Even Jesus Is A Zionist

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Do you think the relatives of those who have been killed or wounded would care about Mrs. Sherri posting Scripture on a Middle East forum, or would they rather she be telling everyone to do what they can to help these unfortunate people?
Silly-Sally why don't you go help these unfortunate people instead of wasting your time here posting ... :cool:
Do you think the relatives of those who have been killed or wounded would care about Mrs. Sherri posting Scripture on a Middle East forum, or would they rather she be telling everyone to do what they can to help these unfortunate people?[/

quote]Silly-Sally why don't you go help these unfortunate people instead of wasting your time here posting ... :cool:

But, Mr. Cuckoo, I have sent in money to help these people as well as posting what is happening to them. You have said nothing but your usual nonsense.
Does anybody know if an Exorcism can be performed via Skype or FaceTime?

Jihad Sherri is in dire need of one.

Actually, Hamas does follow the teaching of Jesus.

Hamas has built hospitals and roads for the people.

Helped the poor people with food.

And are willing to lay down their life for their fellow man. ... :cool:
Actually, Hamas does follow the teaching of Jesus.

Hamas has built hospitals and roads for the people.

Helped the poor people with food.

And are willing to lay down their life for their fellow man. ... :cool:
That's why they're classified as a terrorist group by the US, Europe, and most of the civilized world. They're such do-gooders.

Maybe they're misunderstood? Maybe they're trying to HEAL people and show how peaceful they are when they're shooting missiles at civilian targets or training suicide bombers to go blow up children's schools? Did Jesus hide behind women and children using them as human shields?
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Actually, Hamas does follow the teaching of Jesus.

Hamas has built hospitals and roads for the people.

Helped the poor people with food.

And are willing to lay down their life for their fellow man. ... :cool:

Why are so many gazas treated in Israeli hospitals? Why does Hamas threaten Israeli hospitals as targets? Why are so many Hamas family member taken to Israeli hospitals instead of being treated in these Hamas built hospitals?
He preached the Gospel of the Kingdom of God from the start of His Ministry and He preached He was Messiah.

Is that what Zionist Rabbis preach?

AND He never even opposed the Roman Occupation.

And he told the Jews the temple would be destroyed for their disbelief and they would be scattered from Jerusalem.

Is that what Zionist Rabbis preach, temple destruction and Jews sent out of Jerusalem?

I'm starting to see where the problem is coming from.

First off, Jesus and G-d are the same. Jesus was G-d.

So Jesus is the same G-d that said that the area now known as Palestine, was His land... and He gave it to the Israelite.

At the same time, G-d also said very clearly that if the Israeli people did not follow His commands, that he would send them off into captivity, which happened, that they would regather back in Israel, which happened, and that if they refused him again, they would be scattered all over the Earth, which happened, and yet the prophesies made it clear that at the set time, they would be regathered again, and would be made into a nation again, that they would bring back their own language again, have their own money again, and that the temple would be rebuilt yet again.

Zionism, isn't about building the temple, or about how to distribute farm land, or about the Romans, or about anything of a religious nature.

Zionism, is simply about the Jewish people, being back in the land that G-d specifically set aside for them, and the Israeli people having their own culture.

This ideology matches exactly with the will of G-d, as revealed with the prophesies recorded in the Bible.

Isaiah 66:8 The nation will be created in a single day. When you compare the creation of Czechoslovakia, or even what happened with Iraq, Israel was literally created in a day.

Ezekiel 20:34 The Jews will return to Israel from every country. Jews have come from as far west as the US, and South America. From as far east as China. From as far north as the Ukrain and Russia, and as far South as south Africa, Austrialia and others.

Jeremiah 32:44 Jews will buy back land from around Jerusalem, and throughout Israel. The Ottoman empire prohibited sale of land to Jews, and the British restricted land sales, until 1920, when the market was deregulated, and Jews from around the world bought land in Israel. Many Jewish groups, even had collection boxes, to collect donations to buy land in Israel.

Isaiah 43:5-6,21 Now this is really interesting, because the text specifically says G-d will gather them from the East, the West, the North, and the South. Interestingly, the migration of Jews back to Israel happened first from Eastern Arab Countries, which the moment Israel declared independence, hundreds on hundreds of thousands of Jews were violently expelled, which Ironically drove them straight to Israel. The second migration came from the Western countries, specifically Germany, and the spread of Nazi control throughout Europe, which drove them to.... Israel. Then the 3rd migration came from the North, where the crushing oppression and economic ruination of Socialism, drove Jews out of Russia and the Soviet bloc.... to Israel. And the last migration was from the South, most notably Ethiopia. The prophesy was completed verbatim.

Zephaniah 3:8-10 The return of the pure Israeli language. Prior, most Jews spoke Yiddish. But now Hebrew is the official language of Israel, and all Jews in Israel are taught in Hebrew, and now even Arabs around Israel, are learning Hebrew in their own schools, because that's the language of the economy in Palestine.
bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-21516956 BBC News - Hebrew taught in Gaza schools, but barriers remain

Ezekiel 45:12-16 The return of the Shekel as currency in Israel. The last Shekel, was somewhere around 300 AD as far as I can tell. In 1980, the Shekel became the official currency of Israel.

Now all of that to say this.

Yes, Jesus did not say for the Jews to over throw the Romans. Because that was not the will of G-d at that time. They rejected their messiah, and thus as it was written, the gift would be given the Gentiles. Which is what the Christian Church is all about.

But just as Jacob was promised by G-d, to have all the land to his descendent, that didn't mean that in the mean time, they would end up slaves in Egypt. When the time came, G-d brought them all back to the land of Israel all over again, just as he promised Jacob.

Similarly, G-d promised to regather his people yet again, back on the land he gave them, and He has done so. That's what Zionism is. Promoting the plan G-d said he would do.
Actually, Hamas does follow the teaching of Jesus.

Hamas has built hospitals and roads for the people.

Helped the poor people with food.

And are willing to lay down their life for their fellow man. ... :cool:

Jesus also said if a foreign soldier asked you to carry his equipment for a mile, go with him two miles.

Tell me, does Hamas follow the spirit of that command in regards to Israel?

When Jesus was asked about the second commandment, love your neighbor as yourself, he was asked "but who is my neighbor?"

Jesus then said the Parable of the Good Samaritan. The point of that story was that the Jews hated the Samaritans, yet Jesus said that's who your neighbor is.

Tell me, does Hamas treat the Jews like the Good Samaritan? Do they love their neighbors the Jews, like they love themselves, in the way Jesus said?

Be careful what you say about this. G-d knows your every word, and what you know is true in your heart. G-d is not mocked. Whatever a man sows, he reaps.
He preached the Gospel of the Kingdom of God from the start of His Ministry and He preached He was Messiah.

Is that what Zionist Rabbis preach?

AND He never even opposed the Roman Occupation.

And he told the Jews the temple would be destroyed for their disbelief and they would be scattered from Jerusalem.

Is that what Zionist Rabbis preach, temple destruction and Jews sent out of Jerusalem?

I'm starting to see where the problem is coming from.

First off, Jesus and G-d are the same. Jesus was G-d.

So Jesus is the same G-d that said that the area now known as Palestine, was His land... and He gave it to the Israelite.

At the same time, G-d also said very clearly that if the Israeli people did not follow His commands, that he would send them off into captivity, which happened, that they would regather back in Israel, which happened, and that if they refused him again, they would be scattered all over the Earth, which happened, and yet the prophesies made it clear that at the set time, they would be regathered again, and would be made into a nation again, that they would bring back their own language again, have their own money again, and that the temple would be rebuilt yet again.

Zionism, isn't about building the temple, or about how to distribute farm land, or about the Romans, or about anything of a religious nature.

Zionism, is simply about the Jewish people, being back in the land that G-d specifically set aside for them, and the Israeli people having their own culture.

This ideology matches exactly with the will of G-d, as revealed with the prophesies recorded in the Bible.

Isaiah 66:8 The nation will be created in a single day. When you compare the creation of Czechoslovakia, or even what happened with Iraq, Israel was literally created in a day.

Ezekiel 20:34 The Jews will return to Israel from every country. Jews have come from as far west as the US, and South America. From as far east as China. From as far north as the Ukrain and Russia, and as far South as south Africa, Austrialia and others.

Jeremiah 32:44 Jews will buy back land from around Jerusalem, and throughout Israel. The Ottoman empire prohibited sale of land to Jews, and the British restricted land sales, until 1920, when the market was deregulated, and Jews from around the world bought land in Israel. Many Jewish groups, even had collection boxes, to collect donations to buy land in Israel.

Isaiah 43:5-6,21 Now this is really interesting, because the text specifically says G-d will gather them from the East, the West, the North, and the South. Interestingly, the migration of Jews back to Israel happened first from Eastern Arab Countries, which the moment Israel declared independence, hundreds on hundreds of thousands of Jews were violently expelled, which Ironically drove them straight to Israel. The second migration came from the Western countries, specifically Germany, and the spread of Nazi control throughout Europe, which drove them to.... Israel. Then the 3rd migration came from the North, where the crushing oppression and economic ruination of Socialism, drove Jews out of Russia and the Soviet bloc.... to Israel. And the last migration was from the South, most notably Ethiopia. The prophesy was completed verbatim.

Zephaniah 3:8-10 The return of the pure Israeli language. Prior, most Jews spoke Yiddish. But now Hebrew is the official language of Israel, and all Jews in Israel are taught in Hebrew, and now even Arabs around Israel, are learning Hebrew in their own schools, because that's the language of the economy in Palestine.
bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-21516956 BBC News - Hebrew taught in Gaza schools, but barriers remain

Ezekiel 45:12-16 The return of the Shekel as currency in Israel. The last Shekel, was somewhere around 300 AD as far as I can tell. In 1980, the Shekel became the official currency of Israel.

Now all of that to say this.

Yes, Jesus did not say for the Jews to over throw the Romans. Because that was not the will of G-d at that time. They rejected their messiah, and thus as it was written, the gift would be given the Gentiles. Which is what the Christian Church is all about.

But just as Jacob was promised by G-d, to have all the land to his descendent, that didn't mean that in the mean time, they would end up slaves in Egypt. When the time came, G-d brought them all back to the land of Israel all over again, just as he promised Jacob.

Similarly, G-d promised to regather his people yet again, back on the land he gave them, and He has done so. That's what Zionism is. Promoting the plan G-d said he would do.
Tread lightly friend or Sherria will scorch you.
And I know I tried to explain this already, but there is a whole lot of truth in the words of Mother Theresa when she said she saw Jesus in every person.

She focused her ministry on the poorest of poor in India, the outcasts, and she took them in often when they were dying and she showed them Gods love, that God loved them too.

Seeing human beings as needing God and always a person God cares about and created in His own image and as having value and worth is not a thing I am ashamed of.

As for Hamas in particular, what has affected my opinion to a large degree is a book called Light Force by Brother Andrew.

I think it was The First Intifada he visited Gaza, he met with Hamas members, he was invited to speak about Jesus in an Islamic University even. He was allowed to open a Christian bookstore in Gaza. He met with the sole surviving founder of Hamas still alive today, Mahmoud Zahar, he was invited to dinner in his home. And Mahmoud Zahar asked Brother Andrew to find someone in the US government who would talk to them, Hamas. He reached out to talk, does not sound like the monster he is portrayed as, this Hamas founder whose own son was killed in a targeted killing attempt on his life in a bombing of his home by Israel. Brother Andrew got nowhere trying to find a US government person willing to talk to Hamas.

The US wants Hamas to be her enemy, we are really not interested in diplomacy or peace even, or we would encourage reconciliation of Hamas and Fatah and deal with people with respect and treat others with dignity.

There is value and worth in all of us and that includes Hamas.

Jihad Sherri quote of the year:
:cuckoo: Hamas resembles Jesus :cuckoo:

That one is going to live in infamy[/QUOTE]
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"There is value and worth in all of us and that includes Hamas."

AND ZIONISTS AS WELL: the l'il sherrithing forgot that part.
And I know I tried to explain this already, but there is a whole lot of truth in the words of Mother Theresa when she said she saw Jesus in every person.

She focused her ministry on the poorest of poor in India, the outcasts, and she took them in often when they were dying and she showed them Gods love, that God loved them too.

Seeing human beings as needing God and always a person God cares about and created in His own image and as having value and worth is not a thing I am ashamed of.

As for Hamas in particular, what has affected my opinion to a large degree is a book called Light Force by Brother Andrew.

I think it was The First Intifada he visited Gaza, he met with Hamas members, he was invited to speak about Jesus in an Islamic University even. He was allowed to open a Christian bookstore in Gaza. He met with the sole surviving founder of Hamas still alive today, Mahmoud Zahar, he was invited to dinner in his home. And Mahmoud Zahar asked Brother Andrew to find someone in the US government who would talk to them, Hamas. He reached out to talk, does not sound like the monster he is portrayed as, this Hamas founder whose own son was killed in a targeted killing attempt on his life in a bombing of his home by Israel. Brother Andrew got nowhere trying to find a US government person willing to talk to Hamas.

The US wants Hamas to be her enemy, we are really not interested in diplomacy or peace even, or we would encourage reconciliation of Hamas and Fatah and deal with people with respect and treat others with dignity.

There is value and worth in all of us and that includes Hamas.

Jihad Sherri quote of the year:
:cuckoo: Hamas resembles Jesus :cuckoo:

That one is going to live in infamy
I need a tissue after this testimonial.
The problem is in The New Testament there is a new covenant and Salvation comes from belief in Jesus for both Jews and Gentile.

Jesus is the fulfillment of all promises of The Old Testament.

Jesus says nothing about a promise of land to Jews left to be fulfilled, it is nowhere in Jesus teachings.

Zionists want to create a new Jesus and ignore who Jesus says He is and who The Gospels say Jesus is.

Man was made in the image of God, Zionists want to set themselves above God even, and declare God made in the image of Zionists.

Zionism is not the Gospel of the Kingdom Jesus teaches, it never was and it never will be and Jesus cannot simply be transformed by Zionists into someone He is not.

He preached the Gospel of the Kingdom of God from the start of His Ministry and He preached He was Messiah.

Is that what Zionist Rabbis preach?

AND He never even opposed the Roman Occupation.

And he told the Jews the temple would be destroyed for their disbelief and they would be scattered from Jerusalem.

Is that what Zionist Rabbis preach, temple destruction and Jews sent out of Jerusalem?

I'm starting to see where the problem is coming from.

First off, Jesus and G-d are the same. Jesus was G-d.

So Jesus is the same G-d that said that the area now known as Palestine, was His land... and He gave it to the Israelite.

At the same time, G-d also said very clearly that if the Israeli people did not follow His commands, that he would send them off into captivity, which happened, that they would regather back in Israel, which happened, and that if they refused him again, they would be scattered all over the Earth, which happened, and yet the prophesies made it clear that at the set time, they would be regathered again, and would be made into a nation again, that they would bring back their own language again, have their own money again, and that the temple would be rebuilt yet again.

Zionism, isn't about building the temple, or about how to distribute farm land, or about the Romans, or about anything of a religious nature.

Zionism, is simply about the Jewish people, being back in the land that G-d specifically set aside for them, and the Israeli people having their own culture.

This ideology matches exactly with the will of G-d, as revealed with the prophesies recorded in the Bible.

Isaiah 66:8 The nation will be created in a single day. When you compare the creation of Czechoslovakia, or even what happened with Iraq, Israel was literally created in a day.

Ezekiel 20:34 The Jews will return to Israel from every country. Jews have come from as far west as the US, and South America. From as far east as China. From as far north as the Ukrain and Russia, and as far South as south Africa, Austrialia and others.

Jeremiah 32:44 Jews will buy back land from around Jerusalem, and throughout Israel. The Ottoman empire prohibited sale of land to Jews, and the British restricted land sales, until 1920, when the market was deregulated, and Jews from around the world bought land in Israel. Many Jewish groups, even had collection boxes, to collect donations to buy land in Israel.

Isaiah 43:5-6,21 Now this is really interesting, because the text specifically says G-d will gather them from the East, the West, the North, and the South. Interestingly, the migration of Jews back to Israel happened first from Eastern Arab Countries, which the moment Israel declared independence, hundreds on hundreds of thousands of Jews were violently expelled, which Ironically drove them straight to Israel. The second migration came from the Western countries, specifically Germany, and the spread of Nazi control throughout Europe, which drove them to.... Israel. Then the 3rd migration came from the North, where the crushing oppression and economic ruination of Socialism, drove Jews out of Russia and the Soviet bloc.... to Israel. And the last migration was from the South, most notably Ethiopia. The prophesy was completed verbatim.

Zephaniah 3:8-10 The return of the pure Israeli language. Prior, most Jews spoke Yiddish. But now Hebrew is the official language of Israel, and all Jews in Israel are taught in Hebrew, and now even Arabs around Israel, are learning Hebrew in their own schools, because that's the language of the economy in Palestine.
bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-21516956 BBC News - Hebrew taught in Gaza schools, but barriers remain

Ezekiel 45:12-16 The return of the Shekel as currency in Israel. The last Shekel, was somewhere around 300 AD as far as I can tell. In 1980, the Shekel became the official currency of Israel.

Now all of that to say this.

Yes, Jesus did not say for the Jews to over throw the Romans. Because that was not the will of G-d at that time. They rejected their messiah, and thus as it was written, the gift would be given the Gentiles. Which is what the Christian Church is all about.

But just as Jacob was promised by G-d, to have all the land to his descendent, that didn't mean that in the mean time, they would end up slaves in Egypt. When the time came, G-d brought them all back to the land of Israel all over again, just as he promised Jacob.

Similarly, G-d promised to regather his people yet again, back on the land he gave them, and He has done so. That's what Zionism is. Promoting the plan G-d said he would do.
The problem is in The New Testament there is a new covenant and Salvation comes from belief in Jesus for both Jews and Gentile.

Jesus is the fulfillment of all promises of The Old Testament.

Jesus says nothing about a promise of land to Jews left to be fulfilled, it is nowhere in Jesus teachings.

Zionists want to create a new Jesus and ignore who Jesus says He is and who The Gospels say Jesus is.

Man was made in the image of God, Zionists want to set themselves above God even, and declare God made in the image of Zionists.

Zionism is not the Gospel of the Kingdom Jesus teaches, it never was and it never will be and Jesus cannot simply be transformed by Zionists into someone He is not.

He preached the Gospel of the Kingdom of God from the start of His Ministry and He preached He was Messiah.

Is that what Zionist Rabbis preach?

AND He never even opposed the Roman Occupation.

And he told the Jews the temple would be destroyed for their disbelief and they would be scattered from Jerusalem.

Is that what Zionist Rabbis preach, temple destruction and Jews sent out of Jerusalem?

I'm starting to see where the problem is coming from.

First off, Jesus and G-d are the same. Jesus was G-d.

So Jesus is the same G-d that said that the area now known as Palestine, was His land... and He gave it to the Israelite.

At the same time, G-d also said very clearly that if the Israeli people did not follow His commands, that he would send them off into captivity, which happened, that they would regather back in Israel, which happened, and that if they refused him again, they would be scattered all over the Earth, which happened, and yet the prophesies made it clear that at the set time, they would be regathered again, and would be made into a nation again, that they would bring back their own language again, have their own money again, and that the temple would be rebuilt yet again.

Zionism, isn't about building the temple, or about how to distribute farm land, or about the Romans, or about anything of a religious nature.

Zionism, is simply about the Jewish people, being back in the land that G-d specifically set aside for them, and the Israeli people having their own culture.

This ideology matches exactly with the will of G-d, as revealed with the prophesies recorded in the Bible.

Isaiah 66:8 The nation will be created in a single day. When you compare the creation of Czechoslovakia, or even what happened with Iraq, Israel was literally created in a day.

Ezekiel 20:34 The Jews will return to Israel from every country. Jews have come from as far west as the US, and South America. From as far east as China. From as far north as the Ukrain and Russia, and as far South as south Africa, Austrialia and others.

Jeremiah 32:44 Jews will buy back land from around Jerusalem, and throughout Israel. The Ottoman empire prohibited sale of land to Jews, and the British restricted land sales, until 1920, when the market was deregulated, and Jews from around the world bought land in Israel. Many Jewish groups, even had collection boxes, to collect donations to buy land in Israel.

Isaiah 43:5-6,21 Now this is really interesting, because the text specifically says G-d will gather them from the East, the West, the North, and the South. Interestingly, the migration of Jews back to Israel happened first from Eastern Arab Countries, which the moment Israel declared independence, hundreds on hundreds of thousands of Jews were violently expelled, which Ironically drove them straight to Israel. The second migration came from the Western countries, specifically Germany, and the spread of Nazi control throughout Europe, which drove them to.... Israel. Then the 3rd migration came from the North, where the crushing oppression and economic ruination of Socialism, drove Jews out of Russia and the Soviet bloc.... to Israel. And the last migration was from the South, most notably Ethiopia. The prophesy was completed verbatim.

Zephaniah 3:8-10 The return of the pure Israeli language. Prior, most Jews spoke Yiddish. But now Hebrew is the official language of Israel, and all Jews in Israel are taught in Hebrew, and now even Arabs around Israel, are learning Hebrew in their own schools, because that's the language of the economy in Palestine.
bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-21516956 BBC News - Hebrew taught in Gaza schools, but barriers remain

Ezekiel 45:12-16 The return of the Shekel as currency in Israel. The last Shekel, was somewhere around 300 AD as far as I can tell. In 1980, the Shekel became the official currency of Israel.

Now all of that to say this.

Yes, Jesus did not say for the Jews to over throw the Romans. Because that was not the will of G-d at that time. They rejected their messiah, and thus as it was written, the gift would be given the Gentiles. Which is what the Christian Church is all about.

But just as Jacob was promised by G-d, to have all the land to his descendent, that didn't mean that in the mean time, they would end up slaves in Egypt. When the time came, G-d brought them all back to the land of Israel all over again, just as he promised Jacob.

Similarly, G-d promised to regather his people yet again, back on the land he gave them, and He has done so. That's what Zionism is. Promoting the plan G-d said he would do.

None of what you just said changes the fact that Jesus was a Zionist.

You can try all you want, but your bullshit posts won't change a thing
But, Mr. Sunni Man, I have sent in money to help these people as well as posting what is happening to them.

quote]Sure you do........ :cuckoo:

I guess Mr. Cuckoo doesn't believe that UNICEF, with the donations of many people just like me, are helping the people in need.. Meanwhile, Mr. Cuckoo gives zilch because his fellow Muslims are doing the killing. Be a sport. Dig into your pocket even if it kills you.

Syria: UNICEF Delivers Water to 10,000,000 People - UNICEF FieldNotes
Why is it Sally has such a hard time discussing thread topics?

We are dealing with this false claim that Jesus is a Zionist.

And if Sally were a Christian, which she sometimes hints she might be, why does she not understand that Jesus leads those who believe in Him where He chooses to lead them?

Zionists seem to have a huge problem submitting to God and Gods authority.

Do you think the relatives of those who have been killed or wounded would care about Mrs. Sherri posting Scripture on a Middle East forum, or would they rather she be telling everyone to do what they can to help these unfortunate people?[/

quote]Don't know.......don't care. ..... :cool:

Of course, you don't care what is happening to these unfortunate people. Why should you care when it is your fellow Muslims who are involved in the killing, the wounding and the making refugees of these Syrians? Meanwhile, if you enjoy Mrs. Sherri's posting of Scriptures so much, maybe she will bring you back to Christianity.
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.

He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.

And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.

For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved.

But he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God

John 3 - Jesus Teaches Nicodemus - Now there was - Bible Gateway

And after over 3000 posts, still no one can point out where Jesus says He is a Zionist.

And the reason is He never did, because He was not and is not a Zionist.

He is the Son of God, I guess I will post that Scripture again, try to read it, Jesus clearly says who He is.

The problem is in The New Testament there is a new covenant and Salvation comes from belief in Jesus for both Jews and Gentile.

Jesus is the fulfillment of all promises of The Old Testament.

Jesus says nothing about a promise of land to Jews left to be fulfilled, it is nowhere in Jesus teachings.

Zionists want to create a new Jesus and ignore who Jesus says He is and who The Gospels say Jesus is.

Man was made in the image of God, Zionists want to set themselves above God even, and declare God made in the image of Zionists.

Zionism is not the Gospel of the Kingdom Jesus teaches, it never was and it never will be and Jesus cannot simply be transformed by Zionists into someone He is not.

I'm starting to see where the problem is coming from.

First off, Jesus and G-d are the same. Jesus was G-d.

So Jesus is the same G-d that said that the area now known as Palestine, was His land... and He gave it to the Israelite.

At the same time, G-d also said very clearly that if the Israeli people did not follow His commands, that he would send them off into captivity, which happened, that they would regather back in Israel, which happened, and that if they refused him again, they would be scattered all over the Earth, which happened, and yet the prophesies made it clear that at the set time, they would be regathered again, and would be made into a nation again, that they would bring back their own language again, have their own money again, and that the temple would be rebuilt yet again.

Zionism, isn't about building the temple, or about how to distribute farm land, or about the Romans, or about anything of a religious nature.

Zionism, is simply about the Jewish people, being back in the land that G-d specifically set aside for them, and the Israeli people having their own culture.

This ideology matches exactly with the will of G-d, as revealed with the prophesies recorded in the Bible.

Isaiah 66:8 The nation will be created in a single day. When you compare the creation of Czechoslovakia, or even what happened with Iraq, Israel was literally created in a day.

Ezekiel 20:34 The Jews will return to Israel from every country. Jews have come from as far west as the US, and South America. From as far east as China. From as far north as the Ukrain and Russia, and as far South as south Africa, Austrialia and others.

Jeremiah 32:44 Jews will buy back land from around Jerusalem, and throughout Israel. The Ottoman empire prohibited sale of land to Jews, and the British restricted land sales, until 1920, when the market was deregulated, and Jews from around the world bought land in Israel. Many Jewish groups, even had collection boxes, to collect donations to buy land in Israel.

Isaiah 43:5-6,21 Now this is really interesting, because the text specifically says G-d will gather them from the East, the West, the North, and the South. Interestingly, the migration of Jews back to Israel happened first from Eastern Arab Countries, which the moment Israel declared independence, hundreds on hundreds of thousands of Jews were violently expelled, which Ironically drove them straight to Israel. The second migration came from the Western countries, specifically Germany, and the spread of Nazi control throughout Europe, which drove them to.... Israel. Then the 3rd migration came from the North, where the crushing oppression and economic ruination of Socialism, drove Jews out of Russia and the Soviet bloc.... to Israel. And the last migration was from the South, most notably Ethiopia. The prophesy was completed verbatim.

Zephaniah 3:8-10 The return of the pure Israeli language. Prior, most Jews spoke Yiddish. But now Hebrew is the official language of Israel, and all Jews in Israel are taught in Hebrew, and now even Arabs around Israel, are learning Hebrew in their own schools, because that's the language of the economy in Palestine.
bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-21516956 BBC News - Hebrew taught in Gaza schools, but barriers remain

Ezekiel 45:12-16 The return of the Shekel as currency in Israel. The last Shekel, was somewhere around 300 AD as far as I can tell. In 1980, the Shekel became the official currency of Israel.

Now all of that to say this.

Yes, Jesus did not say for the Jews to over throw the Romans. Because that was not the will of G-d at that time. They rejected their messiah, and thus as it was written, the gift would be given the Gentiles. Which is what the Christian Church is all about.

But just as Jacob was promised by G-d, to have all the land to his descendent, that didn't mean that in the mean time, they would end up slaves in Egypt. When the time came, G-d brought them all back to the land of Israel all over again, just as he promised Jacob.

Similarly, G-d promised to regather his people yet again, back on the land he gave them, and He has done so. That's what Zionism is. Promoting the plan G-d said he would do.

None of what you just said changes the fact that Jesus was a Zionist.

You can try all you want, but your bullshit posts won't change a thing
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