Even Jesus Is A Zionist

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For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.

He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.

And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.

For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved.

But he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God.

John 3 - Jesus Teaches Nicodemus - Now there was - Bible Gateway

Jesus is who He says He is, not a Zionist, but the Son of God.

I pity you and all Zionists for your continuing disbelief in Jesus.

You choose whether to believe in Jesus, a choice between Heaven and hell.

>> Quote: Originally Posted by SherriMunnerlyn View Post
Taking a stand on who Jesus is is itself an act of love.<<

Well this thread has a lot of love because we have shown you Jesus was born a jew, raise in the jewish faith, is a decedent of King David, taught the torah, observed the passover, was killed by romans for being "King of the Jews" as the magi had believed and was buried as a jew.
His Mother was jewish, his brothers and sisters were jewish, his brother James even became a priest at the temple before it's destruction by the romans.
If not a jew in Judea that only wanted to remove roman corruption from the Jerusalem temple, why was he born where he was that that time?
He could have been born in greece, turkey, egypt, rome, spain.....
He was a jew that loved his country and his people (in your term) wanted to save them, to open their hearts to god, to teach them about the spirit of the torah and not to be consumed with the letter of the law. He taught them love and forgiveness.
If not a zionist, god should have made him chinese
He didn't, he made Jesus jewish. He wanted to inspire people in the temples true purpose, to bring them close to god.
Even without a temple Jerusalem is still in the hearts of every jews and most christians.... and now muslims. Zion, Jerusalem, is still a place of god for billions of people.

As a christian are you going to remove zion and jerusalem from the bible? Change Jesus heritage? Give him a different set of teachings? Jesus and the bible are what they are.

I respect his teaching and don't dismiss totally the idea of a "force" or the miracle of how life began on the rock or the creation of the universe. I just reject the manipulation and corrupted purpose of religion. I respect Buddha and Krishna, etc, as well. Any teaching of a more moral and peaceful world. Any teaching of tolerance and love.

"I will tell you what to hate. Hate hypocrisy; hate cant; hate intolerance, oppression, injustice, pharisaism; hate them as Christ hated - with a deed abiding god like hated"
~ F.W.Roberson

You are the epitome of all this unfortunately, and I pity you for having lost the purpose of you acclaimed faith, for being so far from the god that you believe in.

I pity the other forum members for having to put up with their ranting and hate.

You are intolerant of anyone that does not think as you do.

You hate anyone that does not share your hate, your bigotry or your prejudice.

Your hate of god's people and of god's house on earth. How you must hate your bible for praising such thing. How you must hate the god of Abraham, Jacob, Moses and Jesus.
How can you "love" Jesus without understanding who and what he was? He spoke to all mankind, but he taught the torah to the jews.

You are not commenting, you are still preaching. Proselytizing to people secure in their own beliefs, and not fearing god, but have an understanding and love you lack.
I have become convinced the very reason Jesus speaks little about End Times is because He does not want the focus for Christians to be on that topic versus on Him and His teachings.

And what He teaches is Love, the first command, love God with all of your heart and all of your mind and all of your soul. The second command, love your neighbor as yourself. In these two commands, the Law is fulfilled.

Later, Jesus says, I give you a new command, love one another as I have loved you. His life and death are the example for Christians to follow.

And in The Gospels, we have The Sermon On the Mount, where we read many teachings of Jesus, like His command to Christians to love our enemy. He says God made the Sun rise on and the rain come down on them too. He loves them, too, is the point.

Also, The Gospels are filled with Parables which teach many things to believers in Jesus. Why parables? I think they cannot be understood without belief in Jesus. And in all He taught, reading The Gospels is always imparting new truths to those who read them, with a belief in Jesus.
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anyone who has read the NAZI PROPAGANDA---of the past 150 years, knows that
NAZIS depend on sophistry and often on cynical distortions of semantics Please note--
I have used the term NAZI to describe intensive anti semetism-----which is----actually
INTENSE HATRED OF JEWS---by definition In fact nazism is a construct that developed
in Geermany in the last 1920s.

The word ZIONISM has been used in english for two concepts-----one---the biblical
zionism----which is the major theme of the 'old' testament and ----another ---which is
more or less secular vs more or less religion based and sometimes called "POLITICAL
ZIONISM" The more or less religion/secular based is te one invented
in the late 1800s The standard Zionism----the the one which is the theme of the "old"
testament. Islamo nazi propagandaists define ZIONISM as ---as excluding the
religion based zionism which is the theme of the "old" testament in order to justify
their genocidal ideology

In sum-----they engage in sophistry and manipulation of semantics to justify their filth---
somethings never change
To repute the slanderous Zionist claims against Jesus, one has to read about who Jesus really is.

It is as simple as that.

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.

He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.

And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.

For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved.

But he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God.

John 3 - Jesus Teaches Nicodemus - Now there was - Bible Gateway

Jesus is who He says He is, not a Zionist, but the Son of God.

I pity you and all Zionists for your continuing disbelief in Jesus.

You choose whether to believe in Jesus, a choice between Heaven and hell.

>> Quote: Originally Posted by SherriMunnerlyn View Post
Taking a stand on who Jesus is is itself an act of love.<<

Well this thread has a lot of love because we have shown you Jesus was born a jew, raise in the jewish faith, is a decedent of King David, taught the torah, observed the passover, was killed by romans for being "King of the Jews" as the magi had believed and was buried as a jew.
His Mother was jewish, his brothers and sisters were jewish, his brother James even became a priest at the temple before it's destruction by the romans.
If not a jew in Judea that only wanted to remove roman corruption from the Jerusalem temple, why was he born where he was that that time?
He could have been born in greece, turkey, egypt, rome, spain.....
He was a jew that loved his country and his people (in your term) wanted to save them, to open their hearts to god, to teach them about the spirit of the torah and not to be consumed with the letter of the law. He taught them love and forgiveness.
If not a zionist, god should have made him chinese
He didn't, he made Jesus jewish. He wanted to inspire people in the temples true purpose, to bring them close to god.
Even without a temple Jerusalem is still in the hearts of every jews and most christians.... and now muslims. Zion, Jerusalem, is still a place of god for billions of people.

As a christian are you going to remove zion and jerusalem from the bible? Change Jesus heritage? Give him a different set of teachings? Jesus and the bible are what they are.

I respect his teaching and don't dismiss totally the idea of a "force" or the miracle of how life began on the rock or the creation of the universe. I just reject the manipulation and corrupted purpose of religion. I respect Buddha and Krishna, etc, as well. Any teaching of a more moral and peaceful world. Any teaching of tolerance and love.

"I will tell you what to hate. Hate hypocrisy; hate cant; hate intolerance, oppression, injustice, pharisaism; hate them as Christ hated - with a deed abiding god like hated"
~ F.W.Roberson

You are the epitome of all this unfortunately, and I pity you for having lost the purpose of you acclaimed faith, for being so far from the god that you believe in.

I pity the other forum members for having to put up with their ranting and hate.

You are intolerant of anyone that does not think as you do.

You hate anyone that does not share your hate, your bigotry or your prejudice.

Your hate of god's people and of god's house on earth. How you must hate your bible for praising such thing. How you must hate the god of Abraham, Jacob, Moses and Jesus.
How can you "love" Jesus without understanding who and what he was? He spoke to all mankind, but he taught the torah to the jews.

You are not commenting, you are still preaching. Proselytizing to people secure in their own beliefs, and not fearing god, but have an understanding and love you lack.
You obviously know all about Nazism , as Zionism is todays Nazism.

There is nothing of Jesus in Nazism and nothing of Jesus in the progeny of Nazism, Zionism, either.

it does not matter what the founders of these Ideologies claimed to be.

anyone who has read the NAZI PROPAGANDA---of the past 150 years, knows that
NAZIS depend on sophistry and often on cynical distortions of semantics Please note--
I have used the term NAZI to describe intensive anti semetism-----which is----actually
INTENSE HATRED OF JEWS---by definition In fact nazism is a construct that developed
in Geermany in the last 1920s.

The word ZIONISM has been used in english for two concepts-----one---the biblical
zionism----which is the major theme of the 'old' testament and ----another ---which is
more or less secular vs more or less religion based and sometimes called "POLITICAL
ZIONISM" The more or less religion/secular based is te one invented
in the late 1800s The standard Zionism----the the one which is the theme of the "old"
testament. Islamo nazi propagandaists define ZIONISM as ---as excluding the
religion based zionism which is the theme of the "old" testament in order to justify
their genocidal ideology

In sum-----they engage in sophistry and manipulation of semantics to justify their filth---
somethings never change
But you said Hamas resembles Jesus, or did you say Jesus resembles Hamas. Boy, you are one confused SOB as you all say. :cuckoo:

You obviously know all about Nazism , as Zionism is todays Nazism.

There is nothing of Jesus in Nazism and nothing of Jesus in the progeny of Nazism, Zionism, either.

it does not matter what the founders of these Ideologies claimed to be.

anyone who has read the NAZI PROPAGANDA---of the past 150 years, knows that
NAZIS depend on sophistry and often on cynical distortions of semantics Please note--
I have used the term NAZI to describe intensive anti semetism-----which is----actually
INTENSE HATRED OF JEWS---by definition In fact nazism is a construct that developed
in Geermany in the last 1920s.

The word ZIONISM has been used in english for two concepts-----one---the biblical
zionism----which is the major theme of the 'old' testament and ----another ---which is
more or less secular vs more or less religion based and sometimes called "POLITICAL
ZIONISM" The more or less religion/secular based is te one invented
in the late 1800s The standard Zionism----the the one which is the theme of the "old"
testament. Islamo nazi propagandaists define ZIONISM as ---as excluding the
religion based zionism which is the theme of the "old" testament in order to justify
their genocidal ideology

In sum-----they engage in sophistry and manipulation of semantics to justify their filth---
somethings never change
Who owns Palestine?

God owns Palestine, yesterday, today, and tomorrow.

God owns it and puts it in whose hands He will.

Just look at her History.

And my Prayer right now is for justice and kindness and forgiveness and peace in Palestine.

May God bless this Prayer I lift up and pray in Jesus precious name.

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I have become convinced the very reason Jesus speaks little about End Times is because He does not want the focus for Christians to be on that topic versus on Him and His teachings.

And what He teaches is Love, the first command, love God with all of your heart and all of your mind and all of your soul. The second command, love your neighbor as yourself. In these two commands, the Law is fulfilled.

Later, Jesus says, I give you a new command, love one another as I have loved you. His life and death are the example for Christians to follow.

And in The Gospels, we have The Sermon On the Mount, where we read many teachings of Jesus, like His command to Christians to love our enemy. He says God made the Sun rise on and the rain come down on them too. He loves them, too, is the point.

Also, The Gospels are filled with Parables which teach many things to believers in Jesus. Why parables? I think they cannot be understood without belief in Jesus. And in all He taught, reading The Gospels is always imparting new truths to those who read them.

Sherri long ago when I was a kid-----MOST of my friends were christians----it was
LONG ago -----I was always amazed at what they did not know about their own
religion and judaism-------All your quotations which you attribute to Jesus----are
HIS quotations of prior jewish writings. His prayer----on "the mount" "you shall
love your G-d etc etc (brace yourself) is repeated every day by obsevant jews --
to this day and has been for more than 2500 years -----it is written on that little thing
jews mount on doorposts----also for a more than 2500 years

I was a kid LONG AGO----before the internet------your ignorance is inexcusable

btw---the parables in the "gospel" are typical pharisee stuff and the adages
are mostly lifted from the talmud
anyone who has read the NAZI PROPAGANDA---of the past 150 years, knows that
NAZIS depend on sophistry and often on cynical distortions of semantics Please note--
I have used the term NAZI to describe intensive anti semetism-----which is----actually
INTENSE HATRED OF JEWS---by definition In fact nazism is a construct that developed
in Geermany in the last 1920s.

The word ZIONISM has been used in english for two concepts-----one---the biblical
zionism----which is the major theme of the 'old' testament and ----another ---which is
more or less secular vs more or less religion based and sometimes called "POLITICAL
ZIONISM" The more or less religion/secular based is te one invented
in the late 1800s The standard Zionism----the the one which is the theme of the "old"
testament. Islamo nazi propagandaists define ZIONISM as ---as excluding the
religion based zionism which is the theme of the "old" testament in order to justify
their genocidal ideology

In sum-----they engage in sophistry and manipulation of semantics to justify their filth---
somethings never change

I can't but help think (when Mrs. Sherri was posting about reading books from the 1800s) about what they Presbyterian Minister wrote in his book entitled "The Last Days of Christ Revealed" in the latter part of the 20th Century. He was actually able to see a translation of the Dead Sea Scrolls, which of course we know weren't available in the 1800's. He relates as to how Jesus belonged to the Essene sect, and that Jesus was the military messiah (messiah simply meaning the annointed one), and that John the Baptist was the religious messiah. When John the Baptist was killed, Jesus took on both "hats."
Mother Theresa said it so well.

She said I see Jesus in every person.

But I can't expect one who continues in their disbelief in Jesus to understand that. All I do is share her words with you.

I cannot expect anything of you/ from you.

And a distinction must be made here, evil is a choice, there are evil ideologies, like Nazism and Zionism. People can choose to embrace their ideals and evil acts, but at anytime they can also freely turn away from those ideologies and turn to Jesus.

As long as we breathe air, at least that long, we have still time to repent from sin and turn to Jesus and believe in Him in spirit and truth and make Him our Lord and Savior.

And then we can say in all Truth, we are His people and He is our God.

But you said Hamas resembles Jesus, or did you say Jesus resembles Hamas. Boy, you are one confused SOB as you all say. :cuckoo:

You obviously know all about Nazism , as Zionism is todays Nazism.

There is nothing of Jesus in Nazism and nothing of Jesus in the progeny of Nazism, Zionism, either.

it does not matter what the founders of these Ideologies claimed to be.

anyone who has read the NAZI PROPAGANDA---of the past 150 years, knows that
NAZIS depend on sophistry and often on cynical distortions of semantics Please note--
I have used the term NAZI to describe intensive anti semetism-----which is----actually
INTENSE HATRED OF JEWS---by definition In fact nazism is a construct that developed
in Geermany in the last 1920s.

The word ZIONISM has been used in english for two concepts-----one---the biblical
zionism----which is the major theme of the 'old' testament and ----another ---which is
more or less secular vs more or less religion based and sometimes called "POLITICAL
ZIONISM" The more or less religion/secular based is te one invented
in the late 1800s The standard Zionism----the the one which is the theme of the "old"
testament. Islamo nazi propagandaists define ZIONISM as ---as excluding the
religion based zionism which is the theme of the "old" testament in order to justify
their genocidal ideology

In sum-----they engage in sophistry and manipulation of semantics to justify their filth---
somethings never change
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in response to logical discussion-----the VERY BEST that sherri could
muster is ZIONISM IS THE NAZISM OF TODAY-----ie----she got NUTHIN'
To repute the slanderous Zionist claims against Jesus, one has to read about who Jesus really is.

It is as simple as that.

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.

He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.

And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.

For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved.

But he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God.

John 3 - Jesus Teaches Nicodemus - Now there was - Bible Gateway

Jesus is who He says He is, not a Zionist, but the Son of God.

I pity you and all Zionists for your continuing disbelief in Jesus.

You choose whether to believe in Jesus, a choice between Heaven and hell.

You are not commenting, you are still preaching. Proselytizing to people secure in their own beliefs, and not fearing god, but have an understanding and love you lack.

You have to remember, Mrs. Sherri, that Aris herself was brought up a Christian just as you have. The big difference is that she has tolerance for all of the religions which apparently you don't have. I doubt if most of the viewers here or the posters care if anyone worships the Man in the Moom or the Purple People Eater. That would be each individual's choice. All they care about is that people should not be murdered for their religious beliefs. It almost sounds like you are guilty about something in your own life, and to get away from this guilt, you feel you have to start preaching to evryone. Why not start preaching to the Iranian gang which is helping you post?
You are wrong, Rosie.

All Jesus says comes straight from His Father.

Jesus is the Word, who existed before anything or any living creature in this world was created.

If it, words of Jesus, bear any resemblance to what was written before, it is because God The Father was the author of those original words appearing in The Old Testament.

From the beginning, I believe it is Matthew 4, we read Jesus preached the Gospel of the Kingdom, what He preached was always only what the Father directed Him to teach, and it had nothing to do with prior teachings of Judaism, except to fulfill promises from The Old Testament that speak of Jesus coming.

I have become convinced the very reason Jesus speaks little about End Times is because He does not want the focus for Christians to be on that topic versus on Him and His teachings.

And what He teaches is Love, the first command, love God with all of your heart and all of your mind and all of your soul. The second command, love your neighbor as yourself. In these two commands, the Law is fulfilled.

Later, Jesus says, I give you a new command, love one another as I have loved you. His life and death are the example for Christians to follow.

And in The Gospels, we have The Sermon On the Mount, where we read many teachings of Jesus, like His command to Christians to love our enemy. He says God made the Sun rise on and the rain come down on them too. He loves them, too, is the point.

Also, The Gospels are filled with Parables which teach many things to believers in Jesus. Why parables? I think they cannot be understood without belief in Jesus. And in all He taught, reading The Gospels is always imparting new truths to those who read them.

Sherri long ago when I was a kid-----MOST of my friends were christians----it was
LONG ago -----I was always amazed at what they did not know about their own
religion and judaism-------All your quotations which you attribute to Jesus----are
HIS quotations of prior jewish writings. His prayer----on "the mount" "you shall
love your G-d etc etc (brace yourself) is repeated every day by obsevant jews --
to this day and has been for more than 2500 years -----it is written on that little thing
jews mount on doorposts----also for a more than 2500 years

I was a kid LONG AGO----before the internet------your ignorance is inexcusable

btw---the parables in the "gospel" are typical pharisee stuff and the adages
are mostly lifted from the talmud
Stop hating others that don't share your fanatical and over zealous interpretation of the bible.
Stop calling other with rations opinions liars.
Stop throwing stone at others, before you remove your own sins (ssssssssss)
Stop judging others or condemning them to hell. God has many paths, but we all get the same destination.
Stop playing sunday school teach or god.
Begone evil thing, you have no power here. God gave us brains to evaluate and analyze and make up our own minds, to make our own decisions. You are not our taskmaster, our savior nor our judge.
If anything you do more to turn people away for your corrupt teaching than help your cause.
You are a magot among giants in a mosh pit. Music please!

To repute the slanderous Zionist claims against Jesus, one has to read about who Jesus really is.

It is as simple as that.

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.

He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.

And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.

For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved.

But he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God.

John 3 - Jesus Teaches Nicodemus - Now there was - Bible Gateway

Jesus is who He says He is, not a Zionist, but the Son of God.

I pity you and all Zionists for your continuing disbelief in Jesus.

You choose whether to believe in Jesus, a choice between Heaven and hell.

You are not commenting, you are still preaching. Proselytizing to people secure in their own beliefs, and not fearing god, but have an understanding and love you lack.
Stop hating others that don't share your fanatical and over zealous interpretation of the bible.
Stop calling other with rations opinions liars.
Stop throwing stone at others, before you remove your own sins (ssssssssss)
Stop judging others or condemning them to hell. God has many paths, but we all get the same destination.
Stop playing sunday school teach or god.
Begone evil thing, you have no power here. God gave us brains to evaluate and analyze and make up our own minds, to make our own decisions. You are not our taskmaster, our savior nor our judge.
If anything you do more to turn people away for your corrupt teaching than help your cause.
You are a magot among giants in a mosh pit. Music please!

To repute the slanderous Zionist claims against Jesus, one has to read about who Jesus really is.

It is as simple as that.

You are not commenting, you are still preaching. Proselytizing to people secure in their own beliefs, and not fearing god, but have an understanding and love you lack.

Well said ! :clap2:
Not doing any of that.

Just responding to slander against Jesus, which I will keep doing as long as posters continue to slander Jesus

Stop hating others that don't share your fanatical and over zealous interpretation of the bible.
Stop calling other with rations opinions liars.
Stop throwing stone at others, before you remove your own sins (ssssssssss)
Stop judging others or condemning them to hell. God has many paths, but we all get the same destination.
Stop playing sunday school teach or god.
Begone evil thing, you have no power here. God gave us brains to evaluate and analyze and make up our own minds, to make our own decisions. You are not our taskmaster, our savior nor our judge.
If anything you do more to turn people away for your corrupt teaching than help your cause.
You are a magot among giants in a mosh pit. Music please!

To repute the slanderous Zionist claims against Jesus, one has to read about who Jesus really is.

It is as simple as that.

Well said ! :clap2:
Not doing any of that.

Just responding to slander against Jesus, which I will keep doing as long as posters continue to slander Jesus

Stop hating others that don't share your fanatical and over zealous interpretation of the bible.
Stop calling other with rations opinions liars.
Stop throwing stone at others, before you remove your own sins (ssssssssss)
Stop judging others or condemning them to hell. God has many paths, but we all get the same destination.
Stop playing sunday school teach or god.
Begone evil thing, you have no power here. God gave us brains to evaluate and analyze and make up our own minds, to make our own decisions. You are not our taskmaster, our savior nor our judge.
If anything you do more to turn people away for your corrupt teaching than help your cause.
You are a magot among giants in a mosh pit. Music please!

Well said ! :clap2:

Satanic Fatima...the readers can easily see you do all of that plus you have been caught telling outright lies on many occasions. Christians don't lie and they don't condemn others to hell which you do every day. Come out of her Satan!
Jesus is not a Zionist, Jesus slanderer.

Jesus says the meek shall inherit the earth.

Jesus preached this:


Matthew 5

The Beatitudes

He said:

3 &#8220;Blessed are the poor in spirit,
for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
4 Blessed are those who mourn,
for they will be comforted.
5 Blessed are the meek,
for they will inherit the earth.
6 Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness,
for they will be filled.
7 Blessed are the merciful,
for they will be shown mercy.
8 Blessed are the pure in heart,
for they will see God.
9 Blessed are the peacemakers,
for they will be called children of God.
10 Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness,
for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

11 &#8220;Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. 12 Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you

What He does not say is Blessed is Israel.

What He does not say is Blessed are Zionists.

What He does not say is that He is a Zionist.

Not doing any of that.

Just responding to slander against Jesus, which I will keep doing as long as posters continue to slander Jesus

Well said ! :clap2:

Satanic Fatima...the readers can easily see you do all of that plus you have been caught telling outright lies on many occasions. Christians don't lie and they don't condemn others to hell which you do every day. Come out of her Satan!
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