Even Jesus Is A Zionist

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I do not recall reading about polar bears on an ark.

WHERE Is that written?

The Bible says he saved 2 of every animal.

Except the unicorns.

Sended fum muh iFoam usin sum magikl whitey ju-ju shit.
Jesus didn't say he is a Zionist.
The Bible didn't mention Polar Bears.
But we assume there were Polar bears.
Which makes Jesus a Zionist.
That was easy.
Somebody tell Sherria.
Several times in the past I have asked if everyone is aware how Israel's greatest enemies are also America's greatest enemies hating Christians & Jews like Sherri does?

Including your own...

So what?

We committed the biggest terrorist attack ever carried out in the history of the world when we dropped two nuclear bombs on two civilian cities in Japan .
"Your Honor, the Prosecution rests."

Now that you've been outed as a crazy and a moral relativist who equates Hamas with Jesus of Nazareth, we can add America-hater to your list of credentials.

Finally, the audience begins to understand the true nature what it's dealing with here.

True Palestinians must cringe every time you open your mouth, wishing that you'd stay off of their side. You do the Palestinian cause far more harm than good. Well done.
I have noticed that Sherri uses Bible scripture to back up her points.

Yet her fellow Christian detractors only resort to personal attacks and never scripture in their responses towards her. ... :cool:

Because scripture, like the koran, is made up mumbo jumbo. I suspect mohammed wrote the koran because he was tired of wiping his ass with rocks.
Actually, the Torah says that Noah was instructed to save 7 pairs of the 'clean' animals and only 2 pairs of the 'unclean' animals. ... :cool:

So the unicorns were neither clean or unclean?

What were they then??

Sended fum muh iFoam usin sum magikl whitey ju-ju shit.
Several times in the past I have asked if everyone is aware how Israel's greatest enemies are also America's greatest enemies hating Christians & Jews like Sherri does?

So what?

We committed the biggest terrorist attack ever carried out in the history of the world when we dropped two nuclear bombs on two civilian cities in Japan .
"Your Honor, the Prosecution rests."

Now that you've been outed as a crazy and a moral relativist who equates Hamas with Jesus of Nazareth, we can add America-hater to your list of credentials.

Finally, the audience begins to understand the true nature what it's dealing with here.

True Palestinians must cringe every time you open your mouth, wishing that you'd stay off of their side. You do the Palestinian cause far more harm than good. Well done.

Purely as a matter of personal opinion...

It strikes me that people like the person(s) behind the Sherriah account - who (a) portray their own country as a terrorist state, (b) take the Muslim Militant side in any confrontation between East and West, and who (c) compound their political dogma with rigid and potentially insane interpretations of religious dogma - present a genuine potential danger to national security, not only as spewers of poisonous propaganda, but also as Fifth Columnists and Enemy Sympathizers, giving aid and comfort to the enemy in time of war.

Concurrent with continuing to allow a healthy measure of Freedom of Speech... hopefully, the Feds are keeping an especially watchful eye on he/she/it/them...

If ever there was a poster-child for sustaining that despicable and damnable legislation known as 'The Patriot Act', it would be the Sherriah critter.
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Actually, the Torah says that Noah was instructed to save 7 pairs of the 'clean' animals and only 2 pairs of the 'unclean' animals. ... :cool:

So the unicorns were neither clean or unclean?

What were they then??
There was only 2 categories for all animals but the Torah doesn't say which one the unicorn belonged.

The hebrew word for what the KJV calls a unicorn is "reh-ame" meaning a wild ox, or aurochs, which are now extinct

Species go extinct all of the time.

Apparently unicorns were one of those animals that went extinct. ... :cool:

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Actually, the Torah says that Noah was instructed to save 7 pairs of the 'clean' animals and only 2 pairs of the 'unclean' animals. ... :cool:

So the unicorns were neither clean or unclean?

What were they then??
Don't know the answer to that.

The hebrew word for what the KJV calls a unicorn is "reh-ame" meaning a wild ox, or aurochs, which are now extinct

Species go extinct all of the time.

Apparently unicorns were one of those animals that went extinct. ... :cool:

The next animals to go extinct in North America will probably be muslims. :cool:
So the unicorns were neither clean or unclean?

What were they then??
Don't know the answer to that.

The hebrew word for what the KJV calls a unicorn is "reh-ame" meaning a wild ox, or aurochs, which are now extinct

Species go extinct all of the time.

Apparently unicorns were one of those animals that went extinct. ... :cool:

The next animals to go extinct in North America will probably be muslims. :cool:

Or Chicago Cub fans. :eusa_shhh:

Sended fum muh iFoam usin sum magikl whitey ju-ju shit.
The problem is in The New Testament there is a new covenant and Salvation comes from belief in Jesus for both Jews and Gentile.

Jesus is the fulfillment of all promises of The Old Testament.

Jesus says nothing about a promise of land to Jews left to be fulfilled, it is nowhere in Jesus teachings.

Zionists want to create a new Jesus and ignore who Jesus says He is and who The Gospels say Jesus is.

Man was made in the image of God, Zionists want to set themselves above God even, and declare God made in the image of Zionists.

Zionism is not the Gospel of the Kingdom Jesus teaches, it never was and it never will be and Jesus cannot simply be transformed by Zionists into someone He is not.

Really? You can prove conclusively that Zionists.... all the Zionists throughout the Earth, *all* want to create a "new Jesus"? Certainly a few do. Perhaps even a significant number. But you, Sherri, know for a fact that every single Zionist on the planet, wants to make up a new Jesus? How do you know this? Did you ask every single Zionist alive?

But you must have missed one. I'm a Zionist, and I don't want a new Jesus.

Now again, the Prophesy clearly says that the Jews in fact will be deceived, and believe in a false messiah who will promise peace. So obviously some Zionists will make a new Jesus (if you get my meaning).

But *all* Zionists want a new Jesus? *all* of them? I don't think you can actually provide proof, or support of that claim.

However, there is one other problem I have with your post.

You claim that Jesus says nothing about a promise of land to Jews left to be fulfilled, it is nowhere in Jesus teachings.

And yet you say in this post:

Back to Jesus and who Jesus is, He is the Son of God.

And in John 10:30 it reads:
I and the Father are one.”

31 Again his Jewish opponents picked up stones to stone him, 32 but Jesus said to them, “I have shown you many good works from the Father. For which of these do you stone me?”

33 “We are not stoning you for any good work,” they replied, “but for blasphemy, because you, a mere man, claim to be God.”

Jesus said very clearly "I and the Father are one", and the Jews of the day knew exactly what Jesus was saying.

And here you say:

The Bible is The Word of God.

Ok, so let's review. Jesus is G-d. You yourself affirm that He is the "Son of G-d". Further you affirm that the Bible is the word of G-d.

I just posted a half dozen, of dozens of verses where G-d say the Jews are to be on that plot of land in Palestine.

So back to the question. Did Jesus say anything about the Jews coming back to Israel?

Yes, as a matter of fact he did. All those promises, prophesies, and statements about the Jews returning to the land of Israel, that was Jesus, who was G-d, who spoke through the prophets. Back in Genesis, when Adam and Eve, walked in the Garden with G-d..... that was Jesus. When John on a penal Island, was told in visions about the Jews building the temple in Israel, and the Anti-Christ defiling it.... that was Jesus. All those 500 BC prophets who heard the word of G-d saying 'write this down'... that was Jesus.

Yes, Jesus was G-d, and Jesus talked about the Jews returning to the land of Israel a ton. No, Jesus didn't talk about them returning to the land of Israel during his time as a man on the Earth, because the Jews were already in Israel at that time. But read your Bible.... Jesus was G-d, and talked about the Jews coming back to Israel throughout the Bible.
Androw has no idea what a sick twisted scumbag he's dealing with lol.

He will though, in time
Including your own...

So what?

We committed the biggest terrorist attack ever carried out in the history of the world when we dropped two nuclear bombs on two civilian cities in Japan .
"Your Honor, the Prosecution rests."

Now that you've been outed as a crazy and a moral relativist who equates Hamas with Jesus of Nazareth, we can add America-hater to your list of credentials.

Finally, the audience begins to understand the true nature what it's dealing with here.

True Palestinians must cringe every time you open your mouth, wishing that you'd stay off of their side. You do the Palestinian cause far more harm than good. Well done.
This is nothing new. Jihad Sherri has expressed her passionate hatred of America many times before. It comes with the territory of somebody who's sold her soul to Islamists.

At its core, Sherri hates America because its people stand shoulder to shoulder with Israel, both from a moral and ethical perspective, as well as religious.
Please be careful with Sherri. If we educate her to see the truth, she will leave us. Then where will we go for fun & laughs while those she supports continue to kill us Christians & Jews all over the world?

The problem is in The New Testament there is a new covenant and Salvation comes from belief in Jesus for both Jews and Gentile.

Jesus is the fulfillment of all promises of The Old Testament.

Jesus says nothing about a promise of land to Jews left to be fulfilled, it is nowhere in Jesus teachings.

Zionists want to create a new Jesus and ignore who Jesus says He is and who The Gospels say Jesus is.

Man was made in the image of God, Zionists want to set themselves above God even, and declare God made in the image of Zionists.

Zionism is not the Gospel of the Kingdom Jesus teaches, it never was and it never will be and Jesus cannot simply be transformed by Zionists into someone He is not.

Really? You can prove conclusively that Zionists.... all the Zionists throughout the Earth, *all* want to create a "new Jesus"? Certainly a few do. Perhaps even a significant number. But you, Sherri, know for a fact that every single Zionist on the planet, wants to make up a new Jesus? How do you know this? Did you ask every single Zionist alive?

But you must have missed one. I'm a Zionist, and I don't want a new Jesus.

Now again, the Prophesy clearly says that the Jews in fact will be deceived, and believe in a false messiah who will promise peace. So obviously some Zionists will make a new Jesus (if you get my meaning).

But *all* Zionists want a new Jesus? *all* of them? I don't think you can actually provide proof, or support of that claim.

However, there is one other problem I have with your post.

You claim that Jesus says nothing about a promise of land to Jews left to be fulfilled, it is nowhere in Jesus teachings.

And yet you say in this post:

Back to Jesus and who Jesus is, He is the Son of God.

And in John 10:30 it reads:
I and the Father are one.”

31 Again his Jewish opponents picked up stones to stone him, 32 but Jesus said to them, “I have shown you many good works from the Father. For which of these do you stone me?”

33 “We are not stoning you for any good work,” they replied, “but for blasphemy, because you, a mere man, claim to be God.”

Jesus said very clearly "I and the Father are one", and the Jews of the day knew exactly what Jesus was saying.

And here you say:

The Bible is The Word of God.

Ok, so let's review. Jesus is G-d. You yourself affirm that He is the "Son of G-d". Further you affirm that the Bible is the word of G-d.

I just posted a half dozen, of dozens of verses where G-d say the Jews are to be on that plot of land in Palestine.

So back to the question. Did Jesus say anything about the Jews coming back to Israel?

Yes, as a matter of fact he did. All those promises, prophesies, and statements about the Jews returning to the land of Israel, that was Jesus, who was G-d, who spoke through the prophets. Back in Genesis, when Adam and Eve, walked in the Garden with G-d..... that was Jesus. When John on a penal Island, was told in visions about the Jews building the temple in Israel, and the Anti-Christ defiling it.... that was Jesus. All those 500 BC prophets who heard the word of G-d saying 'write this down'... that was Jesus.

Yes, Jesus was G-d, and Jesus talked about the Jews returning to the land of Israel a ton. No, Jesus didn't talk about them returning to the land of Israel during his time as a man on the Earth, because the Jews were already in Israel at that time. But read your Bible.... Jesus was G-d, and talked about the Jews coming back to Israel throughout the Bible.[/QUOTE]
Including your own...

So what?

We committed the biggest terrorist attack ever carried out in the history of the world when we dropped two nuclear bombs on two civilian cities in Japan .

As tragic as that was, that ended the war so that more Japanese weren't killed and more of our soldiers weren't killed. However, there are events in history where your Muslim buddies have killed even more. And, let's face it, if you can't stand this country, nobody is stopping you from packing up and moving to Iran with your Iranian gang.
Oh but no, the dirtbags want to live here while at the same time expressing their hatred towards America and the Jews. They forget the shithole that Islam has turned Iran into.
No, God judges people and nations , not Zionists like Kondor who place themselves above God.

And these judgments await us.

There is no defense for the US dropping two nuclear bombs on two civilian cities.

They say thousands still die every year from radiation and diseases caused by our terror attacks.

Why is it the lives of those civilians have no worth or value for Zionists like Kondor?

Certainly the US has taken the lives of more innocent civilians then Hamas ever thought about doing.

So what?

We committed the biggest terrorist attack ever carried out in the history of the world when we dropped two nuclear bombs on two civilian cities in Japan .
"Your Honor, the Prosecution rests."

Now that you've been outed as a crazy and a moral relativist who equates Hamas with Jesus of Nazareth, we can add America-hater to your list of credentials.

Finally, the audience begins to understand the true nature what it's dealing with here.

True Palestinians must cringe every time you open your mouth, wishing that you'd stay off of their side. You do the Palestinian cause far more harm than good. Well done.
They also say that the Iran / Iraq war killed over a million people. All over nothing. So what? War is hell. Nations will do what they have to, to ensure survival.
Another Zionist God gives her Judgment.

Thinking about the day she meets the real God is a thing to smile about.

The History Place - Genocide in the 20th Century: Rape of Nanking 1937-38

Hiroshima and Nagasaki Death Toll

These accounts show that the l'il sherrithing is in error yet again in its claims about Hiroshima and Nagasaki The Japanese took more (Chinese) civilian lives at Nanking than they lost in Hiroshima and Nagasaki......
Well your judgement is that Hamas resembles Jesus. You are "one flew over the cuckoos nest" when it comes to judgements.
There are questions The Bible simply does not answer. I am not personally losing sleep thinking about whether polar bears were or were not on the Ark. And I do not read every word literally either, some words are not written to be read literally. I do not even have a problem with Evolution.

I do not recall reading about polar bears on an ark.

WHERE Is that written?

So how did the millions of species of animals not mentioned in the bible come to be? Are they all post-flood fabrications?
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