Even Jesus Is A Zionist

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My perception of Muslims is not the same as yours, I have no ability to explain your deranged fantasies.

Are you even in outright denial that God judges Zionists?

I am threatening no one, but I believe we shall all experience a physical death based on what I see.

The only one I ever heard of not experiencing a physical death was a man named Enoch, his story is in the Bible.

And I believe there is a Judgment too.

And I do believe Nations are judged too.

Having these beliefs is not threatening anyone.

I most definitely do not claim to be God and the One who judges.

Is that why 1.2 billion Muslims, despite all this wealth, live like this? One terrorist shithole of barbarism, backwardness, corruption, oppression, and intolerance after another. Thanks for the clarification.
What's your perception? Why are Muslims such backwards, medieval, corrupt, violent, intolerant, chauvinistic, people? Despite all this wealth, why do their people live in such poverty and lack of education? Going by your logic, God has judged "the fruits of Islam".
"...Europe is infected with these animals and if Obama has his way, America will too."
With any luck, Obumble will run out of time (January 20, 2017) before he can do too much more damage.
When Hillary wins the 2016 election she will continue the Obama agenda for the next 8 years. ... :cool:
Hardly... Billary had her own agenda going into the 2008 race, and would have her own agenda going into the 2016 race as well.

That is, unless the American People are so pissed off over ObamaCare and other Democrat -sponsored idiocies that they throw caution to the wind and give the other team its next turn at-bat.

All kinds of possibilities... very few of which will pan-out to be Muslim-friendly.

In any event, we'll know soon enough, as history measures time.
I have noticed that Sherri uses Bible scripture to back up her points.

Yet her fellow Christian detractors only resort to personal attacks and never scripture in their responses towards her. ... :cool:
The scripture Sherri uses actually destroy her points. But she's too stoopid to realize that, or she just doesn't care.

Sherri's bible verses back up her point of view completely. .. :cool:
Not really. She claims the Bible and Jesus aren't Zionist. That is clearly a delusion.
Where is that Scripture you speak of?

You would think over 3000 posts you would have found it by now.

I have noticed that Sherri uses Bible scripture to back up her points.

Yet her fellow Christian detractors only resort to personal attacks and never scripture in their responses towards her. ... :cool:
The scripture Sherri uses actually destroy her points. But she's too stoopid to realize that, or she just doesn't care.
You must have already forgotten.

Mentally ill people have bad short term memories.
There are approximately 7 million muslims in the U.S.

And due to high birth rates and immigration.

That number is growing exponentionaly. ... :thup:
Not really, other minorities are growing faster. Plus, getting a visa from a Muslim country to the US is extremely hard. I wonder why?
"...Europe is infected with these animals and if Obama has his way, America will too."
With any luck, Obumble will run out of time (January 20, 2017) before he can do too much more damage.
When Hillary wins the 2016 election she will continue the Obama agenda for the next 8 years. ... :cool:
Hillary is very pro Israel, and militaristic towards Islam. Be careful what you wish for. LOL
With any luck, Obumble will run out of time (January 20, 2017) before he can do too much more damage.
When Hillary wins the 2016 election she will continue the Obama agenda for the next 8 years. ... :cool:
Hillary is very pro Israel, and militaristic towards Islam. Be careful what you wish for. LOL
So was Obama before he got elected.

All candidates must kowtow to AIPAC in order to win an election.

But after the win their true colors will show.

Hillary is secretly pro muslim and anti Israel. ... :thup:
Seeing Jesus in every person is a positive thing, something to strive for. And I do see Jesus in Hamas.
Well your judgement is that Hamas resembles Jesus. You are "one flew over the cuckoos nest" when it comes to judgements.
You see Jesus in a terrorist group that targets kids? Are you on some kind of acid?
Some people see Jesus in a piece of garlic-bread or a grilled-cheese sandwich...
When Hillary wins the 2016 election she will continue the Obama agenda for the next 8 years. ... :cool:
Hillary is very pro Israel, and militaristic towards Islam. Be careful what you wish for. LOL
So was Obama before he got elected.

All candidates must kowtow to AIPAC in order to win an election.

But after the win their true colors will show.

Hillary is secretly pro muslim and anti Israel. ... :thup:
You might add socialist and unprosecuted lying crook.
Hillary is very pro Israel, and militaristic towards Islam. Be careful what you wish for. LOL
So was Obama before he got elected.

All candidates must kowtow to AIPAC in order to win an election.

But after the win their true colors will show.

Hillary is secretly pro muslim and anti Israel. ... :thup:
You might add socialist and unprosecuted lying crook.
I think Billary's time has come and gone...

She would have made an interesting choice for POTUS in 2008...

And she even picked-up some Cabinet -level experience for her resume, as an inexperienced political appointee to State, being tossed a bone for getting behind Obumble during the end-game in 2008...

But her lackluster performance at State and the way her term ended (Benghazi), as well as her Haunted History in various Razorback-gates, will probably work against her...

As much as the nation is ready for a woman President, I'm just not sure that the country is ready to annoint its first, hard on the heels of the Obumble mash-up...

And it may prove true that Billary is - by now, anyway - the wrong fit for that role...

The country could end-up waiting for a few more years for its first woman President...

No clue whether I'm right or wrong about that, but time will tell, and that's how things appear to me at the moment...

But hell... I'll bet even Billary knows that Jesus was a Zionist -like fella, using the earliest and simplest definition of Zionism, as merely favoring a homeland for the Jews within the Holy Land...
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When Hillary wins the 2016 election she will continue the Obama agenda for the next 8 years. ... :cool:
Hillary is very pro Israel, and militaristic towards Islam. Be careful what you wish for. LOL
So was Obama before he got elected.

All candidates must kowtow to AIPAC in order to win an election.

But after the win their true colors will show.

Hillary is secretly pro muslim and anti Israel. ... :thup:

Haha in your dreams you delusional idiot ! LOL !!
Really strange. She worships the Zionist Jesus & hates his Zionist followers.

Seeing Jesus in every person is a positive thing, something to strive for.

And I do see Jesus in Hamas.

Well your judgement is that Hamas resembles Jesus. You are "one flew over the cuckoos nest" when it comes to judgements.
You see Jesus in a terrorist group that targets kids? Are you on some kind of acid?
Hillary is very pro Israel, and militaristic towards Islam. Be careful what you wish for. LOL
So was Obama before he got elected.

All candidates must kowtow to AIPAC in order to win an election.

But after the win their true colors will show.

Hillary is secretly pro muslim and anti Israel. ... :thup:

Haha in your dreams you delusional idiot ! LOL !!
Hillary's top personal aid is a muslim named Huma Abedin. ... :cool:

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Doesn't matter... 2016 is a long ways off... anything can happen... any new face can capture the imagination of the voting public... and, if ObamaCare continues its downward slide in popularity due to adverse changes in healthcare coverage for so many... the Dems may lose control of both houses in 2014... and lose the White House as well in 2016... the nation isn't pleased with our present direction nor the nature nor agenda of the leadership of the party currently in power. IF such things are left uncorrected it will give the Other Guys another turn at-bat... the latest in a never-ending series of political flip-flops on the part of the American voting public. We'll see.
So was Obama before he got elected.

All candidates must kowtow to AIPAC in order to win an election.

But after the win their true colors will show.

Hillary is secretly pro muslim and anti Israel. ... :thup:

Haha in your dreams you delusional idiot ! LOL !!
Hillary's top personal aid is a muslim named Huma Abedin. ... :cool:


BTW, she's married to a Jew who opposed the Palestinian state and is pro - Israel:

In May 2006, Weiner attempted to bar entry by the Palestinian delegation to the United Nations. Weiner added that the delegation "should start packing their little Palestinian terrorist bags", and went on to claim that Human Rights Watch, The New York Times, and Amnesty International are all biased against Israel

He also supports gay right, which I'm sure means she does too:


I know how much you hate gay people, so I thought I'd bring that up ;)
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