Even Jesus Is A Zionist

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Satan, neither were Zionists, Zionism is all for you.

"Are Zionists Baptised"? Excellent question. How proud of you I am Sherri for making everyone aware that Jesus the Zionist Jew was even Baptised by John the Zionist Jew.

No, certainly no support for Jesus being a Zionist from what is written about Jesus here.

Are Zionists baptized?

Does God proclaim Zionists " the Son?"

Mark 1

The Baptism and Testing of Jesus

9*At that time Jesus came from Nazareth*in Galilee and was baptized by John*in the Jordan.*10*Just as Jesus was coming up out of the water, he saw heaven being torn open and the Spirit descending on him like a dove.*11*And a voice came from heaven: “You are my Son,whom I love; with you I am well pleased.”

Mark 1 - John the Baptist Prepares the Way - The - Bible Gateway

Sally, let it go.
You'll give yourself a headache, batting it out with her. You can only go so far and then need to let her go and move on.
People like that have been on those spinning playground rides far too fast and too long.
Make your points to the rest of the members instead.
Satan, the Pope is not a Zionist.

Zionism is all for you.

The Pope is most definitely not a Zionist.

"Pope Francis has never addressed the Israelis in his messages, nor has he openly defended the Jewish State since he was elected by the college of the cardinals. It seems that there is no room for stubborn, faithful Zionists in the Pope's lenient smile. In his speeches, Jewish national aspirations are ignored, if not denigrated."

The Pope Separates Jews from Israelis - Op-Eds - Israel National News

If he believes that the Jewish faith and Jewish people have a right to abide on the land given to them as their homeland in peace and behind defensible borders then he is a Zionist.
No, Satan, he is not a Zionist. Zionism is reserved all for you. He belongs to God.

And the Archbishop of Canterbury is not a Zionist, simply because he learned recently his father was born Jewish.

Stop lying about Christians.

The first 'Jewish' archbishop of Canterbury heads to Israel | The Times of Israel

If he believes that the Jewish faith and Jewish people have a right to abide on the land given to them as their homeland in peace and behind defensible borders then he is a Zionist.

Warning: Those who curse Israel will be cursed. Burn, Shia Sherri, burn.
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Jihad Sherri can't face the truth. Jesus was a Zionist, the New Testament is a Zionist Book, and the Old Testament is a 100% Zionist book, of which Jesus himself said he believes in, word by word.

Nothing she has posted in this thread has made a dent in that.

The reason Jihad Sherri struggles with this truth is it undercuts the very core of her warped ideology of hatred built on lies.
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Jihad Sherri can't face the truth. Jesus was a Zionist, the New Testament is a Zionist Book, and the Old Testament is a 100% Zionist book, of which Jesus himself said he believes in, word by word.

Nothing she has posted in this thread has made a dent in that.

The reason Jihad Sherri struggles with this truth is it undercuts the very core of her warped ideology of hatred built on lies.

all true roudy-----but the fact is sherri is not news. Aspects of her POV
EXIST and have existed amongst the christians for some 1700 years. I know
because I grew up amongst christians and even attended "sunday school"
several times. Way back then ----little christian children were presented
with an image of Jesus as if he had blue eyes and and lived a life style
something like a west virginian 100 years ago. Even in the sunday school
coloring books-----Jesus looked something like a scandanavian----then there
was the WICKED inkeeper who threw poor blond mary into the stable where
she gave birth-----the wicked innkeeper was presented with a black beard,
a malignant visage and----simply an obvious caricature of a jew. The good
news is that most christians have gotten over it-------but there is a movement---
largely funded by some saudis-----which encourages a return to
GENTILE JESUS and WICKED INNKEEPER imagery. The facade for the
movement "INTER-RELIGIOUS LOVE" ---ostensibly between muslims and
read that "CALIPHATE" sherri does not fool me----she is here for
the sake of JIHADO EMPIRE She knows so little about the bible----
that I cannot believe that she is really a "baptist" I have been to baptist
churches-----they may not know what the words 'zion" and 'hallelujah'
and Sh'chenah actually mean----but they SING them all the time-----its
kinda nice------singing and clapping and jumping around-----like
chassids on simchat torah
Jihad Sherri can't face the truth. Jesus was a Zionist, the New Testament is a Zionist Book, and the Old Testament is a 100% Zionist book, of which Jesus himself said he believes in, word by word.

Nothing she has posted in this thread has made a dent in that.

The reason Jihad Sherri struggles with this truth is it undercuts the very core of her warped ideology of hatred built on lies.

all true roudy-----but the fact is sherri is not news. Aspects of her POV
EXIST and have existed amongst the christians for some 1700 years. I know
because I grew up amongst christians and even attended "sunday school"
several times. Way back then ----little christian children were presented
with an image of Jesus as if he had blue eyes and and lived a life style
something like a west virginian 100 years ago. Even in the sunday school
coloring books-----Jesus looked something like a scandanavian----then there
was the WICKED inkeeper who threw poor blond mary into the stable where
she gave birth-----the wicked innkeeper was presented with a black beard,
a malignant visage and----simply an obvious caricature of a jew. The good
news is that most christians have gotten over it-------but there is a movement---
largely funded by some saudis-----which encourages a return to
GENTILE JESUS and WICKED INNKEEPER imagery. The facade for the
movement "INTER-RELIGIOUS LOVE" ---ostensibly between muslims and
read that "CALIPHATE" sherri does not fool me----she is here for
the sake of JIHADO EMPIRE She knows so little about the bible----
that I cannot believe that she is really a "baptist" I have been to baptist
churches-----they may not know what the words 'zion" and 'hallelujah'
and Sh'chenah actually mean----but they SING them all the time-----its
kinda nice------singing and clapping and jumping around-----like
chassids on simchat torah
That is correct. Only Islamists and Neo Nazis would hold the warped idiotic views that Jihad Sherri has. There is absolutely no difference.
Jihad Sherri can't face the truth. Jesus was a Zionist, the New Testament is a Zionist Book, and the Old Testament is a 100% Zionist book, of which Jesus himself said he believes in, word by word.

Nothing she has posted in this thread has made a dent in that.

The reason Jihad Sherri struggles with this truth is it undercuts the very core of her warped ideology of hatred built on lies.

zionism was invented in 1890
Jihad Sherri can't face the truth. Jesus was a Zionist, the New Testament is a Zionist Book, and the Old Testament is a 100% Zionist book, of which Jesus himself said he believes in, word by word.

Nothing she has posted in this thread has made a dent in that.

The reason Jihad Sherri struggles with this truth is it undercuts the very core of her warped ideology of hatred built on lies.

zionism was invented in 1890

THANKS ---jos-----you might just as well have farted out HEIL HITLER----
Jihad Sherri can't face the truth. Jesus was a Zionist, the New Testament is a Zionist Book, and the Old Testament is a 100% Zionist book, of which Jesus himself said he believes in, word by word.

Nothing she has posted in this thread has made a dent in that.

The reason Jihad Sherri struggles with this truth is it undercuts the very core of her warped ideology of hatred built on lies.

zionism was invented in 1890

THANKS ---jos-----you might just as well have farted out HEIL HITLER----
zionism was invented in 1890

THANKS ---jos-----you might just as well have farted out HEIL HITLER----

poor sherri------the desperate sophist-----No---actually I never said Heil Hitler---
I posted a phrase nazis ejaculate. The silly lie "zionism was invented in 1890"
is prominent in your literature

despite the fact that you prefer to ignore fact----ZIONIST movments which even
included attempts to migrate to the erstwhile israel/judea-----long preceded
1890 ---------just the place called RISHON L'TZION---- a city in Israel
"beginning to zion"------was founded in 1882 by escapees from the filth
you advocate. -----It was a manifestation of the ZIONIST movement
that began in the EARLY 1800s ---several preceded it Herzl was
a child in 1882 Nazi pig propaganda dates the "invention of zionism
to 1897 by Herzl----------you guys should get your story straignt.
A story with as many flaws as yours contains is called "A LIE"

you really should read the bible sometime------it is sublime literature---but
you need a bit of background (which you do not have) in order to understand
it. Memorizing sophist filth invented by jihado pigs-----just does not do it

SEE? the city RISHON L'TZION even shows up on grocery store
shelves around passover That city has a MATZOH factory-. If
you had a mind educated with simple facts------you would know that
RISHON L'TZION was founded in 1882---by ZIONISTS----when Herzl
was yet a child-----I think he was six SIMPLE FACTS

I prefer Rishon matzoh---
for esthetic reasons
Luke 4*(New International Version)

Jesus Is Tested in the Wilderness

4*Jesus, full of the Holy Spirit,*left the Jordan*and was led by the Spirit*into the wilderness,*2*where for forty days*he was tempted[a]*by the devil.*He ate nothing during those days, and at the end of them he was hungry.

3*The devil said to him, “If you are the Son of God,*tell this stone to become bread.”

4*Jesus answered,*“It is written: ‘Man shall not live on bread alone.’”

Luke 4 NIV - Jesus Is Tested in the Wilderness - Bible Gateway


Warning: Those who curse Israel will be cursed. Burn, Shia Sherri, burn.
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