Even Jesus Is A Zionist

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Why is it Sally has such a hard time discussing thread topics?

We are dealing with this false claim that Jesus is a Zionist.

And if Sally were a Christian, which she sometimes hints she might be, why does she not understand that Jesus leads those who believe in Him where He chooses to lead them?

Zionists seem to have a huge problem submitting to God and Gods authority.

Of course, you don't care what is happening to these unfortunate people. Why should you care when it is your fellow Muslims who are involved in the killing, the wounding and the making refugees of these Syrians? Meanwhile, if you enjoy Mrs. Sherri's posting of Scriptures so much, maybe she will bring you back to Christianity.

Just because YOU, a hateful, hypocritical, bigoted, anti - semitic, lying sack of SHIT says it is a false claim, doesn't make it so.
Ever so slightly off-topic: Hi, Androw - and welcome to the board : ))

Just a minor point here: The Jews didn't just up and decide to hate on the Samaritans one day, yanno! The Samaritans rejected the Oral Teachings (Talmud) - although they have a version of their own. There is some thought that the original Samaritans were actually imported from Assyria when the Jews were hauled off to Babylon. Although they were allowed by Ezra to participate in building the Second Temple, the Samaritans were considered heretics by the Jews. They weren't 'hated' as in oppressed, but ostracized (the feeling was mutual) - as per the instructions in the Torah .

A minister friend of ours gave a sermon on that parable several years ago: he told his congregation to think about the group they most despised, and replace 'Samaritan' with that word to get at the true meaning of the parable. So it could've been the story of (forgive the language) "The Good ******" or "The Good Honkey" or The Good Gook" or "The Good Papist" or "The Good Heathen".......... His sermon had been directly inspired by one of his congregation who told a 'joke' in his hearing:

"A ****** and a **** both fall off the Empire State building - which one hits the ground first?"

"Who cares, so long as they both do?"
And after over 3000 posts, still no one can point out where Jesus says He is a Zionist.

And the reason is He never did, because He was not and is not a Zionist.

He is the Son of God, I guess I will post that Scripture again, try to read it, Jesus clearly says who He is.

The problem is in The New Testament there is a new covenant and Salvation comes from belief in Jesus for both Jews and Gentile.

Jesus is the fulfillment of all promises of The Old Testament.

Jesus says nothing about a promise of land to Jews left to be fulfilled, it is nowhere in Jesus teachings.

Zionists want to create a new Jesus and ignore who Jesus says He is and who The Gospels say Jesus is.

Man was made in the image of God, Zionists want to set themselves above God even, and declare God made in the image of Zionists.

Zionism is not the Gospel of the Kingdom Jesus teaches, it never was and it never will be and Jesus cannot simply be transformed by Zionists into someone He is not.

None of what you just said changes the fact that Jesus was a Zionist.

You can try all you want, but your bullshit posts won't change a thing

The fact that you think that Jesus has to say he is a Zionist for it to be true, shows just how stupid you are. Go back to school Sherri, so you can learn how to read and how to interpret passages
Leave sherri alone-----she believes that the entity she calls "god"----is
---sometimes "isa/alla" and sometimes G-d/Jesus--------most of all she
believes that Jesus----the one who is also isa---and is also G-d/alla------is a liar.
He repeatedly states thruout the bible that no matter what happen the children of
Israel (aka Jacob) will GO UP----ie ---either be or end up in ZION ----sherri
believes-----the repeated assertion of THE "GO UP" thing is a lie. Thus ---
isa/alla or whoever it is who is her "god" ---some thing which is a liar----or something
never even mentioned in the bible. It certainly does show up in the koran. That one h
had entirely different policies----now being played out in SYRIA Interestinly enough---
ALEPPO seems to be one of the major arenas of that play. -----an interesting factoid of
HISTORY------Aleppo is NINEVEH remember Nineveh? It is the city that JONAH
was reluctant to save-------but he was kinda forced to do so-----after being eaten by
moby dick ------Aleppo is NINEVEH ------Jonah had to save that city just so the play
could go on THE PLAY MUST GO ON !!!!! even moby dick knew that.

remember CAPTAIN AHAB? he was married to first mate JEZEBEL <<< I have
no doubt that there is hidden meaning somewhere in that interesting coincidence----
Aleppo, Jonah, Nineveh, Moby Dick, Captain Ahab, Jezebel ---etc ......
Can't we all picture the l'il sherrithing telling that same 'joke' about a Jewish and a Christian Zionist?
I keep giving you the words of Jesus where He Himself says who He is, the Son of God.

AND you keep rejecting Him for who He says He is and saying He is One He is not.

Clearly, what I see is Zionists creating a God and a Jesus in their own image, and you have it ass backwards .

GOD is the Creator, we are His creations, He created man in His image, it's not us creating God in our image.

I have not forgotten you agreeing with Sharon sons when they said their father went when he was ready. You give a human credit for a matter of life and death only God controls, again setting yourself above God.

Why is it Sally has such a hard time discussing thread topics?

We are dealing with this false claim that Jesus is a Zionist.

And if Sally were a Christian, which she sometimes hints she might be, why does she not understand that Jesus leads those who believe in Him where He chooses to lead them?

Zionists seem to have a huge problem submitting to God and Gods authority.

Just because YOU, a hateful, hypocritical, bigoted, anti - semitic, lying sack of SHIT says it is a false claim, doesn't make it so.
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I keep giving you the words of Jesus where He Himself says who He is, the Son of God.

AND you keep rejecting Him for who He says He is and saying He is One He is not.

Clearly, what I see is Zionists creating a God and a Jesus in their own image, and you have it ass backwards .

GOD is the Creator, we are His creations, He created man in His image, it's not us creating God in our image.

I have not forgotten you agreeing with Sharon sons when they said their father went when he was ready. You give a human credit for a matter of life and death only God controls, again setting yourself above God.

Why is it Sally has such a hard time discussing thread topics?

We are dealing with this false claim that Jesus is a Zionist.

And if Sally were a Christian, which she sometimes hints she might be, why does she not understand that Jesus leads those who believe in Him where He chooses to lead them?

Zionists seem to have a huge problem submitting to God and Gods authority.

Just because YOU, a hateful, hypocritical, bigoted, anti - semitic, lying sack of SHIT says it is a false claim, doesn't make it so.
Do you imagine that people think you are an oracle, Moms?
I keep giving you the words of Jesus where He Himself says who He is, the Son of God.

AND you keep rejecting Him for who He says He is and saying He is One He is not.

Clearly, what I see is Zionists creating a God and a Jesus in their own image, and you have it ass backwards .

GOD is the Creator, we are His creations, He created man in His image, it's not us creating God in our image.

I have not forgotten you agreeing with Sharon sons when they said their father went when he was ready. You give a human credit for a matter of life and death only God controls, again setting yourself above God.


Wrong again Sherri-----according to the BIBLE which is the bible of both christians
and jews----ie the "old" testament-----G-d in creating MAN----creating him as something
different from your fellow animals ------He created man with FREE WILL -----your fellow
animals----like dogs, pigs and rat----even insects-----function on INSTINCT-----they depend
on INSTINCTs which are chemically mediated -----for food gathering and self protection --
etc----BUT MAN HAS WHAT YOUR FELLOW ANIMALS LACK----a highly deveoped FOREBRAIN---which can overcome chemically mediated instincts----and manifest FREE WILL.----man and ONLY man can DECIDE TO DIE -----your fellow pond scum syncitial formations make no such DECISIONS. The sons of adam "b'nai adam" ben adam--
human beings -------have FREE WILL. The G-d of jews and christians says so ------
Genesis----an excellent book--------read it some time

Is that not fascinating ----it is one of the attributes that make zonists different from
you and your fellow creatures
I think toast boy should finish Kindergarten.

Jesus was asked over and over and over who He was and He answered that question many times and He never said I am a Zionist.

Why would He hide such a thing from everyone?

Well, there is one rather obvious reason, Zionism was not founded for another 1800 years.

But even assuming, for a moment, that were not the case, what would be the reason for Jesus to conceal this from everyone?

Jesus said not one single word about being a Zionist or anything about Zionism or anything about Jews returning to the land, and there already was a Dispersion/Diaspora, we have talked about that here in prior posts.

Jesus preached the Gospel of the Kingdom of God and at no time did He teach or preach a word about Jews returning to the land of Palestine.

You Zionists need to stop continuing in your disbelief of Jesus, because as Jesus says clearly in John 3, continuing disbelief will result in condemnation.

And you need to accept Jesus for who Jesus says He is, not keep transforming Him into who you want Him to be.

One more time, toast boy, you have a choice, will you choose Jesus and Heaven or is your choice hell?

And after over 3000 posts, still no one can point out where Jesus says He is a Zionist.

And the reason is He never did, because He was not and is not a Zionist.

He is the Son of God, I guess I will post that Scripture again, try to read it, Jesus clearly says who He is.

None of what you just said changes the fact that Jesus was a Zionist.

You can try all you want, but your bullshit posts won't change a thing

The fact that you think that Jesus has to say he is a Zionist for it to be true, shows just how stupid you are. Go back to school Sherri, so you can learn how to read and how to interpret passages
O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that killest the prophets, and stonest them which are sent unto thee, how often would I have gathered thy children together, even as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, and ye would not!

Behold, your house is left unto you desolate.

For I say unto you, Ye shall not see me henceforth, till ye shall say, Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord.

Matthew 23 - A Warning Against Hypocrisy - Then - Bible Gateway

You always make claims you cannot back up with sources.

Where is it Jesus makes claims the children of Israel will go up to Zion?

I will repost Jesus words to Israel in Matthew 23, try to read what Jesus says for a change.

Leave sherri alone-----she believes that the entity she calls "god"----is
---sometimes "isa/alla" and sometimes G-d/Jesus--------most of all she
believes that Jesus----the one who is also isa---and is also G-d/alla------is a liar.
He repeatedly states thruout the bible that no matter what happen the children of
Israel (aka Jacob) will GO UP----ie ---either be or end up in ZION ----sherri
believes-----the repeated assertion of THE "GO UP" thing is a lie. Thus ---
isa/alla or whoever it is who is her "god" ---some thing which is a liar----or something
never even mentioned in the bible. It certainly does show up in the koran. That one h
had entirely different policies----now being played out in SYRIA Interestinly enough---
ALEPPO seems to be one of the major arenas of that play. -----an interesting factoid of
HISTORY------Aleppo is NINEVEH remember Nineveh? It is the city that JONAH
was reluctant to save-------but he was kinda forced to do so-----after being eaten by
moby dick ------Aleppo is NINEVEH ------Jonah had to save that city just so the play
could go on THE PLAY MUST GO ON !!!!! even moby dick knew that.

remember CAPTAIN AHAB? he was married to first mate JEZEBEL <<< I have
no doubt that there is hidden meaning somewhere in that interesting coincidence----
Aleppo, Jonah, Nineveh, Moby Dick, Captain Ahab, Jezebel ---etc ......
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I read the 'new' Testament----I do not recall at any time Jesus saying
"I AM THE MESSIAH" ------nor do I remember at any time -----anywhere
in preceding scriptural writings ----even by MOSES ----that "the messiah" would
carry a Y chromosome from G-d. I do recall the terms 'sons of G-d' and
'sons of Man' showing up here and there in hebrew poetry usually to designate
-----JOOOOOS also "SONS OF LIGHT"-----and "SONS OF DARKNESS"-----to designate
good vs evil. ----especially in mystical writings. The writings atributed to the unknown
person 'JOHN" are very mystical Where does Jesus HIMSELF as recorded by a
WITNESS actually say "I AM THE MESSIAH" -------maybe I missed it
For a jew to refer to G-d as ----MY FATHER------was and is ----standard pharisee.

In the famous "LORD's PRAYER"-----attributed to Jesus----he says "OUR FATHER....."
<<< like any other standard pharisee That's "avinu" in hebrew---and probably
in aramaic too. I am not sure of the aramaic----ask----one of the aramaic
knowers. I don't think GREEKS referred to Zeus as "our father" -but I really do not
know. The hindus refer to the GANGES RIVER as a "mother" ganga-ma<<<
or something like that-----not sure-----apolgies to any hindus out there if a got that wrong

also Jeuss does not say "MY FATHER"----he says "OUR FATHER" -----remember
Jesus hated Jews, today he'd be called a self-hating Jew, but that's why he started his own cult.

Are you speaking to Jesus directly these days, Bumberclyde? Can you ask him if he disliked the fact that on the cross he was on said King of the Jews.
Jesus hated Jews, today he'd be called a self-hating Jew, but that's why he started his own cult.
Yes, yes, yes... very nice, I'm sure... thank you for playing...
You always do such a fine job of displaying your ignorance , only a few nations in our world call Hamas terrorists.

Actually, Hamas does follow the teaching of Jesus.

Hamas has built hospitals and roads for the people.

Helped the poor people with food.

And are willing to lay down their life for their fellow man. ... :cool:
That's why they're classified as a terrorist group by the US, Europe, and most of the civilized world. They're such do-gooders.

Maybe they're misunderstood? Maybe they're trying to HEAL people and show how peaceful they are when they're shooting missiles at civilian targets or training suicide bombers to go blow up children's schools? Did Jesus hide behind women and children using them as human shields?
John 14:2*&#9658;

New International Version
My Father's house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you?

John 14:2 My Father's house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you?

Jesus uses both the words My Father and Our Father.

No surprise, He is the Son and believers in Jesus are sons by our belief in Jesus.

Purely explained by what the Gospel of the Kingdom is.

I read the 'new' Testament----I do not recall at any time Jesus saying
"I AM THE MESSIAH" ------nor do I remember at any time -----anywhere
in preceding scriptural writings ----even by MOSES ----that "the messiah" would
carry a Y chromosome from G-d. I do recall the terms 'sons of G-d' and
'sons of Man' showing up here and there in hebrew poetry usually to designate
-----JOOOOOS also "SONS OF LIGHT"-----and "SONS OF DARKNESS"-----to designate
good vs evil. ----especially in mystical writings. The writings atributed to the unknown
person 'JOHN" are very mystical Where does Jesus HIMSELF as recorded by a
WITNESS actually say "I AM THE MESSIAH" -------maybe I missed it
For a jew to refer to G-d as ----MY FATHER------was and is ----standard pharisee.

In the famous "LORD's PRAYER"-----attributed to Jesus----he says "OUR FATHER....."
<<< like any other standard pharisee That's "avinu" in hebrew---and probably
in aramaic too. I am not sure of the aramaic----ask----one of the aramaic
knowers. I don't think GREEKS referred to Zeus as "our father" -but I really do not
know. The hindus refer to the GANGES RIVER as a "mother" ganga-ma<<<
or something like that-----not sure-----apolgies to any hindus out there if a got that wrong

also Jeuss does not say "MY FATHER"----he says "OUR FATHER" -----remember
The English word "messiah" is translated from the greek &#956;e&#963;&#963;&#943;&#945;&#962; (messias) and is found only two times in the New Testament:

John 1:41, "He found first his own brother Simon, and said to him, 'We have found the Messiah' (which translated means Christ)."John 4:25-26, "The woman said to Him, 'I know that Messiah is coming (He who is called Christ); when that One comes, He will declare all things to us.' *26 Jesus said to her, 'I who speak to you am He.'"

John Hagee denies Jesus claimed to be the Messiah | Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry
There are two significant points worth mentioning here.* First, the word "messiah" is translated as "Christ":* "messiah" is the Old Testament Hebrew equivalent for the New Testament Greek "christ". *So whenever we see the word Christ used in the New Testament we know it is speaking of Messiah.* Second, Jesus himself affirmed that he was the Christ.* Here are some additional scriptures that confirm this.

Matt. 16:16-17, "And Simon Peter answered and said, 'Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God.' *17 And Jesus answered and said to him, 'Blessed are you, Simon Barjona, because flesh and blood did not reveal this to you, but My Father who is in heaven.'"Mark 14:61-62, "But He kept silent, and made no answer. Again the high priest was questioning Him, and saying to Him, “Are You the Christ, the Son of the Blessed One?” *62 And Jesus said, “I am; and you shall see the Son of Man sitting at the right hand of Power, and coming with the clouds of heaven."John 17:3, "And this is eternal life, that they may know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent."

Jesus affirmed that he was the Messiah (John 4:25-26) and the Christ (Matt. 16:17; Mark 14:61-62; and John 17:3)

John Hagee denies Jesus claimed to be the Messiah | Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry
I find the Book ofJohn and the Book of Matthew compliment each other and are consistent with each other . I think I rely on them more than the other two gospels.
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