Even Jesus Is A Zionist

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Supporting killing is not my thing, as I know I have stated repeatedly here, stating the fact I oppose killing anywhere anytime for any reason whatsoever.

That is a major reason I oppose Zionism, for all the killing Zionists do.

I look at that list of 1519 children Zionists have killed in Palestine and see what Zionism is and who Zionists are.

I look at the over 1400 Zionists killed in Cast Lead and see the face of Zionsm.

I look at babies burned to death by Zionists with white phosphorous and see who Zionists are.

I read about an IDF soldier blowing away two little girls holding white flags from a tank and I see what Zionism is.

I see 750,000 Palestinians ethnically cleansed from their homes when Israel declared herself a nation in 1948 and I see the face of Zionism.

I don't live in your world or see those Zionist delusions you claim you see.

I go to the reports of human rights groups and I read of their investigations and all they report about what Zionists are doing in Palestine and the Middle East, I read of the confirmed killings of Zionism, and I see Zionists for the killers they are.

And I see Zionism for the evil ideology it is, an ideology that exists through ethnic cleansing, every day Israel has existed as a nation since 1948, it depends on ethnic cleansing and occupation and apartheid and killing to sustain it.

And most definitely there is absolutely nothing of Jesus in any of what Zionism is.

Bless her for all the fun & laughs she gives us here while those she supports are killing us Christians & Jews all over the world.

Blow it out your fat ass, you insane lunatic.

How is it that the ownership of this board allows a disruptive influence and propaganda parrot like you to continue posting on this board-system?

Are you friends with one of the owners? Have you bribed somebody? Have you threatened to sue them? You are an embarrassment to your cause. You are a joke. Why are you still here?

She is here because this is the ONLY world she has. Notice she starts posting at 5 AM her time every morning and posts all day until after midnight. She has no other life even though she claims to be a lawyer and a psychologist. Obvious major lies. And she thinks this is normal behavior. And she thinks she's scoring points with the unwashed masses.
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PS sherri----why are you quoting the "old" testament ??
what happened to

OUT WITH THE **OLD** and in with the 'new'???

Now the readers can see why the imp of Satan has no credibility. How many hundreds of times has she said the OT is no longer relevant and "out with the old in with the new". And then she posts from the OT. Apparently 1st shift Satanic Sherri didn't get the message.
As with Sherri, I too am pissed with Zionists. What kind of people make peace offerings to Palestinians, build a security fence & concede land to them? Face it you Zionists, no surrounding Arab country, who know the Palestinians best, ever treated them like those Zionists in Israel do. When will Israel ever learn from the surrounding Arab countries how to gain respect from Palestinians?
Pay attention, that was addressing the new covenant replacing the old covenant.

The Bible is the story of the progressive revelation of God to mankind.


PS sherri----why are you quoting the "old" testament ??
what happened to

OUT WITH THE **OLD** and in with the 'new'???

Oh----I got it now------in the 'isa/allaaa version of "god"-------
"god" breaks his contract. Long ago----I was involved
in a legal issue---------THE OTHER SIDE-----violated the
terms of the contract-------so I thought I could violate it too.
The elderly lawyer who was advising me-----told me------

In fact ----USA contract law seems to be a throwback to
jewish jurisprudence------in which being relieved of an
"OATH" is quite an undertaking------very difficult-----once
an OATH (NEDAR) is accomplished-----and valid------
very hard to get out of it

When I was a kid------I had no religious education other than
a few sessions of protestant "sunday school" My playmates
seemed to think using a "bad word" was a violation of the
the ten commandments-----specifically----
"thou shalt not take the name of the lord in vain"

in fact it refers to the proscription on BREAKING A VOW---
or if you want to expand the issue-----simply DON'T LIE
You would be better off baking cupcakes for your family Sherri for all the good you are doing on these forums.

She is doing some good in this forum. She's showing the world how totally loony anti-Semites are. :thup:

Muh ObamaFoam only sended dis cuz I gibbed it a banana.
I didn't know there was such a thing as a sane anti Semite. Actually to be a bigot and hater like Sherri a certain level of mental illness is required. Hate is not a natural instinct.
Maybe jihad Sherri needs to keep up with what the Palestinian terrorist savages have done over the last 60 years. This does not of course include the 150,000 a Lebanese Christians killed by Palestinian animals.

Category:Terrorist attacks attributed to Palestinian militant groups - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You are wasting your typing fingers, Roudy. Keep in mind----
Sherri has already told you-----she cares not a wit for the murder of
or rape or mutilation of any person in the world------not the hundreds
of millions so handled by her kith and kin-----the ONLY deaths that
"matter" are those ----using all of the techniques of mendacity
and sophisty she can conjure------she can manage to blame on

You cry LOGIC, LOGIC, TRUTH in futility.

why do you imagine she emphasizes
"BELIEF" -----logic and truth have no
meaning in her creed
Pay attention, that was addressing the new covenant replacing the old covenant.

The Bible is the story of the progressive revelation of God to mankind.


PS sherri----why are you quoting the "old" testament ??
what happened to

OUT WITH THE **OLD** and in with the 'new'???
There is no such Althing as "Progressive revelation"', unless you are talking about the crap you just made up.
Pay attention, that was addressing the new covenant replacing the old covenant.

The Bible is the story of the progressive revelation of God to mankind.


PS sherri----why are you quoting the "old" testament ??
what happened to

OUT WITH THE **OLD** and in with the 'new'???
There is no such Althing as "Progressive revelation"', unless you are talking about the crap you just made up.

C'mon roudy----why so fuddy duddy? I like the term
"PROGRESSIVE REVELATION"-------- its like the
Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds -----


neologisms show up in the chatter of psychotics---
but also can manifest in brain damaged persons

You (of all people) know what a khat overdose can
do to conversation. ------imagine the PROGRESSIVE
MIND of a "god" chewing KOSMIC KHAT
More Zionist lies.

The Bible is itself proof of a progressive revelation of God to mankind.

And The Bible proves Zionist Roudy to be a liar.

We start with The Old Testament (the word means covenant and the book is its revelation)

Then, The New Testament follows. (The new covenant is revealed)

Jesus ushers in the new covenant for mankind.

Pay attention, that was addressing the new covenant replacing the old covenant.

The Bible is the story of the progressive revelation of God to mankind.


PS sherri----why are you quoting the "old" testament ??
what happened to

OUT WITH THE **OLD** and in with the 'new'???
There is no such Althing as "Progressive revelation"', unless you are talking about the crap you just made up.
More Zionist lies.

The Bible is itself proof of a progressive revelation of God to mankind.

And The Bible proves Zionist Roudy to be a liar.

We start with The Old Testament (the word means covenant and the book is its revelation)

Then, The New Testament follows. (The new covenant is revealed)

Jesus ushers in the new covenant for mankind.

Pay attention, that was addressing the new covenant replacing the old covenant.

The Bible is the story of the progressive revelation of God to mankind.

There is no such Althing as "Progressive revelation"', unless you are talking about the crap you just made up.
Jesus never said it's progressive, you idiot.

Jesus said nothing about changes or anything "new", non of the laws, and nothing the prophets said or did were to change. Christianity and the New Testament came AFTER the death of Jesus. There was nothing "New" that Jesus was following. His followers claimed that Jesus was the Messiah of the Old Testament, which makes him a Zionist, period, end of story.
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More Zionist lies.

The Bible is itself proof of a progressive revelation of God to mankind.

And The Bible proves Zionist Roudy to be a liar.

We start with The Old Testament (the word means covenant and the book is its revelation)

Then, The New Testament follows. (The new covenant is revealed)

Jesus ushers in the new covenant for mankind.

There is no such Althing as "Progressive revelation"', unless you are talking about the
crap you just made up.
Jesus never said it's progressive, you idiot.

Jesus said nothing about changes or anything "new", non of the laws, and nothing the prophets said or did were to change. Christianity and the New Testament came AFTER the death of Jesus. There was nothing "New" that Jesus was following. His followers
claimed that Jesus was the Messiah of the Old Testament, which makes him a Zionist, period, end of story.

roudy-----fret not------you are addressing an entity which still insists
that the bible was written in english. Notice that its interpretations
DEPEND on the various nuances of english words.
"testament" it insists means "covenant" Never mind what
the book itself is called in the language of its original authors-----
the fact that somewhere along the line----the word "TESTAMENT"
was applied to it's english translation -----CLINCHES THE DEAL

"OLD TESTAMENT" --------no doubt Moses said----
mean convenant------and it is going to be the outdated version of

NOW TRY TO THINK LIKE AN IDIOT---roudy-----you can do it ---
if you try----just EMULATE sherri
Progressive Revelation

Progressive revelation*may be defined as the process of God's own disclosure of Himself and His plan given to man throughout history by means of nature (Rom. 1:18-21; Ps. 19), providential dealings (Rom. 8:28), preservation of the universe (Col. 1:17), miracles (John 2:11), direct communication (Acts 22:17-21), Christ Himself (John 1:14) and through the Bible (1 John 5:39).


More Zionist lies.

The Bible is itself proof of a progressive revelation of God to mankind.

And The Bible proves Zionist Roudy to be a liar.

We start with The Old Testament (the word means covenant and the book is its revelation)

Then, The New Testament follows. (The new covenant is revealed)

Jesus ushers in the new covenant for mankind.

There is no such Althing as "Progressive revelation"', unless you are talking about the crap you just made up.
Jesus never said it's progressive, you idiot.

Jesus said nothing about changes or anything "new", non of the laws, and nothing the prophets said or did were to change. Christianity and the New Testament came AFTER the death of Jesus. There was nothing "New" that Jesus was following. His followers claimed that Jesus was the Messiah of the Old Testament, which makes him a Zionist, period, end of story.
Progressive Revelation

Progressive revelation*may be defined as the process of God's own disclosure of Himself and His plan given to man throughout history by means of nature (Rom. 1:18-21; Ps. 19), providential dealings (Rom. 8:28), preservation of the universe (Col. 1:17), miracles (John 2:11), direct communication (Acts 22:17-21), Christ Himself (John 1:14) and through the Bible (1 John 5:39).


More Zionist lies.

The Bible is itself proof of a progressive revelation of God to mankind.

And The Bible proves Zionist Roudy to be a liar.

We start with The Old Testament (the word means covenant and the book is its revelation)

Then, The New Testament follows. (The new covenant is revealed)

Jesus ushers in the new covenant for mankind.
Jesus never said it's progressive, you idiot.

Jesus said nothing about changes or anything "new", non of the laws, and nothing the prophets said or did were to change. Christianity and the New Testament came AFTER the death of Jesus. There was nothing "New" that Jesus was following. His followers claimed that Jesus was the Messiah of the Old Testament, which makes him a Zionist, period, end of story.
Crap. Jesus wasn't following anything new nor was he preaching anything new.

The New Testament was written by his followers, who claimed he was the Messiah of the Old Testament.

The Messiah of the Old Testament was a Zionist. As was Jesus and the New Testament. All of Jesus' followers were Zionist Jews.
Matthew 4*(English Standard Version)

Jesus Ministers to Great Crowds

And he went throughout all Galilee,*teaching in their synagogues andproclaiming the gospel of the kingdom and*healing every disease and every affliction among the people.*So his fame spread throughout allSyria, and*they brought him all the sick, those afflicted with various diseases and*pains,*those oppressed by demons,*epileptics, andparalytics, and he healed them.*And great crowds followed him from Galilee and the*Decapolis, and from Jerusalem and Judea, and from beyond the Jordan.

Matthew 4 - Jesus Is Tested in the Wilderness - Bible Gateway

Jesus preached the Gospel of the Kingdom of God.

Is that what Moses preached?

More Zionist lies.

The Bible is itself proof of a progressive revelation of God to mankind.

And The Bible proves Zionist Roudy to be a liar.

We start with The Old Testament (the word means covenant and the book is its revelation)

Then, The New Testament follows. (The new covenant is revealed)

Jesus ushers in the new covenant for mankind.

There is no such Althing as "Progressive revelation"', unless you are talking about the crap you just made up.
Jesus never said it's progressive, you idiot.

Jesus said nothing about changes or anything "new", non of the laws, and nothing the prophets said or did were to change. Christianity and the New Testament came AFTER the death of Jesus. There was nothing "New" that Jesus was following. His followers claimed that Jesus was the Messiah of the Old Testament, which makes him a Zionist, period, end of story.
Matthew 4*(English Standard Version)

Jesus Ministers to Great Crowds

And he went throughout all Galilee,*teaching in their synagogues andproclaiming the gospel of the kingdom and*healing every disease and every affliction among the people.*So his fame spread throughout allSyria, and*they brought him all the sick, those afflicted with various diseases and*pains,*those oppressed by demons,*epileptics, andparalytics, and he healed them.*And great crowds followed him from Galilee and the*Decapolis, and from Jerusalem and Judea, and from beyond the Jordan.

Matthew 4 - Jesus Is Tested in the Wilderness - Bible Gateway

Jesus preached the Gospel of the Kingdom of God.

Is that what Moses preached?

More Zionist lies.

The Bible is itself proof of a progressive revelation of God to mankind.

And The Bible proves Zionist Roudy to be a liar.

We start with The Old Testament (the word means covenant and the book is its revelation)

Then, The New Testament follows. (The new covenant is revealed)

Jesus ushers in the new covenant for mankind.
Jesus never said it's progressive, you idiot.

Jesus said nothing about changes or anything "new", non of the laws, and nothing the prophets said or did were to change. Christianity and the New Testament came AFTER the death of Jesus. There was nothing "New" that Jesus was following. His followers claimed that Jesus was the Messiah of the Old Testament, which makes him a Zionist, period, end of story.
Shadap, Jesus Slanderer! Go back to Eyran, HEYVOUN. LOL

Matthew 5- 7

17 &#8220;Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. 18 For truly I tell you, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished. 19 Therefore anyone who sets aside one of the least of these commands and teaches others accordingly will be called least in the kingdom of heaven, but whoever practices and teaches these commands will be called great in the kingdom of heaven.


According to Jesus himself, you are a blasphemist and going to HELL. Ha ha ha.
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Where does Moses preach this Gospel of the Kingdom?

"But I say to you that*everyone who looks at a woman with lustful intent has already committed adultery with her in his heart.*If your right eyecauses you to sin, tear it out and throw it away. For it is better that you lose one of your members than that your whole body be thrown intohell.*And if your right hand*causes you to sin, cut it off and throw it away. For it is better that you lose one of your members than that your whole body go into*hell."

Jesus says:

Matthew 5*(English Standard Version)


&#8220;You have heard that it was said,*&#8216;You shall not commit adultery.&#8217;*But I say to you that*everyone who looks at a woman with lustful intent has already committed adultery with her in his heart.*If your right eyecauses you to sin, tear it out and throw it away. For it is better that you lose one of your members than that your whole body be thrown intohell.*And if your right hand*causes you to sin, cut it off and throw it away. For it is better that you lose one of your members than that your whole body go into*hell.
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