
it is a symbolic ritual . It is a necessay act according to some for acceptable
conversion to Judaism-----but not all.
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.

He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.

And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.

For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved.

But he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God.

John 3 - Jesus Teaches Nicodemus - Now there was - Bible Gateway

Jesus is who He says He is, not a Zionist, but the Son of God.

I pity you and all Zionists for your continuing disbelief in Jesus.

You choose whether to believe in Jesus, a choice between Heaven and hell.

>> Quote: Originally Posted by SherriMunnerlyn View Post
Taking a stand on who Jesus is is itself an act of love.<<

Well this thread has a lot of love because we have shown you Jesus was born a jew, raise in the jewish faith, is a decedent of King David, taught the torah, observed the passover, was killed by romans for being "King of the Jews" as the magi had believed and was buried as a jew.
His Mother was jewish, his brothers and sisters were jewish, his brother James even became a priest at the temple before it's destruction by the romans.
If not a jew in Judea that only wanted to remove roman corruption from the Jerusalem temple, why was he born where he was that that time?
He could have been born in greece, turkey, egypt, rome, spain.....
He was a jew that loved his country and his people (in your term) wanted to save them, to open their hearts to god, to teach them about the spirit of the torah and not to be consumed with the letter of the law. He taught them love and forgiveness.
If not a zionist, god should have made him chinese
He didn't, he made Jesus jewish. He wanted to inspire people in the temples true purpose, to bring them close to god.
Even without a temple Jerusalem is still in the hearts of every jews and most christians.... and now muslims. Zion, Jerusalem, is still a place of god for billions of people.

As a christian are you going to remove zion and jerusalem from the bible? Change Jesus heritage? Give him a different set of teachings? Jesus and the bible are what they are.

I respect his teaching and don't dismiss totally the idea of a "force" or the miracle of how life began on the rock or the creation of the universe. I just reject the manipulation and corrupted purpose of religion. I respect Buddha and Krishna, etc, as well. Any teaching of a more moral and peaceful world. Any teaching of tolerance and love.

"I will tell you what to hate. Hate hypocrisy; hate cant; hate intolerance, oppression, injustice, pharisaism; hate them as Christ hated - with a deed abiding god like hated"
~ F.W.Roberson

You are the epitome of all this unfortunately, and I pity you for having lost the purpose of you acclaimed faith, for being so far from the god that you believe in.

I pity the other forum members for having to put up with their ranting and hate.

You are intolerant of anyone that does not think as you do.

You hate anyone that does not share your hate, your bigotry or your prejudice.

Your hate of god's people and of god's house on earth. How you must hate your bible for praising such thing. How you must hate the god of Abraham, Jacob, Moses and Jesus.
How can you "love" Jesus without understanding who and what he was? He spoke to all mankind, but he taught the torah to the jews.
The words of Jesus are what Jesus said.

I find it offensive Zionists calling Jesus words hate.

I keep giving you Jesus very own words and you keep hatefully rejecting them.
I never have said I hate anyone in The Bible and I do not.

Zionists projecting their own hate onto me is what I perceive here.

AND you cannot turn Jesus into someone He was not, truth is always brought into Light.
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The words of Jesus are what Jesus said.

I find it offensive Zionists calling Jesus words hate.

I keep giving you Jesus very own words and you keep hatefully rejecting them.

You remind me of Islamists who try and force convert people. Sickening. What has it got to do with you who or what others believe in. It is none of your business so stop spamming this thread with your garbage.
So, do other Jewish Rabbis preach the Gospel of the Kingdom of God and preach Jesus was the Messiah the way Jesus did?

I like MacArthurs comments about Baptism being an outward symbol of an inward belief.

His article goes into.a much more in depth discussion about baptism and believers in The Bible itself who appear not to have been baptised, but were saved.

Oh---is that what this mac arthur person said?--------ok----he got that right---
he thinks like a rabbi. Jewish theologians have never claimed that persons
get a free pass to paradise by dunking themselves in the river or a mikveh----
it is a symbolic ritual . It is a necessay act according to some for acceptable
conversion to Judaism-----but not all.
Jesus words and The Bible prove the claim in the OP is false.

And as I have repeatedly said, as long as posters keep slandering Jesus here, I will respond to the slanderous claims being made.

I did not start a thread slandering Moses, but Zionists here started a thread slandering Jesus.

The words of Jesus are what Jesus said.

I find it offensive Zionists calling Jesus words hate.

I keep giving you Jesus very own words and you keep hatefully rejecting them.

You remind me of Islamists who try and force convert people. Sickening. What has it got to do with you who or what others believe in. It is none of your business so stop spamming this thread with your garbage.
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The Muslime world must be a rat habitat, I , a human being, never heard of it.

So, I cannot answer that question.

But for your information Salvation does not require Baptism.

for your information----many christian theologians disagree with you------
for at least 1700 years. It is clear to me that you have not read much
in your ilfetime. ------you are so---------lacking in general information.
Are you still attending that FAUX bible class?
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