Even Jesus Is A Zionist

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There are two significant points worth mentioning here.* First, the word "messiah" is translated as "Christ":* "messiah" is the Old Testament Hebrew equivalent for the New Testament Greek "christ". *So whenever we see the word Christ used in the New Testament we know it is speaking of Messiah.* Second, Jesus himself affirmed that he was the Christ.* Here are some additional scriptures that confirm this.

Matt. 16:16-17, "And Simon Peter answered and said, 'Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God.' *17 And Jesus answered and said to him, 'Blessed are you, Simon Barjona, because flesh and blood did not reveal this to you, but My Father who is in heaven.'"Mark 14:61-62, "But He kept silent, and made no answer. Again the high priest was questioning Him, and saying to Him, “Are You the Christ, the Son of the Blessed One?” *62 And Jesus said, “I am; and you shall see the Son of Man sitting at the right hand of Power, and coming with the clouds of heaven."John 17:3, "And this is eternal life, that they may know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent."

Jesus affirmed that he was the Messiah (John 4:25-26) and the Christ (Matt. 16:17; Mark 14:61-62; and John 17:3)

John Hagee denies Jesus claimed to be the Messiah | Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry

Since Mrs. Sherri is pushing to make this forum into a Religion Class, why not make it into a Comparative Religion Class like they give in universities and colleges so that it gives us a chance to learn a little bit about other religions? After all, there are several different religions in this world, and it would be interesting to open-minded viewers to learn a little bit about some of them.

The Vedas
There are four Vedas, the Rig Veda, Sama Veda, Yajur Veda and Atharva Veda. The Vedas are the primary texts of Hinduism. They also had a vast influence on Buddhism, Jainism, and Sikhism. Traditionally the text of the Vedas was coeval with the universe. Scholars have determined that the Rig Veda, the oldest of the four Vedas, was composed about 1500 B.C., and codified about 600 B.C. It is unknown when it was finally committed to writing, but this probably was at some point after 300 B.C.

The Vedas contain hymns, incantations, and rituals from ancient India. Along with the Book of the Dead, the Enuma Elish, the I Ching, and the Avesta, they are among the most ancient religious texts still in existence. Besides their spiritual value, they also give a unique view of everyday life in India four thousand years ago. The Vedas are also the most ancient extensive texts in an Indo-European language, and as such are invaluable in the study of comparative linguistics.
I find the Book ofJohn and the Book of Matthew compliment each other and are consistent with each other . I think I rely on them more than the other two gospels.

I have seen no evidence in your posts that you think at all-----you parrot pre-cooked
crap. JOHN---according to christian scholars constitutes,, a collection
of writings of persons unknown. The book of revulsions is attributed to John.
It is also fact that the writings of JOHN were in greek. Christian scholars also
note that at no point do the writers of "JOHN" claim to be witness to the words
attributed to Jesus It does not seem logical to me that an intimate of Jesus
would QUOTE HIM IN GREEK Jesus did not speak greek. Aramaic and greek
are unrelated languages ------translation from aramaic to greek and then
to english is quite a mess. I have a sense that you have no famliarity at all
with any language other than english------which you do not use particularly well.
Your attempt to INTRICATELY analyze -----word for word-----english words that are a translation of a translation of heresay that is at least 1700 years old -------is kinda silly. It would not work in a court
of law.
You always do such a fine job of displaying your ignorance , only a few nations in our world call Hamas terrorists.

Actually, Hamas does follow the teaching of Jesus.

Hamas has built hospitals and roads for the people.

Helped the poor people with food.

And are willing to lay down their life for their fellow man. ... :cool:
That's why they're classified as a terrorist group by the US, Europe, and most of the civilized world. They're such do-gooders.

Maybe they're misunderstood? Maybe they're trying to HEAL people and show how peaceful they are when they're shooting missiles at civilian targets or training suicide bombers to go blow up children's schools? Did Jesus hide behind women and children using them as human shields?
You could be right, Moms. Hamas could be Disciples of Christ.
What a friend Israel has in Hamas. Without Hamas, Palestinians would not be killing each other. Long live Hamas.
Surely Sherri is aware of the gospel according to Ralph.

I find the Book ofJohn and the Book of Matthew compliment each other and are consistent with each other . I think I rely on them more than the other two gospels.

You should some of the gospels that didn't make it into the bible. :eek:

the BOOK OF MATTHEW like the writings of JOHN are in greek----the writers make
no claim of having actually witnessed the words they attribute to Jesus----and certainly
do not QUOTE him----since they do not use aramaic Both books are based on
"INSPIRATION" and heresay ---(writings or information of other people) IMO--sherri
should try harder to grow a brain-------I have no idea why any person would CHOOSE
as "THE BEST" such fourth hand heresay Neither matthew nor john can be
identified as historic figures. They are unknowns. To me----an attempt to
analyze the writings as anything other than parables----is something like insisting
that BALAAM actually had conversations with his "ass"---(make that donkey) or
that moby dick actually swallowed JONAH ----on his way to NINEVEH (aleppo)
"...only a few nations in our world call Hamas terrorists.I'm /I]"

Including your own...

So what?

We committed the biggest terrorist attack ever carried out in the history of the world when we dropped two nuclear bombs on two civilian cities in Japan .

As tragic as that was, that ended the war so that more Japanese weren't killed and more of our soldiers weren't killed. However, there are events in history where your Muslim buddies have killed even more. And, let's face it, if you can't stand this country, nobody is stopping you from packing up and moving to Iran with your Iranian gang.
Including your own...

So what?

We committed the biggest terrorist attack ever carried out in the history of the world when we dropped two nuclear bombs on two civilian cities in Japan .

As tragic as that was, that ended the war so that more Japanese weren't killed and more of our soldiers weren't killed. However, there are events in history where your Muslim buddies have killed even more. And, let's face it, if you can't stand this country, nobody is stopping you from packing up and moving to Iran with your Iranian gang.

There are SO MANY OPTIONS not just Iran. Perhaps we posters can discuss
the OPTIONS ------a kind of excecise in MATCHING person to country
The History Place - Genocide in the 20th Century: Rape of Nanking 1937-38

Hiroshima and Nagasaki Death Toll

These accounts show that the l'il sherrithing is in error yet again in its claims about Hiroshima and Nagasaki The Japanese took more (Chinese) civilian lives at Nanking than they lost in Hiroshima and Nagasaki......

She is doing her very best. ------gee------was she not OFF TOPIC?----I
do see a CONNECTION ----but just a connection has been insufficient in the
past in avoidance of sanctions
Sherri follows the gospel teachings of Jesus in the New Testament.

That's why she knows supporting Israel's fascist policies and racist agenda isn't Christian. ... :cool:
Sherri follows the gospel according to Mohammad / Hamas.
You always do such a fine job of displaying your ignorance , only a few nations in our world call Hamas terrorists.

Actually, Hamas does follow the teaching of Jesus.

Hamas has built hospitals and roads for the people.

Helped the poor people with food.

And are willing to lay down their life for their fellow man. ... :cool:
That's why they're classified as a terrorist group by the US, Europe, and most of the civilized world. They're such do-gooders.

Maybe they're misunderstood? Maybe they're trying to HEAL people and show how peaceful they are when they're shooting missiles at civilian targets or training suicide bombers to go blow up children's schools? Did Jesus hide behind women and children using them as human shields?
A few nations, huh? So the United States, about 30 European countries, Canada, Japan, Australia etc etc are just a few nations? Does Jihad Sherri the retard realize that according to US law (the country she lives in) assisting Hamas in any way will land you in Federal Prison for at least 10 years?

Which nation do you live in retard? Nation of Islam? Idiot.
"...only a few nations in our world call Hamas terrorists.I'm /I]"

Including your own...

So what?

We committed the biggest terrorist attack ever carried out in the history of the world when we dropped two nuclear bombs on two civilian cities in Japan .

Well it's no wonder that Jew hating, IslamoNazi, terrorist supporting dirtbags like Sherri also hate America with a passion. Wow. What a surprise!
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"...only a few nations in our world call Hamas terrorists.I'm /I]"

Including your own...

So what?

We committed the biggest terrorist attack ever carried out in the history of the world when we dropped two nuclear bombs on two civilian cities in Japan .

"Your Honor, the Prosecution rests."

Now that you've been outed as a crazy and a moral relativist who equates Hamas with Jesus of Nazareth, we can add America-hater to your list of credentials.

Finally, the audience begins to understand the true nature what it's dealing with here.

True Palestinians must cringe every time you open your mouth, wishing that you'd stay off of their side. You do the Palestinian cause far more harm than good. Well done.
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Including your own...

So what?

We committed the biggest terrorist attack ever carried out in the history of the world when we dropped two nuclear bombs on two civilian cities in Japan .
"Your Honor, the Prosecution rests."

Now that you've been outed as a crazy and a moral relativist who equates Hamas with Jesus of Nazareth, we can add America-hater to your list of credentials.

Finally, the audience begins to understand the true nature what it's dealing with here.

True Palestinians must cringe every time you open your mouth, wishing that you'd stay off of their side. You do the Palestinian cause far more harm than good. Well done.

It did not take me so long----but only because I read the islamo nazi literature as
a child----circa 1960. She is completly UNORIGINAL-----she talks the talk and walks
the walk of a typical islamo nazi---------the best clue to a persons vocation &/or ideology
is his/her LINGO. Every vocation and ever avocation and every ideology has a LINGO
No, God judges people and nations , not Zionists like Kondor who place themselves above God.

And these judgments await us.

There is no defense for the US dropping two nuclear bombs on two civilian cities.

They say thousands still die every year from radiation and diseases caused by our terror attacks.

Why is it the lives of those civilians have no worth or value for Zionists like Kondor?

Certainly the US has taken the lives of more innocent civilians then Hamas ever thought about doing.

Including your own...

So what?

We committed the biggest terrorist attack ever carried out in the history of the world when we dropped two nuclear bombs on two civilian cities in Japan .
"Your Honor, the Prosecution rests."

Now that you've been outed as a crazy and a moral relativist who equates Hamas with Jesus of Nazareth, we can add America-hater to your list of credentials.

Finally, the audience begins to understand the true nature what it's dealing with here.

True Palestinians must cringe every time you open your mouth, wishing that you'd stay off of their side. You do the Palestinian cause far more harm than good. Well done.
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