Even Jesus Is A Zionist

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You see Jesus in a terrorist group that targets kids? Are you on some kind of acid?
Some people see Jesus in a piece of garlic-bread or a grilled-cheese sandwich...
Hold the mayo?
Or the pasta and sauce, in the case of the garlic bread, or the bowl of soup, in the case of the sandwich...
Learn English, Israeli shill, your English comprehension skills suck.

I said none of what you accuse me.

I am completely at peace with letting God judge all nations and people, knowing my sins are covered by Jesus sacrifice on that cross.

Since without Jesus we all fall short, Jesus words about condemnation flowing from continuing disbelief are completely understandable.

On a more serious note, I actually wish that Judgment on noone.

Of course Nations are not people, it's completely up to God when and how to deal with their transgressions.

As for my tone in addressing Zionists, you all stand here defending an indefensible ideology that hurts and kills and denies millions their basic human rights inside Palestine.

How can anyone with a conscience remain silent?

Another Zionist God gives her Judgment.

Thinking about the day she meets the real God is a thing to smile about.

The History Place - Genocide in the 20th Century: Rape of Nanking 1937-38

Hiroshima and Nagasaki Death Toll

These accounts show that the l'il sherrithing is in error yet again in its claims about Hiroshima and Nagasaki The Japanese took more (Chinese) civilian lives at Nanking than they lost in Hiroshima and Nagasaki......

So because I demonstrate that your *judgment* about the US action was inaccurate, giving reliable sources for the numbers involved - you gloat over the idea of my death?

In just which alternate universe is *that* an example of 'following Jesus', or of 'seeing Jesus in every person' (or, as my Friend rellies say, "seeking that of GOD within others"....)
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Learn English, Israeli shill, your English comprehension skills suck.

I said none of what you accuse me.

I am completely at peace with letting God judge all nations and people, knowing my sins are covered by Jesus sacrifice on that cross.

Since without Jesus we all fall short, Jesus words about condemnation flowing from continuing disbelief are completely understandable.

On a more serious note, I actually wish that Judgment on noone.

Of course Nations are not people, it's completely up to God when and how to deal with their transgressions.

Another Zionist God gives her Judgment.

Thinking about the day she meets the real God is a thing to smile about.

So because I demonstrate that your *judgment* about the US action was inaccurate, giving reliable sources for the numbers involved - you gloat over the idea of my death?

In just which alternate universe is *that* an example of 'following Jesus', or of 'seeing Jesus in every person' (or, as my Friend rellies say, "seeking that of GOD within others"....)
I'd be more worried about your own TRANSGRESSIONS if I were you, looney tunes.
"Seeing Jesus in every person is a positive thing, something to strive for. "

And yet the sherrithing is completely unable to see Jesus in a single Zionist.......
"Seeing Jesus in every person is a positive thing, something to strive for. "

And yet the sherrithing is completely unable to see Jesus in a single Zionist.......

never mind what the sherri-enity sees----imagine what poor Jesus would see if he
ever ran into her --------IN THE DAYS ......as isaiah says......"after" or --the "latter days"---
when the souls of all the world will come to consciousness------(sorta) ......Jesus will be
among them (so Isaiah says) and -----well-----maybe sherri too----(????---everyone?)--
have some compassion for poor jesus
Learn English, Israeli shill, your English comprehension skills suck.

I said none of what you accuse me.

I am completely at peace with letting God judge all nations and people, knowing my sins are covered by Jesus sacrifice on that cross.
Since without Jesus we all fall short, Jesus words about condemnation flowing from continuing disbelief are completely understandable.

On a more serious note, I actually wish that Judgment on noone.

Of course Nations are not people, it's completely up to God when and how to deal with their transgressions.

As for my tone in addressing Zionists, you all stand here defending an indefensible ideology that hurts and kills and denies millions their basic human rights inside Palestine.

How can anyone with a conscience remain silent?

Another Zionist God gives her Judgment.

Thinking about the day she meets the real God is a thing to smile about.

So because I demonstrate that your *judgment* about the US action was inaccurate, giving reliable sources for the numbers involved - you gloat over the idea of my death?

In just which alternate universe is *that* an example of 'following Jesus', or of 'seeing Jesus in every person' (or, as my Friend rellies say, "seeking that of GOD within others"....)

How very like the descriptions of hypocrite Pharisees in the GoM:

Matthew 6:1
"Be careful not to practice your righteousness in front of others to be seen by them. If you do, you will have no reward from your Father in heaven.

Matthew 23:5
"Everything they do is done for people to see: They make their phylacteries wide and the tassels on their garments long;

Mark 11:25
And when you stand praying, if you hold anything against anyone, forgive them, so that your Father in heaven may forgive you your sins."

And how very like the picture of a hypocrite Pharisee painted by Luke's words as well:

Luke 18:11
The Pharisee stood by himself and prayed: 'God, I thank you that I am not like other people--robbers, evildoers, adulterers--or even like this tax collector....'

What is the difference between that 'Pharisee' in Luke - and the l'il pious pustule of the sherriliar publicly thanking GOD for not making her a Zionist??? :eusa_whistle:
Learn English, Israeli shill, your English comprehension skills suck.

I said none of what you accuse me.

I am completely at peace with letting God judge all nations and people, knowing my sins are covered by Jesus sacrifice on that cross.
Since without Jesus we all fall short, Jesus words about condemnation flowing from continuing disbelief are completely understandable.

On a more serious note, I actually wish that Judgment on noone.

Of course Nations are not people, it's completely up to God when and how to deal with their transgressions.

As for my tone in addressing Zionists, you all stand here defending an indefensible ideology that hurts and kills and denies millions their basic human rights inside Palestine.

How can anyone with a conscience remain silent?

So because I demonstrate that your *judgment* about the US action was inaccurate, giving reliable sources for the numbers involved - you gloat over the idea of my death?

In just which alternate universe is *that* an example of 'following Jesus', or of 'seeing Jesus in every person' (or, as my Friend rellies say, "seeking that of GOD within others"....)

How very like the descriptions of hypocrite Pharisees in the GoM:

Matthew 6:1
"Be careful not to practice your righteousness in front of others to be seen by them. If you do, you will have no reward from your Father in heaven.

Matthew 23:5
"Everything they do is done for people to see: They make their phylacteries wide and the tassels on their garments long;

Mark 11:25
And when you stand praying, if you hold anything against anyone, forgive them, so that your Father in heaven may forgive you your sins."

And how very like the picture of a hypocrite Pharisee painted by Luke's words as well:

Luke 18:11
The Pharisee stood by himself and prayed: 'God, I thank you that I am not like other people--robbers, evildoers, adulterers--or even like this tax collector....'

What is the difference between that 'Pharisee' in Luke - and the l'il pious pustule of the sherriliar publicly thanking GOD for not making her a Zionist??? :eusa_whistle:

you got that Marge? Sherri is ok with her support of those who slit the throats of
infants-------because your tassels are too long. and who said so -----matthew---
an unknown who authored a work based on heresay in which he quotes Jesus in
greek------some 70 years after Jesus died-------and a Greek LUKE---who never met
Jesus and also wrote based on heresay IN GREEK. I wonder how one says
"your tassels are too long in greek"??? I agree that some people's tassels are too
long--------people should fit those things correctly to children so they do not drag on
the floor--------very short people MUST BE ACCOMODATED
Hillary's top personal aid is a muslim named Huma Abedin. ... :cool:

That really doesn't mean much. Everyone thought Obama would do many things, that once in office, he didn't do, because it was political suicide.

The same was true of Clinton before Bush, who was supposed to be this great reformer, but ended up doing very little, specifically for political reasons.

Hilliary Clinton is cut from the same clothe. The moment she gets into office, she won't do anything that might damage her politically, whether she has Islamist aides or not.

The bottom line is, no matter if Hilliary is a closet anti-Israeli or not, if it is political suicide to oppose Israel, she won't do it. End of story.

But all that assumes Hilliary can even get into office, which honestly I highly doubt.

Every poll I've seen involving Hilliary running against either Bush Jr, McCain, or Romney, shows that she loses every single time.

Normally, accusations of right-wing hatred are false... but in this particular case, it is absolutely 100% true. People *HATE* Hilliary. Hate is a very strong motivator.

I myself, did not vote for McCain, or Romney. But if Hilliary was running, I would have done so for sure. Absolutely. Anyone, as in *ANYONE* but Hilliary. She's an awful person. Lies, corruption, arrogant, and everything evil and wrong, wrapped up in one politician.

The Democrats would have a better chance of winning, running Clint Eastwood's empty chair, over Hilliary. And the only way the Republicans could lose, is by running the empty chair against Hilliary. I would have easily voted for Perry, Huntsman, or Pawlenty, without question, if they were running against Hilliary.

With that kind of deep seated *HATE* of Hilliary in American culture, the idea that she's going to win, seems highly unlikely.

But lastly.....

None of this actually makes any difference to the main topic at hand. People who oppose Israel, are not fighting against men.

They are fighting against G-d. Men are simply tools G-d has choose to use, to make his will be done. G-d allowed the people of the Eastern Arab countries persecute the Jews to drive them to Israel. G-d allowed Hitler and Nazis to spread over Europe, and persecute the Jews to drive them back to Israel. G-d allowed Stalin, and the Soviets to oppress and ruin Soviet Bloc countries, to drive Jews back to Israel. G-d allowed the horrors of WW2 to gain sympathy in the UN to allow the Jews to create their own nation again.

You, and those like you, might be able to get what you want in the US. But you will never harm Israel in any meaningful way. If support doesn't come from the US, then they will be supported by someone else that G-d raises up. And if they are not supported by someone else, then G-d himself will support them.

The prophesies have come true, just as it was written to happen, over 2000 to 3000 years ago. You can't stop this. You will fight and fight, and lose, because no one, not you, not anyone else, will ever defeat the G-d of the universe. Take all the anti-Israel people, gather them all together in the greatest military army that human kind has ever seen....

With a Flick! of G-d's finger.... and you are all gone. You can't win this fight. You'll never win this fight. You can be bitter about it until the day you die, or accept that G-d's will be done. Those are your options.
As for my tone in addressing Zionists, you all stand here defending an indefensible ideology that hurts and kills and denies millions their basic human rights inside Palestine.

How can anyone with a conscience remain silent?

To start with, if we were in the place of Israel, we would have done far worse, and far more, than Israel ever has.

If Mexico fired mortars into Texas.... :tongue:

Are you kidding? Texas ALONE would have launched their own private full scale invasion of Mexico, before the Feds even heard the news.

Are you crazy? We'd have wiped out half of Mexico, and occupied the rest.

The fact that the country of Jordan still exists today, is proof of the decency of the Israeli people. The fact there is *ANYONE* left in Gaza today, is proof of the decency of the Israeli people. As much as Russia claims to support the Arabs, when there's a Muslim terrorist attack in their country, they send in the military, and occupy the whole area.

And Israel still allows the Palestinian Authority. Has Russia allowed that? Of course not. Would the US? Not a chance.

And if Mexicans were strapping bombs around their breasts, and marching into night clubs blowing up kids in California..... are you joking?

There would be no debate about a fence in the desert. We'd have a 20 foot tall, 2 foot wide, concrete wall 2000 miles long, with fully automatic drones with machine guns, automatically shooting people who got too close.

And you want to ask how anyone can support the minor things Israel is doing? I'm shocked they are not doing far more. We certainly would have.
Learn English, Israeli shill, your English comprehension skills suck.

I said none of what you accuse me.

I am completely at peace with letting God judge all nations and people, knowing my sins are covered by Jesus sacrifice on that cross.

Since without Jesus we all fall short, Jesus words about condemnation flowing from continuing disbelief are completely understandable.

On a more serious note, I actually wish that Judgment on noone.

Of course Nations are not people, it's completely up to God when and how to deal with their transgressions.

As for my tone in addressing Zionists, you all stand here defending an indefensible ideology that hurts and kills and denies millions their basic human rights inside Palestine.

How can anyone with a conscience remain silent?

Another Zionist God gives her Judgment.

Thinking about the day she meets the real God is a thing to smile about.

So because I demonstrate that your *judgment* about the US action was inaccurate, giving reliable sources for the numbers involved - you gloat over the idea of my death?

In just which alternate universe is *that* an example of 'following Jesus', or of 'seeing Jesus in every person' (or, as my Friend rellies say, "seeking that of GOD within others"....)

Who cares what you think ?

You're credibility is Z-E-R-O ! When will you understand this, Terrorist Shill ?!?!
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