Even Jesus Is A Zionist

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Are you even in outright denial that God judges Zionists?

I am threatening no one, but I believe we shall all experience a physical death based on what I see.

The only one I ever heard of not experiencing a physical death was a man named Enoch, his story is in the Bible.

And I believe there is a Judgment too.

And I do believe Nations are judged too.

Having these beliefs is not threatening anyone.

I most definitely do not claim to be God and the One who judges.

Another Zionist God gives her Judgment.

Thinking about the day she meets the real God is a thing to smile about.

She gets more and more DESPERATE-----now she THREATENS with the
perverted piece of crap "god of the underworld' ----isa-----that she worships
Is that why 1.2 billion Muslims, despite all this wealth, live like this? One terrorist shithole of barbarism, backwardness, corruption, oppression, and intolerance after another. Thanks for the clarification.
Seeing Jesus in every person is a positive thing, something to strive for.

And I do see Jesus in Hamas.

Another Zionist God gives her Judgment.

Thinking about the day she meets the real God is a thing to smile about.

The History Place - Genocide in the 20th Century: Rape of Nanking 1937-38

Hiroshima and Nagasaki Death Toll

These accounts show that the l'il sherrithing is in error yet again in its claims about Hiroshima and Nagasaki The Japanese took more (Chinese) civilian lives at Nanking than they lost in Hiroshima and Nagasaki......
Well your judgement is that Hamas resembles Jesus. You are "one flew over the cuckoos nest" when it comes to judgements.
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"...only a few nations in our world call Hamas terrorists.I'm /I]"

Including your own...

So what?

We committed the biggest terrorist attack ever carried out in the history of the world when we dropped two nuclear bombs on two civilian cities in Japan .

So what? You America hating, Islamic terrorist loving imp of Satan? So fucking what? We saved a million American lives by ending the war with Japan. Go straight to hell America hater.
I have noticed that Sherri uses Bible scripture to back up her points.

Yet her fellow Christian detractors only resort to personal attacks and never scripture in their responses towards her. ... :cool:
The scripture Sherri uses actually destroy her points. But she's too stoopid to realize that, or she just doesn't care.
My perception of Muslims is not the same as yours, I have no ability to explain your deranged fantasies.

Are you even in outright denial that God judges Zionists?

I am threatening no one, but I believe we shall all experience a physical death based on what I see.

The only one I ever heard of not experiencing a physical death was a man named Enoch, his story is in the Bible.

And I believe there is a Judgment too.

And I do believe Nations are judged too.

Having these beliefs is not threatening anyone.

I most definitely do not claim to be God and the One who judges.

Is that why 1.2 billion Muslims, despite all this wealth, live like this? One terrorist shithole of barbarism, backwardness, corruption, oppression, and intolerance after another. Thanks for the clarification.
My perception of Muslims is not the same as yours, I have no ability to explain your deranged fantasies.

Are you even in outright denial that God judges Zionists?

I am threatening no one, but I believe we shall all experience a physical death based on what I see.

The only one I ever heard of not experiencing a physical death was a man named Enoch, his story is in the Bible.

And I believe there is a Judgment too.

And I do believe Nations are judged too.

Having these beliefs is not threatening anyone.

I most definitely do not claim to be God and the One who judges.

Is that why 1.2 billion Muslims, despite all this wealth, live like this? One terrorist shithole of barbarism, backwardness, corruption, oppression, and intolerance after another. Thanks for the clarification.

We know your perceptions. Americans are terrorists and Muslims are honorable, innocent, pure as the driven snow freedom fighters. Come out of her Satan!
I have noticed that Sherri uses Bible scripture to back up her points.

Yet her fellow Christian detractors only resort to personal attacks and never scripture in their responses towards her. ... :cool:
The scripture Sherri uses actually destroy her points. But she's too stoopid to realize that, or she just doesn't care.

Sherri's bible verses back up her point of view completely. .. :cool:
Several times in the past I have asked if everyone is aware how Israel's greatest enemies are also America's greatest enemies hating Christians & Jews like Sherri does?

"Your Honor, the Prosecution rests."

Now that you've been outed as a crazy and a moral relativist who equates Hamas with Jesus of Nazareth, we can add America-hater to your list of credentials.

Finally, the audience begins to understand the true nature what it's dealing with here.

True Palestinians must cringe every time you open your mouth, wishing that you'd stay off of their side. You do the Palestinian cause far more harm than good. Well done.

Purely as a matter of personal opinion...

It strikes me that people like the person(s) behind the Sherriah account - who (a) portray their own country as a terrorist state, (b) take the Muslim Militant side in any confrontation between East and West, and who (c) compound their political dogma with rigid and potentially insane interpretations of religious dogma - present a genuine potential danger to national security, not only as spewers of poisonous propaganda, but also as Fifth Columnists and Enemy Sympathizers, giving aid and comfort to the enemy in time of war.

Concurrent with continuing to allow a healthy measure of Freedom of Speech... hopefully, the Feds are keeping an especially watchful eye on he/she/it/them...

If ever there was a poster-child for sustaining that despicable and damnable legislation known as 'The Patriot Act', it would be the Sherriah critter.
Europe is infected with these animals and if Obama has his way, America will too.
Where is that Scripture you speak of?

You would think over 3000 posts you would have found it by now.

I have noticed that Sherri uses Bible scripture to back up her points.

Yet her fellow Christian detractors only resort to personal attacks and never scripture in their responses towards her. ... :cool:
The scripture Sherri uses actually destroy her points. But she's too stoopid to realize that, or she just doesn't care.
Actually, the Torah says that Noah was instructed to save 7 pairs of the 'clean' animals and only 2 pairs of the 'unclean' animals. ... :cool:

So the unicorns were neither clean or unclean?

What were they then??
There was only 2 categories for all animals but the Torah doesn't say which one the unicorn belonged.

The hebrew word for what the KJV calls a unicorn is "reh-ame" meaning a wild ox, or aurochs, which are now extinct

Species go extinct all of the time.

Apparently unicorns were one of those animals that went extinct. ... :cool:

Oh look, the Muslim convert who doesn't know jack shit about his own religion Islam, is now educating us on the Torah. Would that be because his illiterate terrorist prophet had no idea what the two religions he hijacked were all about?
There are questions The Bible simply does not answer. I am not personally losing sleep thinking about whether polar bears were or were not on the Ark. And I do not read every word literally either, some words are not written to be read literally. I do not even have a problem with Evolution.

I do not recall reading about polar bears on an ark.

WHERE Is that written?

So how did the millions of species of animals not mentioned in the bible come to be? Are they all post-flood fabrications?
Yes, you only have a problem with Israel and Jews. LOL
Seeing Jesus in every person is a positive thing, something to strive for.

And I do see Jesus in Hamas.

Another Zionist God gives her Judgment.

Thinking about the day she meets the real God is a thing to smile about.
Well your judgement is that Hamas resembles Jesus. You are "one flew over the cuckoos nest" when it comes to judgements.
You see Jesus in a terrorist group that targets kids? Are you on some kind of acid?
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