Even Jesus Is A Zionist

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And Jesus just spake to me. He said you are correct Blood. Sherri is an imp of Satan. Not only that but she is a liar, a hypocrite, a heretic and a fornicator. She hates Jews and Israel. Thinks Jewish children are legitimate military targets. Praises God when a Jew dies. Condemns them to hell. She is a shill for Hamas. Has 2 or 3 Iranians posting to her account...and oh yes...I am a Zionist.
Can Sally read English?

The people blaspheming Jesus in Luke are Jewish.

The people blaspheming Jesus here, many are Jewish.

Blasphemy against Jesus by Jews has been going on for approaching 2000 years now, why should I expect it to stop now?

And many other things blasphemously spake they against him.

And as soon as it was day, the elders of the people and the chief priests and the scribes came together, and led him into their council, saying,

Art thou the Christ? tell us. And he said unto them, If I tell you, ye will not believe:

And if I also ask you, ye will not answer me, nor let me go.

Hereafter shall the Son of man sit on the right hand of the power of God.

Then said they all, Art thou then the Son of God? And he said unto them, Ye say that I am.

And they said, What need we any further witness? for we ourselves have heard of his own mouth.

Luke 22 - Judas Agrees to Betray Jesus - Now the - Bible Gateway

Really??? I don't even think the Jews think about Jesus. However, people do know that when Christianity was accepted by the Romans, the Jews certainly didn't fare so good. Meanwhile, aren't you conveniently forgetting that so much of the Middle East was originally inhabited by the early followers of Jesus. When your friends left the Saudi Peninsula and invaded these countries, they forced many of the Christians to convert and killed so many who refused. Now the descendents of the early Christians who were lucky enough to survive that onslaught can't practice their beliefs in peace, not to speak of all those that your friends are busy murdering even now. Now how about going into the kitchen and making a good Southern meal for your Iranian gang? They must be starving what with all the posting they are doing around the clock.
And Jesus just spake to me. He said you are correct Blood. Sherri is an imp of Satan. Not only that but she is a liar, a hypocrite, a heretic and a fornicator. She hates Jews and Israel. Thinks Jewish children are legitimate military targets. Praises God when a Jew dies. Condemns them to hell. She is a shill for Hamas. Has 2 or 3 Iranians posting to her account...and oh yes...I am a Zionist.

Did you ever watch the Rev. Ernest Angley on television> To perform a "miracle," he would slap someone on the back real hard and yell out "Out Foul Devil." I think Mrs. Sherri needs someone to do that to her.

I thank you so much for your hate filled words, I am blessed by your hate and personal attacks and slanderous lies.

Keep it coming now, I don't want my Blessings to stop.

And Jesus just spake to me. He said you are correct Blood. Sherri is an imp of Satan. Not only that but she is a liar, a hypocrite, a heretic and a fornicator. She hates Jews and Israel. Thinks Jewish children are legitimate military targets. Praises God when a Jew dies. Condemns them to hell. She is a shill for Hamas. Has 2 or 3 Iranians posting to her account...and oh yes...I am a Zionist.
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http://www.alphanewsdaily.com/Warning 17 Christians Will Be Hated.html

And Jesus prayed, "I have given them Your word;

******* and the world has hated them**(those Christians who love and follow the Messiah)

******* because they are not of the world,

******* just as I am not of the world.

******* I do not pray that You should take them out of the world,

******* but that You should keep them from the evil one (Satan)."

******* (In the Bible, Satan is also called the "Ruler*of this world"... until Christ (Messiah) returns)

******* (John 17:14-15)

If the world hates you,

******* you know that it hated Me before it hated you.

******* If you were of the world, the world would love its own.

******* Yet because you are not of the world,

******* but I chose you*out*of the world,

********therefore the world hates you."

******* (John 15:18-19)

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Can Sally read English?

The people blaspheming Jesus in Luke are Jewish.

The people blaspheming Jesus here, many are Jewish.

Blasphemy against Jesus by Jews has been going on for approaching 2000 years now, why should I expect it to stop now?

And many other things blasphemously spake they against him.

And as soon as it was day, the elders of the people and the chief priests and the scribes came together, and led him into their council, saying,

Art thou the Christ? tell us. And he said unto them, If I tell you, ye will not believe:

And if I also ask you, ye will not answer me, nor let me go.

Hereafter shall the Son of man sit on the right hand of the power of God.

Then said they all, Art thou then the Son of God? And he said unto them, Ye say that I am.

And they said, What need we any further witness? for we ourselves have heard of his own mouth.

Luke 22 - Judas Agrees to Betray Jesus - Now the - Bible Gateway

Really??? I don't even think the Jews think about Jesus. However, people do know that when Christianity was accepted by the Romans, the Jews certainly didn't fare so good. Meanwhile, aren't you conveniently forgetting that so much of the Middle East was originally inhabited by the early followers of Jesus. When your friends left the Saudi Peninsula and invaded these countries, they forced many of the Christians to convert and killed so many who refused. Now the descendents of the early Christians who were lucky enough to survive that onslaught can't practice their beliefs in peace, not to speak of all those that your friends are busy murdering even now. Now how about going into the kitchen and making a good Southern meal for your Iranian gang? They must be starving what with all the posting they are doing around the clock.

Hmm, wonder how many in Mrs. Sherr's Iranian gang took ESL classes. Meanwhile, Mrs. Sherri, do you really think that the readers are actually going to read all the Scriptures you are copying and pasting from the Internet. If anyone was interested, they could of course do this for themselves, and they don't need you. For the life of me, I don't understand why you don't preach to your Iranian gang to accept Jesus. Sit them down at the kitchen table, take out a Bible, and start reading to them.
And Jesus just spake to me. He said you are correct Blood. Sherri is an imp of Satan. Not only that but she is a liar, a hypocrite, a heretic and a fornicator. She hates Jews and Israel. Thinks Jewish children are legitimate military targets. Praises God when a Jew dies. Condemns them to hell. She is a shill for Hamas. Has 2 or 3 Iranians posting to her account...and oh yes...I am a Zionist.

Did you ever watch the Rev. Ernest Angley on television> To perform a "miracle," he would slap someone on the back real hard and yell out "Out Foul Devil." I think Mrs. Sherri needs someone to do that to her.

Ernest Angley

Damn, does that bring back memories. I remember watching his show as a kid, and laughing my ass off when he would smack someone in the head while yelling "Heal". :lol:
And Jesus just spake to me. He said you are correct Blood. Sherri is an imp of Satan. Not only that but she is a liar, a hypocrite, a heretic and a fornicator. She hates Jews and Israel. Thinks Jewish children are legitimate military targets. Praises God when a Jew dies. Condemns them to hell. She is a shill for Hamas. Has 2 or 3 Iranians posting to her account...and oh yes...I am a Zionist.

Did you ever watch the Rev. Ernest Angley on television> To perform a "miracle," he would slap someone on the back real hard and yell out "Out Foul Devil." I think Mrs. Sherri needs someone to do that to her.
I'll volunteer. All I need is a Louisville Slugger.
Matthew 5 - Introduction to the Sermon on the Mount - Bible Gateway

I thank you so much for your hate filled words, I am blessed by your hate and personal attacks and slanderous lies.

Keep it coming now, I don't want my Blessings to stop.

And Jesus just spake to me. He said you are correct Blood. Sherri is an imp of Satan. Not only that but she is a liar, a hypocrite, a heretic and a fornicator. She hates Jews and Israel. Thinks Jewish children are legitimate military targets. Praises God when a Jew dies. Condemns them to hell. She is a shill for Hamas. Has 2 or 3 Iranians posting to her account...and oh yes...I am a Zionist.
You blessing people now, Miz Jebus?
I thank you so much for your hate filled words, I am blessed by your hate and personal attacks and slanderous lies.

Keep it coming now, I don't want my Blessings to stop.
It really sad how the so called Christians here attack you Sherri.

I expected the Jews to slander you because you don't endorse their genocidal and racist views.

But it's disappointing to see the Christians behave this way. ... :cool:

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And Jesus just spake to me. He said you are correct Blood. Sherri is an imp of Satan. Not only that but she is a liar, a hypocrite, a heretic and a fornicator. She hates Jews and Israel. Thinks Jewish children are legitimate military targets. Praises God when a Jew dies. Condemns them to hell. She is a shill for Hamas. Has 2 or 3 Iranians posting to her account...and oh yes...I am a Zionist.

Did you ever watch the Rev. Ernest Angley on television> To perform a "miracle," he would slap someone on the back real hard and yell out "Out Foul Devil." I think Mrs. Sherri needs someone to do that to her.

Ernest Angley

Damn, does that bring back memories. I remember watching his show as a kid, and laughing my ass off when he would smack someone in the head while yelling "Heal". :lol:

I think he was eventually arrested in Germany for "practicing medicine without a license."
But, Mrs. Sherri really does need someone to perform an exorcist on her while yelling "Out Foul Devil."
I thank you so much for your hate filled words, I am blessed by your hate and personal attacks and slanderous lies.

Keep it coming now, I don't want my Blessings to stop.
It really sad how the so called Christians here attack you Sherri.

I expected the Jews to slander you because you don't endorse their genocidal and racist views.

But it's disappointing to see the Christians behave this way. ... :cool:

Feed that troll, Sunni Man. She'll start talking in tongues pretty soon.
More truths about Zionists great theologian John Hagee.

"Who is the Jesus of John C. Hagee? *We don't really know. His Jesus did not come to earth to be the Messiah. I understand he is now rewriting chapter 10 of his book and claims Jesus was a Messiah but not the one for the Jewish people. *He was a Messiah only for non-Jews. *I will come back here and add to my rebuttal once I have read his reconstruction and Jewish revisionism. *But would his revisionism change the fact he denies the Jesus of the New Testament? *Would it change the fact he is a confessed antichrist? what ever John Charles Hagee does now will all be a sham. *He has revealed his heart and soul by agreeing with Jews who are antichrist that their Messiah has not come in the flesh.

Hagee has fallen into the Jewish fallacy and lies that their real Messiah would come and deliver them from Roman occupation and control. *Since Jesus did not come as a military victor and evict the Roman forces and establish the Davidic kingdom, Hagee claims he did not qualify as the prophetic delivering Jewish Messiah. *But Hagee does have Jesus being a Messiah to the Gentile world. *In this manner he can be an antichrist and also claim to be a believer in Jesus as a Messiah. *There is nothing within the New Testament of this Hagee Jesus. *The Apostles did not teach this doctrine of two Messiahs: one for the Jews and a different one for Gentiles. *They did not reject Jesus as the promised Messiah for Israel using Hageeism interpretatioOn! *Let's face it, Hagee is preaching another Gospel and another Jesus."

Pastor John Hagee Modern Antichrist
Majority of Christian Americans that support Israel and are Zionists, aren't necessarily in Hagee's church nor do they know who he is. There are hundreds of American Christian groups numbering in the tens of millions who stand shoulder to shoulder with Israel.

Jihad Sherri quote of the year:
:cuckoo: Hamas resembles Jesus :cuckoo:
I thank you so much for your hate filled words, I am blessed by your hate and personal attacks and slanderous lies.

Keep it coming now, I don't want my Blessings to stop.
It really sad how the so called Christians here attack you Sherri.

I expected the Jews to slander you because you don't endorse their genocidal and racist views.

But it's disappointing to see the Christians behave this way. ... :cool:

There ya go, the only person who agrees with Jihad Sherri is an Islamist moron.

Doesn't get any better than this, does it?

With friends like this, who really needs enemies?
Can Sally read English?

The people blaspheming Jesus in Luke are Jewish.

The people blaspheming Jesus here, many are Jewish.

Really??? I don't even think the Jews think about Jesus. However, people do know that when Christianity was accepted by the Romans, the Jews certainly didn't fare so good. Meanwhile, aren't you conveniently forgetting that so much of the Middle East was originally inhabited by the early followers of Jesus. When your friends left the Saudi Peninsula and invaded these countries, they forced many of the Christians to convert and killed so many who refused. Now the descendents of the early Christians who were lucky enough to survive that onslaught can't practice their beliefs in peace, not to speak of all those that your friends are busy murdering even now. Now how about going into the kitchen and making a good Southern meal for your Iranian gang? They must be starving what with all the posting they are doing around the clock.

Hmm, wonder how many in Mrs. Sherr's Iranian gang took ESL classes. Meanwhile, Mrs. Sherri, do you really think that the readers are actually going to read all the Scriptures you are copying and pasting from the Internet. If anyone was interested, they could of course do this for themselves, and they don't need you. For the life of me, I don't understand why you don't preach to your Iranian gang to accept Jesus. Sit them down at the kitchen table, take out a Bible, and start reading to them.
She can always break the ice with this.....

Jihad Sherri quote of the year:
:cuckoo: Hamas resembles Jesus :cuckoo:
I thank you so much for your hate filled words, I am blessed by your hate and personal attacks and slanderous lies.

Keep it coming now, I don't want my Blessings to stop.
It really sad how the so called Christians here attack you Sherri.

I expected the Jews to slander you because you don't endorse their genocidal and racist views.

But it's disappointing to see the Christians behave this way. ... :cool:


And it has been very disappointing on a Middle East forum where many Christians as well as Muslims have been and are still being killed that you or Mrs. Sherri say nothing to condemn this. Do you think the relatives of those who have been killed or wounded would care about Mrs. Sherri posting Scripture on a Middle East forum, or would they rather she be telling everyone to do what they can to help these unfortunate people?
Sherri follows the gospel teachings of Jesus in the New Testament.

That's why she knows supporting Israel's fascist policies and racist agenda isn't Christian. ... :cool:
Sherri's version of Christianity is an abomination and is closer to Islam.

Jihad Sherri quote of the year:
:cuckoo: Hamas resembles Jesus :cuckoo:
Do you think the relatives of those who have been killed or wounded would care about Mrs. Sherri posting Scripture on a Middle East forum, or would they rather she be telling everyone to do what they can to help these unfortunate people?[/

quote]Don't know.......don't care. ..... :cool:

Of course, you don't care what is happening to these unfortunate people. Why should you care when it is your fellow Muslims who are involved in the killing, the wounding and the making refugees of these Syrians? Meanwhile, if you enjoy Mrs. Sherri's posting of Scriptures so much, maybe she will bring you back to Christianity.
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